Interview: George Burdi

by VNN staff

27 April 2004

1) Have you accepted any money, goods or assistance of any kind from individual Jews or Jewish "civil rights" organizations since your 'evolution' from White Power? Would you accept such, if offered?

I have not been offered any money or assistance of any kind from anyone. Any such offer would be declined, for several reasons, foremost amongst them my desire to remain independent of modern political objectives, tainted as they are by materialism and a worldview that is secular and divisive.

2) Have Jews offered you any assistance in obtaining record deals or production assistance for Novacosm? Do you expect any in the future?

While "Jewish organizations" have not offered such assistance, I have acquaintances who are Jewish, who are not members of "Jewish organizations," but who have offered to help promote Novacosm. None of these friends, however, are in any position to help me any more than my non-Jewish colleagues. The only way to help Novacosm is for the band to keep improving.

3) Are you still receiving money from Rahowa record sales? Do you have any financial strings at all to Rahowa or Resistance or any WP company?

When I left the movement in 1997, I cut all financial ties to Resistance. I have not received one dime, nor have I approached Resistance about the subject. Likewise, I have no ties to any other WP outfit.

4) In your interview with Acidlogic, and in your recently released short film, you referred to the Hindu religious tradition. Do you see it as ironic that you are interested in this when the "Aryans" of ancient India established through their Hindu religion a strict caste system many consider "racist"?

I do not see this as ironic, but rather as a natural progression of my understanding of the subject, the origins of which began during my time in the movement and my interest in the ancient Aryans. Being previously well educated on the caste system, my post-1997 further investigation into Hinduism has been concerned primarily with the transcendent spiritual aspects [suggested read: The Bhagavad Gita.] That is to say, I have thought much about race in my time, have come to perceive both its truths and its limitations, but I put stock in the human potential that is spiritual rather than material/biological. An individual has the capacity to evolve far more in one lifetime than a species will in a thousand years.

It is true, however, that the Aryan invaders played an integral role in India's history, but so did the native Dravidians and the resulting multicultural environment, out of which grew a spiritual concoction that produced one of the most dynamic nations of world history.

I should state, to be fair, that history is brimming with examples of multicultural societies that did not work, and not all circumstances are equal. It is, however, a reality today in the city I live in, and one that I neither support nor reject, both personally and politically. I am very selective with my personal company, and placing as my highest criteria the attributes of the individual rather than an arbitrary genetic affiliation has cultivated a circle of friends that is ethnically and racially diverse, but spiritually quite homogeneous. This does not mean that I no longer identify myself as a white European man, because I do, but it means that I have found regions beyond blood that are more sublime. My passage into these realms of understanding began with race, with making a communion with my ancestors, a path taken by many in more traditional societies (typically, non-white) and not viewed as racist or hateful. In white separatist circles, this racial awareness has become politicized, causing it to become stained with myriad modern prejudices that do not lead to higher knowledge, but that claim as their first victim the ideological convert. White separatists truly concerned with the cultural integrity of their people would be well advised to pay far less attention to modern events and turn their eyes inward. Develop your knowledge of self, and what this means, develop self-discipline, choose a realm of endeavor and cultivate heightened skills in that pursuit, and display through your own outward life not vain and pointless opposition to the world, but rather be as a "stone guest," in equanimity, going back to the source, reconnecting to the subtle dimension and drawing strength from the universal energy that is the origin of all. Let your racial awareness co-exist with a recognition that there is good and evil in all, that each race produces both lords and wretches, and that the utmost purpose of your existence is not to attach yourself vainly to the achievements of others, but to transcend the profane state of the modern world and to reveal a worthier being.

The modern dark age is a winter season, cold and barren. Lighting bonfires cannot hasten the coming of spring. Where is the higher culture? Build it, and they will come. Even a group of ten is powerful, if each person has depth and understanding. The future can be shaped by anyone with the presence to affect it.

5) In Cult of the Holy War you quoted Nietzsche at length ("God Is Dead."). In your recently released short film, you quoted Hermann Hesse. In your acidlogic interview, you referred to (Michael) Moynihan as "Faustian." "Faustian" is a cultural idea explored by Oswald Spengler in Untergang Des Abendlands. I would infer from all this that your appreciation of German "conservative revolutionaries" continues and forms a continuity of intellectual interest between your days as a "racist" and post? True or false?

There are many lines of my thought that have retained continuity from my past, even when my interest in the racial/biological aspects has waned. My understanding has benefited greatly from de-emphasizing race, or the horizontal perspective, and exploring the spiritual and esoteric elements, or the vertical and transcendent viewpoint, with far greater attention.

"Who sees variety and not the unity wanders on from death to death." - The Upanishads

6) In your recently released short film, you referred to different non-Christian religious traditions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. Are you familiar with the works of Julius Evola, an academic who wrote extensively on these religious traditions and was an ardent supporter of the Schutzstaffel as a new sacred order in the mold of the kshatriya caste of India?

