3 September, 2007

Posted by Archives in audio, VNNB, VNNB-Monday at 10:12 pm | Permanent Link

Another Free Talk Live: Monday shorty narrated by Stan, Yankee Jim, and technical difficulties.  Enjoy.

3 September, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Spintros at 9:35 pm | Permanent Link

AmeriKwa: Cowards ‘n’ Nitwitz All Compact

Mencken said Americans were the most poltroonish people on earth. Has anything changed? Let’s hope the ‘Kwa and Kikistan go down to defeat. Onward and downward for bushy. How we live these days. To be sure, there will be factional conflicts among this elite, and a degree of free debate will be permitted, within limits; but no one outside the privileged circle will be allowed to govern or influence state policy. Dissidents will be marginalized – usually by “the people” themselves. Deprived of historical knowledge by an impoverished educational system designed to produce complacent consumers, not thoughtful citizens, and left ignorant of current events by a media devoted solely to profit, many will internalize the force-fed values of the ruling elite, and act accordingly. There will be little need for overt methods of control.

Every Jew a Survivor – Now Pay Up, Dirty Goy

Jews shit more crap daily than a large dog. Then they write goys citations for not scooping their poop.  The Holocaust is not a big lie, it is a Giant Lie. Jews have higher average income than any other group. Jews everywhere lambaste goys at will. Goys who dare criticize jews are smeared, ostracized, fired or murdered. You tell me who’s the victim and who’s the persecutor. The ‘Holocaust’ is big business, and the business is effecting a transfer of resources from you to Big Jew.

ZOG’s Double Standard

Nifong gets one day in jail. He tried to railroad three White men he knew to be innocent. One day in jail. One day in jail. This is why Jefferson said there needed to be a bloody revolution every 20 years or so. So remember folks, you can murder your husband and get 200 days, as long as you mouth femprop. You can attempt to railroad Whites and get one day. You can walk down the street and protest this system and get attacked by cops, charged with assault, and given six months probation. This is your government. This is your government on jews. Any questions?

Taki Caves

Yielding to pressure from neocons, Taki allows a kike to ease its bowels on Hitler. We learn from kike Schoeman that Hitler was consecrated to Satan. No, we’re not kidding. How do you look at yourself in the mirron, you pallids? It is said the measure of a man’s character can be taken in how he treats people beneath him. There is no one beneath “Nazis” in the estimation of those with power, i.e. jews and their lackeys. So how do men affecting honor and respect for truth treat Hitler and the nationalists? Not much different than the left does. They use Hitler & Co. to make themselves look good. Regardless of what Hitler actually said and did, he and his are used as touchstones of Evil. The pales do achieve the separation they intend, but what they don’t get is they come out on the bottom and Hitler on top. Hitler fought the same jews the paleocons fight, but Hitler fought them directly and effectively. The paleocons, to the extent they have any fight in them, which is small, fight indirectly and ineffectively. One tries to imagine a paleocon winning anything – a fight, an election, a fair maiden. One fails. Here a perfect example of why paleoconservatives can’t win Faith is not just wrong or irrational. It is a positive evil, like drunk driving, diabetes or racism. When you accede in the terminology of liars, you perpetrate their lies and strengthen their position and undermine your own. Does race exist? Yes. Do the differences between races matter? Yes. Can we preserve the things worth conserving if we ignore race? No. Then why in the world would we play along with the judeo-left and agree that to take note of racial differences is “positive evil”? We wouldn’t – if we were serious. On the other hand, if it were “all just a game. A way of making a living.” we would. So Sobran described professional conservatism, and he was right. Those serious about beating the jew-left don’t yield on anything. Their reward is to be called nazis. Like the real article, they represent the only true threat to Jewish Tyranny out there. They alone have the potential to win.

