1 February, 2008

Posted by VNNB in Announce, audio, VNNB, VNNB-Friday at 11:23 am | Permanent Link

FTL: 02/01: This week in organized Jewry with Bud, Mishko & Ssanguine

“We’se be jews now too, muthrasuckras”

Join me Bud White , resident VNN Bad Boy Mishko Novosel and Ssanguine. We’ll be covering all things TJB, including a California rabbi who ran down someone at an atm, a Polish priest being investigated by prosecutors for anti-semitic comments, a Missouri town of niggers converts to Judaism, a Florida Jewish TV channel goes nationwide and a Regina, Canada man charged with promoting hatred, plus a whole lot more TJB reporting.

Tunes start at 6:30 est
Talk starts at 7:30 est
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31 January, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Ron Paul, Socrates at 7:11 pm | Permanent Link

The book will be released April 30, 2008: [Here].

31 January, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Catholicism, Christians who fight the jew, Socrates, Vatican II at 6:21 pm | Permanent Link

Thankfully, some Catholics won’t follow the doctrine of the Jewish-friendly, post-Vatican II church:


31 January, 2008

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', Islam, Israel, Israel - the facts, Israeli war crimes, jew mentality, Socrates, Zionism at 5:16 pm | Permanent Link

A key reason why Muslims hate America is pretty much unknown to Westerners. That reason is found in East Jerusalem. A very old and important mosque, called Al-Aqsa, is located there. It was built in 710 A.D. and sits on the south side of a big, rectangular area that the Jews and Christians call Temple Mount. Israel seized Al-Aqsa from the Muslims by default when it stole the Occupied Territories in 1967. Many Muslims believe that America has the power to force Israel to give back the Territories, which would return the mosque to them. In fact, the return of Al-Aqsa – i.e., the return of all of Temple Mount – would be a giant step toward peace in the Middle East, which is why Israel will avoid such a move. (A Muslim council – called the Waqf – is allowed to “manage” the mosque and Temple Mount) [1][2][3][4][5]:


[1] a photo of the Al-Aqsa mosque/Dome of the Rock/Temple Mount: [Here]

[2] According to Muslims, Al-Aqsa is the third-holiest place on earth, after Mecca and Medina, which are in Saudi Arabia

[3] the Jews stole the Occupied Territories during a 1967 war started by Israel

[4] Jordan owned Al-Aqsa/Dome of the Rock/Temple Mount before the 1967 seizure

[5] the whole of Temple Mount is considered by Muslims to be more-or-less a mosque. Both Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock are historic Muslim sites

30 January, 2008

Posted by Socrates in 'human rights', globalization, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, UN at 6:50 pm | Permanent Link

Look at all the Jewish constructs here, e.g., global government, “human rights,” the UN [1][2]:


[1] more about “human rights”: [Here]

[2] more about globalism: [Here]

30 January, 2008

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' crimes, 'hate' hoaxes, jews, Socrates at 5:24 pm | Permanent Link

It’s common for God’s Pets to fake “hate” incidents, as depicted in this cartoon:

[Article] and [Article].

30 January, 2008

Posted by Socrates in jewish hate & hypocrisy, Socrates, Zionism at 12:15 am | Permanent Link

This is sort of funny since Zionism – i.e., Jewish imperialism – is racism and was even labeled as such by the UN in 1975 [1]:


[1] UN General Assembly Resolution 3379, November 1975. The resolution was revoked in December 1991

29 January, 2008

Posted by Socrates in conservatism, paleoconservatism, philosophy, race, Socrates, Western culture, White philosophy at 7:40 pm | Permanent Link

This issue was already mentioned on the VNN Forum, but more newbies need to consider it. Notice that the conservative movement has failed. Nothing has been “conserved.” People who call themselves conservatives are more liberal today than they were 30 years ago. The American conservative movement is doomed to failure mostly by its race-blindness (and partly by its blindness to feminism, e.g., “career women”). As the U.S. fills up with non-White voters, the movement will have to shift further leftward in order for conservatives to win elections – i.e., in order for them to win the vital support of non-Whites – a shift which will, in turn, alienate the movement’s main support base of rightwing White men. In other words, the movement has no good options available, except one: recognize the importance of race to culture:


29 January, 2008

Posted by Socrates in "war on terror", free speech, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, War On Israel's Enemies, Zionism at 5:31 pm | Permanent Link

The war on Israel’s enemies – also known as the “war on terror” – isn’t compatible with freedom [1]:


[1] the convicted “shoe bomber,” a Muslim named Richard Reid, explained to the FBI why he tried to commit terrorism in 2001. He mentioned Israel: [Here]

29 January, 2008

Posted by Socrates in feminism, General Decline, jewed law, Socrates at 4:11 pm | Permanent Link

Did women become police officers based on their abilities? No. They became police officers based on special laws and regulations that gave them artificial advantages in the hiring process. Women have no business being cops:
