24 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Luke O'Farrell at 12:01 am | Permanent Link

Frozen for the Chosen

Abe’s Right Behind the H8-Bawl

    I’ve never thought the difference between Western and non-Western societies is that we’re good and they’re bad. No, we’re bad and they’re worse. Mass immigration is ensuring that we get more like them every day. The two most powerful engines of human conflict are race and religion, so America, Britain and Europe now have a lot of horsepower under their hoods. Sooner or later someone will stamp on the gas and start burning rubber. The prospect deeply concerns the Anti-Defamation League, America’s foremost anti-bigotry crusaders, and they want to ward disaster off with tough, no-nonsense laws:


23 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Spintros at 8:46 pm | Permanent Link

Jew Foxman

Jew Gottfried creams some White points; Cantrell emerges from the woodwork, after years of silence. He even takes a shot at racists like us who are practically the only ones promoting him, and in gorgeous terms. Rather caddishly refuses to admit that we’ve rebutted his argument, rather than evaded it. Here’s the jew-on-jew attack referred to. More decent jew-on-jew action here, Rosenbaum on Fish. Was WTC demolitions a jewish production? It was filmed just like one. The execremedia back up every stinking jew lie because, hey, they’re edited by lying jews. Makes sense, huh?

Libertarian Takes a Leap: “Saving England Wasn’t Worth It”

Scott Horton is right. This is an amazing step for a libertarian. Not only was saving England not worth it – ENGLAND WASN’T SAVED. Today White girls are groomed for prostitution by Muslim invaders, admitted by the jews controlling immigration policy, the same jews who forbid, by law, Whites from criticizing the ‘minorities’ that make up 92% of the world’s population and flock like shitpeas to the landing strip.  Under Hitler, none of this would have happened. Under Hitler, White men had more free speech than you have in England today. What’s wrong with a world in which the interests of White men are put first? Nothing. Scott Horton is still naive about a lot of things, as you can see from his mention of the “death camps” that Whites and history know weren’t. Still, baby steps are appropriate for babies. Sometimes even littletarians grow up to become White men. The jews at WSJ are unhappy that not only is Putin encouraging youth to breed, he’s rewriting the history books in jew-uncomfortable ways. It’s anti-semitic to write your own history. The jews have a narrative for you and your people. It begins with their being “chosen” by god, and ends with you owing them eternal fealty based on imaginary wrongs committed against them by your ancestors. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

Another Nigger Comes to Naught

More here. Nothing bawls like a nigger.
There is nothing a nigger won’t fuck, even other niggers, if they’re hard up.  What is a nigger? Take a look, fathers. This is what your cable is bringing into your house. Here’s what niggers do in Freaka – not pretty. When niggers look at people they don’t see people they see parts for potions.

Political Correctness = Semitical Correctness = Communism = Judaism

Article by libertarian on Duke rape hoax, tied to PC, the subject of a monograph by Frank Ellis titled “Marxism, Multiculturalism, and Free Speech,” and discussed at length in our 8/21/07 and 8/22/07 Linder Radio shows, see below. Here the dirt on Tert. That would be V.D. “Tert” Hanson, a goyfront for the kikes murdering our land. Here the she-black Elizabeth Wright on black neocons like Sowell. They sell out to the jew just like their whiteskinned shabbos-goy counterparts. Once a fierce proselytizer against active involvement in fickle party politics, which he claimed distracted ethnic groups from achieving economic success in society, Sowell now is a major sycophant of the GOP. Although he rants about the cliches that permeated the old peace movement, he is a walking cliche for the war movement. Provoke war, just because you can, just because you’re bigger and stronger, and just because you’re the world’s only Super Power. This seems to be the heart of his message. Correct. Sowell was trained by yids, has a similar background to Colin Powell who was also raised as a darky shabbes goy. The kikes hate Ron Paul. Why? Because his foreign policy would put an end to their wars-to-extend-Israel. Here Ritter on Cheney. Here the latest missive from political prisoner Germar Rudolf.  Here Larry Darby on the jewed Constitution. Not that he necessarily puts it that way, but that’s what Brown vs. Board and the rest of the Look-Ma-No-Precedents! mislawing is. Sobran often says that the Constitution poses no threat to our government, which is true, but what he ought to say is that the Constitution really is unfit to deal with the unprecedented power of the media. If the media are owned by a single party, then the rest of the country will hear about only those alternatives it profits the Media Party to present. Here on some especially nasty skullcap skulduggery. You can pretty much bet that if muzzy ever explodes a nuke on us, izzy will have sold him the components.

