12 February, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Neocons, Socrates, Zionism at 5:20 pm | Permanent Link

An interesting article about Jewish neoconservative Abrams. Note this important quote:

“By June 2007 Abrams had convinced Abbas to attack Hamas in Gaza, a plan so badly concealed that the UN’s envoy in the region, Alvaro de Soto, reported that the U.S. was pushing ‘for a confrontation between Fatah and Hamas.’ Informed what was afoot, Hamas struck first and Abbas’ forces in Gaza swiftly collapsed.”

That explains the so-called “Battle of Gaza,” after which Hamas took control of it. The West harshly criticized Hamas for the conflict:


More about Abrams: [Here].

12 February, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Bolsheviks, divorce laws, jewed culture, jewed law, law, Socrates, Western culture at 4:11 pm | Permanent Link

One divorce worth mentioning is singer Paul McCartney’s. His soon-to-be-ex-wife may get up to 60 million pounds from the former Beatle [1]. Why so much? Modern divorce laws favor women more than they should. Worse, divorcing today is easy, thanks to something that was created in 1917 by the Bolsheviks and adopted later on by America: “no-fault” divorce. It’s a trend throughout the West which began in earnest in the 1970s. Predictably, no-fault has caused gentile divorce rates to skyrocket (and of course has increased the profits of the disproportionately-Jewish legal profession) [2][3][4][5]:

[1] about McCartney’s divorce proceedings: [Here]

[2] see the Bolshevik/Soviet law “Decree on Divorce,” December 1917. It led to by-mail “post card divorces.” England created a by-mail divorce provision in 1973

[3] more about “no-fault” divorce laws: [Here]

[4] divorce rates in Europe have roughly doubled since easy-divorce laws were created. Divorce was illegal in Spain, Italy and Ireland until recently

[5] “Law is something of a Jewish calling, in a sense, the house specialty.” — from the book “Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality” (New Haven/New York; Ticknor and Fields, 1982) by Jewish author Gerald Krefetz

12 February, 2008

Posted by VNNB in Announce at 9:17 am | Permanent Link

Coppock suspended for anti-Semitic remark

WMVP-AM (1000) confirmed Friday that longtime Chicago sports radio personality Chet Coppock has been suspended for five shifts for making an anti-Semitic comment on the air.

During his show last Saturday, Coppock was asked, ”How do you spell ‘Jewish’?” and replied, ”M-O-N-E-Y.” General manager Jim Pastor suspended Coppock from Sunday’s show, as well as his next four weekend shifts. He’ll return to the air Feb. 23.

full story here

12 February, 2008

Posted by VNNB in Alex Linder at 8:33 am | Permanent Link

The huge church was packed. People sat on the stairs and stood in the aisles. The service opened, as usual, with prayer and song, but after about half an hour, the 91-year-old bishop of Krakow, Albin Malysiak, began inflaming the crowd with his sermon.

“A man who does not love his homeland, but some sort of international entity, apparently also does not love his nearest and dearest,” he said. ”

 read more here

11 February, 2008

Posted by Stan in Announce, audio, VNNB, VNNB-Monday at 5:55 pm | Permanent Link

Join Stan Sikorski this evening for Free Talk Live Monday. The show will focus on raising funds for the only web site dedicated to White interests thru user video, PodBlanc.com. Craig Cobb and Alex Linder will be joining in the broadcast to discuss PodBlanc’s importance in White media, as well as other topics of White interest including the upcoming GoyFire 54.

Music starts at 8 PM Eastern – Live Talk at 9 PM Eastern

Click HERE to listen to the broadcast.

Click HERE to discuss on VNN Forum.

Mel knows about the jew. Do you?