I had an email exchange with a Buddhist monk, who cited Julius Evola's Doctrine of Awakening as one of the best books on the Pali canon that he has read. In it, Evola outlines an ascetic system that reads like a map to the higher realms:

The essential rather is to confront a man with a relentless analysis of himself, of the conditioned nature of common existence in this world, or any other world, and to ask him: Can you say: this is I? Can you really identify yourself with this? Is it this that you wish? This is the moment of fundamental testing, this is the touchstone for distinguishing the "noble beings" from average beings; it is here that they are separated according to their natures; it is thus that their vocations are decided. - Julius Evola, The Doctrine of Awakening, p.75.

Evola's insights into the world of tradition are invaluable, a "survival manual for aristocrats of the soul." Perhaps the most striking feature of Evola's writing is a fluid consistency that unites principles long believed incongruent. Prior to Evola, Eastern philosophy was viewed with hostility amongst many right-wing thinkers, an old prejudice that has been recently re-invigorated by American neo-con "patriots." Although attacked for his affiliation with Mussolini, Evola was an outspoken critic of Italy's Fascist Party and Germany's N.S. movement. He shows a path beyond the left/right polarity.

Regarding his discussion of the kshatriya/warrior caste as a viable foundation upon which to build a 'sacred order,' we must remember the teachings of the Upanishads ("taught at the feet of the guru"), where even a pure-caste brahmin or kshatriya is not considered above a dung collector unless first awakened. This means that before being a candidate to join a "new sacred order," one must first have gone through an ascesis and extracted the nectar of transcendent knowledge from life. Bypassing this critical step would render any such order stillborn.

Other writers I would recommend include Rene Guenon, Sri Aurobindo, and Frithjof Schuon.

7) In his work Doctrina Della Razza, Julius Evola criticized the "merely biologic" view of race, in favor of a "more spiritual conception" he associated with the ancient Greeks. Francis Parker Yockey also advocated a conception of race that went beyond biology in his opus Imperium. Both Julius Evola and Yockey are intellectual lights for le nouvelle droit in Europe, a political movement associated with De Benoist and more lately Tomislav Sunic. Are you familiar with this distinction, and if so, do you reject the "more spiritual conception of race" as well as the "merely biologic" view?

In the pages of Resistance I once wrote that one could be born of one racial type but have the soul of another. This is true of every dark age, where the castes have become confused, where devolution has been at work for millennia, and where the individual has been leveled by a popular culture that is utterly false and vapid. I favor the more spiritual conception of race, which does not ignore the biological, but transcends it. I have met people from every race that I consider my kinsmen.

For millennia, the white man's spirit was tested as he fought severely with nature. Now, the spirits of men of all races sink into the morass as they sit transfixed before the television. As Julius Evola wrote in Revolt Against the Modern World (p. 170):

Even at an individual level, the qualities that matter most in man and make him who he is often arise in harsh circumstances and even in conditions of indigence and injustice, since they represent a challenge to him. What a sad contrast it is when the human animal is granted a maximum of comfort. - Julius Evola, Revolt Against The Modern World, p.170.

In an unpublished essay titled The Eternal Winter of the White Man's Soul, I discuss a theory that the evolutionary effect of the harsh northern winters produced in the white man a human creature well adapted to cooperation and hard work, but easily enamored with the material dimension (note the preponderance of efficiently organized white neighborhoods that amount to a cultural zero) when the primordial tension has been removed. In the modern world we have the glorification of technological science, the result of which is the reduction of human potential and the degradation of human culture. And the bastard son of this materialization of the mind is the racist doctrine that places biological heredity above the strength of the soul and quality of the personality. "I am not this, this is not mine, I am not my self," said the Buddha, meaning, I am not my conditioning, I am not my flesh and blood, I am not the memories and opinions I have acquired. I am something else beyond this.

8) in your acidlogic interview you said "people need to partake in a dialectic process." What synthesis do you see emerging from both your experience as a WP music innovator and your more recent experience as a multicultural, anti-racist posterboy?

I have not to date appeared on any posters, but I will answer your question nonetheless. I hope, through sharing my experiences with those who care to listen, to help people get their opinions out into the open; to put it all out on the table in the spirit of mutual understanding. As a society, we have a mostly truncated dialogue on race. Suppressed opinion festers into open wounds when social conditions deteriorate. But I have been personally able to indulge in a racialist education, and have emerged from it anti-racist. It is convenient for those still in the white separatist movement to view this as cowardice. The truth is, however, that it took more courage to admit error. Today I choose my comrades based on the content of their character, their intelligence, talent, achievements, and overall personal equation, regardless of their genetic inheritance. I can find no sane reason for doing otherwise.