Loxist Attack in Huffington Post

Jew slams Romney. How dare Whites adhere to civilized standards? Don’t they know this is a new era, the Age of the Nigger? In fact, white people embarrass me. More often than not, I find them clueless, clumsy, soulless, insincere, patronizing, reeking of privilege, occasionally bordering on rude and, quite often, fat. Good rejoinder here from Lee County Today, one of our local affiliates. In the real world, every race but the White race is racially aware and self serving as Hell. Jews have successfully programmed most White sheeple into believing that they have no right to such a racial identity. In fact, in Jew-multi-cult-wacko-world, any White person who cleaves to a White Western Christian ideology is immediately suspect and subject to criticism. Misogynistic racist criminal Black gangstas are OK. Chant “Kill the Gringo” at a La Raza parade OK. Let your AIDS infected dick swing in the breeze at a Disneyland gay pride parade OK. Demand endless reparations and special privileges for a “Holocaust” that happened sixty plus years ago OK. But think White, act White and be White, and you’re fucked. Jews and their millions of brainwashed White philosemitic yada yadaing pseudo Jews would have us believe that their world is the real world. But, in increasing numbers, the goyim are waking up and catching on to the game, and that just scares the shit out of me. Great stuff. Orthodox jews are human-shaped vermin, as jew Klinghoffer attests. They hate all non-jews. If you want to learn more about their disgusting shenanigans, listen to Bud White on Free Talk Live, Friday nights at 9:00 p.m. Eastern.

Prussia Reconsidered

Like Germany, Prussia has been dissed, and by the same kikes. Here on a professor in Berlin, busted for saying the wrong things. Cops are saying or pretending there’s some connection between Andrej Holm and recent fires.

VIDEO: Kinison in ‘Back to School’

Great clip, altho somewhat fucked up. Kinison exhibits an Aryan view of history. The jewish view is that the one duty we owe history is to rewrite it (Wilde) – in our interests! add the jews.

Movies: ‘Bourne Ultimatum’

Libertarian review, another.


They loan at high rates. You pay. If you’re foolish. If you don’t pay, then you pay – through the government, which dilutes currency by printing printing printing the night away.
the Fed has come to the aid of speculators and the financial industry. Here Steele on U.S. approaching the tipping point. Here on women outearning men.

Books: Jewess Encourages Whites Not to Procreate

If you think children suck, try jews. Children grow up. Jews just get jewier.

Science: Human Evolution Continues

Science, unlike jew anthropology profs, concerns itself with facts.

Hetty Green

A woman unlike other women. A nasty miser and brilliant funds accumulator.

Moosebelch Is Killing Our Planet

A dilemma for the dull. If you see a moose, run it over. Good luck. Better yet, if you see an environmentalist, feed it to a moose. Since enviros don’t eat meat, they’re made of mulch and perfect for munching moose.

23 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 7:45 pm | Permanent Link




I just returned from the 82nd Airborne Division Convention in Harrisburg, PA.
I met a particularly obnoxious man who had Swiss jump wings on his beret.
He said he also served in the US Army in the 82nd and was a Swiss citizen.
He mouthed venom against Germans and told me that he was a  Jew and a Zionist.
I told him that I was proud to have informed my superior officers when
I was a Marine that I would never serve in any war that benefited the Zionist Jews
because of the cowardly attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 that killed 134 sailors and Marines.
He became enraged when I told him this and then I asked him if he was such a committed
Zionist, then why is he not serving in the Israeli military and dodging Hezbollah rockets
and bullets?
No reply of course.
I avoided this cockroach for the rest of the convention.
Mike L.


Thanks for the warning about the draft!
Would you be willing to spread the word about www.draftresistance.org?  It’s a site dedicated to shattering the myths surrounding the selective slavery system and building mass civil disobedience to stop the draft before it starts!
Our banner on a website, printing and posting the anti-draft flyer or just telling friends would help.
Scott Kohlhaas
PS. When it comes to conscription, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!


