5 March, 2008

Posted by Socrates in David Duke, immigration, Jewish organizations, Mexinvasion, Socrates at 5:36 pm | Permanent Link

The clever demographic plan of the Jews: Israel will become more Jewish, while America will become less White. And if any Whites complain about that, they’ll be called “racists.” By the way, the AJC’s cartoons about immigration and racial diversity are interesting:


4 March, 2008

Posted by Socrates in China, History for newbies, jews, Russia, Socrates at 9:31 pm | Permanent Link

Of course – China is a large communist country. But much more importantly: what’s always missing in any talk about China? It’s the vital role that Jews played in the communization of it. For example, two Jewish officials in the U.S. Treasury Department – Harry Dexter White and Solomon Adler – deliberately sabotaged China’s currency by blocking a $200 million U.S. gold loan, which caused massive inflation and helped Chairman Mao assume power. Other Jews played roles in transferring communist ideology from Russia to China just after the Bolshevik Revolution:


3 March, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Patrick Grimm, Socrates at 6:00 pm | Permanent Link

“There is only silence. There is silence because Zionist Jews do control our media and mold and shape its coverage. They choose what to keep and what to excise in their stories. They are responsible for what every American will read in their daily newspaper or weekly news magazine. They decide which current events are amplified and which are ignored on the nightly news programs that millions count on for ‘objectivity.'”

by Patrick Grimm: [More Here].

3 March, 2008

Posted by Socrates in politics, Russia, Socrates at 5:30 pm | Permanent Link

Is he Jewish, as some people believe?: [Article].

3 March, 2008

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Radio Istina at 3:09 pm | Permanent Link

Radio Istina: March 4, 2008 [3 hours]


1) California takes swing at homeschoolers

2) 1300 Nebraska HSers visit legislature to fight Schimek’s anti-HS bill

3) Christians circumvent Hollywood with Advent, a new movie production/distribution company formed by HSers and Patrick Henry College grads

[So much HS revolutionary activity to discuss we never got around to the other stuff advertised. We will get to that on Thursday, with a full discussion of Max Karson up in Boulder and the long-threatened discussion of paleoconservative views of White Nationalism – this Thursday, March 6, at 1 p.m. CST. As always, these shows are archived for your convenience and url-dissemination within hours of live broadcast.]

2 March, 2008

Posted by Socrates in John Kaminski, Socrates at 2:42 pm | Permanent Link

by John Kaminski: [Here].

2 March, 2008

Posted by alex in South Africa at 12:30 am | Permanent Link

The Judenpresse is promoting the hell out of the already-infamous ‘piss’ video made by South African university students. That the liquid wasn’t piss, that the “victims” participated knowingly, that the whole thing was a parody, doesn’t matter. It’s racism, racism, racism in the land where apartheid still lingers.

Below is the real news from South Africa – the news CNN, MTV, LAT, WP, NYT and ABC-CBS-NBC-FOX don’t want you to know: Whites are being slaughtered by blacks.

Video heightens racial tension in South Africa
Los Angeles Times, CA – Feb 29, 2008
By Robyn Dixon, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA — The camera focuses on a plate of food placed on a toilet lid. …
This is the real South Africa Times Online
More students say sorry for demeaning video CNN
South African University Erupts In Protest Over Racist Video MTV.com
Independent Online – The Associated Press
all 329 news articles »

– story was immediately flashed all around U.S., UK and Europe


[Discuss on VNNF]

[From South Africa Sucks comments…]

What about

1 RAPE EVERY 17 seconds
95% committed by BLACKS

100% committed by BLACKS

Aiding and Abetting of crime and murder.
An Accessory before the fact.
100% committed by BLACK ANC


South Africa


These are hilarious videos students having terrific fun.










You have to sign in to view.




Students are Students and will always be students, having fun and doing hilarious things.






South Africa

E-mail to all your friends


1 March, 2008

Posted by alex in Robert Griffin at 7:56 pm | Permanent Link

Advice to Racially Conscious Whites Under Fire

By Robert S. Griffin
December 9, 2007

What follows are some suggestions to white people whose racial identity and interests might bring them under attack. I’m speaking to racially conscious white people of whatever stripe: white analysts, white
advocates, white activists, white separatists, and white supremacists. I want to underscore that what I offer could be off the mark. Take this as simply my side in a conversation. With that disclaimer on the
record, here’s my advice to those who care about white people and their future in a culture that is committed to shutting them down hard and making them pay.

Protect Yourself.
They’ll do anything to you they can, and it makes no difference whether you are right and what they are doing is unfair. Justice has nothing to do with it: you are the enemy and they’ll destroy you if they can; it is about power, not morality. Assume that you are all alone, that there is nobody covering your back. Someone might bleat on an Internet discussion list that you got screwed, but that’s about as far as it will go, or at least you better not count on any more support than that. You have a career going and bills to pay and perhaps a wife or husband and children to guide and support and parents to care for, and as far as I’m concerned, those are your first obligations.

