After Pluralism, Multiculturalism; After Multiculturalism, Multinationalism

1 November 2004

[From Instauration October 1998]

Pluralism is one of several alien doctrines imposed on nonvigilant U.S. citizens shortly after WWII. Until that time, it was taken for granted that monoculturalism was historical, constitutional and legal. New immigrants were, in some cases, even coerced to conform to the folkways and mores of the American-born population.

Sometime after WWII, the doctrine of pluralism began to take hold. We were taught that at least two cultures could co-exist in the U.S., each equally respectable and equally justified. A radical idea at the time, it was shoved down the throats of Americans by elites. Much vilification and name-calling were heaped upon those who didn't acquiesce.

There has never been a thoughtful and genuine debate in America as to whether it should be a pluralistic society.

Today, books and articles claim that pluralism is part of the Constitution, part of the "tapestry" that describes and defines what it is to be an American.

Pluralism is not to be found in the Constitution, not found in pre-WWII American history.

Pluralism inevitably matures into multiculturalism. There is no drawing the line at the number of cultural divisions within a society. Once it has been intellectually or ideologicaclly accepted that a social order can adapt to and afford two cultures, the demand will soon call for more cultural divisions.

Multiculturalism is governed by certain laws which allow members of self-defined groups to name themselves, develop the group's language and identify the group's needs and values -- all with no reference to the culture, needs and values of the nation.

The laws of multiculturalism dictate an ongoing progression in refining and defining of subgroups, as they move to multinationalism.

The push towards multinationalism is enhanced by the efforts of would-be autocrats seeking to rule an empire or an authoritarian state, instead of simply serving in public office a republican or democratic state. These would-be tyrants encourage multiculturalism and multinationalism because both are handy tools for achieving highly centralized state power. The social discord that arises from both multiculturalism and multinationalism guarantees support for a strong executive branch.

Multinationalism has taken many forms in history. It can lead to so-called ethnostates, where African Americans might form one or more countries exclusively for themselves or where an Aztlan might be carved out of Southern California.

The irony of the flowering of multiculturalism into multinationalism is that many of the advocates of multiculturalism claim to be hostile to the concepts of nationhood.

Somehow it is not felt necessary to disclose in a public forum that multinationalism assumes the existence of many nations, many borders and many identity cards.

The widespread acceptance of jury nullification is evidence of the spread of multinationalism. The uniform application of the law suffers most from the shift from monoculturalism to multinationalism.

Law is an outgrowth of culture, notwithstanding the prattlings of pundits who believe law is simply a collection of words. Only the blind can fail to see that multiculturalism and multinationalism will establish different laws for members of different cultures.

Every great empire (Roman, Ottoman, Hapsburg) featured both multiculturalism and multinationalism.

Frequently, multiculturalism and multinationalism are adopted for the express purpose of promoting egalitarianism.

Multiculturalism inevitably leads to multinationalism because the former engenders unrest, discontent and misunderstandings.

Every menacing phrase and scandalous accusation uttered by Bill Clinton towards and about European Americans ought to make them confront the ominous fact that it will be their rights which will be most quickly abrogated when multiculturalism has fully flowered into multinationalism.

European Americans must promptly and lawfully respond to the pressurers of multinationalism in North America before it is too late.

The project of restoring the Republic and reinstating the inclusive Constitution continues to appeal to many European Americans, but they haven't had much success to date in understanding that the ongoing campaign of slander by the dominant media/corporate/entertainment culture has serious negative consequences for our people.

Nothing short of a major war will reverse the ideological pressures towards multinationalism. A new monocultural society arising from a major war would not favor European Americans. At a minimum, we need to build and develop structures that will serve us when multinationalism flourishes in North America. Some suggestions:

Form an anti-defamation watchdog group that reacts firmly and quickly to any vilification of European Americans, Christians, their values or institutions.

Imagine and draft a new Mayflower Compact describing the limits and nature of the European-American community after the final destruction of the inclusive Constitution by multiculturalism and multinationalism.

Build welfare organizations for famine times when European Americans will be required to stand at the end of public bread lines.

Establish a national or continental policy-making council buttressed on and limited to a Swiss-style political system that rebuffs takeover, subversive and infiltration attempts by self-loathing European Americans.

Document and implement the framework for an educational system that will teach European-American children knowledge, skills and respect for the values and traditions of their community, instead of the self-hatred now taught them on a daily basis in and out of school.

As European Americans become conscious of the need to fit into the inevitable North American multinationalism, it is imperative that the work progress with the greatest transparency and dignity.

While the Constitution has been reviled and transformed to serve elitists' interests, we European Americans still possess the gift of establishing structures of governance through documents like the Mayflower Compact and the Declaration of Independence. No other groups has ever done it better.

We just haven't figured out how to give our political structures the stability and solidity that the Swiss managed to implement in establishing the world's second oldest republic.

Maybe the next time we can get it right!

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