15 February, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Denmark, Europe, General Decline, immigration, Muslims, Socrates at 4:15 pm | Permanent Link

More rioting by Muslim immigrants [1]:


[1] about similar rioting in France: [Here]

14 February, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Jewish genetics, jewish hate & hypocrisy, jews, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 6:51 pm | Permanent Link

Ever since Kevin MacDonald’s trilogy of books about Jews was published in the 1990s, the complaints about him/his work have come almost entirely from Jews. It’s an ongoing campaign by non-Whites directed against one truthful, White man. That’s real “hate.” [1][2]:


[1] about MacDonald’s trilogy of books: [Here]

[2] Jews mentioned as being non-White: [Here]

14 February, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Africa, colonialism in Africa, Socrates at 6:27 pm | Permanent Link

A negro states the obvious: White rule is best: [Article].

14 February, 2008

Posted by alex in Goyfire, Radio Istina at 1:27 pm | Permanent Link

Topics include: fagging of California public schools, Australia’s apology to aborigines.UPDATE: problem fixed…here we GO!

http://www.vnnforum.com:7555/listen.pls to listen

14 February, 2008

Posted by alex in Goyfire at 1:22 pm | Permanent Link

With Agis, Chain and Alex.


Show discussion thread here in VNNForum.com:


Goyfire 54

Topics covered in Goyfire #54…

U.S. Presidental Election 2008
Ron Paul

Economy: Retailers Report Worst January in Nearly 40 Years
$152 billion boost OK’d for economy

Kenya/Chad TNB

TNB Mass Shootings

Chris Newsom, Channon Christian Update: ‘Pretending the web doesn’t exist will not serve justice’

Silvia Stolz Sent to Prison

Rio Cadaver Float Barred

EU “Con-stitution” Rammed Through Sarko France

Baby Boom in Russia

13 February, 2008

Posted by Socrates in "international law", 9/11, globalization, History for newbies, jewed culture, jewed law, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Nazi era, Nuremberg trials, Socrates, War On Israel's Enemies, World War II at 11:42 pm | Permanent Link

Maybe that comparison will be a good thing after all, since the Nuremberg trials were a farce and – thanks to the internet – more and more people are finding that out. (For newbies, a quick review of Nuremberg: America teamed up with communist mass-murderers – i.e., the Soviets – to use illegal, ex post facto “international law” against the Germans. Further discrediting Nuremberg is the fact that vengeful Jews were the main architects of the trials, and, a large percentage of the staff of the Nuremberg courts was Jewish [1]. Put simply, Nuremberg was about hate-filled Jews punishing the gentiles who dared to oppose Bolshevism and international finance. Of note is that even Dwight Eisenhower’s own brother, a lawyer, said that Nuremberg was a joke) [2][3]:


[1] the chief architects of the Nuremberg tribunal were Jews, e.g., Murray Bernays, Samuel Rosenman. Bernays was inspired by another Jew, an attorney who pushed “international law,” named Raphael Lemkin, who found fame by inventing the word “genocide.” An obituary for Bernays mentions his key role in the Nuremberg trials

[2] Edgar Eisenhower said that Nuremberg “cannot be justified by any line of reasoning” and that the trials “are a black page in the history of the world”

[3] more about Nuremberg: [Here] and [Here]

13 February, 2008

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Radio Free Whitelandia, Radio Istina at 2:43 pm | Permanent Link

Radio Istina with Alex Linder will return to the air tomorrow Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. CST. It will probably run about two hours, and it will cover a number of different topics along with a chapter of Ramsay’s “The Nameless War.”

Dietrich is also happy to announce that he will revive his show Radio Free Whitelandia, which you can listen to Friday night at 9:00 p.m. EST.

13 February, 2008

Posted by VNNB in Alex Linder at 11:06 am | Permanent Link


Following the ‘demise’ of the Hamas Mickey Mouse character ‘Farfur’ at the hands of a belligerent Israeli soldier, Hamas’ television station has introduced a Bugs Bunny lookalike who declares “I will eat Jews,” a British newspaper reported Wednesday.

According to the Daily Mail, Hamas-controlled TV in Gaza has introduced ‘Assud’, a rabbit, claiming that he sneaked into Gaza from Egypt after the border was breached last month.

 The newspaper report said that the new show ended with a song, “We will never recognize Israel, until we liberate our homeland from the Zionist filth.”

full story here and here

13 February, 2008

Posted by VNNB in Announce at 10:37 am | Permanent Link


 “sue everybody”

 An Israeli town is suing Internet giant Google for slander over a posting by a user of its worldwide mapping service that claims the town was built on the ruins of an Arab village.

Kiryat Yam is a town of 40,000 on the Mediterranean coast just north of the port of Haifa. An entry on Google Earth, a feature that allows users to zero in on locations around the world, alleges that the town was built on the ruins of Ghawarina, an Arab village.

full story here 

12 February, 2008

Posted by VNNB in Alex Linder at 7:22 pm | Permanent Link

Alleged child molester Avrohom Mondrowitz can be extradited to the United States, the Jerusalem District Court ruled on Sunday.

Mondrowitz, a member of the Ger Hassidic sect in Brooklyn who posed as a rabbi and psychologist specializing in treating troubled children, fled to Israel in 1984 as New York law enforcement authorities were preparing to arrest him.

In 1985 he was charged with sodomy and other sex crimes against five minors, aged 9 to 15, from the ultra-Orthodox community in Brooklyn. The case first came to light after a report in Haaretz Magazine (November 17, 2007).

The U.S. Justice Department twice applied for his extradition, but legal hurdles prevented this until now. The first extradition request was denied because at the time, 22 years ago, sodomy was not an extraditable offense under the Israeli American extradition treaty

Full story here