Hello Mr. Linder,
just wondering, what was the outcome of the trial or court appearance concerning the “Knoxville rally”? Somehow I missed reading a final ruling on the matter.
 Notice also that you are more active with the written word on your website as well. This is something that you had mastered on the “old” VVN site and something that was somewhat neglected in the past on the new version of VNN.
Have a good day!


Great first show.
I really enjoyed the format – reading of the articles, discussion of the points, and what it means for us as we go forward.
I hope you continue along the same lines, format wise, in the future.
The show you put together was very different from the other shows on VNN; very distinct.
I have forwarded the link to everyone I know.
I won’t bother you in the future on your show, just wanted to say that I’ll be listening, and good luck.
Mike P.
Owego, NY


Hello Alex,
After listening to April Gaede talk about her bad cop experience, it reminded me of a similar story I heard on the Alex Jones show.
The government is hiring punks as cops to treat citizens like shit, but these same cops don’t have the balls to touch an illegal alien.

You might want to tell April about this. She might want to get in touch with this couple. It’s not just racialists that are being targeted, its all people, esp whites. The gov is about to initiate its police state apparatus, and needs these types of cops on the payroll to do the work of zog.
Also, I never realized how much our enemies have infiltrated the movement until recently. I always thought the nazi look was done by immature guys who like to act like the Hollywood Nazi. But, the fact is, serious men do not play games, our lives are on the line and therefore we cannot trust anyone wearing nazi garb. Since the only types of white men that would do the governments dirty work are immature, and have a low IQ, I would assume that any white man saying or doing anything that discredits the work of serious white men and women are zog agents. It’s time to push off the nazi look and get dead serious. We must assume that anyone wearing klan or nazi material is a zog agent that out to discredit us, and until the movement does that, it will go nowhere.


Another recommendation. Always make jew the bottom. Use adjectives to get at specific aspects of the creature, but always use jew, and always make it the heavy:  ex. jewish producers vs producing jews. This keeps emphasis on jew. Jewish is much weaker than jew, in fact jewish should be avoided entirely. In addition to labeling jews, the term jew should be used in discussion. Most people recoil from saying jew. Accustoming people to saying it accustoms them to thinking in terms of jews being a group apart. A group with interests that conflict with Whites. All this must be brought into White consciousness, so that they learn proper framing: White vs jew. Not conservative vs liberal or Rep vs Dem – White vs. jew.  Separate but related issue is to come up with a popular term for the hatred jews have for Whites. Duke uses Jewish supremacism, which is a mirror to White supremacism used in the controlled media. That’s ok, I guess. It’s not perfect. It’s me-tooey and smarty-ish. I use loxism. It hasn’t taken off, but is intended as a mirror to racism. It is hard to talk about something that isn’t acknowledged to exist. Coming up with a name for phenomenon X is necessary, no matter who comes up with it. Most Whites are inflexible and jealous, and happy enough to eat out of the jew-supplied animal cracker box. That shouldn’t be. Words are warfare by other means. What Whites can’t grasp without being told is that until we get to the point where we’re dragging jews out of bed and slitting their throats, the least we can do is make sure that we use only those terms that show us the good guys. Good term from one of our favorite sites, SpiritWaterBlood – ‘race queer.’



He does take money from jews. He does surround himself with and pay jews. He does prevent jews from being criticized. He does urge whites to blame themselves. He does refuse to admit that jews, even if we’re to blame, continue to take the high posts and cause the problems he’s ostensibly trying to solve.


Dave’s profound conclusion from dealing with the phony-baloney Christians at Wilson’s House of Mirrors: “How ironic that the only way NOT to be an anti-Semite is to lie about the jews.” Or as we have said, Truth is an anti-Semite.


Here are the words of rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, a frequent guest of “conservative” presidents, such as Ronald Reagan, at the White House: “[T]he body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world… [It] is so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species. This is the reason why the Talmud states that there is an halachic difference in attitude about the bodies of non-Jews [as opposed to the bodies of Jews]… An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness. We therefore ask: Why should a non-Jew be punished if he kills even a non-Jewish embryo while a Jew should not be punished even if he kills a Jewish embryo? The answer can be understood by [considering] the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews… ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth’ [Genesis 1:1] means that [the heavens and the earth] were created for the sake of the Jews, who are called the ‘beginning.’ This means everything, all developments, all discoveries, the creation, including the heavens and the earth – are vanity compared to the Jews.”



