24 October, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Jena 6, media cases, racism accusations, Socrates, The South at 4:21 pm | Permanent Link

How the media portrayed the Jena 6 case vs. what really happened: [Article].

24 October, 2007

Posted by Socrates in political correctness, racial science, Socrates at 2:00 pm | Permanent Link

“A fact cannot be racist.” Good point: [Here].

24 October, 2007

Posted by Socrates in immigration bills/laws, Socrates at 1:31 pm | Permanent Link

This is good news: [Article].

23 October, 2007

Posted by Socrates in conferences, Israel - the facts, jew mentality, jewed culture, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Socrates, Zionism at 4:56 pm | Permanent Link

About the attempts to stop the “No More Wars for Israel” conference, which happened in mid-October. How pathetic: the Jews demand that White people practice racial, social and political “tolerance,” yet the Jews are extremely intolerant themselves and will go to great lengths to censor speech that they don’t like [1]:


[1] about Jewish hyperethnocentrism: [Here]

23 October, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Holocaust, holocaust racket, Israel, Socrates, UN at 1:48 pm | Permanent Link

As if the world needs to be reminded of the Holocaust, which is mentioned almost daily in newspapers, magazines, movies and TV shows. Holocaust remembrance is a very big business, and it serves world Jewry in a number of ways, e.g., it generates money, it fosters gentile guilt and it empowers the Jews politically [1]:


[1] the UN was founded by many Jews, including communists such as Victor Perlo, Solomon Adler and Harry Dexter White. More about the UN: [Here]

23 October, 2007

Posted by Socrates in immigration bills/laws, Mexinvasion, Socrates at 1:09 pm | Permanent Link

Another immigrant amnesty bill is nearing a vote in the U.S. Senate: S. 2205, also known as the DREAM Act. Those of you who still vote: you might want to call your senators and ask them to vote “no” on cloture for that bill [1]. More about S. 2205: [Here].

[1] U.S. Senate contact information: [Here]

22 October, 2007

Posted by Archives in Announce, audio, VNNB, VNNB-Monday at 11:37 pm | Permanent Link

Join hosts Stan & Yankee Jim as they bring you another Monday edition of Free Talk Live.

Show thread located here.

22 October, 2007

Posted by Socrates in "gender", "sex equality", feminism, Socrates, space, women at 5:38 pm | Permanent Link

Men built the space program. But now, women are assuming important roles in orbit [1][2][3]:


[1] about the evolution of authority: [Here]

[2] about the words “gender” and “sex” (the former is often used incorrectly and for political purposes): [Here]

[3] about feminism: [Here]

22 October, 2007

Posted by Socrates in genocide by jew, genocide of White culture, Socrates, World War II at 2:02 pm | Permanent Link

Actually, German expulsion isn’t half of the matter of German suffering during or after World War II. At least 9 million Germans were murdered in one way or another after that war, a fact that is rarely mentioned today. In other words, more Germans were “holocausted” than Jews. Indeed, according to Eisenhower’s own words, those Germans were deliberately, ethnically cleansed [1][2]:


[1] here is an online book about the holocaust of German civilians after WWII, called “Gruesome Harvest.” Note this important and bizarre comment by the part-Jewish, American general Dwight Eisenhower: “Our primary purpose…is destruction of as many Germans as possible.” Gee. “Destruction,” huh? Not “disarm”? Not “arrest”? Book: [Here]

[2] German victims mentioned: [Here] and [Here]

21 October, 2007

Posted by Socrates in elections, Socrates, Switzerland, Western culture at 5:37 pm | Permanent Link

Good news about today’s election in Switzerland:
