“The Lady and the Duke” (2001); in French with English subtitles.
This is a good movie about the French Revolution (1789-1799), which I have posted about before.
Filmed in a unique way, this movie documents the “first communist revolution in history” (i.e., leftists overthrew and murdered the king and queen of France thanks largely to the egalitarian philosophy of the “proto-Marxist philosopher” Jean-Jacques Rousseau [1712-1778]. Without Rousseau, the French Revolution would not have happened. Rousseau, whether he knew it or not, invented “revolutionary political theory” and, if he didn’t invent the idea of human equality, then he certainly furthered it to a great degree) [1][2].
The French revolutionists closed all of the churches and even created a calendar with no Sundays on it to discourage religious practices. (That sounds familiar: the communists in Spain did the same thing in the 1930s, only much worse: they raped and murdered nuns).
During the French Revolution, you could have been executed based solely upon who you knew or were related to. For example, if your uncle or your best friend were wealthy, or you were somehow connected to nobility, that by itself could have been a “crime.” You could have been declared an “enemy of the Revolution” and been executed on the guillotine solely for that (but even poor people were executed for political crimes — no one was safe from the guillotine).
It says a lot about the French Revolution that it later “ate itself.” In other words, the people who created the revolution were themselves executed on the guillotine (e.g., Robespierre, Danton). So why did they bother creating a revolution? The answer is: they couldn’t help themselves, like most leftists. What’s that old saying: “give them enough rope and they’ll hang themselves”? Well, they did, more or less.
The French Revolution was a giant crime. The revolutionists were all criminals, acting without the authority of law. They kidnapped and murdered thousands of people simply because they thought they had the right to do it.
The French Revolution begat communism. Indeed, Cuban leader Fidel Castro loved to compare his revolution to the French one. Castro even copied it by creating a new crime in Cuba in 1960: being an “enemy of the revolution.”
Amazingly, there are six countries in Europe today that have communists holding seats in their parliaments: Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Portugal, and Spain. Why is that allowed — especially in France?
[Movie; 2 hours and 3 minutes].
[1] “Revolutionary political theory, as it has developed since Rousseau, is already foreshadowed and contained in (Rousseau’s) Social Contract” — Italian Marxist Lucio Colletti.
[2] “(Rousseau) then explains the way in which, in his view, people may have established civil society, and this leads him to conclude that private property is the original source and basis of all inequality.” — Wikipedia, Aug. 2021