Go Hezbollah, go!
Funny viewer question to Fox: Is the damage in Lebanon anywhere near as bad as in Israel?
Israel’s been hit with what are scarcely more than bottle rockets, causing families of ugly swindlers to relocate to the basement for twenty minutes, whereas Israel has destroyed whole sections of Lebanon, causing half a million refugees — including great numbers of Christians and Americans. But of course, as properly trained sub-ants, Christians and Americans in America understand that jews always come first, and must never be questioned. So we hear Trent Lott, ‘male’ cheerleader, talking about UN Resolutions ignored by Israel’s enemies. No mention that Israel ignores UN resolutions, and that Israel refuses nuclear inspection. ONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE.
In three days of watching Fox, I’ve heard two reasonable comments, one from a retired general, one from the former head of the Washington Times, now analyst for UPI, Arnaud de Bourchgrave. The substance of their points is that Hezbollah has credibility with a lot of people. It has a couple dozen people in parliament. Israel can bomb and bomb and bomb, but when its done, the tide will flow back. No one outside deluded Americans, lied to by their politicians and pulpeticians and televisions, believes them — least of all those who live near them. And Israel isn’t interested in reoccupying Lebanon, which will only lead where it led before: individual izzies being harassed and picked off.
Tv news functions best with low-key announcers helping the camera extend the eye. But most coverage is shallow and repetitive. The same handful of reporters, the same bias night after night, myopically close to Israeli soldiers, guns, paid analysts, or American dupes. You can get more understanding of the essential conflict by reading one Bovard backgrounder than a week of Fox News. It’s hard to provide good coverage when the unquestioned assumption is that any man or force opposed to Israel is crazy or evil, but that is all you get from Fox, and, increasingly, from Fox competitors seeking ratings.
We at VNN would like to wish a happy birthday to our own Stan Sikorski, whose help makes Goyfire and all our audio/video possible! Don’t forget to thank Stan for his great effort. Otherwise, you’d have no option but Fox.