12 October, 2007

Posted by Socrates in abortion movement, feminism, Socrates at 11:06 pm | Permanent Link

The abortion movement is all about advancing the feminist agenda. After all, it’s difficult for a career-chick to go to college, get a degree and then work in a fancy office if she has children. That’s why the Jews and the liberals are worried about Roe v. Wade being overturned:


12 October, 2007

Posted by VNNB in Announce, Free Talk Live, VNNB-Friday at 2:25 pm | Permanent Link

The TJB buffet w/ Bud White and Heather Blue 7:30 est

Join me your co-host Bud White and our special first time guest and cohost the VNN poster Heather Blue. Joining us later on in the program will be Mark in Cali aka Mishko Novosel.
We’ll be covering all things TJB including

* A Lakewood baseball bat beating of a rabbi,

* Jewish kids abusing alcohol on “simchat torah”,

* A “valuable” torah stolen in MN

* Jews who signed anti-semetic petition for Google to have names show up on hate sites,

* Georgia woman has her bail doubled in temple disruption charges

* . . . plus more TJB.

Tunes start at 6:30 est
Talk starts at 7:30 est

12 October, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, AmRen, Linder appearances at 2:02 pm | Permanent Link

Interview with Alex Linder of the Vanguard News Network: Jewish journalist interviews leading anti-Jewish activist

Nicholas Stix – 10/11/2007

Alex Linder is the operator of the Vanguard News Network. The motto of the web site is “No Jews, Just Right”. The Southern Poverty Law Center criticized VNN stating that its web site “[offends] even many of the most extreme racists and anti-Semites with Linder’s potty humor [and] untrammeled misogyny.” Alex Linder formerly worked for CNN’s “Evans & Novak” show and then “The American Spectator”. He was also a member of the National Alliance, which has similar views on many subjects as the VNN, but left the alliance after he allowed criticism of it on his own web site. Award-winning journalist Nicholas Stix interviewed him for the Global Politician.

Nicholas Stix (NS): You told me [in your email] that you’re holding the rally on May 26th.

Alex Linder (AL): Correct.

NS: So that will be Memorial Day Weekend?

AL: Yeah.

NS: And do you have any idea how many people you expect, or hope to get to show up?

AL: No, I really don’t. We’re advertising it on our forum, and wherever we can. And we are going to do some prep work to get the general public, but all are welcome, so we’ll see.

NS: Right. And do you have any idea of speakers you intend to invite?

AL: Yeah, I’m going to speak, we’re going to have Hal Turner speak, probably have Ed Fields speak.

NS: Ed Field [sic]?

AL: Yeah, and possibly one or two others.

NS: Now, I don’t have to tell you that this, these crimes have undergone a media blackout, in terms of the national media.

AL: That’s correct.

NS: How do you explain that?

AL: Well, it’s the Jewish media control. And the fact that any kind of non-white crime doesn’t fit their agenda, so they suppress it.

NS: Now, various reports have been published in, on blogs – both white and black blogs, oddly enough – which have claimed that both victims were sexually mutilated. I’m sure you’re familiar with these reports.

AL: Yes.

NS: No officials in local law enforcement in Knoxville or federal law enforcement have made these reports, to my knowledge. I’ve spoken with people, and they’ve refused to make any statements. Well, they’ve variously said they don’t know, the feds have, and local law enforcement has refused to confirm or disconfirm any of these reports. Do you have any idea where these reports have emanated from?

AL: Well, as best I can tell, they’re coming from people who are inside there who are relating it through [sighs] oh, by the time you get in a blog it’s either second or third person, but what are you gonna do? This stuff is always hushed up.

[Chuckles]. I would have to [pauses] Oh, God. I spent a couple of nights reading through everything and there’s, that’s out there, and it’s pretty clear it’s coming from the cop, investigation that they, that they sodomized ‘em, and they pissed on ‘em, and they dumped chemicals on ‘em.

NS: No, no, no. That’s not what I’m talking about.

AL: They covered it up. They cover it up.

NS: The documents, no the documents, the official documents show that they’ve been charged formally with having raped both members of the couple, the man and the woman. And with having raped the woman orally, vaginally, and anally. This is not at issue.

AL: Yeah.

NS: The issue is the charge, the claims that the, Mr. Newsom was sexually dismembered, and which would presumably be while he was alive, and that um that Ms. Christian had her breasts chopped off.

But there’s actually no apparent beef. The mainstream media outlet, the Knoxville News [Sentinel], did publish reports that the killers poured cleaning fluid down Ms. Christian’s mouth while she was alive, supposedly to get rid of DNA. So that’s not, I mean, that’s actually been in the mainstream media, the local media, of course. So, but the issue, the reports that have not been published by any mainstream media outlet are the blog reports charging the sexual mutilation of the victims.

AL: So, what?

NS: Hmm?

AL: So, what?

NS: No, I was just wondering if you had any sources.

AL: Look, you’re writing for AmRen.

NS: Right.

AL: AmRen wants to focus on the crime.

NS: Right.

AL: And obsess about it. I’m interested in the systemic nature of this problem, which is why it’s being suppressed. And that goes to the Jewish control. The Jews are the ones who produce the policies that ensure that this stuff happens. That’s the important thing here. Yeah, the fact is they were, any way you want to cut it, they were murdered, they were raped, and they were tortured, a combination of those. I know [American Renaissance editor Jared] Taylor wants to get people obsessing about that but that’s not the important thing here. The important thing here is that the Jews set up the system that allows this stuff to happen. It literally facilitates it. These kind of crimes weren’t happening fifty years ago, because niggers knew they would be lynched, and they were kept out of white communities, and white communities were allowed by law to protect themselves.

AL: Now, the Jews re-wrote the laws, and that is the main issue here. Now, I know you don’t want to say that, and I know that you are probably a Jew yourself.

NS: I most certainly am.

AL: You are a Jew, and yet you are writing for a ostensibly [laughs], a publication that, that represents white people. That’s what’s such a joke about Jared Taylor’s approach. Whites are second-class citizens at AmRen, just as they are in the broader society. It’s the Jews who set up the so-called civil rights that denied whites the free association. That’s what produces crimes like this. And Jared Taylor damn well knows that, but he won’t allow his people to say it on his Web site. So, we don’t take the same view that AmRen takes. That’s assuming that AmRen is honestly motivated, which I don’t assume personally.

NS: What do you think AmRen’s motivations are?

AL: I think it may well be just a false front.

NS: A false front for…?

AL: The Jews. The Jews are putting money into it. He’s allowing Jews to speak. He’s allowing Jews to criticize whites on a site; he does not allow whites to criticize Jews. You tell me how that’s any different from the New York Times or any other major media. Same system of taboos applies at AmRen that does everywhere else in society. And he wants his people to be obsessed about blacks and black crime. Blacks are a headless community. They’re not capable of leading themselves or organizing themselves. The Jews set up the NAACP [reader’s note: this is actually true], and the Jews re-wrote the rules so the white communities were left open to exactly this kind of crime. Which we have named a “hush” crime, ‘cause it focuses not only on the black criminals but the Jews who hush up what’s going on even while they’re trumping up the garbage allegations at Duke, and reporting on that crap for a year.

NS: [Writing feverishly.] I’m trying to keep up with you.

AL: I mean, I’ve written a bunch on our site, so if you have any problem, you’ll find what I’m telling you written there.

NS: Let me just go back here. Alright, I know you told me in your email that the Web site will announce the time and place, the exact time and location of the rally.

AL: Well, we have the time, but we don’t have the exact location or the [unclear] we’re not going to talk about it quite yet.

NS: Yeah, no, I, would imagine not. And so, I’ll just check around that time.

AL: Yeah, so if you check the week of the rally, we …. We might do it multiple places. It just depends. We want to have some access to the public. We don’t want, we’re tired of going to these events and applying for a permit and being shoved away in some little corner, and having to stick mirrors up our asses and fly helicopters overhead.

We’re just going to, simply – we’re going to use our rights.

NS: Oh, so, in other words, you might not – you might do it without a permit.

AL: [Chuckles] We’re going to do – yeah, we’re going to do it without a permit.

We’re going to assemble and speak where we feel it’s appropriate, not where the cops or any other group feels it’s appropriate.

NS: Alright, so I’ll send your love to Jared Taylor.

AL: Well, he I’m sure knows what I think.

NS: I’m sure he does.

AL: He knows damn well there’s a reason that all of this is going on. He knows exactly what it is, and there’s a reason that he doesn’t allow his people to talk about it, and that he doesn’t talk about it himself. So, either he’s being paid to, or he’s just a coward. And there’s no third option.

But we’re going to do right; fear no man, as [the late neo-Nazi leader and National Alliance founder, William] Pierce advised.

NS: I’m sorry, what…?

AL: I enjoy your articles; I’ve read ‘em in the past. I was disappointed to find out you’re a Jew. But …

NS: [Laughs out loud.]

AL: You still do pretty good work. I’ve seen, I can’t remember precisely, but I spent at least one day a couple of years ago reading through everything you’ve written, so.

NS: That’s a lot of writing.

AL: You’ve done quite a bit. I mean, do you freelance, or…?

NS: Well, sure. I’m a homeless writer.

AL: Yeah.

NS: Freelancing is what you do by necessity, not by choice.

AL: It’s a difficult thing, I know that. Should you write on anything touchy, even if you leave the Jew out of it.

NS: [Laughs] You know, one of your readers thought he did me a favor by stating that I’m only half-Jew. He’s mistaken. There’s no half-Jews [NS chuckles].

AL: Well, I appreciate your admitting it.

NS: Well, of course, it’s not something to admit or to hide. It’s a simple matter of fact. Either – it’s an all-or-nothing proposition.

AL: I think a lot of Jews try to hide that they’re Jews.

NS: I don’t know about that. But there, no there are a lot of people who don’t know that there’s no such thing as a half-Jew. Actually, the Nazis started that notion that you could be a part-Jew.

AL: Well, they had, what did they say, if one in four of your grandparents was, that qualified you?

NS: Oh, well, that’s not what I’m talking about. Either you have a Jewish mother or you don’t. That’s what makes a Jew. Or else you have to convert. That’s the issue of whether you had a grandparent, that’s irrelevant, unless you’re talking about your mother’s mother. That’s all that.

AL: I’m not sure that Israel sees it that way.

NS: What does Israel say?

AL: I think Israel has just that, that if you can prove one of your grandparents, even if it was not a female, you can still get in by their blood laws. And I know the Nazis at least to some degree talked to the rabbis and tried to base what they did on Jewish law.

NS: Well, that’s no, no, Jewish law is what I just said. I don’t know what Israel’s doing, but Jewish law is that either your mother’s a Jewish woman, or you have to have converted – that’s it. [This is true within Israel, as well as without, though Reform Jews perversely claim that someone who does not practice Judaism is not a Jew, regardless of whether his mother was a Jew. I say perversely, because the vast majority of Reform Jews – whose movement is reducible to Enlightenment atheism plus matzoh brei – are non-practicing.]

AL: That may be a little different from what Israel says.

NS: That’s possible, but that would be a political matter, not a religious matter, whatever they did.

AL: But you know, the main point about this here, is that we’re not going there to tie balloons, and it’s so pitiful when you read through the guest book that they have in the local paper where all the family and friends of these people respond, and they just, ‘Oh what can we do?’ these horri…, no these tragedies happen for a reason. And it’s, the reason is that the people running our society are Jews, and they intend our extermination. And they put in place these words and terms and frames and arguments, and this [unclear] safe way for whites to respond, having stupid candlelight vigils. And that’s absolutely the wrong way. There needs to be a hell of a lot of anger. And eventually, we’re going to have to physically displace the Jews. It’s just that simple.

