That First Mock Attack

by The Shadow

22 April 2005

Talk Radio shows depend on their callers. It's always something of a joke to me when I hear a caller thanking the host for taking his or her call. The host should be thanking the caller!

As you place that first call, you might want to have in mind that, for the host, his program is, first and foremost, a job. Taking calls from the public is how he makes a living. Accordingly, his main objective in taking your call is to keep his job. (Remember the poor guy on TV who said "Martin Luther Coon King Day" on air? He was never heard from again.)

If you can bring to a talk-show host an interesting topic, he'll like you. If you can bring him a topic with which he's familiar, he'll also like you. And if you sound like someone who's going to make him look good, he'll really like you.

A Mock Attack operative can pratice making calls to radio shows by actually calling in to one of them. He or she doesn't actually have to go on the air in order to do this; but going on the air is also an option for a practice call, as I'll explain in just a moment.

If your practice call to a program is answered (often there is a busy signal when you call), a screener will pick up and bark something at you like, "What's your name?" You then give an appropriate pseudonym. Next, the screener will say, "Where are you calling from, Lisa/Claude/Simone?" To which you will reply with the name of some other town in your area code. Then the screener will likely say, "What are you calling Larry about?" At this point, you can name a topic already under discussion, or else a topic that you wish to bring up. Depending upon how busy the screener is at that particular moment, he or she will either ask what you'd like to say to Larry about the topic or else simply tell you to hang on and listen to the show over the telephone until Larry himself picks up.

When a screener does choose to quiz you about what you intend to say to the host, tell the screener something about what you're planning to say without giving your entire message away. If you aren't truthful at least up to a point, once you start talking to the host and he sees that what you are saying doesn't match what the screener has typed onto his message board, he will pounce on you for not following the rules.

At any point during this whole process, you can simply hang up the telephone, thereby aborting the call. You can also hold on for as long as an hour; and when the host finally gets to you, you can simply say what a great show he or she has, and then hang up. In either case, you'll have gotten your feet wet.

If you don't think you need the practice of making a blank-bullet phone call to start your mock attacks, you can jump right into a real call. But please be advised that, if you haven't already noticed, many first-time callers experience shortness of breath once they get on the air. This breathing problem occurs because, in their minds, they're now speaking to someone who walks on water.

A Mock Attack operative must realize that talk-show hosts are not necessarily super-intelligent. They're all people who read lots of newspapers and who have a lot of experience parrying with other people.

A certain amount of practice is still advisable, even if you don't want to make a practice call. If you have time, it's a good idea to run through beforehand what you expect to say to the host. It is also a good idea to have some notes in front of you as you're calling, although you do not want to appear to be reading from a script.

A problem I've noticed with callers to Talk Radio who are trying to make a point which they know the host is not going to agree with is that they have failed to anticipate the host's negative response/reaction. It's almost as though they're taken by surprise if the host doesn't say, "That's a great point, Chuck. I should have thought of that myself." Be ready to be attacked, even for a great call!

Of course, this kind of anticipation isn't required where you're simply going to plant a zinger right from the get-go. "Bill, I consider myself a pretty savvy investor, but I still have to wonder if Zimbabwe bonds are a safe haven for retirees during turbulent markets. Any thoughts on that?"

As well as being prepared for open hostility from a host, we must also be on the lookout for little host tricks. Talk-show hosts use these tricks in order to throw callers off message, to stall for time while the host thinks of an appropriate rebuttal to what a caller has juts said, or to set the caller up for a rebuttal. What the host typically will do is ask a question, such as:

a) "How old are you, Laurie?" (Limbaugh loves to ask a younger caller this question, intending to make him or her feel immature and inexperienced. A good response is, "Same age as you are, Rush.")
b) "What kind of work do you do, Karl?" (Here, the host is trying to make the caller feel ignorant about a particular subject or of too low a status to have a valid opinion.)
c) "Michael, do you have children?" (Again, someone who doesn't have children is supposedly immature and inexperienced.)

An operative will not be able to call the same radio program more than occasionally, for the simple reason that the screener, the host, or both of them will recognize his or her voice and remember the last call. There are, of course, other hosts on the same station who also can be stalled. And, more often than not, there is more than one talk-radio station within an operative's listening range.

An operative is not limited to stations within listening range, however. He or she can locate radio stations (and their programs) outside of the area simply by going to the Internet. One place to start is, which is run by Carla.

Once you've located an appropriate station in another region of the country, you will not have to be listening to the show in order to call a program there. Often, though, you can pick up the show over the Internet, as you undoubtedly know; but, again, you don't have to. If your take on a topic sounds interesting enough to the screener, you can call cold from a distance and have a shot at getting on. (Act like you're familiar with the program, though. Be a "dittohead.")

When calling toll-free numbers, your number is traceable unless you're using prepaid phone cards and an unregistered cell phone. So, besides being polite and sounding friendly, never threaten to blow up anything more substantial than a toy balloon.

While some Talk Radio shows have these traceable telephone numbers, this factor should not present a problem for you. For one thing, stations often have a local number as well. Also, you will be using PC language, you will not be inciting to riot, you will be polite, you will even be friendly, and, with any luck, you'll be funny, too (which even the host may appreciate).

In other words, traceability can add to an operative's performance. It gives him or her even more reason to do a competent job -- no swearing, no "hate" words, and no identifying oneself as a White Nationalist.

If you can't refrain from inappropriate language and/or identifying yourself as a White Nationalist, you're better off passing on Operation Mock Attack and waiting for an operation more suited to your temperament. Above all, we don't want to appear stupid and we don't want to appear organized. What we want to do is sound like the comatose (not brain-dead!) White people whom we're trying to arouse and ignite.

Operatives should never lose sight of why a mock attack is being made. It is not being made in order to attack the host's position or to attack anyone else's position either. Rather, the call is being made to raise an issue that the fockers do not want raised and to raise that issue by mocking it.

The results of a mock attack will be that: 1) naive White people listening to the show will be educated in some small way about a system that is intent on eradicating them; 2) the mocking manner in which you educate these co-racialists will cause them to laugh at this one specific aspect of The System; 3) the host of the show will begin to lose some self-confidence in dealing with callers like us, making it easier for the next operative; 4) fockers listening to the show will lose some of their arrogant self-assurance; and 5) White people in the public eye, like Bill O'Reilly, Don Imus, Mel Gibson, and Bill Donahue, who have ever dared to say anything critical of the fockers and survived, will come to see that they are not alone out there.

Be sure to check VNN archives from time to time for other material on Operation Mock Attack. The more prepared we are as operatives, the easier our calls will become.

Peace to you, my friend, and interesting times to them.


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