4 August, 2007

Posted by Archives in audio, VNNB, VNNB-Friday at 5:47 am | Permanent Link

Featuring “Goy on the go” live from Lakewood NJ.

That’s right folks, in addition to the usual TJB reporting I’ll be heading down the Gaza Strip (RT 9.) deep into Israeli occupied Territory Lakewood NJ for a live “Goy on the go segment”. Please join me Bud White and co-hosts Mishko aka Mark In Cali and Dietrich for one hell of a ride. We’ll also be talking about Kikes suing hotmail, Hebrew charter schools coming to Manhattan, 2 NY kikes busted in a $27 million real estate investment scam and a whole lot more.

3 August, 2007

Posted by Dietrich in Alex Linder at 8:15 pm | Permanent Link

Bud goes on the scene live to Jew-invested Lakewood, NJ. 

Plus, information and analysis on the Kalamazoo rally.


3 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in jews, multiculturalism, New World Order, Socrates, tikkun olam, Western culture at 6:43 pm | Permanent Link

“It is as if the entire political, economic and cultural establishment throughout the Western world, left, centre and right, woke up one day and decided that we now live in the global age, that all cultural and religious differences are irrelevant and that the age of nation states is over.”

Understood. But isn’t the multicultural agenda – even if it’s sometimes adopted by corporate gentiles – really Jewish at its core? Doesn’t it amount to “one group of people (the Jews) will continue to exist as a nation, while the rest of mankind must integrate”? [1]. After all, the only racial state remaining is the Jewish state of Israel [2]. White states like Nazi Germany, Rhodesia, etc. are gone. Is that just a coincidence? Didn’t the plan to racially mongrelize the West begin with Marx’s idea for human equality and move onward through Boas, Adorno, Montagu, Gould and the others? Don’t all social movements have leaders, and weren’t the leaders of the multicultural movement Jews? Indeed, Montagu produced the UN’s (UNESCO’s) post-WWII racial equality statement:


[1] the word “nation” is used literally here

[2] i.e., racial in governmental policies and actions

3 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Reader Mail at 1:07 pm | Permanent Link



you would never see her with conservative christians. So what’s so special about those ultra-religious conservative jews that makes them compatible with Hilary’s liberal ideas ? (Politico is a neo-connish but somewhat satyrical blog)


The mensches for the job




“Israel may be on the front lines,” she said. “It faces a common threat to our traditions, our values, our beliefs, and it should be our common cause.”


Read the rest of this entry »

3 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Spintros at 12:55 pm | Permanent Link

Top White Writers
Latest from Heretical’s O’Farrell.


Trentadue in Mother Jones
The fed-murdered man whose brother’s indefatigable work to discover the truth revealed that the SPLC and FBI and other hate groups knew about the Oklahoma City bombing before they happened – if indeed they didn’t plan the thing themselves, which is likely.


Jewing About Being a Jew
Jew Bronfman, one of them, flies 40 top kikes to Park City for confab. Fred Reed says Christians are worse than jews, sidestepping the pile of 100 million corpses murdered by jews last century. Alan Dershowitz, friend of jew Pollard, enemy of America. Jews who wouldn’t think of serving in the U.S. army, that’s for goy suckers, are happy to join the IDF for a year or two. Jews are loyal to jews, not to Aryan nations. All jews care about is what is good for jews. Here the jewalong cunt at Atlas Shrugged, making a fool of herself.


On the connection between art and religion.


State Control
Libertarians tend toward the abstract but much of what they say about power and government and general dovetails with what we know about the jews. Here on polygamy. Mormons – White – are treated more harshly than muddy Muslims.


Freaka Needs White Men to Function
One black gets it. Here on Regina Austin, a groid infra-sapper.


America First foreign policy. Here the Romney family video. They want Mitt to run. Wow. Unexpected. VNNF thread on “Who’s Your Caddy,” a jew Weinstein brothers attempt to trade on the success of Caddyshack, which featured white ethnics led by a jew overthrowing the WASP elite. This time it’s ghetto nigs, and you can bet it isn’t as funny as the original, despicable as were its politics.


