Movie Review: 'View From the Top'

by Rich Brooks

24 March 2004

"View from the Top" is a lightweight romantic comedy featuring the lovely, blonde but part-jewish Gwyneth Paltrow. Recently released on video after a less than successful theatrical run, the movie appears to have been made with little purpose in mind other than to showcase Ms. Paltrow's clothes-modeling talents. That, and an attempt to glamorize the no-longer-glamorous profession of the airline flight attendant.

But we are no longer in the 1950s, when airline travel actually was glamorous and passengers were pampered by playboy bunnies in the sky called "stewardesses." These young ladies -- and they were entirely female at that time -- were openly and discriminatorily selected for employment by the airlines on the basis of their charm and physical beauty. Since the jewish "civil rights" revolution, however, a gender-neutral "flight attendant" is today more likely to be a fat 50-year-old lesbian or a swishing faggot than a potential Miss America candidate. Airline travel today has all of the romantic allure of a Greyhound bus ride; even after you have managed to make it past all the post-9/11 "security" checkpoints, manned mostly by surly niggers and other assorted muds, you are crammed into a fully-loaded cabin with all the ambiance of a cattle car. The "flight attendants" are little more than harried waitresses and are in reality paid little more than those slinging hash at your local greasy spoon.

Not so in this film, however. The movie begins by showing the young girl "Donna" -- the future Ms. Paltrow -- growing up in a "trailer trash" family in a backwater Nevada town. Donna dreams to get out of this town and one day sees the celebrity international flight attendant Sally Weston on a TV talk show promoting her autobiographical book. Sally, as played by the aging but still beautiful Candice Bergen, is now Donna's role model, and becoming an international flight attendant is her highest aspiration in life. Naturally, there are obstacles placed in her way and eventually there is a romantic interest that forces her to re-examine her life's priorities.

Donna starts out at about the lowest level possible; she obtains a job on a commuter a plane flying gamblers between Fresno, Bakersfield and Laughlin, Nevada. After some mildly funny experiences on this "Sierra Airlines," she soon lands an opportunity to enter the training school for the prestigious "Royalty Airlines" in San Francisco. Here she is in competition with many other girls and naively thinks all of them are her friends. Even though Donna is the best student in her class, one of her fellow students switches final exam papers on her, and our heroine is assigned to "Royalty Express" in Cleveland, Ohio while her backstabbing "friend" is given a Paris-New York route. All is not lost, however, because Donna meets up again with her old acquaintance, Ted (Mark Ruffalo), who is now a lawyer in Cleveland. Ted has a loving, middle-class family, in stark contrast with her own dysfunctional family. Ted is a nice, pleasant guy, but it is hard to see much chemistry between Paltrow and Ruffalo; they form a relationship nevertheless.

Eventually, justice prevails with the help of some intervention by Candice Bergen, and Donna finally lands the coveted Paris route. This forces her to leave Cleveland and Ted, however, so this success is not all she had anticipated. You know the story, and it is a formula used in practically all romantic comedies; boy meets girl, boy and girl become separated, boy and girl get back together and live happily ever after. After some initial obligatory Cleveland bashing, it turns out that life in Cleveland with a man having family roots is preferable to a lonely Paris existence. Not really a bad moral, if somewhat trite. Just a note about "Cleveland bashing" while we're on the subject. Cleveland is justifiably bashed, but for usually for the wrong reasons. The reason it is not the most pleasant place in the world to live is that it is filled with niggers, with enough jews and muds thrown into the demographic mix to make it a pretty smelly ethnic stew. However, in the jewsmedia it is the hardworking Eastern European ethnic Whites who built Cleveland that are usually the butt of the jokes.

The only other notable thing about this rambling yawner of a comedy is the presence of Mike Meyers playing a goofy, cross-eyed airline school instructor. Maybe it's a generational thing, but I've never been a particular fan of Meyers' comedic antics and I didn't think he was all that funny here, either. There was also a queeny homosexual as one of Donna's pals in flight school, and this is probably true to life, as I think it is common knowledge that most male flight attendants (used to be called "stewards") are fags.

"View from the Top" was directed by Brazilian Bruno Barreto, but all nine of the co-producers of this picture have jewish-sounding names. Don't enrich their bank accounts even to the extent of paying a modest rental fee for this movie.



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