11 February, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Ireland, jews, judaism, Mel Gibson, Socrates at 12:58 pm | Permanent Link

It seems that Gibson isn’t worthy of an award due to his prior remarks about Jews. But notice that Judaism itself is racism, and it predates Christianity [1]. Why is a rabbi living in Ireland, anyway – a Western country full of Catholics? An interesting fact: after television arrived in Ireland in 1961, the power and influence of the Catholic church plummeted:


[1] about the bigotry found in Judaism’s Halakhic laws: [Here]

10 February, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Luke O'Farrell, Socrates at 2:57 pm | Permanent Link

by Luke O’Farrell: [Here].

10 February, 2008

Posted by Socrates in EU, Europe, globalization, jewed culture, Socrates, treaties, Western culture at 2:33 pm | Permanent Link

France has ratified the new EU treaty. Of importance here is that the people did not approve the treaty – in fact, French voters rejected the treaty in 2005 [1][2]:


[1] about the French rejection of the 2005 EU treaty: [Here]

[2] global government was pioneered by Jews, e.g., Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, the part-Jew Vladimir Lenin, Grigory Zinoviev (who helped spread communism around the world via the Comintern) and Leo Pasvolsky. Since all countries have natural sovereignty, global government is illegitimate

9 February, 2008

Posted by alex in spintros at 2:59 pm | Permanent Link

Gangs Work

Mexes hate niggers, just like Whites hate niggers. The difference? Mexicans form gangs and drive niggers from their territory. That has the SPLC making goose bumps. Word to the wise, White man. Use it or lose it. We won’t liberate ourselves by negotiating or voting. Words are necessary but insufficient. Force is needed too. “The way I hear these knuckleheads tell it, they don’t want their neighborhoods infested with blacks, as if it’s an infestation,” says respected Los Angeles gang expert Tony Rafael… Yeah, as if it’s an infestation – as opposed to as if blacks are humans, or, as if blacks are productive non-littering peaceful workers. They aren’t. They are supersized bipedal cockroaches. Even 90-IQ mexi gangbangers can smell that.  […] a longstanding race war between the Mexican Mafia and the Black Guerilla family, a rival African-American prison gang, has generated such intense racial hatred among Mexican Mafia leaders, or shot callers, that they have issued a “green light” on all blacks. A sort of gang-life fatwah, this amounts to a standing authorization for Latino gang members to prove their mettle by terrorizing or even murdering any blacks sighted in a neighborhood claimed by a gang loyal to the Mexican Mafia. The very definition of a win-win situation. Since 1990, the African-American population of Los Angeles has dropped by half as blacks relocated to suburbs, and Latinos have moved into historically black neighborhoods. Translation: the mexes have won, and keep on winning. Notice too that it took very few murders to get the nigs on the run: no more than a handful and the nigs stampeded into the suburbs. Shite flight, if you will. Racial and ethnic warfare are not unnatural; forcing races to live in the same space and running non-stop Telmudvision saying everything is hunky-dory is unnatural. Same thing in Kenya. Ethnic riots flare up over an election. The minority group gets driven back to its original homelands in the west, and out of the capital city, Nairobi. The way of the world, itz. What’s unnatural is to allow the hostile, predatory alien to persuade you that your race does not exist. The only way the jew can defeat the White man is by persuading him to hate himself and deny his group existence.

9 February, 2008

Posted by alex in academia, Kevin MacDonald, Semitical Correctness, thought crime at 2:47 pm | Permanent Link

Psychology department to issue statement on professor’s controversial literature

Staff and faculty are worried that psychology professor Kevin MacDonald’s work has anti-Semitic and racist overtones.
Andrew Smith
Issue date: 2/7/08 Section: News

The Cal State Long Beach Psychology Department has recently initiated new plans to disassociate itself from controversial psychology professor Kevin MacDonald.

The department is currently considering publishing a statement to confirm its disassociation from MacDonald, with his research and writings on Judaism continuing to garner controversy and be used by publications considered to publicize neo-Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

MacDonald’s three-part series in evolutionary psychology, “A People That Shall Dwell Alone,” “Separation and Its Discontents” and “The Culture of Critique,” was labelled as anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi propaganda in late 2006.