And I don’t mind telling you that, because I’ve written that many times. I don’t know what it’s going to take to bring that about, but that’s the only solution.

NS: Well, seeing as I’m the head of the ZOG, I think that would be very difficult to pull off.

AL: [Laughs, chuckles, and coughs repeatedly.] Well, if you’re deflecting attention from the Jewish cause of this, then yeah, you’re helping ZOG, there’s no doubt about it. And that may well be what AmRen was set up to do, I don’t know, I have to judge it by its results.

NS: Well, no, no, I’m not trying to deflect anything. I mean, I’m perfectly, uh, I hadn’t planned on saying this, but since you’re talking about physically, violently displacing the Jews, you should know that guys like me are ready, willing, and able to kill to defend their own.

AL: So are we.

NS: [Laughs] O.k., just so that we understand each other.

AL: You Jews are the aggressor.

NS: The aggressor? Well, I’m an aggressive kind of guy, you know. So, you’ve read my work?

AL: Aggressor. [NS laughs loudly.] And not all whites are going to put up with it. And more and more are going to come to see that what we’re saying is correct.
Nicholas Stix is an award-winning journalist who writes on the realities of race, education, and urban life that are censored by the mainstream media and education elites. His work has appeared in the (New York) Daily News, New York Post, Toogood Reports, VDARE, Washington Times, Illinois Leader, Newsday, the American Enterprise, Weekly Standard, Insight, Chronicles, Ideas on Liberty, Middle American News, Front Page Magazine, Academic Questions, CampusReports, and countless other publications. He has a weekly column in Men’s News Daily.

Mr. Stix has taught at 6 colleges. His runs two web sites: Nicholas Stix, Uncensored and A Different Drummer


11 October, 2007

Posted by Socrates in General Decline, jewed culture, multiculturalism, New World Order, Socrates, Western culture at 10:56 pm | Permanent Link

White men play second fiddle to minorities and women. Why is that? Didn’t White men build the West? Also, how many Jewish lawyers does it take to create a “human right”? Are there any statistics about that?:


11 October, 2007

Posted by Socrates in globalization, New World Order, Socrates at 4:14 pm | Permanent Link

The move toward an international currency is basically a Marxist one. Supercapitalism and communism aren’t that far apart, despite surface appearances. They’re both global, they both transform entire cultures, but one turns a profit, too [1]. (Furthermore, a question: what will the Federal Reserve’s role be if America adopts a global currency?):


[1] about supercapitalism vs. “normal” capitalism: (see footnote #3): [Here]

10 October, 2007

Posted by alex in Eric Thomson, Revilo P. Oliver at 5:16 pm | Permanent Link

21 January 1993

Revilo Pendleton Oliver
701 Ohio Street
Urbana, Illinois

Mr. Eric Thomson
P.O. Box 896
Yakima, Washington  98907

Dear Mr. Thomson:

Thank you for your letter of 23 December and the picture of the very old trolley car that now operates on the Yakima Railroad as a tourist attraction, in place of the more modern equipment that I remember.

You may wonder at the delay in sending you a copy of Hilberg’s 1961 edition. The library borrowed a copy for me, but while I assumed the delay was caused by the confusion that accompanies celebration of Yule and the New Year, what happened was that I was not told the copy had been received, and, again without informing me, the book was returned on the supposition that I no longer wanted it. A copy is now being obtained for me by a responsible librarian, and should arrive within a few days.

In the meantime, Covington’s latest outburst had reached me and I send you a photocopy.

He seems to be nearing insanity. It is prima facie incredible that Dr. Pierce would spend money that he doesn’t have (he cannot afford to print some books he commissioned) to buy a second ashram in a region in which the local populace, soused in Baptist piety, is violently hostile. He could not operate two, more than a hundred miles apart over difficult roads, and he could sell neither to another cult. Since Dr. Pierce has not gone mad, I assume that the man who is trying so hard to break up the National Alliance has done so.

I have a letter from a good friend who attended Carto’s Revisionist Conference. He wrote:

I was disgusted and almost nauseated after the banquet meal at the last conference to hear Zundel via a telephone hook-up slobber praise all over Cole and state that the Chosen People had suffered almost as much as the Germans because of the false holocaust myth.

After the banquet, I was beset by a number of people who apparently read the expression on my face and were indignant at my belief that it is unwise to take into positions of authority people like David Cole.

Alas, for our rotting race!  The Christian virus has done its work irremediably. I am reminded of the English imbecile who, as reported in Spearhead, proclaimed that he forgave the nigger who raped and mutilated his daughter and would pray for the unfortunate sinner. Our race contains cancerous growths that should be excised to preserve what is yet capable of life — if there is any!

The penury of the ‘right wing’ is painful to contemplate. I deeply regret that you must live by the kind of employment you seek in Yakima, but I sincerely hope that by this time you have found something suitable.

With all good wishes,

As ever,

Revilo P. Oliver


1 February 1993

Revilo Pendleton Oliver
701 Ohio Street
Urbana, Illinois

Mr. Eric Thomson
P.O. Box 896
Yakima, Washington  98907

Dear Mr. Thomson:

Herewith photocopies of the title-page, pages 177 f., and the Postscript in the edition of Hilsberg’s book that I am returning to the library. As I told you on the telephone, I shall try to obtain a copy of the 1961 edition to copy for you.

I write at once to tell you that, to my amazement, Dr. Pierce actually has purchased and taken title to Klassen’s establishment in Otto. I was wrong about his not being mad! The purchase price is not stated, so it is possible that Pierce paid less than the amount stated by Covington, and Covington is certainly a liar when he implies that Klassen had to leave the state of North Carolina: he is still living near Otto.

With all good wishes,


Revilo Oliver

P.S. Your packet, including a copy of your novel, has just arrived. I thank you for it and shall read it with great interest. Its date, at all events, will enable me to mention it before Pierce’s books.

Thank you for the copy of Cardiff’s The Liberal, which mentions both “M. Murray” (i.e., Madalyn O’Hair) and James Hervey Johnson, the editor and publisher of the Truth Seeker, the periodical you have in mind in the postscript to your letter. I enclose a photocopy of an article in Liberty Bell, August 1989, in which I outline the essentials of the matter (I copy the page-proofs rather than the pages of the magazine because the typesetting equipment then in use, having behaved decorously for the first twenty-two pages, went berserk, creating many typographical errors that had to be corrected in the next issue.). I add a few marginalia to expand statements in the article.

1. Smith published this edition at my recommendation.

2. Mrs. O’Hair deserves credit for her courageous promotion of atheism, and I accordingly spared her in this paragraph. She originally quarrelled with Johnson because he was selling certain books at a lower price than she asked. It was she, to whom Charles Smith had twice given a complimentary share of stock, who started all the trouble, her palms itching when she heard of $17,000,000 and her brain becoming feverish. It was she who organized the asinine “stockholders’ meeting” and prosecution of Johnson. So her feckless cupidity is the real cause of the disaster that followed. 

3. The litigation, with countersuits, has finally ended with a published apology by Mrs. O’Hair to the crooked banker named True, who became executor and trustee under Johnson’s ill-advised will. True is said to be a Latter Day Saint, so you can guess how fitted he is to promote atheism. At present, Dr. Robert John is contemplating legal action to have True removed as trustee on the grounds that he is both incompetent and dishonest.

4. Mrs. O’Hair’s “Truth Seeker” ceased publication soon after I wrote. The rival publication from San Diego became a quarterly, operated by an odd crew, most of them at odds with each other. There was one excellent issue, which I noticed and commended in Liberty Bell, October 1989; it contained sound articles on the sexual mutilation of males by savages and barbarians, including the Sheenies, and even proposed legislation, like the Emperor Hadrian’s, to outlaw the disgusting practice. Whether the Kikes reacted, I do not know, but the journal soon relapsed into muddled “freethinking.” One issue promoted coenogamy (i.e., a kibbutz-style marriage in which a number of males pool their wives), but did not know the English word and so invented a repulsive neologism, ‘polyfidelism.’ It soon fulfilled my prediction later in this article that it would compromise with “New Age” chicanery. I have not received an issue of this bastard Truth Seeker for several months; it may have ceased publication.

5. The target here is again Mrs. O’Hair, who encourages her followers to waste their resources on such silly lawsuits as the ones here described, and wastes the funds of her own organization in such legal absurdities as a suit to compell the city of Austin to discard its purely decorative armorial bearings (the coat of arms of one of the Spanish conquistadores) because they include a cross.

Apropos of Cardiff’s article on Lincoln, I remark that in my youth I was acquainted with a man who, as a reporter for a newspaper in Ohio, covered Lincoln’s second inaugural. He was seventeen at the time, and his post as a featured journalist may have been related to the circumstance that his father owned the newspaper.

P.P.S. I wrote the above on the first, but did not get it printed and in the mail until today, the sixth.



15 April 1993

Revilo Pendleton Oliver

701 Ohio Street

Urbana, Illinois


Mr. Eric Thomson

P.O. Box 896

Yakima, Washington  98907

Dear Mr. Thomson:

Do not suppose that I have forgotten you, although it took the only article in the April issue of Liberty Bell that was worth publishing to remind me of an outstanding obligation. Your article on miscegenation was excellent and an able conspectus of the genetic weakness that dooms nations to self-destruction.

A little more than a month ago, one of the book-dealers of whom I had inquired reported that he had obtained a copy of the first edition of Hilberg’s book, so I ordered it immediately and told the librarian she need not prosecute her search for a copy to borrow. The dealer’s order blank said “allow three to four weeks for delivery,” so I assumed the book would come within that time and that I needed to do nothing more until I mailed it to you.

The book hasn’t come and my checque has not been negotiated. I am writing to ascertain what is wrong, and want in the meantime to assure you that I shall keep my promise to you eventually.

I must confess that numerous and various chores and my own debility have thus far prevented me from reading your novel, but it is on a shelf adjacent to this computer and I will take it up as soon as I can.

With all good wishes,


Revilo Oliver


10 May 1993

Revilo Pendleton Oliver

701 Ohio Street

Urbana, Illinois


Mr. Eric Thomson

P.O. Box 896

Yakima, Washington  98907

Dear Mr. Thomson:

The book has finally come, having spent three weeks in the custody of the post office, and I will send it on to you by insured parcels post.

Despite the dealer’s listing of it as the “first edition,” this copy is the 1967 edition, which you, on the basis of the photocopies I sent you, thought you could use, despite the “minor changes” mentioned in the notice of copyright. I accordingly accepted it. The pages are evidently the same as in 1961, and if you suspect significant “minor changes” at any point, we can find a library that has the original printing and obtain photocopies of those pages.

I wonder whether an effort has been made to suppress the early editions. They must have been printed in large numbers, but seem to have become rare now. Since I ordered this copy, I received an offer from another dealer of a copy of the first edition (1961) for $175.

I write in haste. You have, I am sure, understood the significance of the fiendish murders in Waco carried out by the army of professional terrorists whom the stupid taxpayers pay to make a Gulag out of the country they did not have the brains to keep. One has to marvel at the courage and devotion of Christians who really believe their nonsense.

With all good wishes,




27 July 1993

Revilo Pendleton Oliver

701 Ohio Street

Urbana, Illinois


Mr. Eric Thomson

P.O. Box 896

Yakima, Washington  98907

Dear Mr. Thomson:

Somewhere in the mounds of unanswered correspondence on my side table is a letter from you that I have long intended to answer, but cannot find at the moment.

