Posted by Socrates in Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, libertarians at 9:55 am |

If you kicked all of the Jews out of the libertarian movement, there would be only 23 people left in it.
If you kicked all of the Jews out of the libertarian movement, there would be only 23 people left in it.
The hell created by the Covid-19 scamdemic: will anyone be going to prison for causing it? Not just for months but for many years?
Big Medical and Big Healthcare have informed thousands of nurses and doctors that “if you don’t get the experimental Covid-19 jab by “X” date (e.g., Sept. 1, 2021), you will be fired.”
That’s bad news for every American. That will lead to a shortage of nurses/doctors, since many of them are saying that they will not get the jab, because they know it’s not safe, since they have seen horrible side effects from the jab already. Recall that the jab is not FDA approved (and even if it was, so what? This current FDA has zero credibility, ditto the current CDC).
Threatening to fire nurses and doctors makes zero sense because, as we know now, many vaccinated people have, or can get, Covid-19! [1]. In fact, many experts believe that the Covid vaccines actually cause the “Covid variants” due to what is called “shedding” and “leaking.”
A shortage of nurses/doctors means that, if you need medical care, you may be in trouble, depending on which hospital or clinic you end up in. “Understaffed and overworked” is a recipe for disaster. Medical mistakes will increase dramatically, and you may have to wait 2 or 3 weeks to get an appointment. Even if it’s an emergency, you may have to wait many hours.
And to think, that will happen solely because assholes are now running America, Big Medical and Big Healthcare. Those assholes aren’t vaccine experts. They are bureaucrats who worship Saint Fauci and the politicized CDC. Being hired by the Biden administration or by Big Medical doesn’t make you an expert. In fact, if the Biden administration or Big Medical hired you, you are definitely not an expert.
[1] see the news article “Three Fully Vaccinated US Senators Test Positive For Covid-19” by Cristina Laila, August 19, 2021, Of course, how anyone would know that they were really positive for Covid is unknown, since the PCR test sucks as a Covid-detecting device. False-positive results are very common.
The porno industry is heavily Jewish and has been for decades. Yet only a few Jews will admit that.
Part 1: [Article].
Part 2: [Article].
“There is a growing debate in the USA about Critical Race Theory (CRT). Peculiarly enough, CRT’s opponents insist that the ‘Marxist’ discourse must be uprooted from American culture and the education system. I am puzzled by it, as I cannot think of anything more removed from Marx’s thinking than CRT.” — Jewish writer Gilad Atzmon.
CRT is (or originally was, at least) “Cultural Marxism applied to law in order to give Blacks/Browns better legal footing and, at the same time, worsen the legal footing of Whites.” CRT has since expanded and is now found everywhere.
So, it’s Cultural Marxism.
“Thirty years ago, jazz had not yet entered polite society. It was a new
form of music born in the back rooms of Negro saloons in the slums of
New Orleans, Memphis, St. Louis and Chicago. The original jazz
players were all Negroes and were natural born musicians. The
orchestras were small. They were comprised of a piano, a bass and
snare drum, a comet, a trombone and a banjo. The saxophone was
unknown. A few of these little assemblies had a Negro artist who
played a horn constructed from an elephant tusk.
These orchestras played without music. At their rehearsals the piano
player would play a popular song once or twice to give the lead and
they would play it together, each musician giving his variations. In
musical slang, each of these performances was “a jam session,” which
serious musicians would undoubtedly term a form of musical
masturbation. This primitive form of music, born in dives, and
brothels and saloons, in Chicago was discovered by newspaper
reporters whose search for news made them acquainted with these
Late one night during a poker game in the Chicago Press Club the
manager of the New Stratford Hotel was complaining that his hotel
would soon be bankrupt if he could not discover some new attraction
to entice patrons. This hotel was one of the oldest in the city. Its
clientele had abandoned it in favor of the new Blackstone Hotel,
where the professional dancers Vernon Castle and Irene Dunn were
making a tremendous hit with their new form of ballroom dancing:
dream waltz and hesitation waltz.
Another reporter and myself told the New Stratford manager to come
with us and we would show him a new sensation. We brought him
down to the red-light district and showed him these bands. He was
delighted and immediately engaged one of them and brought them to
his hotel in taxicabs where he sent the regular orchestra home and
ordered the Negroes to play. He also engaged several Negro couples to
dance the one-step and its variations, for the foxtrot had not yet been
This music was an immediate success and after a few dances some of
the guests appeared on the floor to imitate the gyrations of the
Negroes. The other reporter and I looked at each other and without
saying a word we dashed back to our city-rooms and wrote a story on
how the black-and-tan society of the Negro district was teaching the
society of the “gold coast” to dance. Our stories appeared on the first
page of our papers.