The notion that letting in a bunch of illegal immigrants from Mexico would give them (Bush or anyone else) the Hispanic vote is ludicrous. It was done purely for fat cat Republicans to provide cheap labor. In the first place Mexican immigrants, both legal and illegal refer to themselves as Mexicans not Hispanics which is an Anglo term. Mexicans see themselves as distinct and separate from Cubans, Puerto Ricans, and even all other Central Americans and South Americans. Second, with working experience at a plant where 97% of the laborers were Mexicans with a couple Cubans and El Salvadorans, the legal Mexicans were very upset with the illegal immigration. They claimed that the worst of the worst came in illegally AND that the illegals held down their wages. They also all objected to all forms of income taxes, especially the Federal ones because they were so high. When you see “Hispanic” in any media blurb, your are being had!


From anakata_anakata.hack.se Mon Sep 13 07:20:31 2004
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 07:19:36 -0100 (GMT)
From: anakata
To: Piracy – Online <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Copyright Infringement

On Tue, 14 Sep 2004, Piracy – Online wrote:

> September 14, 2004
> Fredrik Neij
> Box 1206
> Stockholm, Sweden  11479
>         Re:    Electronic Arts Trademark and Copyright
> Infringement Notice
> Dear Mr. Neij:
> It has been brought to the attention of Electronic Arts Inc. (“EA”) that
> the website http://www.piratebay.org with the IP addresses of
>,, is conducting
> unauthorized activities with respect to EA’s copyrighted software, The
> Sims 2.  The aforementioned website is offering and distributing
> bittorrent seeds for an unauthorized downloadable version of this EA
> game.
> The infringing material may be found at:
> http://www.piratebay.org/download.php/3238103/Sims%202.torrent
> http://www.piratebay.org/download.php/3238222/The_Sims2_AlcoholClone-CLO
> NEGAME_Full.Release_%28exclusive_for_trackerwww.prq.to%29.torrent

Hello and thank you for contacting us. We have shut down the website in

Oh wait, just kidding. We haven’t, since the site in question is fully
legal. Unlike certain other countries, such as the one you’re in, we have
sane copyright laws here. But we also have polar bears roaming the
streets and attacking people :-(.

> This unauthorized activity with respect to the distribution of EA’s
> software products constitutes infringement of EA’s intellectual property
> rights. EA enforces its intellectual property rights very aggressively
> by using every legal option available.

Please don’t sue us right now, our lawyer is passed out in an alley from
too much moonshine, so please atleast wait until he’s found and doesn’t
have a huge hangover…

> As you are listed as the registrant for this website, EA demands that
> you immediately and permanently disable access to the aforementioned
> bittorrent seeds for The Sims 2 and any in the future.

You’re free to demand anything you want. So are we. We demand that you
cease and desist sending letters like this, since they’re frivolous and
meaningless. Where should I send the bill for the consumed diskspace and

> Thank you for your cooperation.  If you have any questions concerning
> this matter, please contact us via e-mail at:
> [email protected].
> Regards,
> EA Law – IP Enforcement
> Electronic Arts Inc.
> [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>

Thank you for your entertainment. As with all other threats, we will
publish this one on http://static.thepiratebay.org/legal/




Overheard re the Gassings Earlier This Year…

August 13, 2007 @ 10:32 am · Filed under crime, controversies, About Town, deaths, mudsharks, niggers, police · Edit

Need a disclaimer on this one. It was overheard. Don’t know the speaker. Was not able to get in coversation with him/her. In general it is a shitty journalistic technique to rely on anonymous sources. That said, this is in fact what at least one person in Kirksville is going around saying with regard to the people who were gassed earlier in 2007.

“I don’t care what they say, ain’t no way there wasn’t foul play.”

“Who drives a van into a garage and leaves it running?”

What it means, I don’t know. You tell me. I don’t know any of the parties involved so I can’t speak to or even speculate reasonably on motives. All I know is that White girls who mix with niggers or mexicans end up hurt – every single time.


      Loser Said,

      August 19, 2007 @ 6:29 pm · Edit

      Kville said,

      “White girls who mix with niggers or mexicans end up hurt – every single time.”

      But that’s reality. We want fantasy! We want Cosby and diversity is our greatest strength and all those smart funny noble persons of color that we see on TV.

