18 September, 2007

Posted by Socrates in immigration bills/laws, jewed culture, Socrates at 3:49 pm | Permanent Link

The DREAM Act returns: [Article].

18 September, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 10:40 am | Permanent Link

We’ll discuss William Anderson, Ron Paul, Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade,  Mary Wollstonecraft, and more. In addition, as always, we’ll have music you’ve never heard.

Music on now…talk starts at top of the hour…

Well, we got through Anderson and Paul and various “afraid of being called racist” articles. We did not get to Sade and Wollstonecraft, will do them tonight. See above.

Links to articles discussed this session:

Churchill on jews

Ron Paul on race

Anderson on Duke rape hoax

queers abuse children
White woman raped by ethnic cop (UK), afraid to report it
Lockport (NY) girl raped by niggers, afraid to report it

18 September, 2007

Posted by Archives in audio, VNNB, VNNB-Monday at 7:36 am | Permanent Link

Join Stan Sikorski and Yankee Jim as they bring you the Hank Williams Sr. Birthday Edition of Free Talk Live: Monday.

17 September, 2007

Posted by Socrates in equalocracy, jewed culture, New World Order, Socrates at 7:44 pm | Permanent Link

Hillary Clinton has another universal health care plan. Women naturally like the idea of “universal” this or “universal” that, since most of them embrace equality. What a coincidence: Marxists also embrace equality. Hillary’s plan: [Here]. Much can be said about what happens when women become involved in politics. Professor Lott says it well: [Here]. More on women and politics: [Here].

17 September, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 5:37 pm | Permanent Link


Mr Linder:

Since you are an incorrigible sexist, you will enjoy
http://www.menarebetterthanwomen.com/why-women-hate-sex .

Donald E. Pauly
Zionist Rastafarian




Alex, I have heard you mention a couple times that the military was trying to develop drugs to enable soldiers to go without sleep for long periods of time.  This drug has existed for years.  Its generic name is Modafinil.  It is manufactured by Cephalon under the name of ProVigil.  From what I have read about it, you can go without sleep for a week and be mentally alert, then stop taking the drug, get eight hours sleep, and be back to normal.  I have used it several times to eliminate jet-lag.  You feel totally alert without being the least bit hyper.  It is a miracle drug. 



But the most compelling argument to me for the preservation of the white race, undiluted by other racial strains, lies not in the realm of evolutionary theory, which I do not believe in, but in the mystical realm.

In making my case for the white man, I am going to relate one example from what is a legion of examples. (And if you think a case for the white man need not be articulated, just listen to what is being said about him in all the citadels of ‘learned opinion’ throughout the world.)

When I worked as a police officer, there was another officer in a neighboring, urbanized borough whom we shall call Dave Mills (not his real name). Dave was a short, stocky, chain-smoking, overweight, fifty-one year-old veteran with over twenty-five years experience in police work. Dave was a white man. To the best of my knowledge, he never attended any church. Dave also, like the other white officers (and the black ones, too, for that matter) called black people ‘niggers.’ Dave was particularly anti-Negro, having been longer on the force than the rest of us.

Now, to the incident. Dave had finished his four p.m.-to-midnight shift and was heading back to his station. He was late because he had to finish up with a fender bender accident. On his way back to the station, he saw a congregation (not a religious one) of young black people. Two blacks in particular caught Dave’s attention, a boyfriend/girlfriend pair in their early twenties. The young black male was screaming at the young black woman, who appeared to be pregnant and was screaming back at the male. The screaming match was taking place on a bridge over a large stream. The stream was shallow enough and the bridge high enough to render someone quite dead if that someone were thrown off the bridge.

Dave’s first thought was to keep on driving – “Why get involved in some domestic dispute when I’m not even on duty? I’ll just tell the guys on the next shift to look into it.”

But Dave’s second thought, when he had driven about two blocks past the bridge, was “There might not be time for me to tell somebody else; that argument could turn violent.”