Early the next morning the manager telephoned. He was furious. He
claimed we had inveigled him into engaging the Negroes just in order
to “obtain a story” and, claiming we had mined. his hotel, he said he
was going to sue us both for damages in civil court. That we were
going to obtain a story from this exploit never entered my head, and I
told him I would come down to his hotel immediately. I arrived at his
office an hour later and he met me with profuse apologies. It turned
out that our stories had been the best advertisement his hotel had
received in many years and when he had arrived at his office he had
discovered every table in his restaurant had been reserved for a
fortnight in advance. He wished our assistance in aiding him to
contact the members of the two orchestras and sign a contract with
them to play in his hotel for six months. It developed my colleague
and I had helped him to make his fortune. He presented us with a gold
fountain pen and the privilege to eat as often as we pleased at his hotel
free of charge.
A few weeks later another popular restaurant in Chicago, the College
Inn, engaged a jazz orchestra and this new type of music quickly
developed into a regular industry. I know that New Orleans claims to
be the home of jazz. But the real home of Jazz was the Negro saloon.
This lowly birthplace is not mentioned as a detraction. Jazz is a great
and widely popular contribution which the Negro has made to the
White Man’s civilization. It is music in its adolescent form. Its
exuberance and vulgarity intensify its appeal.”
— from the book “Onward Christian Soldiers” by Donald Day (the new version with previously missing text), 1942/1982.
Media Girl #1: “Oh, my god! He questioned the validity of the vax!”
Media Girl #2: “Nobody questions the vax! Nobody! That’s like questioning Saint Fauci himself!”
Media Girl #3: “That’s vax-denial! Denying that the vax is legitimate! It’s like Holocaust denial but not quite as bad since the Holocaust killed 176 million people and the vax-deniers have only killed 53 million people — so far, anyway!”
Media Girl #4: “There should be a federal law against vax-denial! Deniers should get life in prison!”
Media Homo #1: “Brett Favre is soooo handsome! Too bad he’s a vax-denier, or I’d send him some roses!” (*swoon*) (*blushes*).
“CNN Shocked When NFL Legend Brett Favre Expresses Skepticism Toward COVID Vaccines”
(Above: the Jewish “anthropologist” Claude Levi-Strauss [1908-2009]).
Newbies, the war on White people began in earnest circa the early 1960s when suddenly, White people became “bad” and Black/Brown people became “good,” thanks to various Jewish “experts,” most notably the “anthropologist” Claude Levi-Strauss [1]. Since then, the “official” ideology of the Left is that “White people are evil.”
“Over 160 Minnesotan principals and assistant principals have signed a pledge to ‘de-center whiteness’ in education. The group of 162 branded themselves the ‘Good Trouble Principals’ – citing a quote from the late Georgia congressman and civil rights icon John Lewis.”
[1] Jewish author Norman F. Cantor, in his good, 1994 book “The Sacred Chain: a History of the Jews,” notes on page 421 that Claude Levi-Strauss, the Jewish “anthropologist,” could be considered a godfather of left-wing thought, since Levi-Strauss developed/galvanized the concept of the ‘bad’ White world vs. the ‘good’ non-White world, which Cantor calls “the cardinal doctrine of all leftist-leaning thought since 1960.”
Want to be shocked? Consider this: the average American child gets 15 vaccinations during the first 15 months of his life! Ridiculous! And scary. But wait! There are more vaccines in store for him later. From 18 months to 18 years of age, there are 3rd, 4th and 5th doses of some of those first 15 vaccines. So you’re talking about probably 20 vaccines in all. Stupid!
All vaccines are risky. Many are downright dangerous. But surprisingly, due to the nature of medical school, most doctors are, by default, pro-vaccine; they aren’t taught very much about vaccines in medical school, and what they are taught is that “vaccines are great, wonderful lifesavers that you must give to all of your patients” and that’s about it. They aren’t told about the risks/dangers of vaccines. They aren’t told that unvaccinated children are much healthier than vaccinated children.
There’s a key quote in this documentary that will make you say “wow, that sounds very familiar!” It’s about the measles vaccine and the reason why it is “pushed” onto the public so vigorously. Here’s the quote: “the aim is to force everybody to be vaccinated. And the primary reason for that is to get rid of the unvaccinated control group.” Deja vu! I said the same thing about the Covid-19 vaccine just 3 weeks ago. And I had not watched this documentary yet. Eerie.
Watch this important online documentary and share it. The kids featured in it, at the beginning of it, were normal kids until they got various vaccines. Now, some of them are retarded, and some are just abnormal (e.g., they have autism or don’t talk anymore).
Vaccines earn Big Pharma billions of dollars per year. But most vaccines are unnecessary. Will health problems appear later on in the people vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccines? Maybe. Since the vaccines were rushed to market, it’s entirely possible.
What is this worldwide mass psychosis over Covid-19 vaccines — especially when you consider that children are nearly immune to Covid. Madness!
“The Australian government is going to seize 24,000 children from its citizens and place them in a stadium quarantine camp to be forcibly vaccinated. Parents will not be allowed to attend.”