Fred Reed and Me Who Are These Jokers Kidding?

by Paul Gottfried by Richard Hartmann

30 August 2004

[Original here here. My comments in bold.]

Fred Reed and I have what seems to be a shared problem, receiving hallucinatory notes from anti-Semitic readers who insist, "the Jews are behind everything."

Now, does anyone really say that? I don't believe it for a second. Why the need to distort and ridicule? Would Paul Gottfried or Fred Reed care to publicly debate Alex Linder or myself? "Bring it on."

Like Reed, I also feel impelled to let my correspondents know that they have their heads screwed on the wrong way.

Again. Why the need to insult and degrade? Nothing but respect and decorum for the "nuke the Arabs" crowd, but open season on the Jews' critics?

How can Jews, who account for less than two percent of the American population and for less than that in Europe, explain the Western world's descent into multicultural lunacy, including the advocacy of open borders, the glorification of the Muslims as a peaceful and enriching presence, and the treatment of homosexual relations as a privileged human association?

To put the question another way, How can the jews, who account for less than two percent of the American population, own nearly all of the news and entertainment media, which are the primary formative influence over America attitudes and opinions and have been for more than half a century. How can the same jews constitute the leadership of nearly all organized leftist political and intellectual activity over the past century, including Marxism and neo-conservatism. Easy. It's in their interest to do so, so they do it. They have the power to do it through their dominance of the mass media, their financial power and organization.

Billy Graham to Richard Nixon: "This stranglehold [of the jews on the media] has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain."

"You believe that?" says Nixon

"Yes, sir," says Graham.

"Oh, boy," replies Nixon. "So do I. I can't ever say that, but I believe it."

Who else in 1965 had the motive or the ability to open America's borders? Who else wanted that? Was it Irish and German pressure groups who pushed for these changes? Was it organized Baptist pressure that influenced lawmakers to vote for these acts? Is this what Gottfried thinks? Does Gottfried not know that more than 50 percent of the Democratic party's finances come from Jewish donors? Historically speaking the Democratic party has been the jewish party; jews being the only group on the left with any wealth or power or influence. Was it rich white gentiles in the media who advocated every destructive leftist policy and program and political and social attitude? Was it white gentiles who gave Hollywood it's character? Where are all these white gentiles? Where is the white gentile conspiracy? All I see is powerful jewish organizations, jewish dominated mass media, and a lot of career-minded and deluded camp followers.

Gottfried and Fred Reed know that we're fighting a war with Iraq for Jews. Is this not so? Are they denying this? They understand that our whole foreign policy in the middle east is geared toward securing jewish interests. How could this be if the jews only constitute 2% of the America population and don't have the power to shape policy and public opinion? Why is public opinion always against any group the jews are against? Why do Americans despise Arabs as much as they do 'white supremists' and did Germans? The rosetta stone of American politics: Jewish interests. Jewish interests dictate the meaning of political correctness as disseminated through the mass media. As jewish interests change, what is politically correct changes: that is why the 'liberal media' today are firmly behind the war in Iraq, flags a-flutter on every screen since 911, a neo-fascism in the works. The executives didn't change. Their ideology didn't change. Conditions changed. The new patriotism is kosher: it is in jewish interests. Racism is politically correct -- acceptable, anyway -- as long as it is directed against the jews' enemies. The anti-war movement has no steam - it is still out there, wondering why things aren't working the same this time. Here's why: there is no jewish interest in and no jewish support behind it; no jewish leadership, organization, financial backing and media placement. And so it is not politically correct. Jewish interests - the key to understanding American politics.

The Jews constitute far less a percentage of the population of most European countries than America, and yet in these countries it is illegal to speak against jews or their genocidal multi-racialist policies. Are jews not actively pursuing the same legislation here? Does the FBI not go on about it's partnership with the ADL? How could this be when the jews are but a 2% minority? Are you guys kidding?

When the jews of Clinton's administration (Sec of State Albright, Sec of Defense Cohen, Nat Sec Adv. Berger) bombed Serbia for its ethnic policies, and all the mass media and all of the major jewish organizations in America supported this campaign, which NATO General jew Wesley Kahn Clark explained thusly: "There is no room in modern Europe for ethnically pure states," were there any other groups seriously advocating it? No, but everyone else went along and kept their mouths shut. It was the power of the media to shape public opinion and distort the facts which mattered, and enabled the jew-dominated Clinton government to pursue this policy.