Dave returned to the bridge. When he got there he saw the same group of black youths as before, but the couple had gone beyond verbal confrontation; the black male had a knife to the woman’s throat and seemed to be trying to throw her off the bridge and/or slice her up.

Dave immediately called for assistance. And then he did something that is certainly not standard procedure but was something Dave often did because of his many years of experience. He unloaded his gun before getting out of the car. Why? Because Dave saw that he couldn’t shoot the assailant (the bullet might go through him and into the woman) and he also saw that he was going to have to grapple with a man decidedly younger and larger than he. If he lost the wrestling match, Dave knew he would be shot with his own gun. Yes, he could still be stabbed to death, but that, he reasoned, would take longer, and help (he hoped) was on the way.

I, being on the midnight-to-eight a.m. shift in a neighboring borough, and two other officers from Dave’s borough responded to Dave’s call for assistance. When we arrived, this fat, chain-smoking, politically incorrect, white male had the black male on his stomach (a black male with whom Dave could not have lasted one round in a boxing match) and was attempting to put handcuffs on him.

With help from the other officers and myself, Dave got the male cuffed. Dave was bleeding from knife wounds on his hands and arms. The woman was bleeding from wounds to the face, arms, and hands.

Dave called the ambulance for the woman and held her head in his arms till the ambulance came.

She recovered from her wounds and delivered her baby a few months later. Dave, whose wounds were minor, did not need to be hospitalized. He had undoubtedly saved the lives of the woman and her baby.

I have often pondered about that incident. Why did Dave bother going back to the bridge? He did not have to go back. No one would have faulted him for not looking into a non-incident. So why did he do it? There was a whole host of black youth who didn’t get involved, and who, in fact, were cheering for the assailant when I and the other officers arrived. So, again, why?

Well, I’m open to charges of mysticism at this point, but I must insist that the answer lies in the mystical realms. Dave, despite the fact that he was not a member of any Christian church and despite the fact that he probably had a rather hazy, nebulous idea about the Deity, was a blood Christian. Because he was a white man, he had the Faith which had been planted and nurtured in the blood of the white man some 1,500 years ago. That Faith can never be totally eradicated from the blood of the white man, and should never be diluted or supplanted by the blood of other races, even if they are actually Christian, or, as is more likely, if they merely call themselves Christian. The white blood is an essential support for Christianity. Without it there would still be Christian churches, but there would be no Faith left on earth.



It used to puzzle me when I heard members of the Catholic old guard rejoicing over the natural savages, usually the Negro, who they believed were going to re-Christianize the West. I didn’t understand, from a Christian standpoint, how the old guard could delight in the destruction of the remaining vestiges of Christian civilization. And I didn’t understand, from a simple pagan standpoint, how white men could rejoice in the destruction of their own people. It was only when I came to understand that the old guard were in that Catholic half-way house with their heads steeped in Greek modernity and their hearts with the old Europe, that I realized they didn’t see the black man as he was. They saw only an abstraction. Hence the black man became, in their sick minds, all that the white man once was: brave, chivalrous, and Christian. But ‘tis not so.



When conservatives talk about how we are turning the corner and winning the battle for the hearts of our young, I usually have to fight back the urge to vomit. American popular theater is the movies, and the type of movie hero that our young people pay money to see is not a Christian hero. This does not bode well for our already sick-beyond-belief nation, because only a hero can save us. But if we have lost our appetite for, and our belief in, genuine heroes, then it is quite probable if a true hero did emerge he would be rejected like the one who stands as the ultimate hero of Western culture. As Andrew Lytle tells us, “The hero’s most perfect image is, of course, Christ, the man-God.”

There are two types of heroes who appear in the modern movie, and neither is a Christian hero. The first type is the sensitive, politically correct man that emerged in the 1960s. He saves whales, fights racism and sexism, goes to sensitivity seminars, and has had a vasectomy. But the new liberal hero is a very dull bird. For the sake of the box office, he has been modified.

