Capitalism is Ideal, Along With Reason, Objectivity, and Rule-of-Law

by Apollonian

25 August 2004

I note von Hoffmeister's "Walter Ulbricht in Stalingrad," and I'd like to offer a friendly critique in reasonable spirit of loyalty to white race and culture. I submit that spirit of loyalty rightly understood must be consistent with humanity, thus reason, hence then the ideal of temperance and moderation. Lack of such temperance leads to problems for understanding, as for example in Von Hoffmeister's essay as it regards the concept of "Captitalism." For Capitalism is an ideal, never forget, which only needs a matter-of-fact and rational kind of definition for its proper understanding and most natural place in human affairs. Reason and capitalism are perfectly appropriate to white folk and the West -- what is antithetical is Judaic mercantilism, oligarchy, imperialism, fascism, subjectivism, and "hate-crime." Thus Pelagianism is the great heretical bane of our present culture and historical epoch; what needs restoring is reason, objectivity, and rule-of-law.

Note that such capitalism, as I understand from the theory of Adam Smith, the first fully scientific economist, proceeds from the natural human self-interest which Smith thought would serve one's fellows when tempered with reason -- the famous "invisible hand" theorem/concept. Thus capitalism was distinguished from the Judaic MERCANTILISM (monopoly) which presently prevails under the regime of SUBJECTIVIST law and "hate-crime." And the integration of selfishness and individualism with reason was also featured in the social contract theories of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. For selfishness is integral and essential part of humanity which needs to be tolerated, espressed, and reasonably accommodated -- no less than collectivisticism.

Thus such selfishness only required the reason of an honest legal/political system by which righteous contracts among the citizenry would be respected and defended. Thus people pursuing their natural self-interests would best be regulated towards proper benefit of the society as a whole. Collectivism and fraternity then works when founded in proper and appropriate reason -- hence OBJECTIVE RULE-OF-LAW, not "interpreted" (subjectivism), but rather strictly observed.

But what happened, historically? Well, the West (and especially the USA) did indubitably become wealthy, and what did that lead to? -- the inevitable HUBRIS which then rendered Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West." And what specifically does that dread hubris consist of? -- I submit it consists of PELAGIANIST heresy, the pretension to moralistic "goodness" as of that great and epochal hoaxer Immanuel Kant. Thus the present hubris which threatens us and our glorious race is no less than the THIRD WAVE, historically of that old Pelagian heresy, following the original Augustine and Martin Luther.

Thus the heretical Pelagians -- and not the Christians -- are those responsible for the enthronement/empowerment/usurpation of the Pharisees, Talmudisticss, and Jews as effective arbiters of the present world "culture," especially by means of the fractional-reserve money and banking fraud (like the present US Federal Reserve Bank -- the "Fed"). Note it's this Fed which gives the Jews and associated Pelagian oligarchs all their PRACTICAL power, the legal/political system thoroughly perverted and corrupted by the more abstract Pelagian moralism, "capitalizing" upon the typical human inferiority/guilt complex which nowadays, in this hubristic time of Spenglerian "decline," is exploited, subjectivism/Pelagianism having overthrown the OBJECTIVISTIC rule-of-law which originated the formerly successful and healthy political-economy in the first place.

CONCLUSION: The solution then is to regain temperance, moderation, reason, and hence the objectivistic rule-of-law by which the subjectivistic Jews (and their Pelagian suckalongs) are seen as the cultural disease they really are. We can work back to our rationalist/objectivistic cultural ideal by means of the old political ideal of state and local government -- downsizing the empire. And one easy thing to do in this spirit or reason and reform, as it is so easy in concept and action, is to bring back the election of Senators by state legislature, restoring the original practice of the original American Constitution. Honest elections with verifiable paper-trail would help quite a lot too. Thus subjectivism and Pelagianism is the cultural disease; Capitalism and Objectivity are genuine values and ideals.


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