9) To what would you attribute your relative lack of success with Novacosm, as opposed to comparatively stunning success with Rahowa? Could it be that Novacosm is a contrived eclectic multiculti mishmash, whereas Rahowa expressed an organic musical taste shared by your fellow North American Whites? Is it possible that the anti-racist industry is supporting you in an inferior artistic venture to achieve their own desired ends?

First of all, no one in the "anti-racist industry" has supported Novacosm in any way. Like most indie bands, we have to work hard, improve our material, lug our gear to gigs, and look out for ourselves.

Rahowa recorded a few demos, followed by two albums. The original material wasn't very good. After several years of playing together, we recorded Cult of the Holy War. Yes, the music of Novacosm lacks the maturity and self-identity that Rahowa cultivated. With Rahowa, we knew what we wanted to do musically, and it came through on COTHW. In time I hope to achieve the same with Novacosm.

Production is the second issue. With Novacosm, we spent a lot of time in the studio trying to mix elements of electronic music with organic instrumentation. The result was less than what we had hoped, especially in the rhythm section. Our new material returns to an organic approach.

I have recently been sent a copy of Cult of the Holy War on vinyl, which has prompted me to start listening to it a lot again. There was something special about the chemistry. I especially miss writing songs with Jon Latvis. He is a gifted artist and I regret that I've heard no further recordings from him.

Actually, when I left the movement in 1997, Jon was the only person that I personally spoke to about leaving. Our bond was deep due to our creative chemistry, and he was one of few who knew me well enough to understand the factors involved in my decision.

Do you think that whatever notoriety you have today is separable from your experiences in WN music?

No. Without my past, I would likely dwell in obscurity today. I probably wouldn't still be making records, either.

10) As a Canadian, how do you view the Jewish war hawks surrounding George Bush such as David Frum and Richard Perle, and the support for the civil-liberties-destroying "war on terror" and the pre-emptive "War in Iraq" which has been steadfastly championed by ardent American Zionist pundits like Irving Kristol, Norm Podhoretz, Charles Krauthammer and other such prominent Jewish neocons? Is it an accident that they are all Jewish? In your view as a reconstructed racist, are anti-war Americans guilty of "anti-Semitism" when they make such statements? How do you feel about the human rights of Palestinians victimized by Israel in the Occupied Territories? Can you take a stand against Zionist "racism" or are Jews beyond criticism? Is it safe for George Burdi to answer these questions?

To criticize the agenda of a group of Jews who share an ideological position is not anti-Semitism, as they do not speak for all Jews throughout time. George Bush is not Jewish, nor are many of his top aides, nor the conservative Christians. Each player in this modern debacle is pushing his own political agenda, agendas characterized by their temporal nature. Their only power rests in materiality. In time, these ideologies will be abandoned, evidenced by the bitter fruit they have borne and will continue to bear. A new age of understanding will emerge thereafter, the Age of Aquarius.

Do not seek to destroy the world you hate, (for you do not have this power) just build the world you love (you have this power). Move away from the cities, learn to live off the land, build culture. Stop dwelling on current events and find out what the Greeks or the Romans had to say. You cannot prop a race up on rhetoric, you must have cultural substance or will appear spineless. If you can't re-define yourselves as a non-violent cultural group with positive upside then you will go into the pages of history as a failed plebian revolt.

Zionists are not beyond criticism, but one must remember before one throws stones that this ideology shares much in common with white racial separatism. Don't hate them because they are achieving their goals. Might is right, remember?

Regardless, the people that hold the purse strings are not necessarily in power in the way people conceive. Power and the way it is defined have changed in the modern era. Power and its acquisition is perceived from a vertical perspective in the Tao te Ching:

To win the empire through action and to master it, that is the way that leads to failure. For the empire is a divine vessel, which cannot be seized and acted upon. One who desires to grasp it, does not understand it. One who desires to take it loses it. He believes he is getting ahead, but falls behind. He believes he is increasing, but he dwindles away. He thinks himself strong, and reveals his weakness.

11) Each year the U.S. absorbs over a million immigrants, the majority of which come from places like Central America and Asia. I have been to these areas of the world and can tell you that your newfound belief in the virtue of "anti-racism" is nowhere to be found there. A racial consciousness the likes of which you have never seen pervades the attitudes and mannerisms of the natives, and they have no qualms whatsoever about expressing it once they take up residence in America. My question to you, then, is twofold. First, why shouldn't whites embrace white nationalism, when the groups displacing them evince a stark racial consciousness? Second, do you think that existing racial tensions in the U.S. will have improved in fifty years, when whites are a minority, or become even worse?

The trend is towards greater racial tension, so I see this tension continuing and will be present so long as profound material disparity persists in a materialistic society. Everyone is grabbing a piece of the treasure while the ship goes down.

