12 July, 2007

Posted by alex in Jewish politicians, Socrates, War On Israel's Enemies, Zundel at 2:10 am | Permanent Link

Came across this by Ernst Zundel…


The Nationalist Socialist movement was structured as an ideology behind a political party, although outwardly legitimized for the immediate emergency task of saving the German nation and its people from the allure of atheist Marxism. Hitler’s attempt, although recognized only by his most ardent enemies, was his tentative, cautious effort to phase in a new religion of “race, blood, and soil” — not by fire and sword, as Charlemagne had done, but gently and imperceptibly. Hitler attempted to span several generations, and this approach was typical for him, the great social conciliator, who had successfully neutralized the false religion of Marxism and won over the best heads and hearts that had been misled by Karl Marx’s false gospel. In today’s parlance, we would say the flailing liberals settled down, discovered moorings, and turned conservative in the best meaning of the word.



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11 July, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Jewish politicians, Socrates, War On Israel's Enemies at 11:45 pm | Permanent Link

“Holy poop! That’s such a coincidence: I have a gut feeling, too!” says Rabbi Solomon Steinbergfeld as he sits behind a desk at his toilet-paper factory in New York City. “Using the ‘war on terror’ as a pretext, America will wage a proactive, global, century-long war against the enemies of not just Israel but of world Jewry. Is that a wonderful feeling or what?” [1][2]:


[1] a mention of Chertoff’s heritage: [Here]

[2] about the U.S. State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism: [Here]

11 July, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, pictures, VNN at 4:02 pm | Permanent Link

When it comes to yesterday, I’m more G’n’R than Beatles. Still, just a pinch of lookback can’t hurt.


On August 9, 2007, VNN will be seven years old. I went over and snapped a couple photos, to show you where it all began. This is my grandmother’s house, 1706 E. Hamilton, now owned by the school (where the photog is standing).



This is a side view:


This is the spot I sat in writing 10,000 spintros. A kitchen chair, a card table, an iMac, a nearly naked writer (this time of year) and a wet towel around the shoulders. You can see the hole worn in the linoleum.


“Well, that’s enough for me,” as Axl sang.


Here’s a pic of me today.

Was it worth it, spending my thirties doing VNN?

Here’s what someone said:

Linder was crucial to my conversion, I read him for three years straight in the early part of this century; and everything that was merely intellectualization in MacDonald was slowly converted inside me, by Linder’s intelligence, indefatiguablity, and lacerating wit, to confidence, vision, determination; in a word – bone and muscle.

I’ll take that for my tombstone. Thatz what I hoped to do better than I could put it myself.

And this ain’t nostalgia, itz just where we were and a little taste of where we’re headed. Dare I say…


11 July, 2007

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, liberalism, mestizos, Mexican heroes, Socrates at 2:41 pm | Permanent Link

Meanwhile, White heroes are vanishing down the memory hole:


10 July, 2007

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, black crime, black culture, Detroit, General Decline, Socrates at 3:21 pm | Permanent Link

Thanks to Black crime and “White flight,” these are not good times for America’s metropolises:


10 July, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Jewish politicians, jews, Socrates, South Africa at 2:19 pm | Permanent Link

South Africa is now governed by Blacks, and here’s the main reason why: Jewish political activists – such as Lionel Bernstein, Yossel “Joe” Slovo and Ronnie Kasrils – campaigned for decades to secure equal rights for Blacks, just as Jewish activists did in America. Indeed, both the American and the South African civil-rights movements were built and steered by Jews. (Blacks finally had their dreams of political equality fulfilled in 1993 with the interim constitution. Slovo was a negotiator in the meetings between activists and the S.A. government which finally ended White rule. In fact, since Slovo’s proposals acted as a stalemate-breaker in those negotiations, his involvement could be called “crucial” to the ending of apartheid) [1][2][3]:


[1] about Slovo: [Here]

[2] Kasrils: [Here]

[3] Jews in South African politics: [Here]

10 July, 2007

Posted by Archives in VNNB-Monday at 8:55 am | Permanent Link

Join Stan Sikorski and Yankee Jim on VNN’s Free Talk Live – Monday.

On Monday we’ll be discussing the death of the latest mudshark and her retarded half breed bastard child. (THANKS JEWS!)

We’ll also be discussing the upcoming “RALLY AGAINST BLACK GANG TERRORISM” IN KALAMAZOO, MI.

And if time allows, we’ll be discussing the latest case of UNB (Ultimate Nigger Behavior) down in WPB Florida.

And of course, there is the usual TNB, TJB, TSB, TQB, OGB, etc.

Special thanks to Hal Turner over at Turner Radio Network who will be simulcasting the show in cooperation with Vanguard News Network!

Gonna be a great show…I promise!



9 July, 2007

Posted by alex in diversity is hate, public skools at 11:15 pm | Permanent Link

Professor nigger don’t like the “dissembling” of the public schools through home schoolin’, y’all. Freedom be just another word fo’ whites being free to choose racism! And lack of attention to urban schools for to decades already! As in one decade, to decades, free decades.








They cited such factors as: The massive reaction to busing that eventually destroyed it as the main mechanism to foster racial balance; the demographic impact of white flight and then black flight from the inner city; the persistence of inner city poverty; the dissembling of the public schools thorugh home schooling, charter schools, private schools, etc, and the lack of attention to urban issues for over to decades.




This Supreme Court is now a neo-Plessy White nationalist entity that protects the interests of the White majority by making sure they have access to majority white schooling, by enacting a principle of non-discrimination that protects their power and privilege.

9 July, 2007

Posted by alex in Michael O'Meara, White fiction, White media, white nationalism, White plans, White thought at 7:21 pm | Permanent Link

by Michael O’Meara


Those who want to live, let them fight, and those do
not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do
not deserve to live.


H.A. Covington’s Northwest Trilogy of novels — Hill
of the Ravens
(2003), A Distant Thunder (2004), and A
Mighty Fortress
(2005) — now represents the most
worked out and authoritative treatment of White
Separatism in the English language. Both as popular
fiction and political tract, it is a remarkable work.
But most remarkable of all is the utter silence that
surrounds it. If not for a VNN “respondent” (the wise
and judicious “New America”), I might never have
learned of its existence.


I’m not quite certain why this is. Covington’s
Trilogy is infinitely more readable and convincing
than William Pierce’s Turner Diaries (now one of our
classics), but has probably sold only a fraction as
many copies. Part of the problem with its reception
might lie in the fact that Covington, a veteran of the
NS movement, has made not a few enemies within “the
racially conscious community,” evident in his numerous
critical references to Pierce, as well as to Koehl,
Klassen, Metzger, Duke, Webster, Tyndall, and others.






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9 July, 2007

Posted by Dietrich in Alex Linder at 6:07 pm | Permanent Link