The second type of hero is the pagan-liberal. Liberals will allow Joe Sixpack to watch white men do some heroic punching, shooting, and derring-do under one or all of the following conditions:

1) The white hero must be fighting against politically incorrect bad guys such as Nazis (always popular), Klansmen, Southern sheriffs, sexists, Indian fighters, or fundamentalist Christians. Harrison Ford’s character in Raiders of the Lost Ark is an example of a hero from that genre.

2) The white hero must have a black best friend who accompanies him and shares in the heroic deed-doing. Chuck Norris’ Texas Ranger T.V. series and the older Magnum P.I. series are examples.

3) The white hero must have a female partner who is not feminine and who equals if not surpasses the male hero in every aspect of heroism. Fill in whatever movie you want in this category for they are legion.

The movies with white male heroes are few enough. And when the few ones that do have white male heroes depict them as defenders of liberaldom, the result is not good for the individual viewer or for society as a whole. Contrary to what the “We-are-turning-the-corner” conservatives say, you cannot have a public theater that glorifies only liberal heroes and expect conservative Christian principles to prevail.

(Aug 22)

Hatred of the Past

As a general rule I do not like the science fiction genre in film or literature, but there is a powerful image that has stayed with me for many years from the movie Fahrenheit 451. The hero of the film, having lived in a society that banned all books, comes to the realization that he has been robbed of the past. And without the past, he is present-bound — bound to the mindset of the present, the mores of the present, and the vision of the present. He sets out to correct his Prometheus-bound condition by reading old books, declaring that he must reconstruct the past. It is a wonderful moment when the hero sits down at a table and starts to read David Copperfield.

Now in the movie, the present and future are made triumphant over the past by the actual banning of books written in and about the past. But I would maintain that our current present-and-future-oriented society has succeeded in destroying man’s consciousness of the past more thoroughly, because it has been done more subtly than any futuristic totalitarian society ever spawned from the mind of a science fiction writer.

And it is not a question of right-wing or left-wing. Both wings have burned the past from modern man’s mind and heart. But they have not done it in the way the sci-fi books generally depict it. They have not suppressed all knowledge of the past and all access to the past as the futuristic sci-fi societies do. Instead they have killed the past by demonizing it, in the case of the left-wing, and de-Christianizing it, in the case of the right-wing.

Let’s start with the left-wing. The most deplorable anti-Christian way to treat history is the modern way. Our “historians” treat all those individuals who have lived before us as convenient stepping stones that lead to us, the most advanced and superior of creatures. Of course, those who come after us will be more advanced and superior than we are. And on it goes, with the last generation on earth being the supreme generation everybody else has worked and labored to bring forth. This process, supported by professed Christians, is the most un-Christian of concepts because it denies the individual personality. No human being, in the Christian scheme of things, is a stepping stone for another human being’s progress. He is a personality, supreme in his own right, and of infinite value and worth to the personal God who created him. Dickens, one of the great giants of world literature, expressed the Christian view of personality so well in The Tale of Two Cities:

“A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other. A solemn consideration, when I enter a great city by night, that every one of those darkly clustered houses encloses its own secret; that every room in every one of them encloses its own secret; that every beating heart in the hundreds of thousands of breasts there, is, in some of its imaginings, a secret to the heart nearest it!

Something of the awfulness, even of Death itself, is referable to this. No more can I turn the leaves of this dear book that I loved, and vainly hope in time to read it all. No more can I look into the depths of this unfathomable water, wherein, as momentary lights glanced into it, I have had glimpses of buried treasure and other things submerged. It was appointed that the book should shut with a spring, for ever and for ever, when I had read but a page. It was appointed that the water should be locked in an eternal frost, when the light was playing on its surface, and I stood in ignorance on the shore. My friend is dead, my neighbour is dead, my love, the darling of my soul is dead; it is the inexorable consolidation and perpetuation of the secret that was always in that individuality, and which I shall carry in mine to my life’s end. In any of the burial-places of this city through which I pass, is there a sleeper more inscrutable than its busy inhabitants are, in their innermost personality, to me, or than I am to them?”