      TV is our friend. It makes us feel smart. You make us feel dumb.

      You’re no fun, Kville. Bet you also say “2 + 2 = 4? and “eat your spinach” and stuff like that.

      Well, my response to your bad vibes is love, love, love. So FUCK OFF.

      – Loser girl


Ron Paul would have won the Illinois Straw Poll as well as NH and AL but for two factors:

    1) As expected, Mitt Romney opened his wallet and his 8 air conditioned busloads of votes arrived on cue at the polling tent while supporters of other presidential hopefuls had to park nearly a mile away and trudge through the rainy fairgrounds to cast their votes.

    2) But the real story of the day was how McKenna & crew reacted to a large number of new Republicans who turned out in support of Ron Paul’s message of Goldwater republicanism. According to rules established by the ILGOP, voting was to take place between 11am and 4pm. While Rep. Paul finished in 3rd place behind undeclared candidate Fred Thompson, it was discovered that as late as 3:30 pm Ron Paul was in 2nd place with 151 votes to Fred’s 148. Curiously, ILGOP staffers then announced the polls would remain open until 4:30pm ‘because it rained earlier,’ then they said the polls would close at 4:15pm. But alas, at 4:08pm they got the results they wanted and closed the polls. We’ll let our readers draw their own conclusions.



(The reports in Swedish, but for those who can’t speak the language there are pictures)


(This ones in German, again with pictures)

& a video from Prussian Blue’s live performance at Nordiska Festivalen (the nordic festival) in Sweden



    New Comment
        holocaust denial –  sowhat  8/13/2007  6:47 PM
What if someone has the academic training and experience to question seriously the numerous discrepancies, false testimony, missing evidence, context in which events occurred, discovery of new evidence, corrections, and so on? What should that person be labeled as a denier, anti, revisionist or any pejorative, when the person is attempting to bring some scholarly analysis to a highly controversial subject. Is it not true that the Jewish fund-raising groups used the term Six Million exterminated back in World War I? Wasn’t the Jewish population in Germany at the outbreak of the 1939 war about 250,000 maximum? Is it not true that Jewish groups/Zionists obtained at least $80 billion dollars from post-war destroyed Germany alone? Isn’t the rationale for ‘German guilt’ based to some extent that it’s been their tax dollars, even when they had nothing to do with it? Isn’t it true that German Jews from 1939 when food rationing was introduced,received the same rations as the rest of the populace, who were most certainly starving in 1945 and on? Isn’t it true that many German Jews and Jews in occupied countries were never in any camps at all? Isn’t it true that due to the wartime economy, including the severe British blockade and then the Allied carpet/terror/incendiary bombings for years (intended not to disrupt production so much as to destroy morale, which it did not) contributed significantly to civilian losses, disease, hunger? Wasn’t virtually everyone put to work or into detention for security reasons, including non-Jewish Germans themselves, and that virtually everyone in the combat areas suffered extreme hardships? How much of the Nationalists’ platform was based not so much on race or religion but on the political situation, revolution and economic horrors from 1917 to 1932 when Jewish Bolsheviks and Zionists had a such disproportionate political power both in Germany and the newly created border states (Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, etc.) carved from Germany, and made life for the German population sheer hell? Wasn’t it more that Jews/Communists were perceived as a threat by the Nationalists? Is it ‘all right’ for an army to shoot back at the Jewish Bolshevik terrorists, resistants, insurgents on the Ostfront, Italy, France (or all right just the US and Brits), i.e., weren’t at least some of the German police (and military) activity in the East etc. directed against non-Geneva terrorists? Isn’t it true that the NKVD did much of the action ascribed to German forces? The Soviets lost an estimated 46 MILLION and small Germany lost over 10 million military and civilian. How much of the demonizing (some preposterous and ridiculous as well as untrue) of Germany post-war was Soviet as well as Jewish? After all, they won, the Brits lost their Empire, the US made money, lots of it, on some muddled notion of preserving the freedoms, democracies, liberations (of whom? and why),the US/Brits gave ‘world domination’ to the Communists/Bolsheviks, and the Jews got Palestine…so, how come rumors and claims of death camps in the East couldn’t be investigated, then or now? what exactly is the culpability supposed to be of a trainman who sees persons being moved to work centers in the East, as well as the millions of troops, wounded, and refugees? Of course transport details were known. So? What exactly is it that Ms. Lipstadt is ‘fighting’ for or against, the $80 billion?