Ron Paul’s words. Gibson continues to put his money where his mind is – pre-Vatican II Catholicism.

2 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in bankers, jewish hate & hypocrisy, jewish scam artists, Socrates, tikkun olam at 4:49 pm | Permanent Link

But war? Huge profit. That’s why the Jews have a long history of doing this: first, they foment a war, and then they loan money to each side of the conflict in order to continue the war, e.g., like they did in the U.S. “Civil War” [1]. In fact, the Jewish millionaire Bernard Baruch was so keen on starting World War II that he offered to loan the U.S. government $3,600,000 for a gunpowder plant. The poet Ezra Pound frequently mentioned Jewish bankers and their roles in creating and prolonging wars [2]:


[1] about bankers and the American “Civil War” (scroll about 3/4 down the page): [Here]

[2] Ezra Pound on bankers and war: [Here]

1 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, spintros at 6:26 pm | Permanent Link

Big Chimpin’, Zimby Style

Prices are up 50x over last year, but the good news is that with the new 200,000 note you can buy a bag of sugar. Welcome to Weimafreaka. Please remember that Let Them Eat Mudgabe was properly educated in a fine Western institution. Please also remember that Mugabe has much more money than you or I. Frankly, I’m at a loss to explain the situation. Dr. Pierce isn’t. Where do Zimbabweenies flee when they tire of starving to death? To South Africa, of course. Why? Because although it too is run by incompetent niggers there are still enough Whites to keep the water and electricity running and the stores stocked with goods. Meanwhile, over in Congo, jungle savages are acting like American niggers. She said women had been tortured, forced to eat human flesh and men had been forced to rape relatives. At what point did it become sane policy to treat niggers the same as humans? Isn’t it better that humans dominate niggers? I think so. I think the only reason it isn’t so is that we allowed jews to take over our institutions and sic niggers on us. Niggers are the symptom, JEW IS THE DISEASE. If something’s wrong with America, reflected in AmeriKwa, the culture forty years of jewish production values have produced, then it stands to reason that the culture spread by ZOG/abroad won’t be any good either, and so it is in Somalia. Which is a long way of saying: jews fuck everything up. Which is an alternative way of saying: everything jews touch turns to shit. Which leads inevitably to the conclusion: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. Latest from Cathy Buckle, a White Zimbabwean who, as a member of the liberal cult, can’t see that race explains everything about Zimby’s decline into horror. …it would be absurd to list the things we cannot get because they are now too numerous and include most foodstuffs and basic toiletries. Almost everyone is living entirely off their pantries and gardens, on food parcels sent from people outside the country or simply going without the bare essentials required for every day nutrition and existence. More on Zimbabwe’s straits here. Here on American Whites who fought to save Rhodesia.

Israel – Most Racist State on Earth

The hebes lecture the rest of the world on the evils of racism, but they practice more of it in Israel than those they criticize. ONESTANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE. Israel is full of gangsters, just as Hitler predicted. Police officials, speaking on condition on anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter, said a dozen major crime families operate in Israel… Back in AmeriKwa, jews whine that a court votes against busing, which jewish groups say is necessary to ensure that White girls are molested by niggers. “Today’s Supreme Court decision has the potential to undermine decades of work by AJC and others to achieve racial equality and diversity in American society,” said Jeffrey Sinensky, AJC’s generalcounsel. Translation: if niggers aren’t mixed in with humans, there might be enough Channon Christians surviving to produce the next generation of Aryan competitors. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. The jew is the guy that wants his daughter to marry a jew and your daughter to get raped by a nigger. Jews build walls to protect jews from their brother Semites, but they tear down laws that allow Whites to protect themselves with free association. Allowing jews to roam free among us is to court extinction. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. Here from Zundel’s
attorney. Here on Christian Zionists, specifically John Hagee and his Nuts with No Necks Coalition.