In the modern leftist view of history, the past is evil. Individuals from the past are only good to the extent that they were forerunners for the future. Thus in literary circles one hears this: “Mr. Old Fogey wrote in silly times but there was a suggestion of bisexuality in his works that helped pave the way for our modern writers.” In politics: “Women were mostly repressed in those days but the actress Susie Q. Slut was very promiscuous thus paving the way for the sexual liberation of women today.” In the Church: “Christians in those days were generally racists but Father O’Shea performed biracial marriages and supported integration thus paving the way…” And so on and so on…

So the past is used as a morality play for the present. You will be condemned if you are not progressive and forward-looking. Hence, the thing to be is future-oriented. One must always be looking forward to the latest perversion in religion, in politics and in science, in order that one can embrace it and not appear to be backward and unprogressive and therefore damned.



This is one of the most fascinating things I’ve ever read.  It’s called “The Mosaic Distinction,” as in, Moses, as in the Jews.  The gist of it is that Jews are psychopaths, although the author doesn’t come right out and say that.  But it’s clear. 

The author is a woman, a fact you will not like; but she is an atheist, so that should make up for it.

I swear, I think she’s just cracked the code.



Ron Paul and the Seattle Media
Posted by Lew Rockwell at September 17, 2007 09:19 AM

Writes Robert Brager: “My colleagues and I eagerly made the trek up to Seattle from Tacoma armed with four cameras and a crane jib to cover Ron’s visit and events related to it.

“We covered his entire speech before a crowd of about a thousand individuals at the Westin Hotel, filling the deficit left by the local media, who simply failed to show up.

“I mean, entirely.

“The local luminaries exsanguinely covered his speech on constitutionality at Seattle University earlier in the day and then packed it up and went home to plop down in front of their PCs and crib from Hit Piece 101. They didn’t even show up for the rally outside of the Westin.

“I mean, a thousand people in attendance and no local coverage? When John Edwards shows up next week and attracts a fraction of that total, the local news will no doubt fall over themselves to capture his every move. Too bad.

“We also met Vijay, the Google engineer made famous by his generous offer of a blank cheque – if the government permitted it – to the Paul campaign. We went out for beers afterward. Solid kid. Great time.

“We met a lot of people, of course. We heard about the long commutes just to hear the man speak, families concerned about the future of their children. Lots of kids in attendance. Flashing peace signs. All too cute and probably one hundred percent absent from a Ghouliani rally. Saw one kid in one of the red Mises shirts. Oh, and I had a rousing debate over the economic ramifications of the New Deal with a Larouchie who showed up with a stack of double-sideds; I’m not wholly certain but I think he left the discussion a bit more inclined to think through consequences, a la Hazlitt’s lesson, mindful to consider that which is not seen, not simply that which is seen (we lingered for a long time on the TVA).

“In any case, here’s the link.”



Is it possible to be more than 100% wrong? This site gives it the old college try.



Jewess Babs Amiel steals even the kitchen sink in her husband Conrad Black’s sold apartment:


Jew Wolfowitz in all his digusting glory:



This essay is more true today than when I first wrote it. After all, we all know who’s going to be expexcted to carry the load, and finance the war against Iran.
America’s Youth Must Serve Israel, One Way or Another [updated]





“There was a program that Michael Collins Piper did a couple of years ago that I found interesting and still consider from time to time. In it, he talked about how O.J. had a housekeeper that was never called to the witness stand during the trial. It seems everyone and their brother was called to testify except this one person. Keep in mind, the maid was called and gave extensive testimony during the trial but not the housekeeper. There is a distinction in the two jobs. The housekeeper does not do the manuel labor such as cleaning, cooking, etc. The housekeeper’s role was to oversee the others, including the maid, and has the authority of running the house.