Against Islamicization of Europe

And just off the coast, British abandon the island in record numbers. Hitler’s loss was everybody’s loss – except for the commies and jews, the latter being the only true winners of World War II. An unprecedented 196,000 left the country last year, with Australia, Spain, America, New Zealand and France the most popular destinations

Taki-ng a Crap on Charles

Name one significant difference between Diana and Paris Hilton. Diana was a despicable cunt liberal, not one whit different from Angelina Jolie or any other jet-setting poser. Her fans are prole slobs in purple t-shirts and middle-class denizens of the Olive Garden. Beauty? She couldn’t even draw her own husband’s eyes away from a turkey-necked biddy. Compassion? Love for diseased niggers is hatred for humanity. Her life, her death, her funeral, her fans – there wasn’t one thing about this woman that wasn’t in bad taste. The only undeniable virtue she possessed lay in being the perfect embodiment of England’s national motto: to seem.

Movies: ‘300’

Reflecting upon the ultimate sacrifice of Leonidas and his men, Herodotus said that he memorized all 300 names because they deserved to be remembered.

Criminal Jews

On the AIPAC scandal. Here audio of debate between jews Chomsky and Perle. Good Sobran on word abuse related to defense/war industry.

CIA: The Incompetent WASP at His Finest

The WASPs proved incapable of protecting American interests; the jews don’t give a shit about American interests. No big surprise our foreign policy is one continual fuckup.
More here on  Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA.

Media Change

Lefties try to make sense of things. Fail as always. Mass media are controlled by jews. Thereby allowing jews to pull off all kinds of dirty tricks like, to pick an example at random, the WTC demolitions.

3 September, 2007

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 9:28 pm | Permanent Link


Alex:  You should pump this up, and add some color.
There has been a big discussion on how best to promo VNN and its programs like FTL. I made this suggestion before, and you can consider this professional advice.
Make a small sign on plastic poster board. The sign could be the size of a sheet of paper, or legal sized, or the size of your average political yard sign. Doesn’t have to be huge.
On the sign, in thick letters, with indelible ink marker, write:
white news
Post these signs in high traffic areas—they can be taped up, stapled up, or mounted on wire or wooden stakes.
Pick spots where you know political candidates and businesses regularly post signs. GOVNN.COM is a media business!
For you young fellows who get around, using your imagination, you can create lots of good free publicity for VNN. The cost next to nothing.
white news


A fascinating work and a novel introduction

I finished reading From Bauhaus to Our House by Tom Wolfe. I was enthralled by its eye-popping facts and insight into “Modern Architecture”.

Firstly, Wolfe’s expose of the tenets of this school (or better yet, schul), were new to me. Sure, I generalized – and correctly – that any and all new movements in the cultural sphere breathed degeneracy, distortion, and therefore, revolutionary Jewishness, yet I didn’t know the exact dictums of the movement in architecture.

Wolfe made it lambently clear that “Modern Architecture” is rooted in the tenets of Marxism. The architectural motifs are minimalistic, exempt from ornamentation and flair and utilize only steel, concrete, and naked beams.

The architects wanted to create Marxism through their buildings. They viewed ornamentation and flair as “bourgeois pretensions” and materials other than those representing the factories of the proletariat as immoral. Consequently, their structures had slabs of uncovered concrete, beams, and bare walls left grey or colored white or black. They only used flat roofs. Their interiors were small, crowded, and tight-fitting. In fact, their ideal and goal was to create a house for the worker: the “worker-house”.

These Communist-inspired perverts were, as was natural, closed down or wrecked by the Hitlerian regime. Their ability to espouse and propagandize Bolshevism was obfuscated. Anyway, I digress.

Once an introduction to the spirit of this movement was made, Wolfe then went on to lambast them in the most painful way imaginable: sarcasm and wit. He showed that these “naked emperors” barely turned theory into fact: they didn’t design too many buildings! They formed dogmatic, posturing, and ostracizing clics like bullies on a street corner. In short, Wolfe’s work deconstructed (!) the pretensions of these empty-brained, and very untalented, picayunes.

This, in addition to his The Painted Word, an explosive and funny attack on “Modern Art”, are must reads.



