A Weak Message Forecasts Future Failure

by White Proletariat

25 August 2004

A weak message is simply a forecast of future failure. In General, racial organizations that refuse to declare a strong message should always be suspect. At best, such weak messages only mask weak organizations. Another way of stating it is that the weak organization does not possess a strong enough doctrine for victory. At worst, a weak organization is merely the vehicle for a cheap huckster to generate a buck.

On the jewish plantation, being the head of a racial organization can be pretty lucrative. If you figure that most folks who are openly racist only earn little more than minimum wage, especially the heads of these organizations, those tax-free steak dinners begin to look mighty tasty. For the price of an occasional bloody nose, those pretending after the Purple can fare quite well. More than a few White leaders have fallen victim to the temptation of the Almighty Dollar. Money can be a very corrupting influence to a racial leader.

Corruption follows a similar pattern throughout jewish society. Whoever wishes to get ahead must first be politically incorrect. Just look at radio commentator Rush Limbaugh. At first, Rush was very anti-establishment. While it is true that Rush never uses the j-word, in pointing to the source of white problems, it's also true that Rush would have never grown in stature had he not somewhat gone against the grain. But after Rush's recognition, his harsh message inevitably declined. This same pattern has also demonstrated itself in the White racial world. Rich donors inevitably require White leaders to blunt their sharp racial message.

When a racial organization first forms, its message must be hard. It's trying to be recognized, and the only way to do that is through a strong message. This leads to growth. To an observer or organization member, the influence of the organization seems to be growing by leaps and bounds. The organization is hungry, and its message reflects that mindset. At the height of this growth stage, it almost seems as if the leadership walks on water as criticism seems to bounce off those leaders. Almost all racial organizations go through this first initial growth stage. I have yet to see even one racial organization grow beyond this first stage however.

In my estimation, the last racial organization to have had the potential to move beyond this first stage was George Lincoln Rockwell's National Socialist organization of the 1960s. I myself give Rockwell the benefit of the doubt that he would not have been corrupted in the end. But we will never know, because Rockwell was assassinated during his organization's initial growth stage.

There comes a time when lethargy befalls a racial organization, and the symptom is ALWAYS the same. The message becomes weak and ineffective. Backbiting, rumor mongering, and petty squabbling also arise. Instead of publishing flyers about destitute divorced White men, the organization instead chooses to print leaflets about dead presidents. Instead of generating discussion about the upcoming military Draft, such organizations will instead talk about the Democrats and Republicans. At this point, the racial organization either fossilizes or dies. When lethargy befalls an organization, it's often because the principal Champion or Champions have been publicly betrayed by the organizational leadership. Because the Champion has been denounced, mistrust raises its ugly head for the first time. People begin to ask themselves, "If the Champion has been betrayed, will I also be betrayed?" Frequently, the racial organization adopts the jewish party line when betraying its Champion. This adoption of the jewish party line doesn't go unobserved - thus leading to further mistrust. While it is possible for an organization to reenter the growth stage, I have yet to see a post-WWII racial organization grow into healthy maturity. Before I continue, let's begin by defining the benefits of a strong message.

A strong message is always the sign of a strong vibrant racial organization. Such organizations grow. Supporters know such an organization has a purpose, and the enemy knows such an organization is a formidable opponent. Infiltrators and other riff-raff inevitably search for easier pickings. If the racial message is strong enough, the enemy will come to fear an infiltrator being turned - far more than the racial organization itself. It is a fact of nature that frauds, weaklings, and hucksters shy away from a strong message. The more extreme an organization's message, the greater the integrity of the organization. The message should be so extreme that even infiltrators will be affected by the message's strength.

Conversely, a weak message should always be suspect. With a weak message, we can always assume that that racial organization just isn't serious about the plight of the White Race, and that's why their message is weak. If that organization isn't serious about survival of the White Race, why should you be serious about that organization? If you have ever been a member of a racial organization, then you must be aware of the inevitable rantings against hobbyism. But I say unto you, it's not the hobbyists at the bottom you should be concerned with. Those kind of hobbyists will always be with you. Indeed, in most racial organizations, the real work is done by the very very few. It's the hobbyists in positions of leadership that you must concern yourself with. Like an alcoholic, the hobbyist leader destroys everyone around him. Hobbyist racial leaders should be shunned. Those racial organizations that tolerate such leaders should likewise be shunned.