It is true that anti-racism is primarily preoccupied with white racism, and that a strong sense of racial consciousness pervades the attitudes of many non-whites. I have personally witnessed this in blacks, Asians, and Hispanics. These attitudes are less evident in those who have actually achieved something demonstrating personal merit. I don't mean to characterize racial consciousness as a form of ignorance, because it is not, I mean to illustrate that placing excessive emphasis on our biological makeup is a limitation.

The social upheaval that many forecast would likely cause many whites to develop a greater sense of cohesiveness and identity. It is the hope of white racialists that in this time of peril the white masses will turn to them for answers. However, many whites of superior caliber will not find in racial consciousness the all-encompassing ideology of social/political/biological salvation that white racialists perceive, and will instead unite with individuals from myriad ethnic backgrounds, provided that they meet the criteria.

The best hope for emergence from this Dark Age is a spiritual awakening that begins with the individual and changes the culture right at its roots. Artists will play a tremendous role in this cultural renaissance, and with increased access to creative tools (especially computer software) and communication mediums (the Internet), they will be abundant and unrestrained by the corporate objectives that have contaminated the artistic/cultural expression for the better part of the last century.

Foster discussion, creativity, and free expression. The world is free for the taking. The power to shape it abounds, but is unperceived by a materialistic humanity that has lost connection to the spiritual, transcendent world.

The ancient world possessed a sacred science, one that had no use for microscopes and telescopes, because they had the innate ability to perceive the subtle realms and to travel the cosmos through their spiritual authority. These great divine personalities were born as men but became gods through their traditions. History became legend, legend became myth, and today we see the ancient texts that talk of gods who roamed the Earth as naïve, but they tell a tale of a fantastic Golden Age of humanity that may have really been.

A traditionalist education teaches us that the path to power is an inner path, a vertical goal, while the essentially material/biological concerns of race are extrinsic and horizontal, and not leading to any true power. The world will not be saved by breeding people like dogs or horses, but by heroic individuals who refine themselves, cultivate higher knowledge, and show a solar path.

12) [From VNN reader] I understand about spirituality, about wanting to live it. Eckhart Tolle, the Veda texts, Dr. David Hawkins, for example. Powerful stuff. Did you not see this awareness in your circles of pro-White people? If you didn't, was this observation the straw that broke the camel's back?

Good question. The short answer is yes.

I entered the movement through The Church of the Creator, and would often have discussions with other Creators about the missing spiritual element. Having been raised Roman Catholic, I had lingering doubts about the existence of God, (while outwardly proclaiming my atheism) the presence of Whom I had often felt while in prayer as a child. This experiential wisdom was not easily eradicated by Klassen's sharp wit, for ultimately, reason cannot trump knowledge.

I remember one particular conversation where Mark Wilson [the General Manager of Resistance Records, circa 1994-96] posed the question of what future Creators would believe in as a religion in the hypothetical all-white world, circa 3500 C.E. With such a high proportion of the White Man's Bible devoted to polemics, where was the spiritual food needed to nourish future generations? Looking back now, I see that the failure of Klassen's Church was his miscalculation of what motivates people. We are not machines; you can't just feed us data and argument and expect us to throw ourselves into the flames of revolution.

An important point needs to be made here. I encourage people who are interested in testing their mettle to attend a ten-day Vipassana meditation course. Go to for more info on the more than 80 schools around the world. You take a ten-day vow of silence, get up at 4 a.m., meditate for 14 hours a day, and eat a vegetarian diet. You basically live like a Buddhist monk for ten days. They don't teach any dogma, instead one learns how to sharpen the mind and observe yourself more deeply. The results are incredible, although not reducible to discursive thought.

Attending such a meditation course is essential to developing direct experiential wisdom of the transcendent, spiritual world. Through such experience, one recognizes the intrinsic truth of existence, unstained by dogma or speculation. The distinction between this and the learning found in books and endless chatter is immeasurable.

13) [From VNN reader] Being a reader of Resistance from the start and a one-time fan of Rahowa, I'd noticed from the beginning that there was always a question of your over-inflated ego working overtime to put down fellow racialists in one way or another. So my question is, was it just an ego trip for you from the beginning, a way of getting free publicity that you would never have attracted if you went mainstream from the start? Or are you just a worthless coward who melted when the heat got too hot? How can a man who wrote "Ode to a Dying People" suddenly have band members who are Jews and blacks?

Yes, I had an over-inflated ego. No, I was not working overtime to put other people down. You try filling 50 pages with articles and not injecting your own opinion once in a while. People wanted to hear my opinion on things, and I obliged them because I had magazine pages to fill. The fact that my personality appeared to overshadow the proclaimed importance of the cause was probably due to the fact that major media networks from around the world shoved cameras in my face at every opportunity. Try facing that when you are 23 years old and see if your ego gets over-inflated. Yes, there was pretense in much of my material, but being a forefront spokesman for such an unpopular cause (with heavy personal tolls) required me to pump myself up as much as possible in order to withstand the heat.

