Sex and the White Nationalist [and more...]

by The Shadow

7 July 2005

Sex and the White Nationalist

I find it ironic, humorous, and sad -- all at the same time -- that the typical White Nationalist has been jewed as much as the typical White, at least when it comes to sex. Nothing has brought this fact across to me like this story of Natalee Holloway and the reactions to this awful story here on VNN.

In all the Forum comments on this unfortunate Alabama girl who was stolen away by niggers in Aruba, no one has yet mentioned the two biggest factors in her disappearance, namely, the divorce of her parents and premarital sex among American White girls. Let's take divorce first.

The VNN members have been talking about sending the girl's father a copy of TAA. They're also saying he should have taught his daughter about niggers. They're saying this and they're saying that about him. But what nobody's saying is that he failed his little girl by divorcing her mother, marrying another woman, and then moving off to Mississippi. Some fucking father. And now to the matter of premarital sex. I'm reminded of the White kid who cried in front of us about a year ago as he told of this beautiful Italian-American girl he had met. He could not go through the aggravating hassle of courting her, he explained, so instead he propositioned her right on the spot. And she accepted.

But before he and Marie could do the dirty, this arrogant jerk got her to confess that she had had sex with niggers. Our White patriot was disgusted! "I wouldn't have anything more to do with her," he literally cried.

Well, what did the moron expect? Did he actually think he was so attractive that a snow-white beauty would drop her drawers just for him? I had to laugh.

And does anyone reading this think Alabama virgins are dancing with Aruban niggers in nightclubs at two in the morning? Well, do you? Of course you don't. An Alabama virgin would be in her hotel room fast asleep with the door bolted.

A lot of White Nationalists have a thing about religion. They say that it has to do with the absurdity of believing in a creator. They try to say that it has to do with the absurdity of a man rising from the dead. They try to say that it has to do with the absurdity of White bishops taking money to bring black foreigners into America. But what it has to do with mostly is a hatred of religious proclamations about sex -- particularly the Christian religion's. Christ was death on divorce, and the Jews hated him for it. So do many White Nationalists.

Forty years ago the large majority of high school senior girls were virgins. Today, the large majority are pincushions.

Forty years ago divorced couples were in the minority. Today, they're in the majority.

My friends, the Jews are not only inside your heads, they're also inside your cocks. And until you can get them out of both, you're doomed.

You all seem to agree that Christianity was jewed in the 20th century. Well, if Christianity was jewed, then so was sexual morality.

You can give me this crap all you want about paganism being the White man's religion. But the White man simply didn't come into his own until Europe became Christian, and then he ruled the world. Until he gave up on Christianity. Or until Christianity gave him up. Take your pick.

Sure, there was no one braver than the Spartans who gave their lives to keep Asiatics out of Europe. But those were the same people who quickly died out, anyhow. What would you expect of human beings who left their babies out on hillsides to be eaten by eagles and wolves?

The bottom line is that every society needs a religion to keep it in line, especially when it comes to human reproduction. The Jew knows this fact perfectly well, but you, White man, don't know it at all.


Power can't be shared. Power can only be surrendered.

If the Scottish Redneck made the African negro so bad, who made the Scottish Redneck so bad? Let's face it. There's never been a Negro genius, and Brother Sowell isn't about to break the mold.

We have government of the people, by the Jews, and for the Jews. It's our job to make it perish from the Earth.

If America had a dog breed that behaved the way Negroes do, Congress would pass a law calling for all dogs of that breed to be neutered or else put down.

America has become a cesspool where the scum rises to the top.

English Protestants were just a little too smart back in 1930 when the Lambeth Conference permitted contraception. For White people, it was another Balfour Agreement.

Do you ever take a look at the uglies sitting behind those congressmen and senators on C-Span and telling them what to say? Jews, Jews, Jews.

When J. Edgar Hoover reads the names of all those Jewish FBI office managers in the newspapers, he must kick up his (high) heels.

There are millions of 20-year-old male Jews who don't look half as good in their briefs as 68-year-old Saddam Hussein looks in his. Reminds me of the old Jewish mantra about how ordinary Adolf Hitler looked.

What are the Jews going to do for blonde shiksas when we're all gone? Don't disappoint them!

"White Trash" was intended as an insult to Whites, but it's actually an insult to Blacks. Think about it. What the Black is saying is, "We're all trash, but only some of you people are."

Distributing copies of TAA on law school campuses and to college fraternities? Now, that's what I call really good ideas.

In the immortal words of President Kennedy, "Bust...their...balls!"

The Flight of Eric Rudolph

The flight of Eric Rudolph
was his fight for liberty,
The flight of Eric Rudolph
was his fight for liberty,
The flight of Eric Rudolph
was his fight for liberty,
His fight is still fought on.

Glory, Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory! Hallelujah!
His fight is still fought on.

He had led the Southern battle
so our land might still be free,
He had risked his life and freedom
for our children yet to be,
They found him in the back lot
of some vacant A&P.
His fight is still fought on.

Their agents had pursued him
With planes and jeeps and dogs,
Thousands of them nosed about
Through hills and vales and bogs,
But the awful truth about them
Is they were governmental cogs.
His fight is still fought on.

The sheriffs of the Southland
Our rulers mock on television,
Let them laugh and grin and snort
As long as Eric got provisions,
A shame the good young rookie
Lacked the percept of their vision.
His fight is still fought on.

The flight of Eric Rudolph
was his fight for liberty,
The flight of Eric Rudolph
was his fight for liberty,
The flight of Eric Rudolph
was his fight for liberty,
His fight is still fought on.

Glory, Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory! Hallelujah!
His fight is still fought on.


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