I remember that I intended, first, to assure you that the copy of Hilberg’s tripe is yours: I obtained it for you, and am glad that it is what you wanted. Second, I wanted to send you the enclosed photocopy from Dr. Pierce’s Bulletin of last December. I made the copy for you, but evidently forgot to send it earlier. It shows both his reaction to Covington’s attacks and his current wife, who came from Hungary. She does not look Jewish to my unpracticed eye.

I will tell you in confidence, since you seem to be almost unique in the “right-wing” and have discretion, that, quite apart from Covington’s scurrilous exercises in crude loedorography, I regard Williams as probably something of an imposter. Look at the photograph of him and ask yourself whether that man could have been a captain in the (presumably American) Special Forces celebrated by Colonel Gritz. Covington has distributed widely copies of a letter Williams wrote about him. It is childish, worthy of a boy in high school. I would question its authenticity, if Williams has not written as an equally immature adolescent to George Dietz.

The enclosed photocopy from a periodical called The Humanist will amuse you.

You will not have overlooked the significance of the Federal terrorists’ massacre in Waco, Texas. I wrote last month’s “Postscript” about it that will appear in the September issue of Liberty Bell. The only significant bit of information that has appeared since I wrote is the report shown on the enclosed photocopy of a page from a financial periodical, which merely confirms my prediction that Waco was but the beginning of open terrorism by the Occupation Government in Washington. The unwomanly female called Reno, head of the “Justice Department,” has now openly indicated a willingness to massacre every group of Americans who imagine that they still have rights in the country they gave to their enemies.

I hope that life in Yakima has become a little easier for you.

With every good wish,




20 September 1993

Revilo Pendleton Oliver

701 Ohio Street

Urbana, Illinois


Mr. Eric Thomson

P.O. Box 896

Yakima, Washington  98907

Dear Mr. Thomson:

Thank you for the copy of the column by the Kike in the Toronto Sun. His family name may have been inherited from his parents. ‘Margolis’ is an odd derivative, or just possibly a cognate, of Margarita, the very common and variously spelled name given to girls. It is not uncommon among Jews in Lithuania and adjacent regions, and may even have been assumed as a family name with awareness of its etymological meaning, ‘pearl.’ (You know how Jews are obsessed by gold and jewels.)

I have Douglas Reed’s Somewhere South of Suez. He was certainly right about the Zionist supersession of Communism. The corruption in Russia has been obvious for a long time. There is a book by a Sheeny named Semis, who boasted about the magnitude of the underground business that enabled him to migrate from Russia to the Benighted States with a fortune in his pocket, and he even made it clear, no doubt inadvertently, that his race was the focus of the corruption.

You have probably received the letter of which I enclose a photocopy. It was mailed to me from Raleigh in a plain envelope on the fifteenth of this month. Although he is right in denouncing Covington as a menace, the author, whoever he is, is, or professes to be, a superstitious fool. Satan is as mythical as his counterpart, Yahweh-Jesus, and as impotent to do anything for the fools who believe in him and the occult rubbish that goes with the myth. He is also so stupid that he imagines that the authors of fiction believe what they right about. I never met Lovecraft, but I exchanged two or three letters with him, corresponded with August Derleth and had some personal acquaintance with Robert Howard, both of whom were Lovecraft’s close friends. He was an atheist. No man who writes brilliantly about the supernatural can believe in it. A talented believer could, no doubt, match Lovecraft’s English prose, but he could not show the originality of plausible plots and characterization. I seem to remember that Lovecraft said so in the little book in which he surveyed historically the writing of “supernatural horror” in English literature.

I also doubt that Covington can take the credit for Ben Klassen’s suicide. When Klassen telephoned me a few months before, he said that he was depressed by the death of his wife, and that he was a weary old man (almost ten years younger than I) who wanted only to end his days in inactive tranquillity. Although he did not say so, I am sure he was deeply dejected by the failure of the organization on which he must have spent a fortune. Of course, it cannot have been pleasant to be the object of such venomous vituperation by a person against whom he had no defence. (Covington boasts that he has no property that could be attached.)

I enclose a few other photocopies that may interest you.

With every good wish,




15 OCT 93

DEAR DR. OLIVER:  Thank you for your letter of September 20 and the interesting inclosures. I strongly suspect that the letter mailed to you from Raleigh is written by Covington. I have read much of Robert Howard’s work and I like his writing style and imagery, although I am not much of a reader of fiction. I have several unpublished shortstories which are based upon a sort of “Twilight Zone” theme. Two of them, which are based loosely upon Odinism, have become something of ‘classics’ in the USZOG_GULAGS amongst White prisoners, as I have been told. In regard to your firsthand acquaintanceship with Howard, whom you describe as an atheist, I wonder if you knew a prominent Yakima atheist by the name of Cardiff, who was also an inventor and a writer. Sadly, his son rejected Reason in favor of Papism and attempted to destroy all of his father’s work. Somehow, Cardiff’s personal library survived, to some extent, after a warehouse fire, which destroyed his inventions that he had been working on until his death. The fire, as I understand, was spontaneous and not arson. I purchased one of his books, “The Child’s Heredity” by Paul Popenoe, and discovered Cardiff’s signature therein. I have admired Popenoe ever since I read his study of the Jukes and the Kallikacks (sp?) in his book on eugenics, on which I wrote a term paper in high school, back in in 1955 and for which I received an “A”. Today, I would be unable to find his book in a high school library, no doubt and if I even expressed an interest in eugenics, I would be hauled out of class for counselling & “sensitivity training”. I think that Elmer Pendell, who wrote “Sex versus Civilization” and “Why Civilizations Self-Destruct” has also made an extremely valuable and even more up-to-date contribution to the field of practical eugenics.

Many years ago, but not quite a decade, if I recall correctly, you mentioned that Fritz Berg and Mark Weber were likely to fly off the handle and actually publish articles to assist the jews in showing them how their Holocaust COULD HAVE HAPPENED. You must have had a good crystal ball, for you predicted correctly their asininity, at least in respect to Berg, whose horrific article appeared in the most recent issue of LIBERTY BELL! I know how a mass-extermination could have occurred as well, but I would never publish it. I am, you know, an old railroad man. You can guess how quickly an ordinary steam locomotive would finish everyone aboard a train, were it stopped in  a tunnel. Having a tunnel with doors at either end and no ventilation stopes would allow the locomotive to convert all available oxygen into carbon monoxide in a very short time. I remember a newspaper article about such a disaster on the Spanish railroad to Irun. There is a long tunnel on that route and the steam locomotive was derailed after the train was well into the tunnel. As I recall, some 700 people aboard died of asphyxiation. I travelled through that same tunnel in 1965. The conductor ran from car to car, making sure every window was closed. Soon, we were in the tunnel and I could see thick, greasy smoke from the coal-burning locomotive coating the window glass outside. I then realized that this was the same tunnel I had read about in that newspaper article! I knew that if we were stopped, I had one resort, an old railroader’s trick: usually there is water running beside the tracks in a tunnel. If one quickly leaves the train and puts one’s nose close to the surface of the running water, there is supposedly sufficient oxygen there to breathe. If one is in a hurry, he might begin to crawl out of the tunnel, by keeping his nose down, close to the water surface. I have never tried it, but aside from carrying one’s own oxygen supply, it might have been the only recourse. I now await Mark Weber’s folly in the same regard, although he did his best to discredit “Did Six Million Really Die?” at Ernst Zundel’s thoughtcrime trail and thus, ‘did his bit’ to get Ernst convicted by a jury the second time, although I warned him about this before he gave his testimony.

I said to Mark and to Dr. Faurisson that this is an adversarial system of justice and that they should consider carefully their answers to all questions put to them, especially those of the prosecutor, since they are defense witnesses. Dr. Faurisson could be partially excused from his lapses, because he has trouble with tricky English nuances and he is still unused to Anglo-Saxon style court proceedings, but for Mark Weber there was no excuse. Both men told me how much they “liked” the prosecutor. They wanted to keep him smiling and friendly, so much so, that they told him some of the very things he wanted to hear! I couldn’t believe my ears. It was Dr. Faurisson who saved Hilberg’s kosher bacon in the first trial. He had not even read Hilberg’s book, upon which I was preparing questions for the defense. Faurisson told me how much he “respected” Hilberg and how much he wanted to be “recognized” by such an eminent scholar. Hilberg is a charlatan and should really be selling junky used cars or playing a ‘straight man’ in a borscht belt burlesque show. The only time Defense Attorney Doug Christie gave Hilberg a bad time on the witness stand was when I managed to break through Faurisson’s ‘respectful miasma’ by citing Hilberg’s 2 bogus “Hitler orders” on page 177 of his book, which you so kindly gave me. Had my questions been used, I doubt that Hilberg would have republished his hoax. As it was, he simply omitted the “two Hitler orders”, after suffering a minor ‘holocaust’ on the witness stand. I said several times to these men that you can respect an enemy, but he remains an enemy. That is what you should never forget!

Robert Frens, who published my interview of J.G. Burg (Josef Ginsburg) phoned me some shocking news from his recent attendance at a David Irving speech in Niagara Falls, New York. Ernst Zundel, under the constant control of his dominatrix Ayn Rand look-alike “Anne Burton”, claimed that I never interviewed Burg and that I had made up my interview. He had revisionist newsletter publisher Jack Wikoff suppress publication of the article. I suppose he will do the same with George Dietz, but I hope not, for what Burg told me is of great importance. At the Irving meeting Ernst denied that he had suppressed my writing in Toronto (a lie) while he was suppressing my writing in New York State! Such behavior is quite jewish. Ernst forgets the many hours I spent with Burg, alone, plus my presence during the long televised interview which Ernst has suppressed, in addition to my presence at Burg’s press conference. I have cross-checked my notes of Burg’s statements with his testimony in court and I find no contradictions. Thus, if my interview is “fake”, it seems to accord with Burg’s testimony, so it is certainly not inaccurate. I see no reason why I should fake an interview. What Burg told me can be confirmed by research into Allied archives. If one chooses not to trust me, then why trust Burg? As I say, I am shocked by such a display of animosity on Ernst’s part and I am disgusted by his all-out attempt to suppress this article. According to Robert, Ernst claims that I would have nothing to do with Burg, since I detest jews. I do not detest anyone, unless he is doing something detestable and I certainly did not detest Josef Ginsburg. I treated him with utmost attentiveness and I accorded him all the respect one should accord a worthy enemy. His statements were doubly valuable to me (1) for what he witnessed and (2) for who he was. Ernst is behaving ever more erratic and unreasonable. Apparently, “Anne Burton” is able to force Ernst to reconstruct his recollection of his own experiences. Her power over him is grossly evident to all who see them and it is appalling.