If one subtracted the Jewish vote in New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, would these states be significantly less leftist in their politics?

Ok, Saul, and what if you subtracted jewish money from the bargain, not just now, but for the past 50 years? There would be no Democratic party. There would have been no civil rights movement, no money for it, no legal representation for it. There would have been no pressure on Congress to change the immigration law in 1965. And what if the media had been staffed with white gentiles instead of jews during this period? And the film industry? Paul Gottfried: a jew, so a liar.

Most of the left-of-center votes (within our narrow party spectrum) cast in those states come from nominal Catholics, and these votes are given to social and economic leftists who are also usually self-described Catholics. Both the Eastern and Midwestern liberal vote is disproportionately Catholic and comes from non-Jews belonging to what used to be a very conservative confession. Unless shown differently, I shall have to conclude on the basis of my evidence that Catholics tend sharply toward the left in England and Canada as well as in the US.

Are you suggesting that there were no Catholics, or substantially fewer Catholics, in the '20s, '30s, and '40s, and '50s, prior to the influence of television and the jew-led counterculture of the 1960s? No. But regardless of whether they voted for Democratic or Republican economic policies, the social and racial policies that came to characterize the left in the 1960s and 70s and now the right of the '90s and '00s, did not even exist; they had not yet been popularized by the jewish media and the jew-led counterculture. The whole country has moved in a certain direction, shaped and prodded by the influence of the media, and that is what counts. Not who votes for what political party. The same political parties operative 150 years ago are operative today on completely different principles; they conform to public opinion, not shape it. The purpose of their organization is not to advocate principles, but to garner votes and a share of power by appealing to the public and making themselves useful to various interests. What matters is public opinion, and this is shaped by the mass media. The character of politics in America has changed immensely during the past 50 years, reflecting the changes in public sentiment brought on by the influence of television and jew-led political and social movements.

And, as far as I can tell, this trend has nothing significant to do with Jews inside or outside the media.

Well then you don't know shit.

I am also led to a similar conclusion about mainline Protestant church leaders, who sound politically and morally like Hollywood actors.

Corrupt church leaders are just trying to sell themselves to the public, as always. They conform to the attitudes of the public, whereas the media shape those attitudes. Church leaders, business leader, entertainers, and everyone else operate in an atmosphere over which they have little control; they have to conform to political correctness; the jews of the media shape it. But you liars are content to speak about political correctness as though it were a force of nature, mysterious and unexplainable, unrelated to any real interests or tangible power.

Clearly these leaders are not imitating the politics of Michael Moore or Jesse Jackson because of their contact with Jewish journalists. Having just returned from listening to a Protestant convocation speaker at my college, whom most of my colleagues enthusiastically applauded, celebrating our "universal citizenship" and the imminent end of Western nation states, I am still searching for the smudged fingerprint of international Jewry behind these ravings.

I'll help you find it. Could these people have found any audience willing to listen to them 60 years ago? No, not more than a few thousand lunatics nationwide would have listened to them. Now they have half the public willing to listen to their mad ravings due to the influence of Hollywood and jewish television on public opinion over the past half century. It's the same with our popular culture. Degenerates and antisocial elements have always existed in society. Now they're given record contracts and television shows by the controlling jewish executives. There are many elements of decay, but none would have had any serious effect without the jewish power element.

Those Jews who were present at the speech, one from Italy, were struck by the lack of reality of the speaker, who thought of himself as a "global citizen." Perhaps my correspondents could have traced for them the causal chain by which Jews had brought such madness to American Christians.

Where I differ with Fred Reed, whose irreverent humor I have long admired, is in his concern about not appearing anti-Jewish. Fred goes out of his way to prove that he adores Jews, including Jewish feminists, and he hopes that Americans never forget the contributions of those identifiably Jewish scientists who helped end the polio epidemic of our youths. One may need to bring up here the problem of ascribed national grace. Am I supposed to like Abe Foxman, who blames everyone and his cousin for the Holocaust, because of the scientific prowess of Jonas Salk? This is a bit like suggesting that Hitler shouldn't seem so bad once we realize that the Austrians also gave us Mozart.