Here’s where it gets interesting: The housekeeper worked for O.J. for over 20 years and she was a former Israeli citizen that was a member of the IDF. You won’t find much reference to her in the media. Yet, in Kato’s book, he does mention her by name and she is only referenced as “Michelle.” Piper talks about the fact that those who were close to O.J. knew that they had a “complicated” relationship. When Nicole came to live with O.J. at his estate, the relationship between her and the housekeeper was very tense. It has been said that it came to a head when Nicole was arguing with “Michelle” and then slapped her across the face. O.J. supposedly did all he could to smooth things over between the two. “Michelle” gave O.J. an ultimatium that it was either her or Nicole that had to leave.

Obviously, O.J. chose Nicole and the housekeeper left. After the murders “Michelle” went back to Israel. I have only heard about this through Piper’s show and yet, I never forgot it. There may be more to this than we are seeing. One thing is certain: 1) The housekeeper did exists and worked for O.J. for over 20 years 2) She never took the stand at the trial 3) She went back to Israel after the murders with no questions asked`”…….




Jewish Diversionary Tactics: Greenspan Blames “Oil” for Iraqi War
Posted on: 2007-09-17 07:08:49

Every day, more and more people are becoming aware of real cause of the war in Iraq: a deliberate plan by Jew and Christian Zionist fanatics to destroy a country which had never harmed the USA, was not involved in 9-11 and which was an openly declared enemy of Al-Qaeda – but which was the single greatest threat to Israel.

As knowledge of the real cause of the war spreads, so the guilty parties become ever more frantic in their attempts to cover up their tracks, and to create diversions to try and mislead the public.

This is the primary cause of many of the “9-11 conspiracy theories” which include bizarre allegations of missiles hitting the pentagon, radio-controlled aircraft hitting the WTC, pre-dynamited buildings and other weird distortions of logic which are circulated – and, not surprisingly, given a little bit of publicity in the controlled mass media.

The other great diversionary tactic which is often used is to try and explain the Iraq War as a war for oil”. Faced with the mass of evidence showing the real cause of the war, the powers-that-be desperately seek to “explain” the Iraqi invasion “because of oil.”

The latest effort to create a diversion away from his fellow tribesmen’s guilt is the Jew Alan Greenspan, former US Federal Reserve chairman, who, in his memoirs just released, has claimed that the “U.S. went to war in Iraq motivated largely by oil.”

“I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil,” he writes in his book The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World.

The truth is, of course, that if the war in Iraq had been about oil, it would have been much cheaper just to have purchased the oil from Saddam Hussein at a knock down price – that country would have been more than happy to sell to America, bearing in mind that Hussein was originally supported by the U.S. Government. (Illustration: U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Iraqi President Saddam Hussein shake hands December 20, 1983 in Baghdad, Iraq. Rumsfeld met with Hussein during the war between Iran and Iraq as an envoy for former President Reagan.)

Not only would it have been cheaper to just have bought the oil, but also thousands of Americans would not have been killed, and a brand new base for Al-Qaeda (Iraq) would not have been created.

It is the duty of every person who knows the truth, to counteract the lies and propaganda of the Master of Lies.

Several Reasons Why It Isn’t About Oil
By Curt Maynard

Without delving into some very credible “conspiracy theories,” which tend to cause the eyes of “enlightened” Americans to glaze over in their own unique self-righteous stupor, let me relate some facts below, that should, assuming the reader has the ability to think properly as my friend in Rome Alfio Faro, likes to say, convince even the skeptic that Bush’s recent forays into the Middle East have nothing to do with the monopolization of oil reserves.






Dear folk.