Israelis Polluting Germany

4300 got German citizenship last year. Read this: It took Avital three years to get her German citizenship. “It’s a long and complex process that stems from the rigid Germanic character,” she said, recalling her experiences at the German embassy in Tel Aviv. “They require every possible piece of documentation. They want to see it all. Birth certificate, divorce papers, death certificates, the works.” “Now, I will be able to pass it on to my children,” she added. Avital said she is not surprised by the sharp rise in demand for German citizenship among Israelis. “Look at what’s going on here. Ours is a land that devours its inhabitants. The obtuseness to the needy, the corruption. People are dying to get out of here.” Jews can’t do anything right. They’re really only good at one thing: escaping the consequences of their rotten, lying, malicious behavior. This same cunt who claims that Germany is drenched with the blood of her family in the same breath says her grandparents were ‘Holocaust’ survivors. Real Germans fought in the war. Fake Germans, i.e., jews in Germany, sat it out and bitched and at the end of it were still alive to collect hate taxes from real Germans in the guise of victims. Jews are not victims, jews victimize others. In other ridiculous news, Germany will co-host with Yad Vashem an exhibit on anti-semitism, whatever that is. An exhibit on loxism is what Germany needs. Millions of Germans were killed or starved due to wars initiated by jews, or wars to prevent jews from doing to Germany and the rest of the West what they did to Russia. Jews and not victims, jews victimize others. As long as the jews retain control of governments and tv, the same lies will be spread and the same loxist policies will be pursued. Here on the campaign against jew Finkelstein. The measure of “legitimacy” for American politicians has long been their record in service of (or lack of resistance to) the aims of
Israel Inc. It now seems a similar criterion is maturing at DePaul… Here an exploration of the meaning of the term

Holocaust Survivor = Thieving Liar

‘Holocaust Survivor’ is yet another scam by which jews contrive to live at the expense of the goyim they hate. Here’s a good example of a kike, named Shmuelvich, getting off with a slap on the wrist for a crime the goyish equivalent of which would earn years in prison and global denunciations. Here’s a good example of jewish behavior toward non-jews. If you removed all the liars, murderers, swindlers, terrorists and hypocrites from Israel you’d come up with a negative number.

White Wisdom: Jews are Responsible for Communism

From ZioPedia. It should be clear by now that the Jewish people do have a collective responsibility for the horrendous mass murders of communism, just as they have a collective responsibility for the crimes of the state of Israel right now. Jews assume whichever identity works “in the moment.” If the blacks are gaining power, then the jews aren’t white. If the communists are in the saddle, then judaism is communism, as one rabbi put it. If communism is on the outs, then the jews who produced it become atheists. Being a jew means never having to say you’re sorry. It means you spend your life accusing others and collecting guilt checks for nonexistent atrocities the world’s richest, most powerful victims continually suffer. In fact jews suffer not at all; rather, they cause suffering to others. Their papers and tv programs are nothing but ways of disseminating jewprop, to gull the goyim. More here on the way goys are manipulated by lying hebes. Jewish sins go unanswered, unacknowledged, unaccounted for. For all their transgressions, the Jews on our planet never wear the stain of their iniquities, never lose sleep over the gross injustices foisted on our countries, our communities and our children. Why? Because Gentile life is cheap, very cheap indeed. We have permitted this to be so.


Jew Kissinger Visits Putin

What’s up? Reminds us of Kissinger’s visits to Rhodesia, and his talks with Ian Smith. Here on jew Berezovsky charged with
embezzlement. Here on Russians seeking oil in the Arctic. There has never been a manned journey to the sea bed of the North Pole. ‘Who knows, we may even discover some as yet unknown organism,’ said Valery Kuznetsov, head of the expedition’s oceanography team. Here on Nashi Camp, from jew Horowitz’ hate site.