In any case it's irrelevant whether Fred Reed is socially simpatico with Jews in and around the District of Columbia for understanding what needs to be emphasized, that our cultural and political degeneration as a constitutional society has occurred largely independently of Jewish influence. Most of what my anti-Jewish correspondents lament could be accounted for without considering the Jewish-controlled share of the media or the impact of Jewish votes. The number of Jews in Sweden is negligible, yet politically and morally it is a far more radicalized country than the US.

Ahem. The jewish victory in WW2, and the European defeat; the defeat of nationalists everywhere in Europe, set the tone for the subsequent decades. Nationalists everywhere were banned or exiled and leftist governments installed. There is no free speech in Europe, no right to bear arms; not since the US occupation of 1945. Europeans have been swallowing American-jewish culture for 50 years. If the European nationalists had defeated the Soviet Union, instead of the US and the Soviet Union conquering a half of Europe each, how would Sweden's culture be today? Or England's? Or Italy's? Would these nations be on the verge of destruction now, with below replacement level birth rates, flooded with foreigners and laws against nationalist political activity, laws against speaking out against the jews and their policies? Would American-jewish culture; Hollywood, MTV, rap music and modern art, be the culture of Europe? No. Only because Europe's resistance to the jews was defeated in WW2; Germany, Italy, and nationalistic volunteers from every country in Europe, is Europe now on the brink of destruction. The shaping influence in modern western society: the media, is almost entirely in jewish hands. The changes that have taken place over the past 50 years have been engineered by these jews, in service of jewish interests. They are not a coincidence, they are not a natural development, they are not and never have been inherent in the western character. Jews have not 'gone along with it;' they have led it, and are benefiting from it. Alongside the destruction of European society has arisen the state of Israel, which is now poised to become a world power, dominating all of the middle east.

Perhaps the reach and behavioral intrusiveness of Swedish socialism may have more to do with this situation than the presence of a small stable Jewish minority in the country.

The Germans for decades have been raised to hate themselves as a people, and when Daniel Goldhagen visited this guilt-obsessed country after arguing in a book full of factual errors in 1996 that Germans killed Jews because they had all been "eliminationist anti-Semites," he was wildly cheered wherever he went. The Germans have an organization "Anti-Deutsch," consisting of thousands of young Germans, that demonstrates in favor of the saturation bombing of German cities in World War Two. But this weird organization is not Jewish; in fact Germany contains a far lower percentage of Jews than the US. To the response that Jewish groups have succeeded in making Germans hate themselves, the counter-response is obvious: "Who the hell causes the Germans, except for the Germans themselves, to behave masochistically?"

Hmmm... your theory seems to break up upon the fact that German culture without jewish influence, i.e., in the 1930s and prior, was anything but anti-German, and it took the most destructive war in history and the guilt-inducing psychological warfare and lie campaign of the post-war period to destroy the German national character the way it has been destroyed. Likewise European culture was more or less healthy and developing in a healthy direction up until WW2.

And who orders white Christian Americans to yammer about their social sins and about the supposed evil of their national and civilization identity?

Bogus question. Who ever claimed they were acting on orders? When you're raised and formed in an atmosphere in which these ideas are dominant then you cannot be held responsible for accepting them. What you should be asking is who is responsible for creating this atmosphere and these ideas and imposing them on us, not blaming school children and television viewers for being victims of this brainwashing. But then you're a jew - you're not 'us.' It should not surprise us that you want to shift blame to the victims of the brainwashing and away from the jewish brainwashers. And it should not surprise us that certain career-minded folk want to blame abstract "cultural marxists" and "secular humanists" or a "western death wish" instead of a real, tangible group with power that will retaliate when its interests are threatened. Many a former employee of somewhere has learned this over the years: Congressmen, journalists, teachers, etc. But don't worry, Saul, not all of us have swallowed the brainwashing, as your emails indicate, and you can be sure that those who are responsible will be held responsible.

As my recent books try to make clear, there is something gravely wrong with majority cultures that ostentatiously despise their inherited identity - and there is no reason to assume that it would not be there if Jews or blacks disappeared.