People reading the magazine never got to see the personal sacrifices those involved had to make. We invested tens of thousands of dollars in the project and put all of the revenue back in. When I left the movement in 1997, I was $30,000 in debt, had a hundred dollars in my pocket, my parents barely knew me, and I was leaving behind every friend I had in the world. It was a decision I was forced into by circumstances beyond my control.

Simultaneous U.S./Canada raids by a multi-force joint operation coined "Project Birdcage" left Resistance on the verge of bankruptcy. Our stock had been seized, our accounts frozen, our operation in total disarray. We needed money to hire a lawyer, to get our assets back. I was in jail and unable to do anything. We sent out a letter to several thousand supporters, pleading with them for financial assistance in our hour of need, a request that fell on deaf ears, producing just a few hundred dollars. Right or wrong, I can't tell you how that demoralized me. If we had released a new Rahowa CD, twenty thousand dollars would flow in within a couple of weeks, but here we were pleading for our survival without offering entertainment in exchange, and few felt it was important enough. I didn't leave because I was scared, or because 4 months in a very soft detention centre wore me down. I left the movement because the people around me had become hard to endure. The endless bickering and backstabbing and drunken, moronic behavior was just too much to take. Yes, there were good people involved, people I liked a lot and felt bad about abandoning -- people that I still think about fondly from time to time -- but I just couldn't go on. I was out of jam and sick of it all. I looked at the resources I had left, the challenges facing the company (inside and outside of the movement), my low energy level, and my honest assessment was I've done all I can do. This is not working. Time to move on.

Regarding Ode to a Dying People, if you listen to the lyrics again, I am expressing this very frustration with the movement. "If this is the way it ends" was a thought I had on stage in concert when a brawl broke out in the crowd and a woman was attacked by a man. "Brother I find it hard to keep fighting on." Do you ever feel this way?

14) You said in an interview: "There is no Dr. Evil hiding behind levers of control. Instead, corporations are the collective will of the people, and the masses want to be amused." This strikes us as a retreat to the Semitically Correct leftist position that "corporate control" and profit-seeking explains our culture and media better than Jewish control. If you believe that corporations simply supply what people want, then how do you explain without reference to a Jewish political agenda the following:

(A) ZOG's attempt to shut you down rather than buy you out, since Resistance was profitable and showed every sign of continued growth?

If you think that "Semitically Correct" and "leftist" belong together, you haven't seen the alternative left-wing press lately:

That having been said, it is true that Jewish lobbying helped shut Resistance down -- as a matter of fact, it was revealed during my two-week-long preliminary hearing that police from multiple agencies met at the Michigan ADL headquarters to coordinate Project Birdcage -- and that there is a right-wing conservative Jewish political agenda exerting its influence in the U.S. and abroad, an influence vastly disproportionate to their numbers.

However, "Jewish power" is neither singular nor omnipotent. There are many Jews who do not support these agendas, regardless of how you define them, and many non-Jews who do.

There are Jews in many fields of endeavor doing great things; they are an intelligent and remarkable people. I have met many, many Jews with big hearts, brilliant minds and the highest integrity. Nobody is paying me to say this. I am not saying it to irritate white racialists, nor to play the sycophant. I am saying it because it is true. I have also known stereotypical bourgeois Jews, and like every race, they have their rough spots (and they all admit it.)

We know, even within a movement as incendiary as white separatism, that there is a broad diversity of opinion. Seen from a distance, the distinguishing features disappear, and people see only the ugly and view the movement as having one singular objective: spreading hatred. One may protest that it is the media that unjustly influences public opinion, but the truth is that this same process of leveling occurs with most media coverage on most topics. Through this same process, people in the movement have come to perceive Jews in a certain light, as being virtually unequivocally dedicated to a unified agenda that is Zionist in nature. The facts, however, tell a much different story, one where the Zionists are playing upon the entrenched Jewish fear of another pogrom, but where the masses of Jews themselves are not always that convinced of their agenda or the methods used to achieve them. In fact, montages of grimacing skinheads are splashed across the television to rally the troops; for Jewish leadership to convince the Jewish population to unify and support increasingly aggressive action by Israel. Unwittingly, the skinhead is a tool of the elements he opposes.

(B) Mel Gibson's extreme difficulty in finding a distributor for what is certain to end up being an extremely profitable movie -- and one for which there is literally a worldwide market?

But eventually, distribution was found, which indicates that the powers attempting to stop the movie are not omnipotent, and that the same economic mechanisms available to one group are available to all. Does Clear Channel's response to conservative Christian lobbying by pulling the Howard Stern Show off the air signify the presence of a Christian conspiracy to rule the world?

15) You put forward the idea that you have evolved rather than recanted. Do you honestly believe you would have evolved into your current position rather than continued to grow Rahowa and Resistance if the judeo-feds had left you alone? Do you honestly believe the attacks on you were other than political? Do you have any comments on the Doles case, which strikes us as similar to yours, in that Doles was drawing dozens or hundreds to his meetings, which caught they eye of the feds and let them to shut him down by any means necessary?