Wooldridge on Mexinvasion and our evil leaders.

Murdoch and the Media

From jew Alterman. Take a look at his flagship American publication: the New York Post. It’s dumb, celebrity-obsessed,
spineless, corrupt, unreliable and reactionary, and even with all its pandering, it still manages to lose, by its own estimation, $30 million to $50 million a year. It’s not just the Post that Murdoch operates as a de facto nonprofit. The Times of London lost $89 million in 2004, and according to a News Corp. executive quoted in a recent Wall Street Journal article, even the Australian “doesn’t consistently make money.” Murdoch doesn’t care. Newspapers make up just 14 percent of News Corp.’s operating income. What they cost in cash, they more than make up for in political and propaganda value. Good points. Murdoch, a non-jew or half-jew, depending on whether his mother Elizabeth Joy Greene (spelling) is/was a jew is in any case a 100% supporter of Israel and Zionist warmongering. Here a collection of facts about News Corp. Here on latest attempts to control Internet. Here on AmeriKikes + Kennedy attempting to murder the First Amendment. Here on Murdoch buying WSJ for $5 billion. More here.



Title links to Izzy-crit re WTC demolition day. Here part I of interview with Randy Weaver. Here’s part II.


Coelacanth News

Caught in Asia, second ever. Do you think the more attractive animals ought to be preserved? Then you ought to be a White nationalist. White political control is the only chance African animals have. Under Mudgabe, Zimbabweans starve. When you’re starving, it’s hard to see animals as anything other than food, and Africans were never too concerned with the specifics of what they could fit in their maws in the first place. Here read about rare gorillas killed by Congoleums. The attacks will be devastating for the gorilla population in Virunga, estimated at 100 animals – of a world population of about 700. At least three other gorillas have been killed in Virunga so far this year. The 3,000-square mile park is home to several armed militia groups, and more than 100 rangers have been killed in recent years trying to protect the wildlife. It’s a question that has troubled philosphers for weeks. Are niggers land sharks or are sharks sea niggers?


Compost Cunts’ Vertical Lips Just Say No to Meat-Eater Beef Injections


Not eating meat is an excellent way to grow sick and insane. “I would not want to be intimate with someone whose body is literally made up from the bodies of animals who have died for their sustenance,” she said. What about the poor, tiny sperm you’re flooded with after successful irrigation? Those itty, bitty animalcules will all die in three days unless you save them. There is nothing on earth that can combine self-righteousness with gassy stupidity in the manner of a liberal white female. “I would not want to be intimate with someone whose body is literally made up from the bodies of animals who have died for their sustenance,” she said. How does the meat eater feel about fucking mulch, you dumb bitch? Here on socialized medicine not being the solution.



Rowling is a Believer, tho many of her fellowesses dislike her work.

1 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in jewish hate & hypocrisy, Nazi era, Nazis, Socrates, war crimes at 4:09 pm | Permanent Link

Any rewards being offered for Jewish criminals regarding communist-era crimes in Poland? Hungary? Romania? Latvia? [1][2][3]


[1] Poland: [Here]

[2] Latvia: [Here]

[3] Romania: [Here]

1 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in feminism, New World Order, Socrates at 3:30 pm | Permanent Link

Heard recently (paraphrasing): “If a woman desires too much in life, she may always be disappointed.” Yep. Jewish feminism says that women can have anything they want. False. Women aren’t built that way. Instead, they were designed for a certain role in life (just as men were designed for a certain role in life). The idea of a woman working in an office all day while ignoring her family is a sick one. So is the idea of a woman being a cop or a firefighter. Yet 9 out of 10 “conservatives” have no problem with women wearing manpants.

More about feminism: [Here]

1 August, 2007

Posted by Archives in audio, VNNB, VNNB-Tuesday at 10:04 am | Permanent Link

Hosts OnThePathToTruth and Signal

Subjects: Living off the grid and moreā€¦