Until you are sure about what you are going to do and its consequences, don’t create a paper trail that can be used to get you. If you write, use a pseudonym. Keep your name off membership lists. Don’t write anything in an e-mail message you wouldn’t mind being a front page story in the newspaper. If you are going for a job or a promotion, tell them what they want to hear. If you are up for tenure as an academic, lay low until it comes through. Bottom line, stay underground until you are clear that you want to go above ground.

Get in the best shape you can. Figure you are in a war. Get battle-ready. Put your mind and body in the best condition possible. If you have some physical or mental issue, habit, addiction, whatever it is, that is getting in your way, get it out of your way, starting now.

Don’t buy the nonsense they tell you about yourself.
The people doing the talking in this country tell you that being pro-black is good but being pro-white is bad, that you are bad, that they are the
action and you should kowtow to them and keep your mouth shut over in the corner. Constantly tell yourself another, more positive, story: you are the action, you are as central — as much as anyone is in this world.

Find likeminded people. You aren’t alone. There are people that think as you do and who will like and encourage you. They may be right around you or you might have to go looking for them. You might have to contact them on the sly.

Don’t assume that explaining and placating will do you any good.
When they come after you, there is always the tendency to try to talk your way out of it. “See, I’m not really a racist [or anti-Semite, whatever they are alleging], and actually, some of my best friends . . .” It is
tempting when they get on your case, or as a way to prevent them from giving you trouble, to suck up, placate, soften your edges, smile, come
off as a nice guy, a benign guy, a no-threat-to-anybody guy, an I’m-really-on-your-side guy. I suppose those kinds of things can work,
but you have to assume that reason and logic and whether you are a good person doesn’t cut it for anything; no matter what you say, no matter
how much tail you kiss, as soon as they can, they’ll slit your throat. 

Play to your strengths. And what might they be?

• Legal recourse. People don’t like to get sued. The first person to contact if someone dumps on you for your racial beliefs or actions is an attorney. Don’t say or do anything until you do.

• Use the system. What they want to do is keep it just you and them. They call you into a room, hit you with the charge. You reason and beg (it feels really good to them to have somebody prostrate themselves like you are doing). Then, after waiting you out with a patronizing slight smile on their faces, they fire you or whatever it was they had in mind when they called you into the room. Make it about more than you and your attackers; get it out of that room. Kick it upstairs. Take it to their boss. Invoke the grievance or review system. If you have a union, get it involved. Knowledge is power: know the system, the organizational chart, everything that is written down. Nobody should know more about how the system works than you do.

• Go public. Most often, they want to mess you over without anybody finding out. And you go along with that because you are embarrassed, or you feel helpless, or deep down you think you are as bad as they say you are, or you’re scared, or they’ve promised you a positive recommendation or some extended insurance coverage if you keep things inside. And perhaps it is your interest to go along with playing it that way. But keep in mind that the ones coming at you usually don’t like it when outside people know what they are doing. The thought of what’s happening to you getting on TV and in the newspapers, you trashing them publicly in some public forum — or it actually happening — is most often very aversive to the ones trying to do you in; and the impression that you will do that if they attack you might just get them to back off or cut you a favorable deal.

•Counterattack. It makes sense when people hit you to defend yourself. But while you are doing that, be thinking about how you can attack them and put them on the defensive. Just as it was on the playground when you were a kid, letting the bully know that you aren’t just going to roll up in a ball and take his abuse, and that you are going to do your best to break his nose if he touches you, is a good way to present yourself. And the key is, don’t be kidding: when the fur flies, break his nose, and knock out his teeth too. He doesn’t like that.

• Keep in mind where this ends up. At the end of our lives we make a fundamental judgment about ourselves: that we lived an honorable life or we didn’t. An honorable life doesn’t mean we did the right thing every time, but basically we did. Basically we didn’t sell out. Living an honorable life doesn’t mean we were never lived irresponsibly, but basically we lived responsibly. Living an honorable life doesn’t mean we never shortchanged ourselves and other people, but basically we lived life on the square. I think we always have to keep in the back of our minds that there will be a time when there is only the past and what we have done with it; and that what will someday be the past is now and tomorrow and the next day and the next month and the next year. The question today and tomorrow and next month and next year is what is the honorable thing to do? It may take a while to get ourselves to the place where we are doing the honorable thing, racially and otherwise. But I think if we keep plugging the best we can, we have a good shot of someday, down the road, smiling peacefully and saying “Yes!”

Robert S. Griffin’s web site is www.robertsgriffin.com

1 March, 2008

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, Jewish genetics, Socrates, UN, UNESCO at 7:08 pm | Permanent Link

It’s getting harder for the Jews to maintain that they’re only a religious group – a lie that began in earnest after World War II, one which transformed God’s Pets into “White” people [1]:


[1] for example, the Jewish anthropologist Ashley Montagu’s 1951 “Statement on the Nature of Race and Race Differences,” created by him and others for UNESCO, claimed that Jews are only a religion (a .pdf file; see point #3): [Here]

1 March, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Ron Paul, Socrates, war, war as a racket at 4:38 pm | Permanent Link

by Ron Paul: [Here].