But we already know this to be false if we examine the jew-free cultures of Germany and Italy in the 1930s and the culture of the European world in general before WW2. The entire intellectual basis for the leftism of the post-war era was formed by jewish intellectuals during this century and the latter half of the last. Marx, Freud, Boas, the Frankfurt School, and all the rest. Will Gottfried deny this? These jewish movements were run out Europe in the 1930s and '40s. They came and set up shop in the United States and moved into the universities, eventually coming to dominate the intellectual climate of American academia. These jewish intellectuals did not behave like objective students of their fields; they had no tolerance at all for disagreement. They reviled and ridiculed anyone who dared to disagree with their 'theories,' or should I say, who obstructed their agenda, and in this way the basis for "political correctness" was laid. It was the jewish victory in WW2 that enabled leftism to contaminate the European world. It was the lack of serious nationalistic resistance in America to these jews that set the stage for the post-war counterculture which enveloped the universities and popular culture, and it was this lack of resistance to the jews in America that had allowed our military might to be used to crush the nationalistic resistance in Europe 20 years earlier. This is why Europe is now dying, because all of its healthy elements, it's nationalistic elements, it's whole political and cultural leadership, was exterminated by the victorious allies of WW2, America and the Soviet Union, and replaced by a jewish culture and leftist leadership.

This idea that there is something inherent in our European character that causes our people to act against their own interests or to hate themselves is a vicious lie. European societies have existed for thousands of years without any sort of leftist or self-destructive tendencies. The development of these tendencies go hand in hand with one thing: the emancipation of jews and their entry into European society during the past two centuries. Jewish interests and jewish influence are the basis of leftism, nothing else! To say otherwise is an insult and direct attack upon Europeans everywhere! It is a deliberate lie aimed to mislead and confuse us and exonerate our enemies, or else a ploy by hacks to protect their own asses. Anyone who protects our enemies must be treated like an enemy!

Daring Jews, like Noam Chomsky and Israel Shahak, who have played up Jewish bigotry and ethnic nationalism, have been widely denounced as "self-hating Jews." But WASPs who dwell on their group's prejudices and alleged hate-crimes can expect to be generally cheered.

Cheered by some, while others remain silent out fear of ostracism, fear of being politically incorrect, and in much of Europe fear of being locked up. Yes, leftism is white self-hatred. But for the vast majority of jews who are leftists, and who make up the leadership of leftism, it is not self-hatred, but white hatred. White self-hatred is induced by these jewish leftists, their media influence, their intellectual and cultural influence. The whole jewish-leftist intellectual atmosphere on college campuses and the corresponding propaganda of the media is a jewish program, a jewish campaign aimed at advancing jewish interests and securing jewish power, by destroying potential sources of resistance to jewish preeminence. Only by destroying the self-confidence and self-image and identity of whites and suppressing nationalism everywhere can jews hope to retain their dominance over the culture and politics of western societies. Jewish leftists are not 'ideological,' they're merely pursuing their own interests. At the same time that they're 'leftists' they're also Zionists and supporters of the state of Israel and its policies. While 80-90% of American-resident jews vote for the Democrats, 90% of them are also pro-Israel. They're only 'leftists' when it comes to harming us, when promoting policies that harm us. In Israel they support ethnic cleansing, ethnic exclusivism, expansion and military conquest. Here they promote multiculturalism, white guilt, universal tolerance and political correctness. It is perfectly consistent: among themselves they promote what serves their group, among us they promote what serves their group by harming our group. There is no contradiction when you understand the basis of their activity. Leftism is simply jewish politics in a gentile society; jewish intellectuals, jewish money, jewish organizers, jewish propagandists, advancing jewish group interests by rendering harmless potential sources of resistance to themselves: nationalism, racial identity, cultural cohesion, religious identity, etc. Leftism is the jewish program for subduing a nation and bringing themselves to power in it; destroying the nation's pride and self-confidence and cohesiveness, and thus creating conditions in which jewish power can thrive unopposed. Seriously, how is it that in a country that is 90% Christian, public displays of Christianity are practically illegal? It is the jews alone who wanted this, for fear of the potentially antiSemitic consequences of a strong Christian identity in the population and the effect such might have on their status and position. And at 2% of the population they're able to do it, they have the power. It is no different where race is concerned. Racial identity is as much a threat to the jewish dominance of western societies as religious identity; any identity, any cohesion among our people is a danger to jewish power over us. It is jews alone who have had the motive and the ability to suppress nationalism throughout the western world for the past half century, jews alone who have blocked the advance of right wing and nationalistic political movements; through censorship, through distortion, through ridicule and demonization, through financial and media pressure; jews alone have had the motive and the ability to suppress nationalistic feeling and political activity in the white world. And what they've done to us is precisely what they want to do to the Muslim world, and for this reason want to use American military might to subdue the Muslim world and open it up to jewish influence. How long before Hollywood movies and jewish television programs come to dominate the culture of the new Iraq? How long before Judeo-Islam is proclaimed, and Sunni preachers are bewailing the historical guilt of the Muslim peoples for their intolerance and anti-Semitism? Well, that is how the jews would have it. That is what they're aiming for. It isn't just about Israeli security, it is about total jewish control.

