25 January, 2008

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Celler, jewed Congress, jewed culture, Socrates at 6:27 pm | Permanent Link

What are “civil rights”? You’d have to ask congressman Emanuel Celler. He’s the Jew who created the 1957 and 1964 Civil Rights Acts. Why ask Celler, you may wonder? Here’s why: those “rights” weren’t even mentioned by America’s White founders. Why not? That’s a good question. The truth of the matter is that American civil rights laws are nothing but Jewish constructs that would have been rejected by our founders. In fact, the whole civil rights movement – from federal mandates to the private funding of Black organizations – is almost entirely kosher [1][2][3][4]:


[1] about Celler and his Civil Rights Acts: [Here]

[2] about the 10th Amendment and federal civil rights laws: [Here]

[3] as much as 75% of the private funding for Black civil rights groups came from Jews: [Here]

[4] Jews and civil rights: [Here]

25 January, 2008

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', jewed foreign policy, Neocons, Socrates at 2:27 pm | Permanent Link

Jewish neoconservative Paul Wolfowitz, a key figure in the creation of the Iraq war, will now advise the U.S. government on arms control and disarmament. Of interest is how this might affect America’s policies toward Iran and Pakistan. Notice the timing of this: Wolfowitz returns just after the “anti-neocon” NIE report about Iran, and just as things are heating up in Pakistan [1][2][3]:


[1] Pakistan: [Here]

[2] a U.S. State Department announcement of Wolfowitz’s appointment as chairman of the ISAB: [Here]

[3] U.S. State Department policy for the Middle East, then vs. now: [Here]

24 January, 2008

Posted by Socrates in elections, politics, Socrates, White solutions at 11:29 pm | Permanent Link


24 January, 2008

Posted by Stan in "civil rights", 'hate' crimes, 'hate' laws, Alex Linder, America, AmeriKwa at 11:15 pm | Permanent Link

Six niggers attack and brutally beat a White boy. The monkeys get:

1) Favorable mainstream media coverage excusing them because of some previous incident that was blown out of proportion;
2) Thousands of dollars in donations from the mostly white, brainwashed, G-d blinded, “I’m not a racist” crowd;
3) Have 20,000 slobbering coons and rabid racist fat cats Jezzie Jackscoon and Al “Chickenbone” Sharptaroon descend on a small, mostly White town to extort and threaten the law and people into freeing the 6 savages;
4) And finally, they get major felony charges dropped against them and their case is moved to juvenile court where they get feather slaps on the wrist and turned back on the population.

A few White boys decide to exercise their 1st Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech by hanging nooses off of their truckbed and drive through town at the end of the 20,000-coon march. They get:

1) Arrested by the police;
2) Endless harping on their “hateful” display by the mainstream media;
3) Drug in front of and indicted by a Federal Grand Jury for charges of hate crimes that will carry a stiff sentence in a ZOG coon zoo where they will probably end up dead by chimp-out.

Seeing a pattern here Joe Sixpack and Sally Soccermom? All these White boys could be your sons. If they aren’t pimped into ZOG’s death machine in Iraq, they are targets of diversity, multiculturalism, and the twisted laws that the kikes enact to erode what is left of White American Freedom.

You better wake up. You better care. You don’t know how close you are to these niggers kicking down your door, raping your wife and daughter, killing you, and taking that big screen TV you’re getting with your economy-boosting Bush bucks. Just ask a White South African what happens when the niggers rule over Whites.

Jena abomination – HERE

24 January, 2008

Posted by Socrates in jewed Congress, jewed culture, Jewish politicians, Socrates at 10:20 pm | Permanent Link

This disturbing legislation – known as the “Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act” – came from Jewish congresswoman Jane Harman as House bill H.R.1955 back in April, 2007. (S.1959, introduced later in August 2007, is the Senate version of H.R.1955) [1][2][3]:


[1] about H.R.1955: [Here] and [Here]

[2] Ron Paul on H.R.1955: [Here]

[3] Harman mentioned as being Jewish: [Here]

24 January, 2008

Posted by Socrates in England, jewed culture, Socrates, Zionism at 1:49 pm | Permanent Link

After years of Jewish control of the UK, is this the beginning of a trend? [1]:


[1] more about Jews and the UK: “England of 1938 is not the England of 1914 because she is no longer controlled by Britons. Ever since the war the Jewish power has been growing”

24 January, 2008

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 12:34 am | Permanent Link


January 24, 2008

Contact: Alex Linder
[email protected]

Lew Rockwell Revealed as Author of Racist Ron Paul Material

VanguardNewsNetwork (govnn.com and vnnforum.com) has learned that it was Lew Rockwell himself who wrote the racist words in Ron Paul’s newsletter from which the candidate and his top backers now flee.

