18 December, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 11:01 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald: [Here].

18 December, 2007

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', Israel, Israel - the facts, Sinai II agreement, Socrates, Zionism at 10:31 am | Permanent Link

Since the 1970s, America has had a “special” relationship with Israel, largely due to the Sinai II agreement, which was negotiated by Jewish diplomat Henry Kissinger [1]:


[1] about the 1975 Sinai II agreement: [Here]

17 December, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Jewish genetics, race science, racial science, Socrates at 7:48 pm | Permanent Link

Notice the mention of “racial group” vs. “ethnic group.” (The Jews fit the definition of “racial group” by being heavily inbred. In fact, Ashkenazim Jews are apparently the most inbred of humans, which leads to the important question: why aren’t they called a “race”? That’s a trick question, of course. Anyone who calls the Jews a “race” is labeled a “Nazi”) [1]:


[1] information about Jewish genetics: [Here], [Here], [Here] and [Here]

17 December, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Affirmative Action, Ron Paul, Socrates, U.S. Constitution at 6:13 pm | Permanent Link

The great thing about Ron Paul is that his support base is almost unlimited. For example, while Candidate A will get mostly Republican support, and Candidate B will get mostly Democrat support, Paul will get support from nearly every segment of society: liberal, moderate, conservative, young, old, vegetarian, veteran, and so forth. That fact no doubt worries certain people, especially the Jewish lobby and the Christian Zionists. (But even if Paul doesn’t win the 2008 presidential election, his message is spreading rapidly. Ordinary people are starting to ask questions about U.S. foreign policy, the Federal Reserve system and taxes. They will also ask questions about the Constitution and governmental authority, e.g., are affirmative action laws constitutional? Was the 14th Amendment really ratified properly?) [1]:

[Here] and [Here].

[1] about the 14th Amendment, which most “civil rights” laws are based on: [Here]

16 December, 2007

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", 'hate' crimes, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed law, National Alliance, Shaun Walker, Socrates at 8:29 pm | Permanent Link

Back in 1970, he probably would have been charged locally with assault, and probably would have been fined or possibly jailed for a few weeks. But in 2007, he receives nearly 5 years in prison on a federal “civil rights” charge. (By the way, America’s “civil rights” laws came from a Jew, i.e., congressman Emanuel Celler’s Civil Rights Act of 1957 and Civil Rights Act of 1964. Most “hate crime” laws have also come from Jews) [1][2][3][4]:

[Article]. More: [Here].

[1] about Celler’s “civil rights” laws: [Here]

[2] about “hate crime” laws: [Here] and [Here]

[3] “hate crime” laws are rooted in a 1918 Soviet law: [Here]

[4] more about the bar incident(s): [Here]

16 December, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Denmark, Fabius-Gayssot Act, France, jewed law, real history, revisionism, Socrates, World War II at 6:23 pm | Permanent Link

For most Frenchmen, daily life under the Nazi occupation was mild and routine (the same as it was in Denmark). Of course, saying so in public makes the Nazis “look good,” and that’s not allowed in most European countries, thanks to Jewish-originated thought-crime laws. Le Pen is accused of justifying the German occupation of France, which violates the Fabius-Gayssot Act, named after a Jew, Laurent Fabius. That Act outlaws any historical revisionism that concerns Nazi crimes committed “against humanity” [1][2]:


[1] about the Fabius-Gayssot Act: [Here]

[2] about the relatively peaceful Nazi occupation of Denmark: [Here]

15 December, 2007

Posted by Socrates in 'human rights', jewed culture, Socrates, UN, UNESCO at 7:55 pm | Permanent Link

They’re shadowy. They’re meaningless. They were invented largely by Jews. They’re “human rights” [1]: [Article].

[1] among the Jews involved in the creation of the UN’s 1948 “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” were René Cassin and Melville Herskovits. Cassin edited the declaration. Herskovits offered critique, e.g., suggesting that such a declaration must not “push” Western standards and values onto other cultures. Cassin was also a founder of UNESCO. A mention of Cassin: [Here]

15 December, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Israel, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, Zionism at 4:32 pm | Permanent Link

Will World War III – also known as World War IV or even World War V – occur due to a joint American/Israeli missile defense system? Those of you who still vote: you might want to contact your senators about this plan, which has been called the “Kirk proposal” for the National Defense Authorization Act [1][2][3]:


[1] the Jewish neoconservatives, always looking to alter public perception, refer to the Cold War as “World War III.” This clever tactic inflates political or religious hostilities into “world wars.” The neocons insist that the post-Sept. 11, 2001 conflicts between Muslim countries/people and the West amount to a “world war.” That tactic also makes world wars seem more common than they really are

[2] U.S. Senate contact information: [Here]

[3] more about the Kirk proposal: [Here]

15 December, 2007

Posted by alex in agitprop, definitions, dictionary, terms at 12:43 am | Permanent Link

The Word Racist: A jewish Construct

By David Milano

In the early parts of the last century Americans were already quite familiar with terms that dealt with race and reality. Terms like racialism and racialist. These words arose in the English language through the British colonial and South African experiences. These words were in popular usage, not in a derogatory sense as one would think, but carried the connotations of science and practical knowledge to the people that heard them.

