Book Review: Positive Christianity in the Third Reich

by Westphalia

7 March 2004

[Positive Christianity in the Third Reich, Dr. Cajus Fabricius, 1937]

I dedicate this to our Eternal Father and the memory of Adolf Hitler

Christianity, National Socialism. Jesus Christ, Adolf Hitler. Many people are convinced they are not compatible. However, these individuals are deceived by Living Demons -- those who call themselves Jews. National Socialism and Christianity are not only compatible, but complementary. Without understanding this essential Truth, there can never be any true understanding of National Socialism. The fact is there were more Christian churches built in National Socialist Germany than at any other time in German history. The fact is Adolf Hitler was a devout Christian, one of the greatest Christians of all time, who led his nation from abject ruin to unparalleled Aryan achievement, until his people were annihilated by Anglo-Soviet Communism. In Dr. Fabricius's short book, he demonstrates how Positive Christianity, as stated in the NSDAP Party Program, Point 24, was the foundation of National Socialism, and how National Socialism achieved such awesome success because of Christianity, not in spite of it. I hereby present you with a review of Positive Christianity in the Third Reich, by Dr. Cajus Fabricius, Professor of Theology, devout Christian and National Socialist.

"We demand liberty for all religious denominations in the State, so far as they are not a danger to it and do not militate against the moral feelings of the German race. The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not bind itself in the matter of creed to any particular confession. It combats the Jewish-materialist spirit within us and without us, and is convinced that our nation can only achieve permanent health from within on the principle: THE COMMON INTEREST BEFORE SELF"

- Point 24 of the Program of the National Socialist Party

Adolf Hitler knew that by inserting the phrase 'Positive Christianity' into the NSDAP Party Program he was endorsing true Christianity. When Dr. Fabricius wrote his thesis, there was much misconception in the world, promoted by the Jews and their lackeys, that the Third Reich was anti-Christian, or pagan. He wrote Positives Christentum in neuen Staat to dispell these Jewish lies and to clearly establish that National Socialism was predicated on true Christianity. In fact, right after the German edition of this book was published in 1935, the Fuehrer spoke to the Reichstag and thanked Almighty God for His grace manifested in the uprising of the German Volk.

Fabricius demonstrates how Hitler repeatedly affirmed Positive Christianity in his speeches, particularly in January 30th, August 17th, and 26th of 1935, and Fabricius shows that by Positive Christianity Hitler meant the Christianity of the two great churches - the Protestant and Roman Catholic. Hitler also called upon these Christian Churches to do everything in their power to make the moral forces of the Gospel Message effectual influences in the life of the German nation. Furthermore, he made it perfectly clear that National Socialism had nothing in common with "people in bear-skins," or those who would foist neo-pagan cult experiments upon the German people. In addition, Fabricius shows how the Fuhrer emphatically rejected the godlessness of Jewish Bolshevism, contrasting it with with the fact that in National Socialist Germany the churches had not been turned into places of secular amusement.

Fabricius was a theologian and a convinced National Socialist, and he felt he needed to address Christianity in the Third Reich because even after Hitler took power, evil forces were leading young German minds astray and driving a wedge between Christianity and National Socialism. Fabricius was an official within the State, and a political leader within the Party, and one would think that his religious convictions would clash. However, Dr. Fabricius refutes this:

"My religious duties and political duties do not clash . . . but rather the one supplements the other, and both stand together in complete harmony. Indeed, they do more than this: In my own and thought, Christianity and National Socialism are closely knit together. And because I am a Christian and a a theologian, I felt compelled to put on the "brown shirt."

Positive Christianity in the Third Reich is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the religious policy of National Socialism, and the second part deals with the Christian Foundations of National Socialism. I will give a brief explanation of the first part, and leave the second part for you to discover for yourself.