Hallo Mr. Linder,
today 68 years ago the British and the French set off what is today commonly referred to as  world war 2.
Regards kkf


Agents Provocateurs


Considering that every truly conservative (as opposed to the self-righteous imperialistic liberalism that is neoConism) site that allows comments has repeat problems similar to those that ruined that local GAA, I would suggest that we all make an effort to recognize those whose views can serve only to divide and conquer for those who hold the moneybags of power in the Yankee empire. Who knows how many trouble makers on various sites, in various groups, are agents provocateurs, some for the imperial government, some for groups such as the ADL or SPLC?

What I do know is that when a couple of people ruin commentary on an article as important as Richert’s, they serve, whether they so know or are accidental serfs, powers as insidious, as amorally corrupt, as those that paid to try to destroy the GAA and other Irish cultural groups. I hope that those who take part in our lively discussions on the comment forums here at Takimag.com will remember that incivility and cheap, slanderous assaults on the personal integrity of their interlocutors effectively serve the cause of censorship.



Taki writes, “The Weekly Standard. WSJ, Fox and other neo-con crap carriers will do their best to ignore it.”

Taki, I don’t get it. When your website censors Hoffman its okay, but if The Weekly Standard, WSJ and Fox do it to Gottfried, it’s not.

Is this a double standard, or am I missing something?



3 September, 2007

Posted by Dietrich in Free Talk Live at 7:36 pm | Permanent Link

Tune into Hal’s server at 9pm est for the talk – (winamp) and http://www.halturnershow.com/Listen.ram (realplayer)


Show Thread:  Vanguard News Network Forum – View Single Post – Free Talk Live Monday 9/03/07 (Labor Day)

Powered by ScribeFire.

3 September, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, White philosophy, White radio, White thought, William Pierce at 5:40 pm | Permanent Link

Text, arranged by year: [Here]

Audio, arranged by year: [Here]

3 September, 2007

Posted by Socrates in academia, education, New World Order, Socrates, William Pierce at 3:44 pm | Permanent Link

Will your child attend a university where he’ll learn about “important” subjects like racial equality and the civil-rights movement? If so, maybe you should consider these comments, which are found in the important leaflet “The Roots of Civilization” by Dr. William L. Pierce. Does your child need four years of Marxist indoctrination? Perhaps he could learn a trade instead [1][2][3]:

“The proper function of a university is the training of scholars, and no society needs or can tolerate more than a small percentage of them – not to mention the fact that the natural abundance of satisfactory raw material for the production of scholars is rather low in any normal society. In addition to this function, there is also a need for advanced training in a number of professions: engineering and medicine, for example. Every citizen, of course, should have a working knowledge of the basic skills of civilized life: of reading, grammar, composition, arithmetic, and elementary science. Beyond this, he should have a sufficient familiarity with the history, the culture, and the social and political institutions of his people that he feels a strong sense of identity. This necessarily means a study of history, literature, and that subject matter generally designated as ‘civics.’

But it is neither necessary nor healthy to send the bulk of a nation’s young people to a university for four years, simply postponing for that length of time their coming to grips with their lives and beginning useful activity of one sort or another. And it is extraordinarily mischievous to take millions of young men and women whose natural endowments suit them best for lives of simple, manual activity; to make them sit in university lecture rooms for four years engaging in meaningless work culminating in meaningless diplomas; and to convince them thereby that manual work is “beneath” them. Twelve years of elementary and secondary schooling, properly organized, is sufficient for all but a small percentage of a nation’s youth. The fact that our high schools do not now produce with satisfactory efficiency graduates with either the requisite grounding in the basic skills of civilized life or a strong sense of national and racial identity is not a good reason for compounding the inefficiency for another four years. Indeed, it is a reason for reorganizing our whole system of elementary and secondary education.”

[1] there is also an abridged version of this leaflet on the internet: [Here]

[2] also of importance in this leaflet is the mention of IQ tests, Blacks and abstract reasoning. Blacks are nearly unable to think abstractly

[3] this leaflet can be ordered by mail at the rate of 20 for $3: [Here]

3 September, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 1:02 pm | Permanent Link

…show will go on as soon as server comes back up.