A source who wishes to remain anonymous told VNN:

Those Ron Paul Newsletters were authored by Lew Rockwell, and Ron Paul did know of the contents, but he is anti-racist.

At the time Lew Rockwell was Paul’s ghost writer, along with Jeff Tucker, and Murray Rothbard, cheering from the sideline, and contributing occasionally.

Ron Paul tolerated the ‘racist rhetoric’ because it was providing a large share of the reported $940,000 annual income of Ron Paul & Associates, at that time, and because his hispanic adviser convinced him that it would work as an “outreach to the Rednecks,” and gain the grassroots support being enjoyed by people such as David Duke at the time.

The idea was to appeal to many, but to serve few, by telling people what they wanted to hear, or rather NOT telling them what they didn’t want to hear.

It was basically an early, rather clumsy, blueprint for the Ron Paul ‘revolution’, or at least that’s what the other employees who worked on the newsletter have told me.

“I’m not surprised to learn that Lew Rockwell is a racist, nor that he authored the words in question,” said VNN editor Alex Linder. He added, “I can think of three writers offhand Rockwell drove off not because he disagreed with them, but, as he put it with regard to one, her words were ‘too hot.'” Linder named Carole Ward, Bob Wallace, and Jimmy Cantrell as writers whose opinions Lew Rockwell agreed with but banned from his site for writing honestly about jews and race.

“The fact is,” Linder continued, “libertarians are cowards. They know that liberty is found only in White societies. But their fear of the jews controlling the media, even when those jews are 23-year-old punk jew queers like Jamie Kirchick, overwhelms their good sense, and leads them down the safe but ineffectual path of individualism. Only when he and his backers find the courage to appeal to Whites as Whites, rather than as individuals, will Ron Paul’s numbers climb into the double digits.”

Discussion here: http://vnnforum.com/showthread.php?p=707268#post707268

– 30 –

23 January, 2008

Posted by Socrates in jewed foreign policy, New World Order, Serbia, Socrates, tikkun olam at 8:08 pm | Permanent Link

Will the part-Turk, Muslim province of Kosovo break away from White, Orthodox Christian Serbia with the help of the Jewish-controlled West? And, why would the West want to help Kosovo break away, anyway? (That’s a trick question, of course. The West doesn’t like Serbia because it’s too “White nationalist” for Jewish comfort. The Serbs won’t follow the New World Order. In fact, the Serbs have resisted “Western values” more forcefully than any other White, European people. So the Jews have to “make an example” out of Serbia). The West no doubt expects the Serbs to resist the Kosovo break-away so that the 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia can repeat itself [1][2]:


[1] more about Serbia and Kosovo: [Here]

[2] a map of Serbia and Kosovo: [Here]

23 January, 2008

Posted by Socrates in holocaust racket, Socrates at 2:51 pm | Permanent Link


About the Simon Wiesenthal Center: [Here]. About Wiesenthal, who died in 2005: [Here].

22 January, 2008

Posted by Socrates in General Decline, globalization, Jew World Order, jewed foreign policy, Neocons, New World Order, Socrates, war, War On Israel's Enemies, Zionism at 11:29 pm | Permanent Link

World War III draws nearer as the West adopts neoconservative strategy. Thanks to that Jewish ideology, the West is on a collision course with the Muslim world and the safety of the White countries is compromised as a result. Neoconservatism is an aggressive philosophy that is as much of a threat to world peace as communism was – indeed, neoconservatism has roots in Trotskyism. Furthermore, Jews pioneered the idea of global government, e.g., Marxism, the Soviet Union’s Comintern and the UN. They also perfected the atomic bomb. So this plan has deep Jewish roots, regardless of the authors’ ethnicities [1][2][3][4][5][6]:


[1] a preemptive “first strike” is at the core of neoconservative ideology

[2] the neocons and conflict with the Muslim world: [Here]

[3] the neocons and the naming of world wars (see footnote #1): [Here]

[4] the UN’s Jewish founders include Leo Pasvolsky, Victor Perlo, Solomon Adler and Harry Dexter White

[5] Jewish scientists, such as J. Robert Oppenheimer, Rudolf Peierls, Felix Bloch and Leo Szilard, perfected the atomic bomb

[6] about neoconservatism: [Here]