I am not familiar with the Doles case. I will take your word for it, and assume that the system shut him down because they are afraid of homegrown dissension and have the power to do so. This is no different than it has always been. In past times, men like Doles would have been beheaded, or burned at the stake, or crucified, or hung upside-down on a wall for 50 years.

Had the feds not shut Resistance down, I would have eventually left anyway. Before I turned myself into custody in February 1997, I had spent the previous six months tying up loose ends. I was planning on using my time inside to clear my head, and get some much-needed perspective. It was like a vacation for the first month. Things had been happening so fast in the previous six years that I hadn't had a moment to sort everything out.

A month later, Resistance was raided and my option was get out and fight a protracted legal battle in the U.S., a country I wasn't allowed to enter, with no money and no energy (and with six months left to serve, although I was paroled unexpectedly two months later.) While inside, a couple of Resistance musicians wrote to demand royalty payments, which really deflated me. I didn't change any of my views at first, I just decided that I had done my tour of duty, and that my work was done, that the resources didn't exist to take on the system and get Resistance back. I planned on buying a piece of land in the country somewhere, and raising a racially-conscious family while I waited for the multi-racial cities to collapse. In June of 1997 I got out of jail, got two jobs, and put my nose to the grindstone to get out of debt and get my life back in order. My moving away from racialism occurred in the months and years to follow.

16) Do you listen to any White Power music today? Which bands? Do you have any opinions you want to share on Resistance, Panzerfaust, or any other WN music-related companies or people? How would you sum up the evolution of WP music since your departure? Do you have any advice for today's WP musicians?

I have not heard any current WP music, nor of Panzerfaust (which I assume is a label).

My advice for today's WP musicians is to remember that every lyric you ever write will be read by your children someday, that once it's out there you can't take it back, and that you have to speak out to the kids who listen to your records, keep them out of jail, and make the concerts more family oriented and culturally uplifting. Focus more on what you love, not what you hate. Also do not concentrate only on your racial identity, for can "what is impermanent, changeable, and non-substantial be considered thus: this is mine, this am I, this is my self?"

17) How can you expect fans to respond as enthusiastically to Novacosm as to Rahowa when the pantheism and "love" you're now supplying are the same things supplied by everyone this side of hip-hop?

I don't expect people to respond to Novacosm in any particular way. I am just going to continue making records for as long as I have music to share.

And speaking of hip-hop, do you find it ironic that corporations run by your new friends are willing and eager to supply anti-White material like gangsta rap while denouncing pro-White material as "hate"?

None of my new friends run corporations. One of them installs blinds, another sells cars, a third sells insurance, a fourth is a personal trainer, and so on.

Regarding the record executives that market gangsta rap, there is a definite double-standard when it comes to the equally negative and destructive message found in many WP albums.

18) In our view, you jump from the fact that some WN are alcoholics or general fuckups blaming others for their problems to the illogical conclusion that reforming ourselves is all it takes. Do you deny that there are structural constraints facing anyone reaching out to Whites in the name of White interests, whereas coloreds and jews are encouraged by the System to celebrate their identity? It seems to us that your own experience proves that there are. If it's all just corporations seeking profits by giving us what we want, why isn't the corporate machine interested in Rahowa's George Burdi, a guy who can home-cut an album and sell 40,000 copies? Wouldn't a black artist selling 40,000 hip-hop albums out of his car be snapped up in two seconds by the same machine that calls your Rahowa art "hate"? Aren't you simply blaming yourself for institutional anti-White racism? Have you learned to love Big Brother, Mr. Burdi?

Ultimately, the corporate music machine isn't interested in Novacosm because we haven't written good enough music yet. If the day should come when they are, we will be happily pressing our own CDs and selling them online, and won't need these labels and their creative accounting departments. BTW, there are hundreds of black hip hop artists that have sold 40,000 CDs over a nine year period and haven't been "snapped up in two seconds." It may sound like an impressive number, but I know artists who have sold twice that amount in half the time and they can't get a major label distributor, never mind a direct recording contract.

As for whether or not "reforming" the sociopathic movement element would lead to a bigger and stronger movement, I think that the answer is obvious. Any movement that fashions itself as the savior of white culture should naturally lead by way of example, or appear a laughingstock. The media makes the threat seem far more potent, when in reality the fool chattering into the camera is far too often motivated by plebeian sentiments than any truly higher ideal.

The main reason for this is not Jewish conspiracies, nor corporate manipulation, nor Big Brother, but indicative of a spiritual crisis, and typical of our times.

19) A follow-up: it would be easier to accept your artistic evolution if the results weren't completely in line with the system that censored, fined, and imprisoned you, in our view for no reason save the political threat you posed to the System. Any comment on that observation? Another way of putting it: do you retain any beliefs your new Jewish friends would call "hate"? Is there any way at all in which you oppose the going line in 2004?