I am not in competition with Ernst. I am not siphoning off his donations and I have no intention of doing so. I earn no money and receive no support from my articles, which are read by very few people. What is his problem? The Burg interview is indeed based upon my notes of our conversations and it is genuine. Let Ernst transcribe HIS interview with Burg, which was much longer and more detailed. I know because I sat through most of it in his videobunker at the time it was made. Why does Ernst sit upon so much information? He does nothing with it and I fear that it will go down the Orwellian Memory Hole, liket he archives of “Common Sense”. That would be a great loss! Still, if Ernst continues to hang onto it and does nothing with it for another 20 years, it will be largely irrelevant, just as his undistributed copies of “China, the Jews & World War III” are now out-dated with the breakup of the Soviet Union. As far as I know, Ernst is still sitting on dozens of those books as well as thousands of Holocaust Trial Facti, which are now out-dated and of no interest, since they refer to t trail which was superseded by another trial, which resulted, finally, in the abolition of the law under which Ernst was tried in the first place! His non-promotion of Barbara Kulaszka’s book on the last Holocaust Trial almost guarantees that its importance will be superseded by world events. Ernst loses dozens of unsold books every year to dryrot. His amazing library of reference is being gradually consumed by beetles, mice, squirrels, moths & silverfish. The volumes are unsorted & unread by anyone and will likely remain so, as long as they are in Ernst’s possession. Young people who could benefit from such knowledge are turned away & made to feel unwelcome. Ernst is going all-out to obtain inheritances, so he is concerning himself with elderly supporters only. His activities are pretty much reduced to self-promotional appearances & trips back & forth to Europe with his “lady-friend”, “Anne Burton”. He is not disseminating the great store of information he has on hand, nor is he building and organization of active people. His claims of being responsible for events in Germany are no more correct than if he would claim to be responsible for making the sun rise in the east. It is obvious that he intends to do nothing with his supporters’ donations, other than live off them. I am very disappointed by his behavior. 

In none of my published articles have I ever mentioned my assessment of Ernst. When I mention his name, it is with respect as a victim of and fighter against Zionism and its Holocaust Lie. In this regard, he made a worthy effort in the past and that will not change. His present activities and lack thereof I deem unworthy of my support, but if others with to support his perambulations, they are most welcome. There are always more foolish and even less useful ways of spending money. What I do not understand is Ernst’s most recent attack against me, as if I were competing for his donors’ support. Until I receive even one penny from someone who claims to have been a Zundel supporter, he should not behave in this intemperate manner. I have made no fund appeals. I have no newsletter, nor organization. Few people in the revisionist community who know Ernst have ever contacted me. He is obviously the victim of his own imagination which has been poisoned by his venomous vixen, “Anne Burton”.

The suppression of the J.G. Burg interview is exactly what any jewish group would seek to do. It is sad that Aryan donations go to Erst so that he can do this job for the jews.

18 OCT 93. I have just been informed that Ernst has contradicted himself once more. now, he “recalls” that I did have several opportunities to question Burg & that he even ‘witnessed’ me with him. Ernst now thinks that my article should be widely circulated, but he does not say how, nor does he offer to publish it in his own newsletter which has an approximate circulation, in German & English, of 2000 people worldwide. Ernst thinks I should have been more complete in regard to Josef Ginsburg’s biography, but he forgets that I was not allowed by Ernst to write such an article while I had access to that information. Ernst is sitting on the videotaped interview of Ginsburg which has all that information. It is absurd to accuse me of incompleteness in my article when he is the author of the delay in its appearance as well as its truncated form. His sudden recall is indicative of his memory’s ability to recover when he is not in the dominance pattern of “Anne Burton”.




1 November 1993

Revilo Pendleton Oliver
701 Ohio Street
Urbana, Illinois

Mr. Eric Thomson
P.O. Box 896
Yakima, Washington  98907

Dear Mr. Thomson:

I congratulate you on your two excellent articles in the current issue of Liberty Bell. Both state facts that cannot be too strongly emphasized: the innate nature of niggers, which makes them regard kindness as weakness and thus intensifies their hatred; and Jews who fear that the Zionists may bring catastrophe upon the race as a whole are useful allies in present circumstances, but can never be one of us.

I was glad to have your letter of 15 October.

I see no harm in demonstrating what facilities the Germans had for disposing of Yids, and thus showing the stupidity of the Holohoaxers, who did not think of imagining use of those far more convenient and efficient facilities. What I regard as reprehensible is quibbling and even polemics among “revisionists” over details — especially such things as Frenz’s ignoble and disgusting attack on Fred Leuchter.

Life in academic circles, such as was Faurisson’s during his fairly long career and of which Mark Weber had some little experience, is a great handicap in adversarial positions. It is a tradition of respect for learning per se and of a certain comity in personal relations. The Jews who were my colleagues on the faculty here hated me, of course, but never breached the formal decorum of academic life. The only persons who did were (1) a Mischling who pretended he was not a Jew; I laughed at his diatribe and told him I knew his racial antecedents, thus almost inducing his death by apoplexy before I walked away, and (2) a goy, Ph.D. from Yale in Romance Languages, who yelled abusively at my wife across the width of a drug store, but apologized when he found he could not avoid meeting me on the street.

What is happening to Zundel is tragic and potentially disastrous, and it is sad that nothing can be done about it. It is truism in intelligence work that a trained female operative is the surest and quickest means of neutralizing or corrupting a man in a responsible position, but women as a sex, with their concern for respectability and peace, are likely to inhibit a man’s efforts. The sad experience of some of my friends made me aware of my extraordinary good fortune in having a wife who fully shared my opinions and never complained of the sacrifices she had to make.

You have noticed the latest phase of the race war in Southern California. I have not heard from a number of acquaintances who lived in or near the burned-out regions.

With all good wishes,

As ever,



8 NOV 93. Dear Dr. Oliver: Thank you for your letter of 1 November. I was intrigued by your mention of my TWO articles in the November issue of LIBERTY BELL. I did not write the article on Rhodesia. The author, J.B. Campbell, had experiences similar to mine and if John Coey had survived the jews’ phony war in Rhodesia, he would have been able to write the same things. I did not resign my position. I was deported by the Ian Smith traitor regime in March, 1976, because of my activities as Treasurer/Organizer of The Rhodesian White People’s Party. The article from the Rhodesian Government publication in regard to the deportation is reproduced in my booklet, “Rhodesia Today — Race War & Race Suicide”, which Dietz published in 1976. It was first published in Canada by the Western Guard Party in 1975, before I left Rhodesia. I have never met nor corresponded with J.B. Campbell. One day it would be interesting to compare notes on our experiences. I am gratified that he came to the same conclusions from his experiences as I did from similar ones. I could have written the J.B. Campbell article, but I am glad I am not the only White man on Earth who is able to do so. It is interesting that Harold Covington has not, to my knowledge, written anything as instructive in regard to his own experiences in Rhodesia and South Africa. J.B. Campbell has a lot to offer as an educator of young Whites. Covington offers nothing but overblown opinions.

In regard to Fritz Berg’s article on how the Germans really could have gassed the kikes, I can only say that most Goy Holohoax-believers are not too bright. Moreover, they WANT to believe their precious yids. I saw that in 2 Holocaust trials in Toronto. Professor Lindsey testified on the witness stand that IF the chimneys of the crematoria had been lined with modern armored ceramics, the chimneys could have flamed without collapsing. Since the jews claimed the chimneys were flaming, the jury concluded that the Germans must have used armored ceramic construction. The TV epic, “Holocaust”, showed a number of preposterous methods of ‘holocausting’ the yiddles, before they had studied revisionist literature. “War & Remembrance” obviously reflected such studies, for I recall one scene of burning bodies in pyres, not “burning pits”, which were well aboveground, as was done to the German victims of the Dresden Holocaust. Revisionism should rebut the Hoax, as given, not invent new ‘possibilities’ for subsequent use by the Holohoaxers. The “gas chambers for trains” story may make its appearance in another kosher ‘docudrama’. I agree with you in regard to Robert Frenz’s attack on Fred Leuchter. I do not see Dietz’ motive in republishing such scandalous material, although I have long ago concluded that Dietz is basically a prankster and a mischief-maker. The only joy he gets out of life is in knowing that somewhere, somehow, there is somebody who is offended and annoyed by his publication. The fact that he publishes your articles and others of great value is purely coincidental. I am glad the “J.G. Burg” article appeared, despite the previously successful efforts of Ernst Zundel’s dominatrix in suppressing its publication in Jack Wikoff’s “REMARKS”. My purpose is not to annoy, but to inform. I hope that the readers of LIBERTY BELL are taking advantage of the cornucopia of information which you have been providing them with for so many years.

Robert Frenz tells me that the IHR may self-destruct through internecine strife. To my knowledge, very few of the people in their Costa Mesa H.Q. have much character or moral fiber, least of all Willis Carto. Too bad!

In regard to John Coey, a young American patriot who was killed in an ambush while fighting for “Christian, anti-Communist Rhodesia”, as he put it, I met him through Wilfred Brooks after reading Coey’s article in ASSAGAI, the Rhodesian Army publication. It was in 1974 that I met him and advised him to return to the United States, for Smith was going to sell out Rhodesia to Black misrule. Coey preferred to chase niggers in the bush on behalf of “God” and “anti-Communism”, so that’s where he died, without issue. His White girlfriend, being Christian, couldn’t make up her mine on that, either. I tried to explain to him that all my findings indicated the Cold War to be an Orwellian hoax; that the niggers had always practiced communism within their respective tribes and that it was futile to fight in a war which was already lost. I said that it would be best for “God” and “anti-Communism” if he would return to the U.S.A., where he had status and his family had money, and there, have as many White children as possible. Too bad he didn’t take my advice. He asked me what I was doing in Rhodesia and I replied that I was there for “reasons of health” and that I could not afford to return to the U.S.A. at that time. Once the Nixon administration was ousted, the jew Nelson Rockefeller was dead, the Attorney General Mitchell imprisoned and the Mafia-lackey Hoover filed in the graveyard, I could return, not that I cared one bit where I would live on this planet. After some quarter century of exile, I did return. My brief stint at Reedy, WV, was merely an interruption, and it was ‘unofficial’, although my presence was betrayed to the F.B.I. by two informants in Toronto: Don Andrews, a Serb who adopted a Scottish name and ‘Injun’ John Ross Taylor, a half-breed hanger-on at the Western Guard Party. It was James N. Mason who relayed the information of my whereabouts to FEDZOGUSA during the tiff with George Dietz. Two FBI prostitutes for pay and pension soon visited us in Reedy on an absurd pretext that someone had stuck a WHITE POWER sticker on a telephone pole next to Nigger Dellums’ office in California.

I agree with your analysis of White females, who are usually ‘agents’ for the establishment in terms of their desire for ‘peace’ and material possessions. Over the decades, I have become a firm believer in what I call The Law of the Contrary. The jew “Lenin” had a faithful common-law female companion, the jewess Krupskaya. Even Kemal Ataturk had a female partner when he fought in the trenches of the Turkish civil war and the subsequent war against the Greeks. Randy Weaver and his wife, both of whom appeared to be Amerasians or mestizos, were mutually-supportive unto death. I do not wonder at the fact that I have remained unmarried, in view of my penurious and insecure economic position, as well as my being kicked out of five countries, including the U.S.A. Of course, “Lenin” and “Trotsky” had lives of similar upheavals, but their women stuck by them. What is Contrary about all this is that neither Commie kike believed in monogamy, yet they were more faithful to this principle than are most of the Christian ‘monogamists’ whom we see today, just as the most materialistic society in the world prints “in God we trust” on its money. Perhaps monogamy would be generally practiced if we were to preach “free love” in the pulpits and have no marriage ceremonies at all. Unless White women can be enlisted to support White men, we are unlikely to achieve much in the way of success. I noted in many pictures taken of German National Socialist rallies and meetings that men and women were equally present in the audiences and that they were sitting as couples. That is why National Socialism succeeded as it did.