I'll let you in on a little secret. To all you jewish animals out there, wanting to find the cheapest way to destroy a White racial organization, you can also know. It's not infiltrators, it's not government crackdowns, and it's not jewish interest groups that will ultimately destroy a racial organization. The most effective way of all to destroy any kind of racial organization is that rich donor, with checkbook in hand. Rich White men with checkbooks have destroyed more racial organizations than all the jews, negroes, chinese, and mexican animals combined. And if you happen to be a jewish animal intent on destroying a racial organization, match that rich donor to the racial org. If that donor happens to be a genuine racist, all the better. Wealthy incompetence can do far more damage than even the greatest amount of jewish activity. All the jewish animal needs to do is simply point the way to that organization. By and large, this is precisely the strategy jewish animals employ when dealing with White racial organizations.

If you've ever been around the leadership of any racial organization, apart from the scheduled leadership conferences, it can be a pretty boring experience. If you should watch these leaders go about their daily business, buying and selling, there's not just a whole lot of drama to be observed. Neither are they hounded by jewish animals, nor do the authorities regard them much at all - in any capacity. Their homes and offices are generally quiet places, and most outsiders would even describe such places as a ready-made cure to even the greatest of insomnia. Although racists at these places can be plenty busy, jews and other animals don't tend bother racial headquarters very much.

The rich have been notoriously famous at snatching defeat after defeat out of the jaws of victory. If you've read the historical record, just about every time the rich have had a hand in things, they pretty well screwed it up. The great nonwhite invasions in history, such as the huns, the moors, and the mongols, were all rich White men productions. In each case, not only did the rich show their complete and utter incompetence, but the rich also sabotaged any available White who demonstrated any ability whatsoever. The rich have always preferred White defeat to risking even one cent of their precious wealth. Although jewish animals are the enemy to all White life, let us not forget that it was the rich who originally forced the jews down our throats. It was only through collusion of the rich that negro slaves were ever brought into White lands. Robert E. Lee was a product of the rich as well as Adolf Hitler. Each and everything the rich touch turns to shit.

In Robert E. Lee's case, he fought the wrong kind of war, and Americans are still paying for that blunder. Lee's idiotic rich upbringing failed to properly prepare the South for the onslaught of Total War waged by Union Legions. Even when it was painfully obvious that the South couldn't win a straight-up fight with the North, Lee stupidly persisted in fighting a conventional war. Remember Robert E. Lee when you hear still another joke about Southern White men.

In Adolf Hitler's case, he beat out Ernst Röhm for the leadership of Germany. You see, the rich didn't like Ernst Röhm, because Röhm declared the rich to be the idiots that they truly are. Röhm wanted individual Whites to actually be able to afford property and not merely live on some rich man's manor. Like Robert E. Lee, Adolf Hitler also fought the wrong kind of war. Röhm had wanted more of a people's struggle and a German Army modeled after the Soviet Red Army. As near as I can tell, Röhm preferred the strategy of mobilizing Whites in other White countries rather than using the German Army (like Hitler). Instead of mobilizing the German military, Röhm would have mobilized the White masses. During the 1920s and 1930s, the American Ku Klux Klan enjoyed membership rolls that numbered in the millions. A more proletarian National Socialist movement under Röhm would most likely have succeeded in uniting American and German Whites whilst preventing World War II. These are interesting points to ponder, but the German rich won, Hitler came to power, and Röhm was declared to be a homosexual - after being executed. But in 1934, it wasn't Röhm's supposed homosexuality being discussed. It's funny how racists swear up and down that Ernst Röhm was a homosexual, never even entertaining the idea that Hitler and gang might have concocted that story, whilst telling nonracial Whites that the Holocaust was a hoax. If one is thought to be a hoax, or at least an exaggeration, why can't the other? One of these racists around here told me something about the winners writing the history books and all that. We should all know what happened after the German rich got their way.