I enclose the below article for illustration. This is serious- a most horrific and unjustified slaughter is about to begin. I beg you to concentrate all your efforts and considerable talents towards averting this disaster.
Three million Iranians are scheduled for the slaughter and two thousand American sailors aboard the USS Car and USS Stout are earmarked for sacrifice to the fake casus beli the false- flag excuse to start the ‘war’, in which three thousand tons of  deadly  DU weapons are to be used to pollute not only Persia, but much of Europe also.
The situation is both critical and desperate. For months now every main Jewish organisation, every Zionist zealot from the Jewish prime minister down, every controlled newspaper in every country, together with the US Regime and republicrats have been pimping for Israels latest war scheme, via groundless accusations of Iranian complicity in the Iraqi resistance.

Desperate measures are called for and plain speaking demanded in order to avert another mass slaughter:
Since Reasoned arguments and appeals to decency and humanity have failed to prevent execution of the Rothschild genocide plan in the past- this will be the situation again. There is only one, single entity with the power and influence to prevail upon the White House and this is the Jewish Lobby.
Since also- as is well known, most of the architects and advocates of this Middle Eastern rolling war are Jews- either within the US administration or without- in Israel, and at the highest level in that country’s administration, then a massive- widespread campaign before hostilities, laying blame upon Jewish agents for the war and all that follows- could- may, persuade many powerful Jews that the fallout from such a war is against their long-term interests. Such people are sufficiently powerful to influence events, should they so choose.

On the other hand many ordinary Jews- as ones whom I communicate with, are becoming sick and tired of Israel, Zionism and all its rottenness.
There is a potential upswelling of revulsion among decent Jews to the gangster state, which, in the cause of peace and decency should be tapped.


John Bayldon

Sunday 16 September 2007
Bush setting America up for war with Iran

By Philip Sherwell in New York and Tim Shipman in Washington

Senior American intelligence and defence officials believe that President George W Bush and his inner circle are taking steps to place America on the path to war with Iran, The Sunday Telegraph has learnt. Pentagon planners have developed a list of up to 2,000 bombing targets in Iran, amid growing fears among serving officers that diplomatic efforts to slow Iran’s nuclear weapons programme are doomed to fail.





Matthew Cossolotto, president of the Shakespeare Oxford Society, adds: “Unlike other writers of the period, not a single manuscript or letter exists in Shakespeare’s own handwriting. Nothing survives of a literary nature connecting William of Stratford, the man, with any of the ‘Shakespeare’ works.”




The Holocaust Ideology: A Theological Threat to Christianity and Islam

… Another of the standard claims of the entire package called the “Holocaust” is that Western Christendom created the climate of opinion that made the alleged mass murder of six million Jews possible. Accordingly, European Christianity is to a large extent responsible for this horrendous massacre … The Holocaust doctrine is a theological attack upon and a threat to both the Christian and Islamic religions. Christians and Muslims must deal with this theological threat in an honest and forthright manner by giving the both the revisionist and traditional views of the Holocaust a fair hearing …



…The US is losing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for the very same reasons it lost all of its earlier conflicts. It has the manpower and firepower advantage, as always, but these are ultimately irrelevant in the medium- and long-run … The entire mess is Iraq, to cite just one example, was predicted. If reason and clarity prevailed, America’s role in the world would be utterly different … There is utter confusion in Washington about how to end this morass. Goals are similar but the means to attain them are increasingly changing, confused, and as victory becomes more elusive so too does this administration look pathetic.


17 September, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Spintros at 2:46 pm | Permanent Link

Turbo-Nosed Troofs

Black man making sense. Video. Here on the differences between men and women.