All Fractional-Reserve Banks Are Bankrupt
Posted by Lew Rockwell at 09:06 AM

No American bank is really sound, and were it not for the Fed and the FDIC, the banksters’ folly would lead to perpetual bankruns (which is why we need a gold standard and 100% reserve banking for a free and sound economy).

But some are more bankrupt than others, and clearly some are tottering on the edge. Will they tip over this time, after two decades of Greenspanite mania?

It’s not a good sign that the biggest of the big banks–Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, Bank of America, Wachovia, J.P Morgan-Chase, etc.–are borrowing at the discount window. That is, they are getting newly created money at a premium to keep them in existence hour to hour.

It may seem as if the Fed can print unlimited dollars, but then it faces hyperinflation and the collapse of the already-sliding dollar internationally, and perhaps the end of the dollar-reserve standard, and therefore the empire. (Not to speak of the destruction of dollar assets here at home.)


“Texas Rep. Ron Paul garnered 216 of 266 votes in a Republican presidential straw poll conducted Saturday in Tuscaloosa, Ala., by the West Alabama Republican Assembly.

“Among the supporters on hand to cheer Mr. Paul’s straw-poll victory was Thomas Woods, author of the 2004 bestseller The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History.

“‘Ron Paul believes in freedom and the Constitution, and as a historian it is my sincere opinion that he is the greatest congressman in American history,’ said Mr. Woods, a senior fellow at the libertarian Mises Institute in Auburn, Ala.”


Amerikwa, What A Country:


Aug 19, 2007 – 6:33:22 PM

HELLO AMERICA! The Tehran Holocaust denial conference was denounced by the United Nations, the U.S. Congress, the British and French Parliaments, and the Israeli Knesset.  But even as outrage over the conference spread, the world could only guess at what was transpiring behind the closed doors of the clandestine meeting rooms where the deniers plotted their strategy.

Now the world will have to guess no longer, because one man — Holocaust historian and documentary filmmaker David Stein — was able to infiltrate the conference and secretly record the proceedings.  Stein, currently at work on the documentary film Nuremberg, starring Whoopi Goldberg, put all of his projects on hold when he learned about the Tehran conference.  “I felt that someone had to document what was going on,” Stein gtold me durting a recent interview.  “Someone had to record the deniers’ plans, and someone had to tell the worl.  This was the first time that a government had sponsored a Holocust denial conference.  Deniers have had conferences before, but always inprimatge or secret.  Now, they were the honored buesgs atg a state-sponsored event. That’s a very ominous sign.”

As a well-known documentary filmmaker, and a Jew, Stein couldn’t infiltrate the conference himself, so he worked in tandem with an associate who was able to slip in and out of the conference unnoticed.  “At the close of the conference,” Stein adds grimly, “President Ahmadinejad pledged twenty-five million dollars to the cause of Holocaust denial, and the attendees toasted to the destruction of Israel.  And we have it all on tape.”

Stein is editing the footage from the Iran conference into a documentary film, which will explore the rise in anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial worldwide. Apart from the footage in Iran, Stein was able to score another exclusive — an interview with Mel Gibson’s Holocaust father.  “Mel’s dad had never before granted an on-camera interview,” explains Stein.  “I sat him down to ask him the questions that are on everyone’s mind, questions like how deeply does anti-Semitism factor into Gibson family life, and what does Mel think about his dad’s outspoken Holocaust denial.  The answers I got were sometimes very shocking.”

David, whose production company is Nistarim International Media (www.nistarim.com), hopes to have hif film ready by the end of the year (’07),



Linkname: Tests show racial achievement gap – sacbee.com


> Most people who have a thinking brain already knew this, but many
> people who have been dumbed down for many years have fooled themselves
> into thinking we are all equal.

My observation suggests that people simply _want_ equality to be
true so badly, that for them *poof* it becomes true.  These are the same
kinds of people who believe in “an after-life”, Gods, and Heaven.

> This article should act as an eye opener for those who have went to
> sleep due to the media’s constant barrage of lies when it comes to
> race. Not only are we all not equal, but directly due to this failed
> experiment with multi-culturism our fatherland is taking a nosedive
> into the abyss of race mixing.

