RPG - Resistance of Pissed Goyim

by Van Helsyng

20 September 2004

The day is not far off that the jew will use itz control and command of AmeriKahn military and civil enforcement forces to murder and enslave us of European decent. Resistance solely with mere rifles against high-tech weaponry and communications centers, massive organized personnel and armored vehicles would be futile. Those feeling secure in retaining their freedom and protecting their nation because the jew had not succeeded in taking their guns, are living under a great delusion. Such individuals, even organized in great numbers, would amount to nothing more than a mere annoyance against such a force. But all hope would not be lost. In fact total victory over the kike tyrants would easily be within reach requiring only a relatively small number in resistance. This would be accomplished by transforming rifleman into tanks-with-sneakers.

"The U.S. took military control of Iraq with about 130,000, mostly American, troops. But by the time the first statue of Hussein was pulled off its pedestal, a massive stockpile of rocket-propelled grenade launchers and shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles had fallen into the hands of Islamic insurgents. In the months that followed, half the Americans who died in Iraq were killed by one type of these weapons, the RPG-7 rocket-propelled grenade. ..."

Read up...


My advice to the smirking, aspiring tyrannical jew is to carefully consider what you do to White Americans, for your chances of success are not assured and are no more than a coin toss at best. Secondly, consider a backup plan, such as continuing to invest in Argentinean farmland, as is being reported. Nonetheless, perhaps we will meet sometime in the near future - not eye to eye, but at 300 yards as your 'bullet proof' limo passes by with itz heavily armed entourage and UN flag fluttering on the antenna.


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