The labels came from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a civil rights organization based in Montgomery, Ala., that tracks hate groups. The organization sent a representative to CSULB to interview students and faculty members about MacDonald’s work in November of 2006.

The recent developments within the psychology department to distance itself from MacDonald’s work came after the department’s advisory committee met to discuss his December forum presentation.

Questions were raised regarding the methodology and ethics of MacDonald’s work, which included his trilogy of books as well as his entries in The Occidental Quarterly – which has been described as a “white nationalist” publication – and the online journal VDARE.com.

The three-part book series stimulated the most controversy through its discussion of the influence of Jewish political and social movements on American politics and culture during the 20th century, according to associate professor of anthropology Ron Loewe.

“MacDonald is trying to argue that Jews undermine the foundations of Western society by supporting radical ideologies and radical political movements,” Loewe said.

MacDonald’s work also allegedly discussed “how Jews facilitated the immigration of minorities from southern Europe, and destroyed the whiteness of America,” according to Loewe.

On Tuesday MacDonald replied to a series of questions put to him by psychology professor Martin Fiebert that focused on the four main areas of racism: anti-Semitism, quality of “scholarship” and involvement with and support for extremist groups.

Fiebert’s questions were finally answered after several psychology, history and political science department members sent numerous e-mails to MacDonald requesting that he respond to the inquiries about his research and teachings.

The questions posed to MacDonald revolved around his relationship with J. Philippe Rushton, a professor from the University of Western Ontario, Canada, who has been criticized for his claims that race determines an individual’s abilities and behavior, and that blacks are intellectually inferior because of “smaller brains.”

In an e-mail response sent to Loewe and other CSULB faculty about the questions, MacDonald said that his only referral to Rushton’s work was in a graduate seminar that was not related to racial differences research, and that he would not focus any more of his efforts on the topic at CSULB. In the e-mail, MacDonald wrote, “I see the issue of race differences in intelligence and other traits as hopelessly politicised.”

In another e-mail sent to the Daily Forty-Niner, MacDonald also wrote, “I promised not to teach about race differences in intelligence in order to be able to teach [Psychology] 361.” He also wrote that he is “not happy” about the proposed dissociation of his work by the department.

MacDonald confirmed publishing his claims that the Jewish race was having a negative effect on Western civilization in “The Culture of Critique.”

“Individuals who strongly identified as Jews have been the main motivating force behind several highly influential intellectual movements that have simultaneously subjected Western culture to radical criticism and allowed for the continuity of Jewish identification … Collectively, these movements have called into question the fundamental moral, political, and economic foundations of Western society,” MacDonald wrote in the e-mail sent to Loewe and CSULB faculty.

The Psychology Department Advisory Committee will meet again on Monday to discuss the disassociation statement after concluding that the three current statements already posted on the department website did not provide adequate grounds through which to distance the department from MacDonald’s views.

The three statements, titled “Diversity,” “Misuse of Psychologist’s Work” and “Academic Freedom and Responsibility in Research,” discuss the department’s cultural diversity in teaching, its denouncing of the professor’s work for use as propaganda for racial/ethnic superiority groups, and also the expectation that faculty members whose work is controversial will “state that their views may not represent those of the department.”

The new statement, however, will focus specifically on the department’s disassociation from MacDonald, and is modelled on a similar statement that came from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pa.

Produced by the Lehigh Biological Sciences Department, the statement outlined the department’s position on “Evolution and ‘Intelligent Design,'” and reinforced its support of Darwin evolutionary theory while disassociating itself from professor Michael Behe, who supported an alternate “intelligent design” theory.

“While we respect professor Behe’s right to express his views, they are his alone and are in no way endorsed by the department. It is our collective position that intelligent design has no basis in science, has not been tested experimentally and should not be regarded as scientific,” the statement said.