Perhaps after reading my answers to your questions, you will realize that I am not completely in line with "the system." But also, clearly, I am not in line with the WN movement either.

The "going line" in 2004 is right off a cliff. The total failure of the WN movement to halt or redirect this momentum, in the words of Tomislav Sunic: "the ideological poverty of the American Right lies in its circling its wagons around a conservative agenda, in its inability to see the greater scheme of things."

20) You said in an interview: "I thought, this is not viable as a political movement. I'm not accomplishing anything," Burdi recalls." So, you left WN because it was wrong, or because it wasn't successful enough? It strikes us as though you are of two minds; that you acknowledge the power of your former opponent, but while you have decided not fight it, under the cover excuse of artistic evolution, you yet retain doubts, although you do not feel it best to express them. Is that an accurate summary of your approach today?

Studying the world of tradition has led me to discover one fundamental flaw in the ideology of the movement: one cannot ask from a transcendent point of view whether one race is superior or inferior any more than we can ask ourselves whether fire is superior or inferior to water ... The nature of this question is devoid of sense as it mistakenly assumes that races can be measured against one another. If we set aside everything artificial, external and acquired, we find that the only qualitative standard is the degree of more or less the perfect realization of the nature proper to each person.

I have met men of non-white stock that are noble and upright, dignified, intelligent, and talented. By what madness should I exclude them from my company, and put in their place a lower-caliber companion who shares only my biological materiality and professes shared allegiance to an ideology?

To answer the question, I left the movement initially out of a feeling of hopelessness. In retrospect, however, I believe it is fatally flawed in that it exalts the animal/biological element of man to a quasi-divine stature, promoting, ipso facto, a psychological type that accepts sub-standard character and low personal accomplishment while retaining pride derived from genetic affiliation with others who are more successful.

21) Jew Bernie Farber said: "There's no question in my mind that he's left the [neo-Nazi] movement." ... "What Burdi hasn't done, however, is make amends -- he's never publicly recanted." Please comment: have you in fact recanted? Or simply chosen not to fight the Jew machine directly? Do you support the Canadian laws that make it illegal to criticize Jews and Blacks? What is your position on the widespread discrimination against Whites described euphemistically by the Jews who instituted it as 'Affirmative Action'? Do you even acknowledge that Whites are discriminated against by law? If you do, do you feel it is "hate" for Whites to resent this law and form political associations to fight for their group rights?

To tell you the truth, I really don't think about these issues much any more. That having been said, I believe in explicit freedom of speech, don't agree with affirmative action, do believe that whites are often discriminated against, and do not feel that it is necessarily "hate" for whites to form political associations to voice their concerns.

As for not having publicly recanted, whatever that means, there is no official forum nor manner in which this is done. I have, in the past seven years, made great strides with my family, have a circle of good friends from many different races, and have done numerous interviews talking about my mistakes. That is the only way I know how to make 'amends.'

22) [from VNN reader] I can understand how prison time and the pressure on your family can make you question if you're doing the right thing, but, did you entertain the thought of taking a step back and working behind the scenes or inform people to try to positively influence the WN movement in a more productive and less violent and stupid manner? How did you become so alienated to our bonds of race to totally go on the other side?

For a while I thought that I might retain some involvement behind the scenes, after a hiatus, but the longer the break, the more insane the whole thing appeared to me. I don't say that to insult, I'm just telling you what I felt at the time.

During my time in the movement, I tried to influence things positively, I tried to make it more intelligent, to steer kids away from violence. To a certain degree, I succeeded. Perhaps now, by doing these types of interviews, I can treat members of the movement in the way that others never treated me while a white separatist: as real people with valid concerns that deserve to be listened to and understood. You are not losers. You are not insane. You have walked a certain path and you have learned things about the world that upset you. What I want to say is that I know you, I am of your kind, I understand your arguments and your journey. I extend to you a hand of friendship, and for many of you, I believe that I am a glimpse into your future. I am not on a mission to change anybody's thinking. I am not on anybody's payroll. I have not tried to make a profession out of my time in the movement, and I make music without fantasies of material reward. I am just one man being honest, as I have always communicated what was on my mind, about the way I see life.

We both have something to learn from one another. What each of us takes from the exchange will be determined in time.

23) [from VNN reader] Is there still a chance that you may re-join the WN cause? No one said one has to be a violent, ignorant drunk to be a WN. You also do not have to be 'at war' with other racial groups to be a WN. Have you thought about trying to bridge the gap on the part of our race, bring up certain issues that may resonate with others?

Whatever role I once had is in my past. However, your comrades and you are able to take up the torch, to decide upon what type of movement the next generation will inherit.

