29 February, 2008

Posted by alex in audio, Radio Free Whitelandia, Radio Istina, VNNB, VNNB-Friday at 7:07 pm | Permanent Link

Linder will be sitting in for Dietrich tonight, as he was called away on an urgent mission.We’ll be discussing a number of things including William F. Buckley, man and meaning; the poor persecuted Max Karson, an opinion writer out in Boulder, being persecuted by the slant-eyed and right-thinkers alike for an innocent satire.

Talk begins at 8 p.m. CST

Stan will take over at 10 p.m., and we’ll be taking calls at:

608 554-2020

or skype Stan at:


29 February, 2008

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, guns & goy controllers, Socrates at 2:10 pm | Permanent Link

Arguments in the landmark goy-control case District of Columbia v. Heller – which was formerly known as Parker v. District of Columbia – will begin at the U.S. Supreme Court on March 18, 2008. The case will probably decide, once and for all, whether the Second Amendment applies to private citizens or not:


28 February, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Bolsheviks, communism, Fascism, German nationalists, Germany, History for newbies, Italy, jews, Mussolini, Socrates, Western culture at 11:09 pm | Permanent Link

“Fascist” (note: fascism was created/solidified by Mussolini in Italy in 1921 as an anti-Bolshevik/anti-communist movement) is now considered to be a slur. But nonetheless, fascism is the only political system able to curb the Jews and the egalitarians. Under laissez-faire capitalism they both thrive, and communism itself is Jewish – although granted, Stalin was able to use his own style of “gentile communism” against the Jews in the 1930s, so one could say that it’s somewhat effective against The Tribe, but no sane person supports communism. Anyway, it’s likely that the only thing that will save Western culture is fascism – specifically Nazism. But the West won’t be ready for fascism for a while, since things haven’t deteriorated enough in our society to boost a fascist leader into power [1][2]:



[1] Stalinism was a big departure from the earlier, “genuine Jewish communism.” For example, Stalin embraced “popular fronts” and rejected “endless global revolution,” unlike the Jewish Trotskyites.

[2] Fascism – not the type found in the confused, semi-leftist Fascio di Combattimento in Italy in 1919, but the later, perfected version of it found in the Partito Nazionale Fascista (PNF, founded in 1921) – was a logical reaction to leftist revolutionaries and to modernism in general. A quote about the PNF: “Compared to its predecessor, the PNF abandoned republicanism to turn decisively towards the right-wing of the political spectrum.” — Wikipedia. Mussolini was very anti-Bolshevik — so much so that many Americans admired him. Bolshevism spread throughout Western Europe circa 1920 and, indeed, it almost toppled Europe. Yet today, sneaky Jews go around saying that fascism is “left-wing” in order to prevent conservatives from looking to Hitler’s Germany for solutions to the problems of the West. Make no mistake, newbies: fascism is right-wing, although it has a few features that are also found on the Left, e.g., “big government”

27 February, 2008

Posted by alex in audio, Linder Radio, Radio Istina, VNNB at 8:25 pm | Permanent Link

Discussion:- corrections: missed point in australian article re jews: mixing the race out of existence It also reignited the so-called “history wars” between those who believe the Stolen Generations were kidnapped in a sinister attempt to breed out their Aboriginality and others who say it was a benevolent attempt to save half-caste children from the ills of Aboriginal society.
– conservatives vs Whites

– more on The Secret Life of Bill Clinton, the lies of the ATF re OKC bombings
– Global Warming, the hoax

27 February, 2008

Posted by Socrates in fake conservatives, fake opposition, Joe Sobran, Socrates at 8:02 pm | Permanent Link

What did Buckley “conserve,” anyway? In fact, he helped purge the political Right of honest men [1][2]:


[1] Buckley vs. Sobran: [Here]

[2] about Buckley’s purge (scroll 3/4 down the page): [Here]

27 February, 2008

Posted by Socrates in jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish intermarriage, Patrick Grimm, Socrates at 6:00 pm | Permanent Link

by Patrick Grimm. (Two additional points: 1. Jewish leaders always lie about the Jewish/gentile intermarriage rate. They say that the rate is high, but it isn’t. 2. A little intermarriage is actually good for the Jewish tribe, since it “weeds out” the less-committed, fence-sitting Jews, making the tribe more cohesive):


27 February, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Buchanan, communism, History for newbies, Hitler, nationalism, Socrates, World War II at 12:20 am | Permanent Link

Any mention of nationalism without a mention of the world’s reigning nationalist agitators – i.e., the Jews – is pretty much a waste of ink. For example, this column mentions Hitler’s ethnonationalism. But Hitler was merely reacting to certain global forces. Who tinkered with the meeting at Versailles, which later forced Germany to invade Poland? Who declared war on Germany way back in 1933? Which race maneuvered, on both sides of the Atlantic, to create WWII? In fact, it’s impossible to study international conflicts without considering the vital Jewish role in them – indeed, just consider the Vietnam War, where Americans didn’t fight Asians as much as they fought a Jewish ideology called communism. The point here, for newbies, is that “nationalist” actions around the world are very often artificially created by outsiders with their own racial agenda [1][2][3]:


[1] the Jewing of the 1919 Versailles meeting: [Here]

[2] war declared on Germany by the Jews: [Here]. Also: “We are going to lick that fellow Hitler. He isn’t going to get away with it.” — Jewish tycoon Bernard Baruch in 1938, one year before Britain invented the “Poland excuse” in order to declare war on Germany. From the book “Which Way Western Man?” (Hillsboro, WV.; National Vanguard Books, 2003) by William Gayley Simpson, p. 922

[3] communism as a Jewish construct: [Here]

26 February, 2008

Posted by alex in Germany at 7:59 pm | Permanent Link

The Painfully Silent Genocide Of The German People

By Michael James
On the border of Switzerland

There is a strange feeling of despair that is sweeping Germany, but as
with all things that are uniquely German, or at least address fears
that cannot be articulated lest they betray a cultural peculiarity
incompatible with politically correct European or American
sensibilities, nothing is said that makes sense to ordinary citizens.
It is only sometimes whispered.


26 February, 2008

Posted by alex in Announce, audio, Linder Radio, Radio Istina, VNNB at 3:48 am | Permanent Link

This will be a more casual show, with more music. Probably not any close text readings. A little more of The Secret Life of Bill Clinton, ATF lies re OKC…

Topics: feminism and language abuse, upgrades at VNNF, homeschooling and its enemies.

Starting precisely at 2 p.m.


25 February, 2008

Posted by Socrates in jew financial crimes, Socrates, William Pierce at 10:27 pm | Permanent Link

Dr. William Pierce noted that most of the super-swindlers – i.e., businessmen and financiers who steal huge sums of money – have been Jews. The “Wolf” is Jewish, too:


Belfort mentioned as being Jewish: [Here].

Dr. William Pierce on super-swindlers: [Here] and [Here].