A Serious and Much Underestimated Issue: What is the Actual Ontologic Status of "Al Qaeda"? -- Does it Really Exist?

by Apollonian

24 August 2004

"Al Qaeda" is surely one of history's and the present era's most signficant and so far successful hoaxes, for it is a large part of the excuse for the prospective and the threatened impending overthrow of the United States Constitution. And it is interesting indeed to observe how this "Al Qaeda" hoax is and was generated and sustained. Presently we see the treatment given to this hoax by the respected author (Body of Secrets, The Puzzle Palace), James Bamford, whose new book, A Pretext For War, demonstrates the hoax's very currency -- even as the book and author attempt to debunk, so otherwise creditably, the numerous frauds perpetrated by the Bush II Administration regarding the Iraq war and the reasons given for its initiation.

Observe on page 161 in Bamford's A Pretext..., in the midst of criticizing American intelligence agencies for being unable to "penetrate" such fictional "Al Qaeda," it is asserted John Walker Lindh, the infamous "American Taliban," was member of such "Al Qaeda." Suchlike assertions are continued on pages 232-5, but the real truth is that Lindh never heard of "Al Qaeda" till well after the 9-11 attacks and was never a member of such fictional "Al Qaeda." Proof of Lindh's non-involvement is given in a little-noted book by Richard D. Mahoney, Getting Away With Murder, pages 161-2 and 215. Lindh was an honest Muslim and only wanted to help the Taliban of Afganistan fight its "Northern Alliance" opponents. But as Lindh could only speak Arabic he was placed with the Taliban's foreign brigade which was called "Al Ansar." The US government then deliberately changed the names so as to incriminate Lindh and give life to its "Al Qaeda" hoax and creation.

CONCLUSION: Thus one is brought to be educated upon the sublimity and perfidy of the monopolists and oligarchs who control the nation's and world's mass-media in the way lies and frauds are perpetrated -- infinite and incessant repetition to create the impression that "everyone knows" something that is utterly untrue and unverified. For is there even a single witness who can testify as to the reality of "Al Qaeda"? -- what actually is the EVIDENCE for any such "Al Qaeda"? Imagine a so-called terrorist organization unknown even to the supposed operatives, like Lindh -- so secret it doesn't even exist though "everyone knows" all about it. People knew about the Soviet Union since World War I; now all of a sudden (literally) arises a boogey-monster, taking the Soviet's place, which no one even heard of as few as FIVE years ago! But leave it to the media meisters controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, and Trilateralists to concoct the perfect terror excuse for PERPETUAL WAR FOR PERPETUAL PEACE -- they've even persuaded an outstanding critic like James Bamford to assist them in their mythologizing. Patriots must take heed and active measures: Bush must be impeached soon as possible. State legislatures should elect real Senators to replace the present conspirators as was originally practiced and instituted by the Constitutional founders. There is no time to be lost.


* combat-scholar/theologian-of-giftedness, Christian-patriot

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