I wonder whether my anti-Jewish correspondents have ever thought the obvious, that minorities often behave the way majorities want them to. America's German and Sephardic Jews in the nineteenth century tried to model themselves on WASP high society, believing that they had to do so to move up socially and professionally.

Bullshit. jews have been the foremost subversives and radicals, actively trying to overthrow the status quo and gain influence and power, as jews.

Today Jews who spew hate on gentiles also move up, because they are doing to Euro-American-Christians what the majority society wants, blaming that society for the ills of humanity and urging it to become a multicultural mess.

Bullshit; they're not conforming to our way and never have. We're conforming to them, to the culture they've built for us in order to advance their interests. They're the ones with the power, not us. They remain as jewish as they've ever been; we're just ceasing to be white.

This should not be read as a justification of the usual suspects but it is a reminder of why Dershowitz, Foxman, and Goldhagen make money and enjoy popularity among loads of Christians as well as Jews. Unlike nineteenth-century Germany or an older America, in our society it pays for bad-mannered, resentful Jews to exhibit their worst qualities. They are providing a morally confused and historically misinformed majority with what it craves.

Jews are the leadership, the shapers of the modern anti-white culture and intellectual paradigm you lament. And it is anything but harmful to themselves. Rather, they are in their element now in the West, more powerful than ever before, with a dumbed down, self hating population of dazed media-slaves to use and exploit. Jews get their empire in the middle east while white kids die to secure it, and we Europeans and Americans get racial oblivion in the coming decades.

I'll have a few jews sum it up:

Earl Raab:

"The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country. We have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible - and makes our constitutional constraints against bigotry more practical than ever. (Earl Raab, Jewish Bulletin, February 19, p. 23)

The ADL's Earl Raab served for thirty-five years as Executive Director of the San Francisco Jewish Community Relations Council and is currently Director of the Perlmutter Institute for Jewish Advocacy at Brandeis University. Raab, like most Jews and all Jewish organizations, promotes multiracialism and nonwhite immigration in the United States and other majority-White nations, while supporting Jewish racialism (Zionism) and a Jews-only immigration policy in Israel.

Philip Weiss:

"Remaking the American power structure without Jews is like remaking sports without blacks. At least when it comes to blacks in sports, you can talk about it; you can say that blacks changed sports. But no one is allowed to speak up about something we all quietly know: Jews changed America."

"There is hardly an area of public life on which Jews have not had a profound impact in the last generation, as discrimination against them ended and as they gained power. The civil rights movement reflects Jewish values of justice. Feminism is a reflection of liberal Jewish matriarchal values (note the Jewish groups that are talking about Roe v. Wade in opposing John Ashcroft for Attorney General). Ever-more-powerful Jews in the media have ushered in the information age. Psychologically attuned Jews and Hollywood Jews changed the language of popular culture-Seinfeld, Weinstein... altogether they represent the force of Jewish values coming into public life."

"...the greatly diminished influence of church on public mores wouldn't have happened without secularized Jews gaining cultural power."

"And no one ever talks about it. The most important change in establishment culture in the last 25 years, and it goes unspoken."

"There are so many Jews in the media that the cone of silence falls over the territory where you might expect wider discussion."

"I remember when I got to Harvard in 1972, and all my outsider Jewish energy was focused on tearing down the WASP bastions that kept me back. And we tore them down."

"...Jewish imagination has been the most powerful force in elite life in the last generation...the celebration of feminism, the emergence of the media: all have been spearheaded by Jews who re-imagined America."

"So long as Jews continue to see themselves as powerless, they fail to recognize the effect they have had on society and come to terms with their real spot: big winners in the new order. It looks like the next chapter in the democratic discourse is going to be about winners and losers in the globalist pursuit of excellence."

("Jews in Bush's Cabinet? Don't Hold Your Breath" by Philip Weiss, New York Observer, December 22, 2001)

Fuck you, jew Gottfried, and fuck you, jew-tool Fred Reed.

Fondest wish: That one day we can state truly, "Like all jews, Paul Gott Fried!"


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