Part I, The Religious Policy of National Socialism, begins with what Christian National Socialism rejects. First, it rejects Liberalism. Fabricius states that "everything that calls forth and emphasizes differences between individuals and between various groups is repellent to the Spirit of National Socialism since it disturbs the national unity of the Volk." Thus, religious liberalism, where hundreds or thousands of churches exist, all with their own agendas, is contrary to National Socialism. Remarkably, Fabricius invokes the Jewish doctrine of Separation of Church and State, which was being used then, like now, to drive a wedge between Aryans and drive Christianity out of government:

"The National Socialist State is no "pagan" holding aloof from the Church as if from the Sphere of what is sacred. On the contrary, the State is lawful organization of the living Volk, of the same Volk that possesses the whole of temporal culture, and with it, Religion. In the Volk too, the organization of the State must naturally be in living, reciprocal connection with the organizations of all other spheres of culture, including the Church . . . A policy of aloofness and alienation with regard to the relations between Church and State would indeed be most disastrous."

Second, National Socialism rejected Attacks on Christianity. Dr. Fabricius states, "More alien to the essence of National Socialism than the separation of Church and State is any attack on Christianity." National Socialists believed antagonism to the Christian Religion was more in line with Jewish materialism rejected by the Party Program, and closely corresponded to the spirit of Jewish Bolshevism, the arch-enemy of National Socialism. Furthermore, Dr. Fabricius rejects the connection between Judaism and Christianity, saying there was no connection:

"But nothing is further from our intention than to confuse the spirit of this kind of Judaism with the Christian Religion, and to attack the Christian Faith as "Jewish." Such an act would be in absolute contradiction both to the essence of Christianity and to the spirit and Programme of National Socialism."

Many today who call Christ a Jew or label Christianity "Jewish" should heed these wise words.

Third, National Socialism rejected any attempt to find some new religion to displace Christianity. Dr. Fabricius lamented the presence of two churches, Protestants and Roman Catholics, instead of one Great Christian Church, and he believed the invocation of a third church or religion would be disastrous. "If we investigate the substance of the new religion that would appear to be offered to the German people as a substitute for Christianity, we are filled with a deep and genuine dismay . . . we know the enemies of new Germany are busily engaged in spreading slanderous reports as to how Germany is in the thralldom of paganism, and that Christians are being persecuted by the State for their Faith's sake."

Next, Dr. Fabricius addresses what National Socialism Affirms. The first thing National Socialism affirmed was Positive Christianity, which "is the strong, life-giving spiritual food upon which the soul of the newly awakened Volk is to feed." By Positive he means "the real thing," and Dr. Fabricius says that by "real thing" he means something opposed to what is "artificial, supposed, or pretended. Positive Christianity may be taken to mean "practical Christianity," which is Christianity not exhausting itself in expressing convictions of faith but one active in loving one's neighbor . . . Hence, the Party Programme adds . . . generally speaking, nothing else except the historical and real Christianity is meant." So, National Socialism affirms traditional Christianity, not some new religion or pagan nonsense.

The third section of Part I deals with the Christian standpoint of the Party, and it is entitled What We Stand For. Dr. Fabricius makes the point that any government, no matter what its religious stance, must respect Christianity because millions of Germans belonged to the Protestant or Roman Catholic churches. However, Dr. Fabricius illustrates how National Socialism crosses this threshold of mere respect and tolerance of Christianity, and goes even further to embrace and promote Christianity in the Reich: "For the Christian religion is not merely regarded with outward respect by the National Socialists . . . No, "the Party as such stands for Positive Christianity" is the pronouncement of the Party Programme, and that means vastly more than mere respect and regard . . . Positive Christianity is the innermost life, the spirit, the soul of the National Socialist German People, or in other words, National Socialism itself has its roots deep in the Christian spirit; it is a movement determined by Christianity."

In conclusion, Dr. Fabricius's small book proves beyond a doubt that National Socialism was a pure Christian movement. Positive Christianity in the Third Reich was authorized and approved by the Fuehrer himself and the Party. Dr. Fabricius was a Professor of Theology, a Christian, a State official, and an ardent National Socialist. If Hitler was not a Christian, this book would have never been published. However, National Socialism was a Christian movement and had its roots in Christianity, as Dr. Fabricius so eloquently elucidates. Hitler wanted this book published to prove to the world that National Socialism was not pagan or nihilistic, but was rooted in and inspired by Christianity. I highly recommend that you read this book. Aryans can no longer afford to be split because of ignorance. Although many Germans of the Third Reich were undoubtedly anti-Christian or neo-pagan, National Socialism was not an anti-Christian or pagan movement. It was unequivocally Christian. You can get this book from the Christian Separatist Church Society.


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