Kevin Lamb on Jew Novak

One peculiar omission from Novak’s book is the scant mention of a program in which he served as an active participant for years: M. Stanton Evans’s National Journalism Center, an internship program for aspiring conservative reporters and editors. The placement rate by Fred Mann, NJC’s job-bank director, was exceptional, opening doors to many entry-level positions, not only around Washington but also numerous newspapers around the country. Although Evans and Novak utilized and frequently hired NJC interns, the only individual identified as such is his own daughter, who was hired after a brief stint at a Northern Virginia newspaper. He completely skips over his own NJC role. As a young intern enrolled in the NJC’s program during the fall of 1988, I remember distinctly Novak’s Friday afternoon lecture to our group. He used the recent leaks coming out of the Bush-Dukakis presidential campaigns to expound upon different types of leaks and their journalist significance. He closed his talk by noting that there were different types of conservatives: free-market conservatives, neoconservatives, social conservatives, religious conservatives, and even (he said) “racial” conservatives. On the evidence of The Prince of Darkness, Novak should have added another category to that list: politically-correct conservatives.  Lamb’s correct about Novak and the rest. I interned for Evans & Novak and did research for them for their tv show in Lamb’s (CNN’s) library. I also went through the NJC journalist training program he describes, although they removed my name from their website. (NJC has been taken over by YAF, it appears.) Yes, it is true that those in D.C. soon lose themselves in the daily politics. It’s hard to care about principles when you need money for rent. To get along, to get a job, you have to go along, to accept the lies about race and so many other things. System conservatives like Buchanan and Novak have no problem with that.

Pets Against Obama

They know what happens when niggers rule. They get beaten and eaten. Animal activists say they have been threatened with arrest for speaking out and SPCA offices were raided by secret police agents of the Central Intelligence Organization on Thursday. SPCA inspectors said they were ordered not to release details of surrendered, abandoned, slain or eaten pets. Niggers. At what point do we quit fucking with them? Illegally slaughtered meat sells for more than 10 times the government’s fixed price on the thriving black market. It comes in plastic bags of 10 kilograms and more, containing bone, fat and offal and no indication of types or cuts of meat. The creatures that produce the conditions are our equals, claim “the chosen people.” At what point do we quit fucking with the jews? Why not get rid of jews and the niggers they sicced on us and live in harmony? Isn’t that the reasonable thing to do? Here’s a typical scene in the wake of operation Clean Out The Filth, which has left 700,000 people more or less homeless.   Here from Cathy Buckle, woebegone liberal who knows that the situation has nothing to do with race. Pass the Fido, N’dugu.

Jew Awareness

It’s growing. Ignore the biased characterization of the letters the writer receives — like Fred Reed, the writer never quotes or refutes, a sure sign of subliminal agreement — the bottom line is more and more people understand that the jew is the cause of our misfortunes. ITZ COMING. …the Internet has a way of releasing inhibitions and, from time to time, the Tomdispatch email box is also a sobering reminder of the mindless hate in our world — of every sort, but sometimes of a strikingly anti-Semitic sort, letters that are wildly angry and eager, above all, to shut down or shut up commentary or debate of any sort. That’s funny. I’m an “anti-semite” and I don’t remember trying to drive any jew site off the web. I do remember being driven off a dozen hosts myself thanks to semitic loxists.

Media: Murdoch

Good info on the few and large.


The Swiss have many of the right ideas. Imagine government run by the people, in their interests. That means local control.

Movies: Sicko

Chronicles review. Gary North pans “3:10 to Yuma.”

Books: “33 Questions…”

Review of Deep Woodsy’s new one.  Here Woods on himself. Christian Anderson, neocon without knowing it – according to writer. Here comparing Kerouac to Dr. Johnson. No book reviews in papers anymore; plenty of movie reviews though. Here on “Until Proven Innocent,” apparently the first book written about the Duke nigger whore rape hoax. Here on new book on Poland and Eastern European history. Elsewhere, under the rubric “Survivors,” he goes out of his way to cite Norman Finkelstein, who has “bitterly denounced organizations which purport to be helping survivors but in fact may be acting from motives of financial gain or political interest.” This ominous sentence is not only dubious on its own, it is utterly irrelevant to the history of World War II, and once again leaves the reader feeling that the Jewish response to the Holocaust evokes some obscure hostility in Mr. Davies. If it comes from a jew, it likely ain’t true.
…the Soviet Union could only compensate for huge initial losses by treating its soldiers as cannon fodder, overwhelming the Germans with sheer numbers. Soviet commanders wasted lives in a way that no American general would even have considered. It was necessary to deploy “blocking regiments” behind the front lines, expressly tasked with shooting any comrade who tried to retreat. Worse, because totally irrational, the Soviet state continued to destroy its own people even when the war was at its height. During the first year of the invasion, the Red Army issued 800,000 death sentences to its own soldiers. Every unit had its commissar, who had to countersign all military orders, and who could condemn anyone to death for an impolitic word. No wonder that, as Mr. Davies writes, “the front-line zone of maximum physical danger” became for the Red Army troops “a zone of psychological liberation, even of gay abandon, which no doubt contributed to the willingness of the ‘Ivans’ to rush to their deaths with a hurrah on their lips.” Most of the commissars were jews. Jews used the Russians to protect themselves from the Germans. What was good for Russia never mattered for a minute. Here on Thomas Mann, nazis, Wagner.