I seriously question whether once read, the way it was worded,
that it would be properly interpreted by the average White.  For an
example, look how the average White falls for these “interest-only
mortgage” scams — listening only to the “lower your payment” part, but
without _understanding_ the ramifications _of_ interest-only payments!

> I wonder how this news paper will try to clean this one up, when the
> Jessie Jackson types start whining about letting the truth out of the
> preverbal bag?

This argument is met with a shrug, by Blacks and Whites.  People
either won’t acknowledge the truth, don’t understand, or don’t care.

Linkname: Aggressive/Antisocial | ZNet Blogs


   Controversial Canadian professor Philippe Rushton, best known for
   shocking the world in 1989 with a paper arguing some races were
   smarter than others, is back with another study saying blacks are not
   as genetically gifted as whites or East Asians. Sixteen years ago,
   his theory was incendiary. This time around, it was greeted with a
   shrug. What’s changed?

> Long live National Socialism and the biggest truth teller since Jesus
> Christ.

Jews lie as instinctively as White people breathe.  You know
this statement is true.  Jesus Christ WAS A JEW.  Was he a liar?  You
bet, as instinctively a liar as you and I breathe.  Was he a lunatic? 
For the illegitimate child of a prostitute to think he was a God, well
YES!  Or was he both?  Or perhaps — did he even exist in the flesh?

My findings are that Jesus was modeled after many first century
Christs, many who thought they were living Gods, [and] is of pure myth.

Please forward this email to the same list where you forwarded
the above quoted text.  For that, I thank you.  :-)





Why Alexander Cockburn, Jeffrey St. Clair and Counterpunch.org are Full of Shit

Alexander Cockburn, Jeffrey St. Clair and Counterpunch.org are full of shit because of articles like the below. They’re dangerously full of shit because they are skilled propagandists – note how the below compilation, which includes a video of Madelaine Halfbright revgealing her callous views concerning the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children. Since the Counterpunch article appears to condemn Albright the naive reader might come to believe that Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair are good guys, i.e. they are condemning a bad Zionist right? Unfortunately, the below article in reality only reinforces the myth that Arabs were behind 9-11, which is a bald faced lie, the truth is 9-11 was orchetsrated by Zionists with the absolute complicity of the US Jews media and the United States government. If you still doubt this, YOU haven’t been paying attention to the facts. Start HERE and read the six articlews under “9-11” on the left side of the webpage along the black column.


23 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in books, feminism, jewed culture, Socrates at 6:18 pm | Permanent Link

Will this book be sold in Israel? Or only in Europe?


23 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in jewed Congress, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, tikkun olam, Zionism at 5:39 pm | Permanent Link

Is Syria located anywhere near America? Didn’t Lieberman also suggest, just two months ago, that the U.S. should consider attacking Iran? Is Iran located anywhere near America? [1]:


[1] about Lieberman, re: attacking Iran: [Here]

23 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', jewed foreign policy, Neocons, Socrates, Zionism at 12:22 am | Permanent Link

It’s called “Freedom’s Watch.” The group’s leader is Jewish, as are some of the other top members. Questions: whose freedom do they refer to in the group’s name? Has anyone in this group read the Mearsheimer and Walt report? [1][2][3][4]:


[1] about Blakeman: [Here]

[2] about Sembler: [Here]

[3] about Brooks: [Here]

[4] the Mearsheimer and Walt report: [Here]

22 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in rap, Socrates at 7:21 pm | Permanent Link

It had a limited appeal from the start, and that appeal faded over time as people became bored with it. Interestingly, one of the rap music industry’s “founders” was not black but Jewish [1]:


[1] about Rick Rubin: [Here]

22 August, 2007

Posted by Archives in audio, Linder Radio, VNNB at 6:20 pm | Permanent Link

With host Alex Linder. Show discussion here

22 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', blogs, Socrates, White media at 6:11 pm | Permanent Link

Don’t know why yet, but here’s a guess: Jewish groups, worried that Mrs. Gardener was influencing too many “soccer moms,” had her blog removed via financial or political pressure [1]:

Her former blog: [Here]

[1] a mention of Gardener: [Here]

22 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Linder Radio at 11:18 am | Permanent Link

Will be back on air today, 3pm CST until ?

Calls taken at 660 675 4388, if you’re on a landline. Skypers can reach me at vnnfreetalklive.