3 September, 2007

Posted by Archives in audio, VNNB, VNNB-Sunday at 7:52 am | Permanent Link

Join me your co-host Bud White and my co-host Rabbi Marv Tapirman for non stop TJB reporting. We’ll have a update on the Israeli locksmith situation, Larry Craig resigns, A mikvah opens in Estonia, Jews go full throttle after the patriot dames and tons more TJB so be sure to tune in.

3 September, 2007

Posted by alex in Linder Radio at 12:44 am | Permanent Link

Probably start at 1pm CST if nothing gets in our way. Lots of interesting things to discuss. We’ll reprise the end of ch. 1 of Libido Dominandi, Sexual Liberation and Political Control, lost to the winds last show thanks to auto-boot from our software. We’ll also talk about the new Chris Bollyn article, the concept of ‘istina’ vs ‘pravda’ — is-truth vs. should-truth, or is-reality vs should-reality. And probably we’ll talk some about the Mossad, as written about in the book Gideon’s Spies. As always, the show will be live and archived for your convenience, thanks to loyal comrades. As always, all you have to do is click the icon and if we’re running, you’ll get the live feed.

3 September, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Spintros at 12:03 am | Permanent Link

Bad, Bad Problems for AmeriKwa

Nothing will go right for the U.S. until the jews are removed from power. Don’t be fooled by ideology – jews are commies, conservatives, liberals and all points in between these conventional positions. They’re just masks for jew money and writers to hide behind; they mean nothing more. The real political battle is racial in any space in which more than one race resides. There is no policy that can cure nigger. No amount of money will turn a nigger into a human, nor will any amount of sensitivity do the trick. Niggers, for biological reasons, breed faster than Whites. Given time, their population growth will outpace Whites’ to the extent that they drive Whites off by rendering increasing amounts of  space unlivable. For you see, Whites cannot live in black space. Whites aren’t black. They have different requirements. What the interloping jews have done is foist and force on the White majority the lie that people-is-people. The ekwality cult means genocide for Whites – unless the leaders of the cult are destroyed. Here on the Fed. The FED is the most powerful privately owned monopoly in the United States and therefore the world. Yet anyone who points this out as a negative factor is dismissed as a crackpot or a conspiracy theorist or both. The Fed has the right to steal. Guess who it steals from? Here on neocons and their base in New York. Every neocon is a jew or a lackey of the jews. The former should be called jews. The latter should be called appeasers or collaborators. There are no other neocons, just masses of dupes, fed by Fox and talk radio. The proper basis of opposition to neocons is racial: we are Whites, they are jews. Their interests are diametrically opposed to ours. Neocons crowing in 2003: Now they come upon their greatest triumph: a military victory in Iraq, conceived and wished for in neoconservative clubhouses and brilliantly supported during the course of the war by the neoconservative media. “Yeah, I think we had some utility,” said Mr. Kristol. “Bush could have come to it all without us, too. But it helped that we had already made these arguments. You feel some responsibility when things go well.” Here some good stuff on Kosovo.

The Niggering of Detroit

Who will retarded illiterates elect, if they’re allowed to vote? A Kwame. …shortly thereafter two exotic dancers who were at that “party” ended up murdered (one tracked down and killed in Atlanta, Ga.), the other dancer, Tamara Green, (a.k.a. “Strawberry”) a college student and a working mother of three children, was beaten half to death by the mayor’s wife at “the party.” Medical records of this incident were mysteriously taken from the hospital. Shortly thereafter she was killed April 30, 2003 in a drive-by shooting in front of her home at Roselawn and Outer Dr. There is no upside with niggers. We can’t live with ’em, but we can live without ’em. Believe it or not, there was a time when Detroit was called the ‘Paris of America.’ Today it’s called the Kwango of America. Some interesting in this black’s piece in WND, although as always effects are mistaken for cause. The simple fact is Whites can make any city a Paris; niggers can make any city a Detroit. Here on the destruction of our economy. What needs to be done is simple. Impose a 20 percent entry fee on all imported goods and services, and use the $500 billion to cut taxes on U.S. producers.