Further to my observations on The Law of the Contrary: where I expected to make money, I went broke, as most recently here in Yakima. Where I expected danger, I found security; where I expected security, I found danger; where I expected war, I found peace, as during my 7-year stint in Rhodesia. Where I expected to go broke, I earned a living. Now I just examine my expectations and assume the opposite and I can make fairly accurate predictions. If you consider the risk I undertook in selling firearms in Mexico as compared to my apparent safety in resuming my academic studies, you may agree that it is most contrary to find my life and freedom threatened from pushing papers, rather than pistols, as I found out in 1969. I have never experienced the degree of academic decorum which you describe in your letter.  A jew professor of U.S. history, Rappaport, warned the class of Berkeley undergrads that “anyone who even suggested that Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor’s intended fate at the hands of the Japs would flunk” his course. I prudently confined my research to “progressivism” and got an “A”. I suspect that my faculty advisors who said “it would be just fine” for me to pursue a doctoral dissertation on the Peruvian situation may have set me up for harassment from USZOG, for they had a good insight as to my investigative competence. The reason I wished to do research in Peru, instead of San Francisco State College (now “University”), was simply because the little yiddles were having their “student strikes” in 1968-1969, which made academic work impossible. In my undergrad studies at Berkeley, I had a jew professor of “labor economics” who let everyone know that anti-union papers would be given a failing grade in his course.

Certainly there would have been more academic decorum amongst faculty members, but I can only describe the lack thereof which I experienced as a student. The most disconcerting discovery of all was in my security clearance procedure when I was entering the U.S. Army Security Agency. The Jap officer in charge read me statements which I had made in undergraduate seminars and questions I had asked in classes at Berkeley, all of which were duly reported by professors, teaching assistants and fellow students. One incident which was reported at some length was an accusation that I had “stolen” a fellow student’s “engineering pencil”, one of those metal pencils which grip the ‘lead’ at the tip and which requires a special pencil sharpener for drafting purposes. I recalled that the informant had challenged me to an impromptu wrestling match and that he had been ignominiously defeated, although he was much larger than I. During this tussle, he lost his pencil and I later found it and returned it to him. Had I any use for such an item, I would probably have kept it and he would have been none the wiser. It appeared to me, as I told the Jap, that he sought belated ‘revenge’ for being bested in the wrestling match, which had embarrassed him in front of his fellow students. So much for academic freedom of enquiry and expression! The world you describe to me is quite different from my experience. In fact, I find more decorum in courtrooms than I found in ‘our’ universities.

But none of this excuses Mark Weber’s performance on the witness stand in Toronto. He has undoubtedly watched Perry Mason shows on TV. I warned him that a courtroom was not a symposium, but a minefield in which a man’s freedom was at stake. You are kind to argue in his defence, but I have little respect for Mark in regard to his behavior during the trial.

Even when I was attending Occidental College, from 1956 to 1958, debating was an occasional feature of college life. I recall reading books on the subject. One book had, as an example, the argument for an against capital punishment, with at least 3 statements for and 3 rebuttals thereof. How can one attend an institution of ‘higher learning’ and receive no knowledge of debating techniques? The Anglo-Saxon court system is largely a system of debate. Where in Hades did Messrs. Lindsey, Weber & Weber (Charles) go to school and in what exotic land? Charles Weber was so fuddled, he could not recall the book he had written on the topic at hand. I have participated as a courtroom witness and I can at least recall things I have written, especially if they have a direct bearing on the subject of my testimony. Of course, none of us is perfect, but I find such rampant imperfection appalling when academicians perform worse than peasants on the very subjects of their expertise.

Oh well, Ernst Zundel kept telling me that the trials were only a steppingstone toward the building of an organization for political action. This was apparently why he adopted some pretty poor trial strategies, in my opinion. Ernst told me that “Anne Burton” said “the jews would kill him if he won.” I asked Ernst then if he were afraid to win, but he said nothing. As we saw, no political organization was created, because Ernst actively repelled everyone who wished to form one, just as he finally repelled me. What were his motives from the beginning? Were they self-aggrandizement and did he pull in his horns when the jews scared him? Or was it the malign influence of his dominatrix, “Anne Burton”, who put on the brakes and caused him to careen off his useful course? Like the thesis of the book, “Spycatcher”, the ending will remain with such suppositions and doubts.




6 November 1993

Revilo Pendleton Oliver
701 Ohio Street
Urbana, Illinois








10 January 1994

Revilo Pendleton Oliver
701 Ohio Street
Urbana, Illinois

Mr. Eric Thomson
P.O. Box 896
Yakima, Washington  98907

Dear Mr. Thomson:

Thank you for yours of the fourth and the enclosures.

I appreciated the copy of your letter to the stormy petrel in Canada whose gentile name I am too lazy to look up. Of course, he’s going to start another newsletter to compete for table scraps with the scores of ego-soothers now made possible by computers and laser printers. (I hear of a new one every month.)

Was your warning to the Rhodesians in 1976 published? If so, could you offhand give me reference to it, or even a photocopy? The South Africans are simply disgusting. Since I am not sure that you receive Instauration, I enclose a photocopy from the current issue. The writer is the author of White Man, Think Again! When that book, published by an Africaans firm, was suppressed in South Africa, with no protest from the local boobs, I new who had arranged the murder of Verwoerd. The pirated American edition, by the way, is an improvement on the original, of which the small type was enlarged to make the text more comfortably readable.

Thank you especially for the columns by Margolis. I am going to quote from the one about Kennedy in Liberty Bell. The article on Japan does not tell the worst: North Korea is just a puppet manipulated by China, which is now testing atomic missiles, too large to be tactical, but smaller than intercontinental missiles, i.e., just about the right size for use on Japan. According to the current Criminal Politics, the Sheenies still control China. (See enclosed photocopies.) And the Japanese believe, perhaps correctly, that they are the only nation standing between Yahweh’s Yids and the completion of their conquest of the world.

The “accord” between Kikistan and the Palestinians was, of course, just a comic skit to soothe boobs and lend a bit of prestige to Mr. Rodham. Arafat was undoubtedly bribed, at the expense of the American tax-paying animals, of course, either to sell out or to pretend to sell out the Palestinians. Margolis believes that there is a real opposition between two major factions in Judaea, says that they came close to civil war in 1948-1950, and obscurely hints they may do so again. If they do, the carnage will be beautiful, on the scale of the civil wars between factions of Sheenies that began as soon as they attained any degree of autonomy under the Seleucids and continued even during the siege of Jerusalem by the Romans in 59-60. But, despite Margolis’s apparent belief in a willingness to coexist with Palestinians, it seems that the opposition is between a faction (Likud) that denounces the “agreement” in principle and a faction (Rabin’s) that wants to wait until the inevitable violence on both sides makes the ambiguous “peace” impossible.

Again, many thanks and all good wishes,




21 January 94.  Dear Dr. Oliver: Please pardon this photocopy, but I noticed that my typewriter ribbon has faded, so I wanted you to have a more legible letter than the original. In response to your letter of 10 January, I hasten to send you a reasonably good copy of my 1976 article entitled “Rhodesia Today — Race War & Race Suicide” by Eric Campbell (my Canadian pen name). I also enclose the related article, “Rhodesia & You”, which appeared in Liberty Bell, July 1977. The reason for my use of pen names & anonymity was to disguise the fact that all the articles were coming from one person. I wanted to get the information out before I was prevented from doing so by the Z.O.G. My previous experiences at the hands of Zionist Occupation Government censorship involved attacks on my own person, deportations & seizures of my work in several countries, the first of them being the U.S.A. By maintaining an attempted low profile, I hoped to complete & circulate most of my findings before I was hampered by further Z.O.G. harassment. It is interesting that my chief censor would be Ernst Zundel, whose jewish dominatrix, “Anne Burton”, ordered him to stop me from writing in order to prevent Ernst from being jailed. With 20-20 hindsight, I see how effective her pro-Zionist censorship strategy was, for I wrote virtually nothing for ten years, and when I at last published my Josef Ginsburg interview, Ernst, at her behest, claimed that I had “faked the interview” and that I “had never spoken to Ginsburg.” I was surprised to read in your letter that you had missed my article on Rhodesia, but I think you will find it as timely in regard to South Africa, despite the passage of time.

I received the new rightwing, desktop publication, “Stormfront”, from Don Black of Florida, to whom I had written the letter of which I sent you a copy. It is a good effort, albeit with lots of typos, but how many more ‘patriotic publications’ can the White people of America afford to continue consuming, as the country is overrun and sinks under the morass of swarming mud-people, as it is robbed blind by the jew-banksters? I feel as if we are passengers on the TITANIC and that our fellow passengers are vying to sell us the newsletter subscriptions so that we will be able to read about every aspect of our ship’s sinking. As long as no one intends to man the lifeboats, plug the leak, increase the pump output, &c., one might be wiser to order some champagne and have the ship’s orchestra play some cheerful waltzes.

Margolis is a great source of information and I shall send you whatever I receive of his columns from my source in Canada.

Arafat, in my opinion, is similar to Ghandi of India. He is the least popular leader of the Palestinians, a sort of ‘nondenominational, secular socialist Arab’, amid a majority who crave a Mahdi who will lead them in a kamekazi-style Jihad. I have always suspected that he is the jews’ favorite Arab, if not their stooge. As I understand, te Zionist Occupation Government of Britain fielded the scrawny pervert Ghandi to head off Chandra Bose’s supporters. Wog affairs would resume their passive role in history if Whites would only stop financing all sides to their issues, on behalf of the jews.

I read “White Man, Think Again!” although I do not recall the author’s name, for it was many years ago. I found White South Africans, both British & Boer, to be quite impossible. The British were prepared to join the Blacks or bolt back to Britain; the Boers refused to ally themselevs with other Whites because they believed themselves to be “the new true Israelites”. They were both stupid & stubborn & worst of all, the Boers were addicted to Black labor. The Boer Nationalist Governments, since the assassination of Verwoerd, have all been in the Rothschilds’ pockets through their cheif agent, Harry Oppenheimer, but as long as the traitors had Boer names, the Afrikaaners thought everything was fine. Israeli jews were encouraged to swarm into South Africa to act as “military advisers” and even “advise” the South African Government how to solve its color problem: give the country to the Black savages! Jews hate Goyim who claim to be “the true jews” themselves, as we have seen most recently in the Koresh episode. Thus will the fate of the Boers be not only predictable, but terrible. It reminds one of that Hollywood sequel to the sequel of “The Planet of the Apes” movie: “Battle for the Planet of the Apes”, which apes South African life. The niggers in monkey costumes look very much like niggers and certainly act like them, while the humans are all White people & the police wear black SS uniforms. I happened to be in a restaurant in Toronto which had a television set turned to that movie, so I first thought it was a newsreel of a nigger riot in South Africa, until I paid closer attention. Scary, indeed!

Here I sit in Yakima, a mere tomahawk-throw from the “Yakima Indian Nation” reservation. I am as irrelevant here as I was in Louisville. As usual, I am standing in the station with a full head of steam; ready, willing and able to answer the call of Our Race, just as I was 20 years ago. No one appears to be interested in defending White interests in the Jewess-Eh qua White people, so I foresee that I shall be irrelevant for quite some time, perhaps for the rest of my life. I can just imagine being the last White man in Yakima, surrounded by a crowd of Chinese who want to know about jewish domination & financial finagling! In Louisville, I was a gardener. Here, I am a ticket-taker at a parking lot. I have never earned one cent from my years of writing, since there appears to be “no market” for it. That means that I must scrounge the time for research & writing when I am not gardening or ticket-taking. But there are, after all, more expensive hobbies than mine, so I have no complaints. Perhaps White people already know everything I have to tell them & they have already made up their minds to do nothing whatsoever about it. I guess that would be no great surprise to me. People who choose to live like cattle generally die like cattle.