It should first be remarkable that very very few of Germany's rich ever stood trial at Nuremburg after World War II. They had enjoyed the luxury of screwing things up without ever having to really pay the price. Like Lee, Hitler thought he could actually fight a straight-up fight against the Forces of Shit and actually win. Hitler's next big mistake was at Dunkirk. Germany's Panzers could have easily smashed the Allies, but Hitler stupidly ordered a halt so that the Luftwaffe could claim the prize. The British escaped, and British morale was greatly enhanced because of Hitler's blunder. Whose rich ass did Hitler have to kiss, or had rich idiocy simply rubbed off on Hitler? The rich's Champion certainly showed his brains at Stalingrad. The culture of rich stupidity had prevented Hitler from ordering the German 6th Army to fall back and regroup. This little mistake effectively lost WWII for Germany. The German rich showed their appreciation to Hitler by ordering Hitler's assassination by Count von Stauffenburg. The fact that von Stauffenburg failed doesn't enhance the rich's reputation for competence.

I've lived long enough to know that those with the best ability very rarely make it into leadership. We should assume that there were better leaders than both Robert E. Lee and Adolf Hitler. Not only were there better leaders, but the pitfalls of rich incompetence were likely pointed out as well, but the rich have consistently proven to be much too arrogant for sound ideas. That's why Southern Whites are the butt of many jokes and why Whites can no longer wear a stupid little mustache like Hitler's. Despite what the jewish animals say, I don't judge Adolf Hitler to have been the best speaker who's ever lived. When I watched Triumph of the Will, I thought Hitler came across as being effeminate in his delivery. Even in Hitler's own time, there were better speakers to be had. Sure, Hitler was good. You go out and give thousands of speeches, and you'll also get good at it!

This is exactly what you get with rich donors: the first to plunge the knife into the back of the organization's Champion and also the first to cut-and-run at the first sign of trouble. If you should observe rich donors coming through the front door, you'd do well to slip out the back, because that organization has already been corrupted. If you should ever hear words similar to, "...we can get a large donation from a new contributor if you just...," do not waste your time with such leaders - or the organizations that lend such leaders aid and comfort. When the going gets tough, such leaders tend to chase after their steak dinners. Now I've told you that the wealthy are incompetent, but I've yet to give you depth on why that is so. Now I'll tell you.

The rich are incompetent, because the rich typically make the important decisions, while not participating in the racial organization's riskier activities. Most heads of organizations are simply puppets in the hands of their rich donors. I'm not saying the rich are stupid, but making decisions from afar are seldom productive for an organization. In order for any rich man to have a positive leadership role, he must fully be in the thick of it - just like any racial street activist. History has not borne out the notion of the rich being found in the trenches - for any cause. For every King Richard the Lion Heart, there are far more that prove themselves to be just plain useless. By having the decision making divorced from those actually doing the fighting, you wind up with the decisions being made by cowards and the fighting being done by idiots. This is precisely why I say that if you should see any evidence at all of the rich being catered to in a racial organization, you'd do well to shake the dust from your feet and seek out a new organization.

I've often asked myself the question of just why American men fought against our German brothers in World War II. During the 1920s, there were somewhere between 6 and 20 million Ku Klux Klansmen in the United States, and despite what the jewish animals tell you, there were a great many Northern Klansmen. If the White Race had not been plagued by the incompetent Adolf Hitler, a greater man would have unleashed the power of those American Whites. With so many sympathetic American Whites, what possessed Adolf Hitler to openly rearm Germany rather than send teams of professional Commissars to develop the White masses in other countries? The jews were not all that popular in America during 1934, when Hitler assumed power in Germany. To be fair to the reader, America did have National Socialist organizations, modeled after the German Nazi Party, during the 1930s. Let's get back to the question.

Why did so many Klansmen and sons of Klansmen take up arms against Germany during World War II? Let's dismiss the argument that Americans were jailed because they spoke out against America fighting against Nazi Germany, and that this was the reason America wasn't more sympathetic with Nazi Germany. In today's Germany, Whites are thrown in jail for speaking up for White life, but Germany can still field far more racists than America (often more than 20 times greater than the U.S.), so this argument doesn't hold much water. We also can't use the argument that the Ku Klux Klan was unaware of the hostile influence of the jews. Germany also had speech laws on the books before Hitler came to power, and it's a misconception that Germans legally enjoyed Freedom of Speech in 1920s Weimar Germany. So why did Americans fight?