Wasting Whites

While Joseph Flabpakmann sits in a comfy, air-conditioned office penning his latest attack-Iran op-ed, here’s what White teens and twentysomethings go through. Lieutenant Clay Hanna looks sick and white. Like his colleagues he does not seem to sleep. Hanna says he catches up by napping on a cot between operations in the command centre, amid the noise of radio. He is up at 6am and tries to go to sleep by 2am or 3am. But there are operations to go on, planning to be done and after-action reports that need to be written. And war interposes its own deadly agenda that requires his attention and wakes him up. When he emerges from his naps there is something old and paper-thin about his skin, something sketchy about his movements as the days go by.  How long are we going to allow jews to write checks that White asses have to cash? More, from Buchanan.  Pauli Girl here. ‘Kwans are so dumb that the jews don’t even have to wait a generation before reusing the same old lies. The moralizing moron provides the face and ass; the machinating kike provides the brains and tongue. Evil, thy name is AmeriKwa. The Girl exhibits characteristic three-named Anglo cowardice and hypocrisy in calling bushy’s people brownshirts when in fact the brownshirts fought the bushies of their time. Unlike Paultroony Craig Roberts, the brownshirts called jews jews, rather than, say, WASPs, since jews in fact they were. What is it about Anglo culture that’s worth emulating? The hypocrisy? The moralizing? The anti-intellectualism? The viciousness? NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEWS. Here jew Chomsky on Iran and the warmongers.  Here on Bushy lying through his teeth about Iran. President Bush increased his rhetoric against Iran’s nuclear program last week, saying Tehran had put the Mideast “under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust” and indicated action would be taken against the program “before it is too late.” Raimondo on Iran here.

Germany These Days

Wade through the bullshit and try to figure out what’s real and what isn’t when it comes to Germany and neo-nazis. Niggers and Mexicans attack Whites all the time, but never do the media show photographs of the victims. In the rare instance muds are victims of loyal Whites, pictures are flashed around the world by Globokike Inc.

Destroying White Families: Bratz

Created by Iranian jew. Turning White girls into sluts is big business for the jew. Getting White children focused on sex and consumer goods is good for jews, partly because they sell what the consumer is buying, but mostly because incontinent Whites will never threaten jewish political power. “Pay no attention to the yid behind the curtain,” says the Wizard of Iz. Oh, but do. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

Injustice System

Craig’s the news peg, but the truth of this article is well known to anyone who’s been charged with a misdemeanor. The System isn’t serious about the charges it makes against ‘citizens.’ They’re just the means by which it obtains money and exerts authority. If justice were the concern, the System wouldn’t 1) overcharge/charge-stack, 2) drop charges in exchange for money. Fighting a misdemeanor or a traffic ticket almost always exacts more money, time and resources than it is worth. Virtually every person in jail facing misdemeanor charges knows that by pleading guilty, he will probably be quickly released. Hundreds of thousands of false guilty pleas are registered annually in the United States.


Some jewing about Newark, mixed with some good points about illegals who commit additional crimes not being deported. It’s almost as if there’s a minority in whose interest the government is run since it obviously does the opposite of what the people want. Half a billion AmeriKwans?

The Destruction of the White Family

Jew pseudo-intellectuals posit White males as authoritarian personalities because they use their authority to keep their
families tight and together. Bad for jews. So the family must be destroyed. The way to do that is to undermine the authority of the White man, not least by referring to him as male rather than man. His legal authority must be transferred to the state and to the woman. Even his own child must have more say than he does. Here a list of anti-male ads. What the jewed Men’s News Daily never points out is that the fathers mocked are always White males, never black or jew. Fact is, according to our very own ZOG, with all its anti-White-male animus, women abuse children twice as often as men.

As the famous Croatian philospher George Trouchy said, life is like the jungle. You worry about the big things, but it’s the little things that get you.

White History: Many White Men in Australia Before Cook

So it appears from discovered coin. Not to mention: It has long been accepted that Dutch navigators sailed up Australia’s west coast in the 1600s, preceding Capt Cook on the eastern seaboard by nearly 200 years.

Technology: Sky Car

Don’t drink and fly. Please.