24) A final question: Is it possible that what White kids responded to in Rahowa yesterday was not "hate," and what they aren't responding to in Novacosm today is not "love"? Your words in different interviews, together with your music, suggest you believe integrity is important. If you were a fan of Rahowa, rather than the inspiration behind it, how would you judge George Burdi today?

I would withhold judgement until I had heard firsthand what the man had to say for himself.

I believe passionately in freedom of speech, a conviction that led me to accept a recent offer to testify on behalf of Ernst Zundel, the holocaust revisionist who has been held in solitary confinement in a Canadian jail for over a year now on a National Security Certificate (as a terrorist threat.)

Before my time in the movement, while in high school, I had friends from every race, and lived in a very multicultural world. Then, when I began asking questions to those around me, I was shouted down, attacked, vilified, and threatened. Despite this, I was determined to keep asking the questions until I was satisfied with the answers I heard. That process is still ongoing until this day, but I have found that only the wisdom of experience can defeat the whims of reason and the ideologies that we put in the place once occupied by principles.

We live in a strange and frightening universe. Our world is but one eternal echo of the chaos of existence, and as sentient beings we are caught in this seemingly unbreakable web. Until we witness a clear illumination of Divine Truth, we need to ask questions about why the world is in such peril, about what processes have been at work and ultimately what is wrong with humanity.

It would be a wonderful thing indeed if biological breeding could lead to Utopia, but I think that the answer is more sublime.

I have spoken my true and honest opinions. Whether you agree with them or not, judge me on that.

May the stream of my life flow into the river of righteousness. Loose the bonds of sin that bind me. Let not the thread of my song be cut while I sing; and let not my work end before its fulfillment. - Rig Veda II.28

25) Thanks for your time, and please let us know what we can expect to see from you artistically and politically over the course of 2004 and beyond.

[I have some plans, but nothing that I will discuss until I know they will come to fruition.]

In parting, I would like to add a few comments not touched upon above. On all sides of this issue there are those stuck in ideological constructs that impair their peripheral thought. Truth is a complex blend of elements not easily perceived, and most of the world is dwelling in ignorance, not just the non-white world but the white world also. Our modern idea of spirituality is a contorted mess that bears only exoteric resemblance to the religions of tradition. Our "squirrel-trap culture" -- as Lovecraft coined it -- has stained the whole of modern life, and in this morass we suffer and lash out at those we have deemed are to blame. But the truth is, as our ancestors knew, that great races are ordained from above, because they are deserved of blessing, because they are righteous. The white race, like other races, has fallen far from what it once was. All indications are that the white race is very old, and that its golden age was many thousands of years ago.

We are partly our blood, yes. But we are so much more than that. Let us not cling to past glory but create it anew. Our starting point is the ancient wisdom, wisdom that teaches us, amongst other things, humility. Demonstrate your superiority, don't announce it. Then, when you try and demonstrate it, you will often find that it is a lot harder in practice than theory. "He who speaks, doesn't know, he who knows, doesn't speak."

Become upright, master a discipline, choose a field and become accomplished. Then, if you would still choose the company of a white reprobate over a non-white nobleman, merely because he belongs to your tribe, chants your mantras, and shares your misery, then I ask you: who is the fool? Who is the coward?

Judge a tree by the fruit it bears, brothers. The white power movement has borne bitter fruit. Don't treat me like I'm insane when I point it out. I could tell you some stories, as I'm sure you all could, about some of the lowlifes that populate the movement. But let's take that as read. I raise the issue only to ask a more meaningful question: what does it tell us about the errors of the ideology itself? Doesn't the dearth of quality membership (and leadership) suggest that race, although a scientific truth in the world of matter, is only a small piece of a much bigger picture?

Want to save the white race? I'll tell you how. Reconnect to the divine element that has been lost. Then, the vital fluid will be present again, and the energy of the folk will return. This reconnection cannot be performed collectively, nor can political action evoke it. The journey must start with the individual who sets out, on his own accord, to discover what has been lost, to purify both body and mind, to make themselves worthy, and then to express, through every thought, word, and deed, the integrity of their being. Striking out with obscene attacks on others will not change your inner constitution for the better, it will hurt you first, before it hurts the other. It will puff you up with vain self-satisfaction, and in this state of mind you will wither and fail to reach your true potential.

You cannot change the path that the world is on. The levee has broken, there is no way to avoid the dissolution. Against this backdrop, there is only one solace, only one way out: the limitless freedom of the spirit, the power of the spiritual world.

I will end my comments here with a quote from Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield, a novel that brilliantly re-enacts the battle of Thermopylae. Xeones, a Spartan warrior, looks out upon the smoldering wreckage of his city, and expresses his dismay:

A dislocation of the faculties seemed to unman all. No one could think. A numb shock possessed our hearts. Life had become like a play, a tragedy one had seen enacted on the stage -- the fall of Illium, the sack of Thebes. Only now it was real, performed by actors of flesh and blood, and those actors were ourselves.

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