I do not know if you have already received a copy of the Lenski book for your archives &/or for passing on, so I shall enclose one with this mailing. Please keep it or pass it on.

There is one anonymously written article by me on the subject of oil as an excuse for U.S. involvement in the Middle East wars, on behalf of Israel. This article appeared in LIBERTY BELL or WHITE POWER REPORT in 1977 or early 1978. As I recall, the cover had a clip-art depiction of an oil refinery, so it should be easily identified. George “could not find it”, which means that his own archives of his own publications must be in a mess. I am intrigued as to what I had written in that article, for my warning predicted our involvement in “Desert Storm”, as well as our continued military presence in the Middle East, using oil as the excuse. I believe that I pointed out that there was never an oil shortage, particularly in North America. One jewess claimed that it was “cheaper” to fight a war in the Middle East than to uncap some East Texas oil wells. Earlier, she had chimed in on a conversation I was having with a White man in a local restaurant. I said her idea was nonsense & that she was talking to the one person who know it to be nonsense, for I do have a background in oil exploration & development from my father & John Burton, the long-suffering husband of the kikess, “Anne Burton”. John Burton discovered oil in Saskatchewan & was about to develop new oilfields in Ontario, Canada, before he was stopped by the so-called government of “Soviet Canuckistan” at the behest of the Rockefeller-owned Petroleum Institute. To the distinct embarrassment of the ZOG of Canada, oil keeps forcing its way to the surface in such places as Jarvis, Ontario. Water coming from the taps has oil in it. Mr. Burton mentioned that the oldest oilfield in North America, the site where oil was discovered before Drake’s well in Pennsylvania, is PETROLIA, Ontario, where the original wells are still producing. Another embarrassing fact for the Zoglings who preach of an oil shortage. According to J.B., Britain is floating on oil and so are many countries on the Atlantic shores in Europe. British subsoil laws are so restrictive & so arcane that land oil-drilling is prohibited, so the oilwells are just “offshore” & they reach their on-land sources via directional drilling. My father said that over 360 wells can be drilled directionally from one rig site. 

The hapless  Iraquis were complaining about Kuwaitis tapping into their oil reserves by such methods, which preclude the location of a drilling rig on or near the oil source. They were not imagining things in this regard. A Caltex official (retired) whom I met in Africa, informed me that some 52 producing oilwells had been discovered “offshore” along the coast of Mozambique & South Africa.* One local, Bulawayo geologist assured me that Rhodesia had tremendous oil reserves, as well as coal, but the powers-that-be preferred to keep them out of production for political & economic reasons. It was “better”, in their view, to keep Rhodesia & South Africa dependent on oil supplied from the Middle East. Once again, we see the jew-middleman at work, for by preventing any territory’s people from becoming self-sufficient, they are able to dominate such dependents and make a profit! It is the old theme of “divide & rule”, but in this case, it is the separation of people from essential items which they require for living & the control of supply via foreign trade. Subsoil mineral wealth in its quantities & locations is a ‘top secret’ known to few governments & even fewer of the governed. Imagine if Germany had been able to develop its own oil reserves before world Wars I & II! I noted a peculiar picture in one of Ernst Zundel’s precious books which are somewhere in his ‘library’. It was entitled “Deutscher Feldzug im Osten”, which really reported on the German invasion of Poland. There was one picture showing numerous OIL WELLS on Polish territory near the Czech border, possibly the very territory which Poland had invaded upon the breakup of Czechoslovakia. Oil shortage, indeed! The Germans had devised efficient technology for the extraction of oil from coal. The judeo-Americans stole their patents, among tons of other inventions, and built a oil-from-coal plant somewhere near the Ohio River under the Eisenhower regime. As I understand, the cost per barrel was almost competitive with the cost of domestically-produced oil from wells. The oil gangsters ordered the project demolished & no more was heard thereof. As I understand, the South Africans also copied the German designs and produce oil from coal at Sasolburg in South Africa. It is notable that the facilities were attacked by unspecified terrorists & were heavily damaged when I was in Rhodesia, as I recall. Subsequently, I was informed that the South Africans were doubling capacity at this site.

The above is something to bear in mind whenever Americans are urged to send their sons & daughters to war in the Middle East on behalf of oil & Israel. I have met several dozen participants in “Desert Storm” since my return to the Jewess-Eh and I must say that they would be no loss to the country, had they never returned. Where are the human beings, the homo sapiens? All I encounter, with the fewest exceptions are ambulatory anthropoids whose concept of the future extends only to the end of the football season. The downbreeding of American humanoids is proceeding at an ever-accelerating pace & is noticeable when one has lived outside the territory for almost a quarter century as I have done. There is rapidly becoming little to choose between Whites & non-Whites in this country. It is amazing! The disordered crumbling of the United States which I depicted in my novel, “The Chosen One” seems to be looming into our own lifetimes. I make no claims to prophecy, but my predictions have been accurate in regard to the fates of  Rhodesia & South Africa and I am afraid that they are coming true in regard to the U.S.A. I am one ‘seer’ who would love to be proven wrong, for my predictions are usually dire ones and it gives me no great satisfaction to tell my fellow passengers who are with me in the icy sea that I had told them correctly about our collision with the iceberg.

It is not that the jews are so smart. It is that we wish to know nothing about our own affairs & interests, beyond our immediate physical gratifications & when we do know, we don’t want to bring our behavior into accordance with our knowledge. As long as we continue on our stupid, swinish path, we shall provide the jews with slaves & sacrificial beasts of our own flesh & blood. Those who choose to live like cattle, die like cattle. Do lemmings feel there is ‘safety in numbers?



* & were capped.

P.S.: Your letter of 19 January arrived as I was about to mail the present letter to you. The last communication I had with Covington, alias Winston Smith, was my letter dated 26 September 1992, a copy I enclose for your archives. The handwritten letter signed “Winston Smith”, dated 14 Jan 92 with a London, U.K. return address is Covington’s, I am pretty sure. As I recall, he was using a London postal address. I have nothing further to say to the likes of Covington, for he is incorrigible at best & quite possibly a ZOG-agent, at worst. His grasp of political tactics & strategy is abysmal & his objectives nebulous. His attitude toward White National Socialism, as he expressed it to me, is that it is a “bitter medicine” we must take, but for now, we can “enjoy” our nigger music, jewish humor & fast, junk-foods. Somehow, listening to Wagner & behaving like decent, productive White folk is a “bitter medicine” to Covington. This statement reveals to me the gist of his being, like the tip of an iceberg. Since Covington’s goals & behavior are trashy, as I have seen in my years of association with him, I don’t believe I need look further to ascertain that the substance beneath the trash heap is the contents of a city dump, any more than we need wonder as to the composition of an iceberg’s submarine dimensions.

I am of the opinion that the situation in North America is hopeless, but not serious, while the situation in Europe is serious, but not hopeless. The rapprochement which may come about between Western Europe & Russia is something I depicted in my somewhat prophetic novel, “The Chosen One”. We shall see how Jew-nighted States meddling can postpone the coincidence of mutual interests. The U.S.A. is indeed, “The Enemy of Europe,” and for that matter, of the entire White Race.

I regret that George saw fit to publish Covington’s peculiar, incorrect & illegal ramblings entitled “The March Up Country.” I warned him that advocacy of the forceful overthrow of the U.S. government is illegal. Strange how the book appeared just at the beginning of the Sedition Trial in Ft. Smith. Had the trial not proved to be a farce, George might have found himself out of business & in the ZOG-GULAG. Now, he must beware of civil suits for ‘thought-crime’ of the sort which bankrupted the Metzgers. The kikes are having such a law passed in “Soviet Canuckistan” in order to bankrupt their opponents & deny them the martyr’s role, as they have complained in regard to criminal prosecution for the same thought-crime offenses against the hebes. Yockey told us that we live in an age of “total politics” & those very people who sold “Imperium” are seemingly the last ones to believe that which they sell. I warned Ernst before he got involved in direct confrontation to a major jew-interest, the Holohoax, that he must be prepared to sacrifice his time, his money, his effort & his life. I also said that if he feared for the lives of his sons & ex-wife, he should not take the first step. Obviously, he disregarded my warning & now, he seems to have caved in & dissipates his supporters’ funds & labor in unnecessary & even counter-productive activities, like getting people put in jail in ZOG’s Germany & then amassing donations for trials in the kosher kangaroo kourts. I told Robert Frens that it is like a burlesque show comedian who is requesting money to buy bananas so that he can pull more pratfalls. As one Samisdat supporter said to me: “Ernst is a changed & fearful man since his last time in jail.” Another alienated Samisdat supporter said: “Obviously, someone ‘spoke’ to him & let him know some of the things they could & would do to him if he did not behave.” I soon witnessed Ernst’s studious alienation of all young, active supporters &  his diffusion & dissipation of effort, misplacement of personnel, such as myself & squandering of funds on projects which were never concluded & were of dubious worth to begin with. He developed a pattern for alienating the best people: (1) Request them to do something, as a matter of ‘urgency’ & (2) Ignore &/or abandon the item or project as soon as it was completed by the volunteer. Intelligent supporters recognized ‘make-work’ projects for what they were & soon stayed away from Samisdat. Ernst put incompetent people in charge of projects such as mailing lists, where they could do the most damage. NOW TO MAIL THIS BEFORE IT EXCEEDS THE 2 POUND LIMIT!


19 January 1994

Revilo Pendleton Oliver
701 Ohio Street
Urbana, Illinois

Mr. Eric Thomson
P.O. Box 896
Yakima, Washington  98907

Dear Mr. Thomson:

I am told that while the files of the Church of the Creator were being cleared out and destroyed to prepare the building for its new owner, the letter of which I enclose a photocopy was noticed and saved. If genuine, it certainly illustrates the hypocrisy and dishonesty of Covington. Do you recognize the handwriting?

He probably sent you a copy of the notice that he is discontinuing publication of the “newsletter” that he probably began to have a convenient vehicle for his defamation of the late Ben Klassen, but I enclose a photocopy, on the chance that you may not have seen it.

I have now read Klassen’s autobiography, which confirms my impression of his character and what I have been told by men who knew him better than I did. I am now certain that Harold’s inflated ego (assuming that he is not a hireling) made him invent all the slime he threw at Klassen.

I use the term ‘hireling’ to cover the not uncommon situation in which a would-be leader is induced to commit some crime and then forced by blackmail to serve the Federal Bureau of Intimidation or some other agency of the occupation government. That could, of course, have happened to hectoring Harold.

I hear indirectly that he intends to found a “National Front,” evidently in imitation of the one that disintegrated in England a few years ago, which is to gain popularity by being secret. I wonder whether that is more than simply another attempt to inflate his ego.

Did you send him a copy of your five-page memorandum dated 17 January 1993? If so, he will probably appropriate your shrewd analysis of the “right wing” and present it as his own wisdom. By the way, that memorandum could be easily amended to serve as an excellent article for Liberty Bell, using the events in Canada as cogent illustrations.

The January issue contains a letter from a prisoner in Texas whose experiences go far to explain what is wrong with so many feckless recruits to the “right wing.” They have been demoralized by the public boob-hatcheries and have not been given anything to arouse the manhood latent in them.

With all good wishes,

As ever,


10 October, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Germany, jewed culture, New World Order, political correctness, Socrates at 3:58 pm | Permanent Link

Herman won’t apologize for telling the truth: [Article].

