Book Review: The Ethnostate
Reviewed by Rich Brooks
19 January 2005
[The Ethnostate, by Wilmot Robertson]
In my review of The Dispossessed Majority, I was mildly critical of Robertson for not providing practical solutions to the problems he so brilliantly analyzed. Now, in this later book, The Ethnostate, published in 1992, the author proposes what his subtitle calls "An Unblinkered Prospectus for an Advanced Statecraft." Robertson would replace the large but crumbling multi-racial nations with small, monoracial states. Lest his proposals be considered too utopian, it should be noted that this process of devolution is actually starting to occur in the former republics of the Soviet Union and in Eastern Europe, as well as in Great Britain, with increasing independence now being given to Wales and Scotland.
Robertson turns the concept of "diversity" on its head by showing how a world made up of many small, racially and ethnically homogenous states actually provides more cultural diversity than when there is a large racial "melting pot." In fact, he drew his inspiration from proposals by some environmental activists to create bioregions where flora and fauna are of a similar kind and protected within these boundaries. These ecologists are usually careful not to mention race, however, and fail to take their proposals to their logical conclusion by applying them to homo sapiens.
The Ethnostate is a very different book from The Dispossessed Majority, as it is only 233 pages and contains no footnotes. It is indeed a long essay about culture, politics and government and is prescriptive rather than descriptive. It also represents an evolution in the author's thinking about the future of the United States of America. As he says in his forward,
...the author was hopeful, but not too hopeful, that a sharp white backlash to minority racism and cultural degeneration might save what appeared to be a doomed United States. Twenty years ago he still believed it possible that his moribund country could revive, clean out its political and cultural Augean Stables, and establish a Pax Americana that would herald a new age of peace, plenty and progress. Now that more than two decades have passed, events are proving that America, as we have known it, is beyond saving. The Majority, that is, the Northern and Western European elements of the population, has lost whatever chance it had to recapture the country it ruled for more than two centuries. Defeatist as it may sound, this does not mean it is too late to save the Majority as a people.
There have been some feeble attempts to encourage a "northwest migration" and secession, but these movements have been woefully lacking in strong and trusted leadership. On the other hand, the continued flood of Mexicans -- legal and illegal -- into Southern California may make an Aztlan ethnostate here a reality sooner than we might think. White Californians are indeed being forced to flee into rural areas, an incipient movement toward an ethnostate in which Robertson sees positive benefits. With the advent of modern communications it is no longer necessary to concentrate large populations in cities.
Robertson is a strong proponent of economic self-sufficiency and would drastically curtail foreign trade. While he acknowledges the economic benefits of an economy of scale, he abhors the extreme specialization it brings to the manufacturing process. While he is definitely not a Luddite (as William Gayley Simpson was at heart), this author would accept a lower material standard of living as a tradeoff for a more humane economy in which citizens are encouraged to become "jacks of all trades." While he is certainly no fan of socialism or large bureaucracies, Robertson has some equally harsh words for laissez-faire capitalism as an ideology. He says, almost heretically, that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with a "managed economy" in spite of its failure in the Soviet Union. In fact, with computers now so powerful, programs could be devised to smooth out the inevitable booms and busts of a capitalist economy. At any rate, the ethnostate's economy and government would be geared to the needs of its monoracial citizens, not speculators. Celebrity actors and sports stars would not be permitted to draw obscene salaries, nor (I assume) would CEO's. For one thing, there would be no jews; they would have to form their own ethnostate, but one more economically viable than Israel at present.
If there is one glaring omission in both of Robertson's books, it is National Socialist Germany. Although he mentions Hitler occasionally and not unfavorably, it is usually only in passing when discussing international issues. To me, Hitler's Germany was the most notable attempt to create an ethnostate, although a Greater Germany would be much larger than Robertson's ideal. He would devolve Germany to its constituent states, actually the antithesis of Hitler's desire to unite all Germans in a single Reich. While I understand that there is a lot of emotional baggage attached to any discussion of Hitler and Nazism, the Nazis did address many of the author's concerns and I think he should have included some acknowledgement of this in his book. Many of his ideas, however, are quite compatible with National Socialist ideology.
If you are looking for disparaging remarks about non-White racial groups, you will not find them in this book. The author is even careful to disclaim any "white supremacy" beliefs, and even goes so far as to say that higher IQ scores do not prove any overall superiority. His goal is live and let live, and to have each racial group separately develop its own culture in its separate ethnostate.
Of course, there would have to be some overriding international authority in such a mosaic of small ethnostates covering the globe. He is somewhat vague here, but the problem as I see it is that this would seem to open the back door for a re-emergence of globalism, something Robertson would definitely wish to avoid. His chapter on foreign policy is thoughtful and addresses many concerns of skeptics. "One way of ending family bickering," he notes, "is for contentious members to move out and live apart. That same advice holds true for a family of nations." (p.60)
The Ethnostate is as beautifully written as The Dispossessed Majority, somewhat remarkable because the author must have been well into his eighties when he wrote it. Practically every page contains a quotable passage I could use as a "thought for the day." The discerning reader, however, is left with many questions as to how and when and under what circumstances these ideas are to be implemented. This book, then, is really a text that should be used as a beginning of a discussion or dialogue, a much more pertinent and useful topic to discuss on WN forums than whether or not a forum member is a fag or a jew or a traitor. Wilmot Robertson has left us with a valuable body of work. Above all, he has refused to cede the moral high ground to the multiculturalists who claim to be "humanitarian," and for this we should be most grateful.
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