AMERICANS FOUGHT AGAINST GERMANS, BECAUSE HITLER'S NATIONAL SOCIALIST MESSAGE WAS WEAK! It is the same type of weak message that's being mouthed today. On the one hand I'll inevitably be told that Whites Have a Right to Live, that Whites are worth preserving, and that if it comes to a choice between Whites and shitskins, Whites must win. I am told this message, but yet these same racists will chastise me for treating shitskins as animals. I'll hear that I need to tone down my language, that I need to speak more softly, and that I must not use profanity to describe what's happening to my people. IF YOU ARE TELLING ME THAT I MUST CURB MY LANGUAGE, THEN WHAT YOU ARE REALLY TELLING ME IS THAT YOU THINK WHITE SURVIVAL IS A JOKE! The most idiotic example I can think of is whenever a racist will encourage me to see the movie, "American History X." These racists try to impress me about the point in the movie where the leading White is debating a jewish animal. IS THERE EVEN ONE THING MORE STUPID THAN A WHITE TRYING TO EXPLAIN TO A jew ABOUT WHY WHITES SHOULD LIVE? By saying that Whites deserve to live automatically implies that Whites ALONE should be considered Human. If Whites ALONE are only to be considered Human, this means shitskins MUST BE CONSIDERED animals! We do not explain White survival to animals, and we do not live and die based on what some animal thinks. We denote this by the convention that animal names should never be capitalized - even at the beginning of a sentence. You cannot tell me that only Whites deserve to live while also expecting me to treat shitskins as Humans. Racists, who persist in treating shitskins as Humans, merely make a mockery out of our racial struggle. Both they and the organizations that harbor them should be shunned.

If you examine Hitler's Mein Kampf, there's just not a whole lot of passion to be had. Although I enjoy tales of Whites overcoming the odds as much as the next racist, I always got the sense that Hitler was holding back when composing Mein Kampf. Although Hitler made the case for Whites being a noble and worthy people, Hitler's reserved writing style inadvertently treats jews as people. Bookworm Whites can readily make the distinction between jews and people, but this kind of subdued writing style should never be utilized for constructing racial doctrine. A good White writing style needs to be guttural. If a racial leaflet cannot elicit an extremely strong emotion - either positive or negative, it should be considered worthless and tossed into the trash. If a racial writer cannot feel the charge of his words, he needs to go back to the keyboard.

In the end, Americans fought the Germans, because there was not a racial message. A WEAK RACIAL MESSAGE IS THE SAME THING AS NO MESSAGE AT ALL! Since both the jewish propaganda and pre-WWII Nazi propaganda treated jews as people, American Whites naturally assumed that jews were people. No message was strong enough to tell them otherwise. What messages there were came across as being weak. Since the authors of the racial message could not bring themselves to be courageous enough to make it a strong message, American Whites ended up doing as they were told by the jews. This is why Americans fought the Germans. And just think, when it was all said and done, many of the German upper crust walked away scot-free.

Many American Whites still await the strong message. If or when such a message should come, only then will our racial struggle be taken seriously. Until then, we'll only be perceived as a bunch of cheap hucksters giving tent revival speeches.

In the 1700s Redcoat British army, there was a reason soldiers received up to a 1000 lashes for breaking ranks in the heat of battle. Even the great Julius Caesar, when faced with a more numerous enemy and being required to attack uphill against the enemy, only won that battle because of the superior discipline of his men. According to Clausewitz, the moral victory is far greater than the physical. WE CANNOT ACHIEVE THE MORAL VICTORY WITH A WEAK MESSAGE! You should never ever tolerate any organization that publicly disavows its Champion. Unless that Champion has committed treason, there should never be any reason for that Champion's organization NOT to stand behind him. You might be injured by standing true, but you'll certainly be slaughtered by breaking ranks. Do not give aid and comfort to any organization that turns on its own.

Denouncing a Champion is merely giving in to the simpering of the weak. Tell those weaklings to quit their crying, give them a lollipop, and encourage them to go play on the freeway. Our race has had its fill of spineless cowardly weaklings. If there be a rich man in an organization, he either needs to prove himself a Champion or else be chained and muzzled.

Although I despise jewish manipulation of White minds, there is one exception. The jews absolutely have it pegged DEAD-ON when it comes to what the mindset of a racist should be. Whites should have no more regard for shitskins than for the dead animal on the freeway. Whites should be completely and utterly ruthless. Only by being totally ruthless shall we overcome the Forces of Shit.


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