9 October, 2007

Posted by Socrates in 'hate' laws, England, jewed culture, Socrates at 3:21 pm | Permanent Link

It bans criticism of homosexuals. Justice Secretary Jack Straw said that “we” are now appalled at animosity toward queers. Who is “we”? All of England? Is Straw speaking for the entire gentile public? [1]:


[1] Straw mentioned as having “Jewish ancestry”: [Here]

9 October, 2007

Posted by alex in Eric Thomson, Revilo P. Oliver at 1:20 pm | Permanent Link

Eric Thomson is a world traveler and a national socialist thinker. Revilo Oliver is a deceased classics professor and perhaps the most erudite jew-aware writer of the 20th century.


Dear Mr. Thomson:

Thank you for your letter of the twenty-second. You have probably sent a copy to Mr. Dietz, but I shall send him one together with a copy of this reply. You will have noticed that he gave considerable space in his March issue to the subject of your letter.

Your report is disturbing, even alarming.

I note first that Churchill’s mania for exhibiting his sexual equipment to both males and females was well known. (That is one reason why he was called “the Pig” by his subordinates, especially women.) There is some reference to it in the first volume of Irving’s Churchill’s War. Almost anyone could pretend to have witnessed so common an occurrence.

If, however, the claim to have done so is genuine, especially by a woman who was the head of the typists at his disposal, that suggests some interesting chronological calculations. Is the woman another Ninon de Lenclos?

There was a somewhat similar situation with an American anti-Communist in the 1950s. The woman (in her thirties) who engaged his attention for about two years was, I discovered, an agent of the British S.I.S., but evidently sought nothing more than information; she eventually departed, having done no harm, so far as was known.

In the early 1960s the egregious Willie Schlamm parked his wife on the small estate he had bought in connecticut and romped about Europe with the wife of Max Ascoli, the wealthy subsidizer of “left-wing” publications. That is all right for Jews (i.e., Schlamm and Ascoli; the woman did not look Kikish), but I should suppose that an Aryan husband, if a man, would be less complacent, especially if there is no reason to think that we have an instance of a common arrangement among Communist agents (a male and a female operative are ordered to marry to facilitate their work of espionage or sabotage).

With women who have ‘psychic’ powers, one never knows whether they are the victims of their own overheated imagination or are just seeking victims. I once knew (and witnessed a demonstration by) a woman (c. 40) who saw ‘auras,’ was so sensitive she could feel the shadows of coming events, and, doubtless inspired by the famous Canadian example of the face of a demon in Queen Elizabeth’s hair, discovered all sorts of Satanic messages on American postage stamps and even predictions of coming events!  A moderately wealthy friend of mine took her seriously — probably without an erotic interest, since he, in his early 60s, preferred girlies in their 20s — seriously enough, at least, to gave [sic] her some small stipend. She eventually accused him of having struck her and filed suit; her nuisance value, as I recall, was $10,000.

None of these partial parallels seem helpful. If the situation is as bad as it appears to you, it seems hopeless and we can only apprehend some singular defeat for ‘revisionists,’ such as God’s People like to contrive.

I wish you every success in your new endeavors, whatever they are.


Revilo P. Oliver


20 August 1992





Dear Mr. Thomson:

This reply to your letter of March 30 is so belated because I did not have your address, having somehow misfiled your letter of 22 March and my reply. I am so rushed and my energies are declining so rapidly that only today did I think of retrieving my letter with your present address from the computer’s disk on which it was saved.

I read your letter to Dr. Cantwell with great interest. Our great difficulty, of course, comes from the Judaization (i.e., corruption) of scientific inquiry, with the result that we have to be sceptical about any “scientific determination” that seems to serve our enemies’ purposes and, of course, frankly suspicious of anything that abets the Sheenies’ agitation for “One World,” such as the patent hoaxes about “global warming” and “ozone holes.” I suspect on principle such claims that the virus which causes immune-deficiency was artificially produced.

In Liberty Bell, November 1989, I noticed a story that the virus had been produced on Hitler’s orders and had infected the sweet African savages only because the German plane that was to carry it to the United States crashed in Africa.

Certainly the Jews would not have contrived a virus so deadly to themselves. I recently received from some Christian outfit a list of the approximately five hundred and fifty persons in Hollywood and similar communities who have died of “AIDS,” almost all of them certainly or probably Kikes.

It is quite true that the planet has an excess population of about four billion talking anthropoids, but it is hard to believe that there are microbiologists so sagacious that they would devise a virus that primarily infects and destroys the most pernicious part of that excess.

There is the further consideration that (if the anthropologists’ report was not fallacious) the virus was endemic in certain species of African monkeys, who were unharmed by it. It could also have been common among primates, because chimpanzees who are infected with the virus in laboratories are not harmed by it. There is great rejoicing over the discovery of a species of macaques that show a perceptible reaction when infected, although it is not yet known whether they will be harmed by the virus.

The current Instauration quotes a Professor Anderson of the Imperial College (University of London) as believing that the “virus has been around in Africa for hundreds of years” (presumably in monkeys, etc.) and forecasting its most beneficial effects on “Third World countries.” 

I noticed in Liberty Bell some time ago the only report of the racial incidence of the African Plague. It was obscure, since prudently couched in geographical, instead of biological, terms, but it seemed to prove that Europeans who had been exposed to the virus were less frequently infected than the residents of other continents.

You are, of course, right about the failure of honest historians to exploit the archives of the nations that Jews mobilized against Germany, including what is now available in Soviet archives.

You may have noticed the excitement about a part of Goebbels’ diaries recently found (or manufactured?) in Russia. What purported to be a paragraph about the Kristallnacht, that great Jewish hoax, was translated and printed in Actualite juive (Paris) on 16 July.  That purported excerpt is patently a crude forgery, perpetrated with the effrontery and negligent contempt for Aryan intelligence that characterizes Yahweh’s Yids. 

With every good wish,


Revilo P. Oliver


8 Sept. 1992

Dear Dr. & Mrs. Oliver:

I was pleased to receive your letter in reply to my long screed re the AIDS plague, Dr. Cantwell et al. Although I always enjoy reading your highly informative and entertaining thoughts, you are under no obligation to reply to my letters if you are otherwise occupied, as I am sure you are, with research and with your magnificent contributions to Liberty Bell. I had merely assumed that you were busy, as usual, when I received no reply to my letter.

Thank you for reminding me about the inherent jew “lie-ability”. As you may have gathered, I took Dr. Cantwell’s book on the man-created and jew-disseminated origins of the Plague as if they were trute in my analysis of the matter. If the persons, events and dates he mentions are correct, then the jew Szmuness may have been an agent in the dissemination of the plague, whether intended or not. In regard to suspicions raised that AIDS may have been man-made, I refer to the book published by Stoddard in Toronto entitled “Deadly Allies,” in which brief mention is made of the Allies’ intention to create mutant forms of deadly animal diseases which could “jump the species barrier” and infect humanoids. Then there is the report of Dr. Douglass which claims the AIDS virus to be identical to the sheep visna virus. I do not disregard the “African Genesis” possibility, however, as there are large life forms, including mammals, which have not been zoologically classified on that continent, as well as South America. A friend of mine, for instance, brought back from the Venezuelan jungles a species of cat which had long been thought extinct and another species of cat which was hitherto unheard of. Certainly, a virus of unknown ferocity could easily hide out on such a continent.

If the jews know the truth about AIDS, that it is killing them and their non-Aryan allies inexorably, then the Cantwell books may represent a desperate attempt on the part of the jews to foment a race war against the last Aryans on Planet Earth before they succumb to the Plague. That would be “the jew thing to do.” The problem with Cantwell’s “aim” is that he has so far only involved jews as the targets for ‘revenge,’ including America’s kosher kapitalist establishment. He seems confused as to the racial composition of his “Nazi menace”. I agree with you that Aryans would be incapable of creating and then disseminating the Plague, supervised as they are by their jew “scientist” masters, and subject as they are to maudlin sentimentality on behalf of all degenerate creatures.

In regard to jew domination of science, I refer you to the enclosed news article on genetic research. One which I read, but could not clip out, concerned the recent death of a female geneticist named MacClintock, whose laboratory was in Jew York State. In the article, a “Dr. Shapiro” praised her as a “genius” in genetic research andmarvelled at her uncanny ability to map out the workings of DNA/RNA structures before the advent of molecular biology and sophisticated electronic microscopes, etc. McClintock was likely an Aryan, for she worked alone and did not pass on her discoveries to other Aryans. Now that the jews have her work, they will guard it like the Dead Sea Scrolls. I always wonder why the jews so fear the escape of Truth. Whatever her discoveries, they would be unlikely to affect Gentile behavior in the slightest degree. The jews have nothing to fear from Truth because they have nothing to fear from Aryans.

I enclose an article which I hope L.B. will publish. I have already sent a copy of it to George Dietz, so you need not go to the trouble of forwarding it.

Please pardon the inferior quality of my carbon ribbon. I hope this letter is not difficult to read as a result, for I must retype certain words which have incomplete letters.

For the past two months, I have been working 8 and 9 hour days as a gardener for some fairly wealthy Gentile Americans, for which I earn the sum of $6 per hour. This is unlikely to pay for the expenses I incurred in obtaining the third-hand car which was necessary in order to obtain the job. This is a new meaning for “the American dilemma”: Owning and operating a car will break an ordinary proletarian, but he cannot work without one, for distances and public transportation preclude the avoidance of car ownership. To add injury to injury, I am told that this job will end sometime soon, so I shall then be looking for work, probably of a $5 per hour nature. Eventually the car will eat into my tight budget for food, clothing and shelter. Luckily, I have the genetic stamina at age 53 to undertake work of the sort I did when I was 18, but this capital can only diminish, especially when I am almost paying to work this hard. Basically, I am marking time in hopes of finding better employment, anywhere on Planet Earth, especially work in which I can bring some of my hard-earned knowledge to bear on behalf of Our Race.

This reminds me of my erstwhile career at Samisdat. I hear that Ernst Zundel has won his Supreme Court appeal and the ancient “false news” law has been declared “unconstitutional”, but the so-called “hate law” has been upheld by the same court, so Ernst can look forward to new charges. What baffles me is why he continues to sit in Toronto, wilfully unprepared for raids, seizures of property, which he insists upon acquiring and sitting on, and new legal problems. It also baffled me why he did not permit me to make a much greater contribution of my talents to the “cause” which he claimed to represent, although he now claims, himself, that he is the Cause. I find that fitting for LouisXIV, but not for Ernst. I gather that his dominatrix, “Anne Burton”, led him to believe that “I was an infiltrator”, so the longer I stayed, the more I was distrusted by Ernst. According to press reports, the most popular book in the former East Germany is “Mein Kampf”. Erst has sat upon a mountain of these books which he republished with a donor’s funds, so they cost him nothing. He has been sitting upon them for almost two decades, so they are being gradually destroyed by moisture where they are being stored. He will not distribute them, but prefers to pay taxes upon them every year, for they are listed, along with other undistributed titles, as assets. He will not give the books away, but prefers to throw them into the garbage as they become too moldy to sell or even to read. I witnessed this behavior for almost two decades and it was always a source of anxiety and frustration to me. For ten years, I was forbidden to write and to publish articles such as those which have finally appeared in Liberty Bell. “Anne Burton” said that “Ernst would go to jail” because of my writing. Ernst believed her, so as long as I worked at Samisdat, I was forbidden  to publish articles in Liberty Bell or anywhere else. Every time I used the typewriter, I was periodically overseen by him or Mrs. Burton. I was to wrap and ship, take out the garbage and very little else. The only reason I remained was that I thought I was making a contribution, however slight, to The Aryan Cause, but now I know that The Cause did not reside with Ernst Zundel, if it ever did. Some former supporters say  Ernst was scared and sold out to the Zionist Occupation Government. If that is so, the litmus test I offer should prove this one way or another: If Ernst keeps his property and continues to attack the Z.O.G VERBALLY, without creating an organization to combat the Z.O.G. politically, then I would agree that he has “sold out”. If he loses his property and goes to prison for thought-crime, then I could only conclude that he is the victim of his own delusions and inability to surround himself with people at least as conscientious and competent as myself.