17 September, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 1:36 pm | Permanent Link

Only Linder Radio this week. Will run at least 2 hours, probably more.

Will discuss:

– the destruction wrought by fear of PC (women afraid to report nigger rapists for fear of being called racist; fag child adopters allowed to keep on adopting/abusing kids by social workers for fear of being called intolerant – as first reported on FreeTalkLive)

Libido Dominandi. We’ll resume our discussion of this incredible opus with E. Michael Jones’s analysis of the O.P. Marquis de Sade, O.P. being Original Pervert. We’ll discuss the consequences of sexual immorality in the lives of the feminist icon Wollstonecraft and English radical William Godwin and their circle. We’ll talk about the French revolution and the English reaction to it, including wise words from Burke, the founder of modern conservatism, according to some.

Reviews of Linder Radio…

On the general subject of politically correct speech, where the concept came from, and why it is fatal to succumb to its strictures, see this very stimulating colloquy by Alex Linder. Download it before loading into your MP3 player, so you can skip forward and backward. The PC discussion starts around the 33 minute mark, with a discussion of an article by neo-con John Derbyshire.


Warnings: 1. language is rough. Ladies, do not listen to this talk: get your man to listen and summarize for you over a candlelit dinner. 2. Alex is an atheist. When contradicting biblical revelation, he is, of course, wrong, and those comments need to be overcome or bracketed. Unfortunately, however, when commenting on the modern American church, his comments are always trenchant and accurate.


7.Philip said …

Since you mentioned the “No Jews Just Right” slogan, thought I’d mention that Mr. Linder’s recent solo broadcasts are quite interesting listening- a lot of depth and maturity coupled with wit, rather a departure from the tone generally associated with him and his followers. He basically just reads passages of books of import to Whites and comments on them, but the result is much more interesting than the description I just gave.

If you want to help spread the White message, post urls of Linder Radio around the ‘Net. That’s why our archivists take the trouble to make them.

17 September, 2007

Posted by Archives in audio, VNNB, VNNB-Sunday at 4:29 am | Permanent Link

Hosted by Mark Faust: I will not be doing a live show tonight BUT I will have a message or two for everyone AND hours of ftl, goyfire, craig cobb, and Dr. Pierce clips that everyone should hear.

16 September, 2007

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, lawyers and judges, Socrates at 9:36 pm | Permanent Link

Bush picks a Jewish judge for Attorney General: [Here]

Mukasey is apparently an Orthodox Jew: (scroll down to post #2): [Here].

16 September, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Iraq, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, Zionism at 7:27 pm | Permanent Link

Really? The Iraq war wasn’t about Israel? What about the Pentagon’s Office of Special Plans? [1]. What about Zelikow’s comment? [2]. What about General Clark’s comment? [3]. What about Hollings’ comment? [4]:


[1] about the OSP: [Here] and [Here]

[2] Zelikow’s comment about Iraq: [Here]

[3] General Clark’s comment about Iraq: (scroll 3/4 down the page): [Here]

[4] Hollings’ comment about Iraq: [Here]