19 July, 2006

Posted by alex in free-speech martyrs at 4:14 pm | Permanent Link

[The same power that silences Whites in France is able to silence Muslims in Australia. Remember kids, the idea that jews conspire to deny others free speech is anti-semitic! Now get back to your book report on Anne Frank.]

Muslim Cleric in Australia Removed After Dismissing Holocaust Story

Australia’s most senior Islamic cleric, Sheik Taj Din al- Hilali, will be thrown off [prime minister] John Howard’s Muslim advisory board after dismissing the Holocaust as a “Zionist lie”. The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of
Multicultural Affairs, Andrew Robb, yesterday attacked Sheik

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19 July, 2006

Posted by alex in World War Wheeee! at 3:52 pm | Permanent Link

The jews invaded Lebanon on the ground Wednesday — and got a couple of their American bubble-wrapped bubele boys crushed by the heroes of Hizbollah, in a battle of dueling ambushes. Meanwhile, in America, while jew-neocons sputtered and raged Bush wasn’t bloodthirsty enough, and goyfront neocons speculated on World War Wheeee! (now with extra nukes!) as asininely as the Washingtonians (as giddily stupid as Newt Gingrich) who went down to picnic at Bull Run, a growing list of jew-clued writers hit the transom with some of the most effective jew-naming articles yet — see lower on this page: Farrell, O’Farrell, Kaminski, Steele — even the cowardly libertarians began to feel within themselves the shame of the jewly awakened, if still not quite brave enough to go public.


[Collection of most recent articles on Hate Hebrews and the horrors they’re producing with American-provided weapons.]

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19 July, 2006

Posted by alex in John Kaminski at 2:29 pm | Permanent Link

Jews Don’t Believe in Freedom of Speech

Their twisted version of history keeps creating tyranny and wars

By John Kaminski

July 18, 2006

I can make any Jew tell a lie in three seconds. Just ask, “Tell me about the history of Israel.â€? You won’t hear the real answer from a Jew.

The real answer is: Israel is a criminal entity subject to no laws but its own, and it basically has none. It was created by terrorists who stole the land from its original owners. Every crime is permissable by a Jew against a non Jew. That is the core of its teaching in both the Talmud and the Torah. Non Jews are cattle, the Talmud says. Take a look at the world, and see how those cattle are now being slaughtered, especially in the neighborhood of Israel.

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19 July, 2006

Posted by alex in World War Wheeee! at 1:48 pm | Permanent Link

BBC: Dozens die in fresh Lebanon raids

[Suckpoop Joe‘s idea of news]
Fox News analyst compares Israelis to Nazis

Raimondo: The U.S. is willing to pay for this war – and of course the American taxpayers have paid for it, to the tune of the $3 billion in yearly tribute to Tel Aviv – but our government is unwilling to rescue its own citizens from the blowback for free. If there is a better way to underscore more vividly the Israel-centric nature of our policies in the region – and how the entire mindset of government officials runs counter to genuinely American interests – I can’t imagine what it might be.

19 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Mark Farrell at 1:13 pm | Permanent Link

The Televised Propaganda of Israeli Terrorism

by Mark Farrell

I don’t watch TV too much any more as a result of it being so biased and, quite frankly, depressing–not to mention wasting time on what I perceive as mostly propaganda. It is has become little more than slavishly pro-Israel sound bytes, created by a propaganda-machine that is highly influenced–and almost exclusively owned–by Jews.

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19 July, 2006

Posted by alex in hush crimes at 12:17 pm | Permanent Link

[Reader writes…]

1000000-1 odds this won’t be charged as a hate crime.

Excerpt: The suspect allegedly told police that he had targeted the boy to rob.

“He said he chose Ryan Rusch to mess with because he was a goofy looking white boy,” Lenard said in court.

Hey Trib reporters…how come you only mention race in attacks when it’s white on (Mexican, black, Jew, minority)? Is it because statistically, the opposite is uninteresting at this point? Meaning minority/Mexican/black-on-white crime is so much more common, why mention it?

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19 July, 2006

Posted by alex in World War Wheeee! at 3:00 am | Permanent Link

Israel attacking Lebanese is like the hunters on South Park ritually incanting self-defense before slaughtering woodland creatures.

Hey, how ’bout that little albino faggot Thuper-Cooper jitneys over to the red side and interviews some dead Lebo-tykes? Shouldn’t be any less invigorating than the live bunkerin’ Saschas.

Anyway, here’s some interesting analysis… BTW, we ran live stream radio for several hours last night, if you missed it, well, you can catch it here soon, god and Stan willing. Listen and call in next time..



18 July, 2006

Posted by alex in media, VNN, White media at 8:03 pm | Permanent Link

[ Look below for newer posts]

Alex Linder, Chain, Stan and Geoff Beck discuss: Tomasz Winniki; Border fence fraud;  Nigger gang rapes in: Fresno, CA; South Africa; Denver, CO.; NYC AIDS; and Israeli aggression.

Direct mp3 download (48 MB): gf3448k.mp3 

Podcast: subscribe

Streams & Archives: here

Shownotes: here

18 July, 2006

Posted by alex in jewed foreign policy at 8:01 pm | Permanent Link

Israel’s Prior Peacekeeping in Lebanon

Energized Neocons Say Israel’s Fight Is Washington’s

Buchanan on Putin & Russia

Iraq War Costs Us $11 Million Every Hour!

With God on Our Side: George W. Bush and the Rise of the Religious Right in America
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info /article13162.htm

Attention Deficit Americans Are Being Misled to War, Paul Craig Roberts

The Real Aim, Uri Avnery

A Beautiful Friendship?: Israel’s Influence in Washington

The Influence of Israel and Its American Lobby On US Middle East Policy

Canadian troops trudge toward another battle with Taliban

18 July, 2006

Posted by alex in books at 7:59 pm | Permanent Link


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