Against this cultural backdrop, cultural Marxists entered the scene after an underhanded victory in the Russian revolution. With their ideas of one humanity united via international socialist revolution, they faced an American populace with a sober understanding of race. What was needed was a play on words, the sort of debate framing that has made jews famous the world over.

The word racist made its modern day appearance in the English language in 1932 as a noun. It was first found in a translation of jew Trotsky’s The History of the Russian Revolution done by Max Eastman.* Though, sociologically speaking, a comparatively obscure book by itself would not be likely to gain traction without subsequent reinforcement.
A very similiar term was used by Magnus Hirschfeld, a German jew who fled from Germany to France and died in 1935.** That same year his book, titled in the French Rascisme, seemed to be embraced by radical social degenerates in America with ties to jewish communism. Thus the term racist gained a firm foothold amongst America’s far left radicals. Hirschfeld’s struggles against decency in Germany now began to fit into the larger equation of anti-German sentiment and his railing against the supposed plight of non-Aryans at the hands of European peoples.

Rascisme, which wasn’t published in English until 1938, seems to have by that time become an adjective used by French speakers to describe National Socialists and those that sympathized with them. Before its publication and even more so afterwards, American communists were doing the same. At this time historically, jewish mania against Germany was beginning to peak, and the far left which was a branch of radical jewish interests faithfully toed the party line. Though the Soviet-German pact signed in August of 1939 and the subsequent orders to stop propagandizing against the Germans issued by the Comintern presented a pointed problem to communists in America. The effect of the Comintern orders seemed to have mixed results and internal divisions arose. While the rage against Germans in particular became stagnant, communist rhetoric against “racists” grew by leaps and bounds. On June 22nd, 1941, the Comintern having been attacked, the previous orders were ignored and subsequently rescinded.

With American entry into the war later that year, the propaganda war began in earnest. With the ceaseless demonizing of Germany, the once outcast communists found common cause with mainstream America. Everywhere one looked there were slurs against Germany. Overlooked by Americans facing a huge and destructive war was the fact that much of the early material in this campaign was gleaned from the one readily available source of anti-German propaganda: communist jews. With jewish involvment in the mass media this effect intensified and eventually took on a life of its own.

During the war the racial angle in the propaganda efforts was down played or recast as, “Germans over and against all.” The American public, though in a war, were not ready to eschew their time-honored traditions of racial realism – Jim Crow, segregation and free association. Despite this, jewish communists at this time silently moved into positions of prominence throughout the American press.

By the end of the war, the lines of the cultural struggle had been redrawn. With jews having furthered their stranglehold on American media, and communism having a free hand in Eastern Europe, the next phase in the demonization of common sense was about to begin.

After the war the Comintern began to send funds to jewish radicals and subversives in America. What started as a trickle ended in a torrent of laundered money, fake businesses and fraudulent non-profit organizations. The main goal of this campaign was to destroy the very essence of America. The communists in the East had rightly surmised that America as a nation was merely an expression of the Whites that created it, built it and sustained it. With the destruction of their identity, so too would America fall.

Jews, whether athiest or religious, were more than willing to aid their communist brethren. With their de facto control of the organs of mass communications, they were in a perfect position to carry out this task.

Not surprisingly, they began by using the means at their disposal to frame the debate. No longer was a man that saw the differences between the races a racialist, he was a racist. And just what was a racist? Well, the communists had long ago established that. He was a vicious and ignorant person of questionable character who was associated with the mortal enemies of all mankind, the nazis.

All this came to pass not immediately, but over time. Men were bullied here and there until those that saw it learned to be quiet. Their silence gave rise to ignorance. Which gave birth to the troubled times of today in which we labor to bring  light and truth to our people.

Hope has died they say. I say it has just risen.

*Credit to Jett Rink. http://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/1930/hrr/

**The Oxford English Dictionary Second Edition 1989, Francis



Discussion of origins of ‘racism’ and ‘racist’ at vnnforum: http://vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=63224

14 December, 2007

Posted by VNNB in Announce, audio, VNNB, VNNB-Friday at 4:31 pm | Permanent Link

“It’s going to be a great show, Trust Me”

special guest caller: Alex Linder 10pm EST

Join me your co-host Bud White and my guest co-host Heather Blue. We’ll be covering all things TJB including a update on the NY kike doctor using used needles, NY subway kike assault, Racial tensions rise in Lakewood NJ and an Israeli minister claims Iran is another Auschwitz plus a ton more of tjb reporting

Tunes start at 6:30 est
Talk starts at 7:30 est
show chat here:


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