I hpe you enjoy the enclosed essay. ALL THE BEST!

Eric Thomson

P.S.: After rereading this letter, I remembered a few more thoughts which I would like to pass on to you.

In regard to my writing, I am still searching for a copy of the hoaxer Raul Hilberg’s “Destruction of the European Jews” in the single-volume edition which I was hoping to use during Hilberg’s appearance on the witness stand in Toronto, but was precluded from doing by Dr. Faurisson, who “admires” Hilberg and never read his book which is a compendium of patent falsehoods and comically absurd contradictions. Dr. Faurisson was put in charge of the Hilberg section of the Holohoax Trial by Ernst Zundel, which saved Hilberg’s kosher bacon. Faurisson sought to “impress” Hilberg with his knowledge via cross-examination by Doug Christie. I am sure Hilberg was impressed by Faurisson’s knowledge, but nothing he offered served to rebut Hilberg’s often ridiculous contentions, as would the bringing out of the howlers in Hilberg’s own book. As I recall, Hilberg always had the wrong color for gassed bodies, i.e., blue for carbon monoxide (instead of red) and grey-green with pink polka dots or some such for hydrogen cyanide (instead of brick red). Jews who were to be deloused were driven naked, but wearing gasmasks, into the “gas chambers”, and jews who were to be killed received the same treatment, but received no gasmasks. Of course, HCN kills on contact with bare skin as well as by inhalation, so Hilberg’s hoax is exposed again. Hilberg claimed in his book that the “Einsatz Gruppen” went ahead of the regular German army to kill jews. That means they had permission to go behind Red Army lines as long as they promised ‘only’ to kill jews! Then there was the extermination of the jews of Kiev — but after being “exterminated”, they returned to the city in such numbers that there were insufficient places to house them all! I finally got through to Faurisson when he was on one of his pet topics: the Hitler Extermination Orders on page 177 of his book, which in those days was the same section of the Canadian Criminal Code under which Ernst had been charged. The Canadian bolsheviks later renumbered their criminal code, including that section known as the “false news” law. Both Faurisson and Doug Christie were miraculously receptive to my suggestion that they ask Hilberg how he was aware that such orders existed. Hilberg suffered a day of purgatory on that one point. He needed all the skills of an octopus to obfuscate and wriggle out of his own written statement. I said that was only one point among many which would make Hilberg squirm, but Doug and Dr. Faurisson had gone back into their trances and I was heeded no more. Hilberg quietly dropped the “Hitler Orders” from his more expensive sequel. The entire mishandling of the trial was, of course, due to Ernst Zundel. I said we should seek to win. He said “winning was not as important as involving the maximum number of people possible.” I said as diplomatically as I could that 20 cripples do not make a gladiator. After Ernst lost the first trial, he told me that “Anne Burton” congratulated him, saying: “If you had won, the jews would have killed you.” Now that Ernst has won, are the jews going to do him in? We shall see. Ernst was always ‘pulling his punches’. I said, time after time, that the jews would not give us a second chance to hit them where it hurts. I was correct on both counts. I cannot explain Ernst’s choice of losing strategies. It is inscrutable to me. I left Hilberg’s book at Samisdat, so it is unlikely that I shall be able to write my article for some time, as the book seems unavailable in secondhand bookstores here. What a shame, when I had the material, I had no time and now that I have the time, I lack the material.






18 September 1992

Dear Mr. Thomson:

I was pleased to have your letter of 8 September, although what you tell me about Ernst Zundel is distressing. It is amazing, for example, that he should not have a storeroom or warehouse sufficiently weatherproof to protect his stock of books from deterioration. I also wonder that he should reprint Mein Kampf when the book is available in several editions from Liberty Bell Publications, and his reprinting of it could damage his cause in a country in which the Kikes and their war have induced an hysterical fixation in most of the Aryan populace.

I do not wonder that so many regard the future as absolutely hopeless.

I am, of course, glad that Zundel was set free by the four honest members of the Canadian Supreme Court, but it is most unfortunate that their decision cancelled the law about “false news” as unconstitutional, instead of holding that it did not apply to Zundel. The law was enacted to avert swindles on the stock market, such as the famous one by which the Rothschilds were so vastly enriched in England, first by a false report of a decisive victory over Napoleon with the consequent reaction when the “news” was found to be false, and then by an equally false report of a British defeat at Waterloo. It is admitted that in both panics the Rothschilds, thanks to their use of carrier pigeons, knew what had actually happened and took advantage of the deception of English investors. It is a logical inference that they also planted the false news, and it is even possible that they aranged the conviction of Admiral Cockburn for the first hoax to divert suspicion from themselves. (The Admiral was almost certainly guiltless, but was involved because he had aided the perpetrator of the first hoax to disappear, believing the man’s story that he was seeking to escape bailiffs who wanted to arrest him for debt.) If the Canadian law remained on the books and was honestly enforced, hordes of Sheenies would be convicted of the great Holohoax swindle and stuffed into prisons that would have to be built to hold them or concentration camps. It was pleasant to dream of such application of the law.

I shall try to obtain for you a copy of Hilberg’s first edition for you.

Since your present address is probably known to few, you may not have received a copy of the long screed of which I enclose a photocopy, in which you are mentioned. It came to me and to others in an anonymous mailing from North Carolina.

The pseudonymous writer sounds like Harold Covington. He is probably right about Carlos Porter, but his vituperation of Ben Klassen is so frantic that it defeats the purpose for which it was written.

I have never met Klassen, but have talked with him three or four times by telephone. The first time was around 1967, when he was a life member of the Birch Society and wanted out.  The last time was a week or so ago when he told me that his wife had died last January and that he would continue to publish his books, although he had turned his Church of the Creator to a pair of young men now in Milwaukee. Soon after he organized that Church, I refused to participate in it, although I recognized that he had a formula that might have some potential of success.

I can judge him only by his publications. His Racial Loyalty was always well written and ideologically sound, although one could question some minor details of the exposition, here and there. (E.g., in what will almost certainly be its last issue, he attributes the assassination of Jackanapes Kennedy to the Mossad instead of the C.I.A., an ally of the Mossad and one more likely to be charged with an operation in the United States that must have involved the participation of the Secret Service.) I do not know how many members or subscribers he had, but the monthly tabloid was obviously published at Klassen’s expense. I regret that it has ceased publication.

Klassen, by the bye, is still living in Otto, North Carolina, in what was the headquarters of his Church. His retirement as “Pontifex Maximus” of the Church was, however, a fiasco that must have greatly damaged its prestige. Klassen first announced that his successor was Rudolph Stanko, the author of The Score, and when Stanko came to see me on his way to Otto to take over, he appeared to be pleased with his new office and determined to make a success of the Church; but when he reached Otto, something happened to make him change his mind. Klassen then announced that the next Pontifex Maximus would be a man named Charles Altvater, whom he praised highly, as you will see from the enclosed photocopy on colored paper, but evidently when the man reached Otto, the same thing happened. So Klassen in desperation gave his Church to a pair of youngsters from Milwaukee. Obviously, something was wrong in Otto. It may be, of course, that both Stanko and Altvater were disappointed by discovering how few members the Church really had, or by the amount of financial subsidy that Klassen was willing to provide.

Whatever the explanation, one must regret the disappearance of an effort that was apparently made on behalf of our self-doomed race.

With best wishes,








14 December 1992

Dear Mr Thomson:

I was astonished by your removal to the Northwest and disappointed, since it means that you are so much farther away. While you were in Louisville, I could hope that some errand might bring you near to Urbana so that Keith and I could meet you again.

I haven’t been in the Yakima Valley for fifty years or so. When I was last there, it was a climatically invigorating, sparsely settled region with fine orchards, held together, it seemed, by a rather unusual electric railway, which, I suppose, has long since vanished.

I have been trying to find for you a copy of the 1961 edition of Hilberg’s Destruction of the German Jews, and I supposed that some Antiquariat with which I have dealt would have a copy but none has been able to supply one; I finally asked a librarian to obtain for me a copy that I could photocopy for you, and hope that she will do so soon.

Zundel’s adoption of the young Jew is disquieting. Since you have been moving about, you may not have seen the announcement of Carto’s Institute, from which I enclose a photocopy.

The difficulty is that there actually are some Jews who seem to defect from their race, although one does not know whether they are really Jews by orthodox definition or the sons of Jews by White women, i.e., Mischlinge. Klein, who was a Jewish attorney and was ruined because he refused to betray his client in the great War Criminal’s “sedition trial,” is certainly to be counted on our side, and so, I am sure, is the Berg (Ginsberg) who testified for Zundel, and probably the Jack Bernstein whose booklets I have reviewed in Liberty Bell. But against these we must set the whole Yiddish tradition of infiltrating and betraying societies of goyim. Everyone knows the exemplary tales in the Jew-book which have no slightest basis in history, but which were devised to teach God’s children how to destroy civilized nations. The famous Joseph (with some help from his tribal god, of course) wormed his way into the confidence of an Egyptian king and, by acquiring a monopoly of foodstuffs, was able to make all the Egyptians sell themselves into slavery to escape starvation. And then there was the Kikess who, masquerading as a White woman under the assumed name Esther, got into the harem of a Persian king and, copulated so efficiently with the uncircumsized pig, whom she secretly loathed, that she not only induced him to suppress the wicked Aryans who understood what the Sheenies were doing, but made her Sheeny boss the real ruler of the Persian Empire.

We could, perhaps, count as an example of similarly successful infiltration that really occurred the famous Kike named Saul, who is known by a Latin sobriquet, Paulus (“shorty”), and who cozened the gullible goyim into imagining that the Big Jew up in the clouds had opened for them the privileged position of being his pets, if they would become “converted” to the racial position of Christianity.

You mention Cohen & Shine who ruined Senator McCarthy. One of them, — I have forgotten which at the moment — achieved a reputation as the crookedest attorney in all of New York City, and you must admit that was a real distinction. The pair of perverts, incidentally, used their newsstand service to subsidize National Review rather heavily, but really at great profit to themselves, for that gave them a means of securing block orders from patriotic or just respectable drug stores and other newsstands that would otherwise have thrown out the mild pornography they were chiefly peddling.

The vermin are ubiquitous and the stodgy minds of Aryan boobs think it an honor to have their blood sucked by such godly creatures.

It is true that according to Hindu cosmology we are living in the Kaliyuga, but that is no consolation. I once went through the requisite calculations to reduce Hindu chronology to our system. The Kaliyuga began, immediately after the death of Krishna, on 17 February 3102 B.C., and it will end at 9 A.M., Greenwich time, on the morning of the sixteenth of February in the year A.D. 188,890 — and that’s too long to wait for an end to the Kikes’ One World. (That’s by the shorter computation; the other gives you the date as A.D. 426,890.)

Have a merry Winter Solstice and joyfully celebrate the rebirth of Sol Invictus, the true creator of all life on earth.

With all good wishes,


Revilo P. Oliver

9 October, 2007

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