11 March, 2008

Posted by Socrates in quotations, quotations about jews, Socrates, Wilmot Robertson at 7:41 pm | Permanent Link

“Instead of submitting anti-Semitism to the free play of ideas, instead of making it a topic for debate in which all can join, Jews and their liberal supporters have managed to organize an inquisition in which all acts, writings and even thoughts critical of Jewry are treated as a threat to the moral order of mankind.”

— from the book “The Dispossessed Majority” (Cape Canaveral, FL.; Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc., 1976) by Wilmot Robertson, p. 180

11 March, 2008

Posted by Socrates in 'White flight', Australia, General Decline, multiculturalism, Socrates at 5:59 pm | Permanent Link

White Aussies are “voting with their feet”: [Article].

11 March, 2008

Posted by alex in guns & goy controllers, Patrick Grimm at 3:15 pm | Permanent Link

Jewish Supremacism and Gun Control

11 March, 2008

Posted by VNNB in Alex Linder at 7:31 am | Permanent Link


Israel – In an unusual move, which may develop into a new political crisis, Defense Minister Ehud Barak has refused to allow 1,000 yeshiva students to be exempted from military service.

Sixty-one new settlement recently requested to join the 50,000 haredim who have been exempted from military service as part of the arrangement which exempts men from army service as long as they study Torah on a full-time basis, the minister usually approves the addition of new yeshivas to the arrangement automatically, but this time Barak decided to refrain from doing so.

“The Defense Ministry will not longer be a rubber stamp and will not approve each and every request to shirk military duty,” a security source explained

 full story here

11 March, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Jewish genetics, quotations, quotations about jews, race, race science, Socrates at 12:24 am | Permanent Link

“There are two groups of European Jews, the Ashkenazim and the Sephardim, who differ in physical characters. When it is said that a person has a Jewish appearance, the speaker usually has persons of Ashkenazic stock in mind. The members of this group are the typical Jews of Russia, Poland, and England, and they constitute the great majority, perhaps 90%, of all the people in the world to whom the name of Jews is applied (cf. Jacobs [545] and Ripley[905]).


Typically the Ashkenazim are brachycranial, though some of them fall within the range of the mesocranial. The relative breadth of the skull is produced in a special way. In several ethnic taxa the brachycranial condition arises simply from the fact that the head is particularly broad, but this is not so here. It is caused by the head being very short, the cranial capacity being maintained by the unusual height of the vertex. The shortness of the head is due to the suppression of the occipital region. A skull of this type is said to be hypsibrachycranial. An example is shown in Fig. 32B, which should be compared with the skull in Fig. 28C. In some cases the impression is given in side view that the back of the head has been sliced off by a vertical cut (cf. Fig. 33B, p. 240). The forehead is special in two respects. It tends to recede rather noticeably (Fig. 33B), and also to be rounded in the horizontal plane (Fig. 32A), instead of being squared off on each side, as it is in certain types of head, in which the forehead is almost rectangular in horizontal section. Thus in the Ashkenazim the front and sides of the head tend to curve smoothly upwards to a high vertex. In front view the face is seen to be rather wide above and narrow at the rounded chin, which somewhat recedes.

The upper and lower eyelids, especially the latter, tend to be somewhat puffed out. The iris is large. The ear is large, wide in its upper part, and provided with a large lobe.

The mouth is large. The lower lip is everted so as to appear thick, but it is not swollen out like that of a Negro; on the contrary, it tends to be rather flattened (Fig. 33A).”

— from Chapter 14 of the book “Race” (Athens, Georgia; Foundation for Human Understanding, 1981) by Dr. John R. Baker

10 March, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Jewish politicians, Socrates at 10:51 pm | Permanent Link

After a public apology, Jewish governor Eliot Spitzer’s political future seems uncertain:


10 March, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Luke O'Farrell, Socrates at 7:10 pm | Permanent Link

by Luke O’Farrell: [Here].

10 March, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Jewish genetics, Jewish myths, Patrick Grimm, Socrates at 5:48 pm | Permanent Link

Make no mistake: Grimm’s work is excellent. However, by publishing this interview, he may inadvertently be fostering two myths about the Jews. The first one is the Khazar myth. Dr. John R. Baker, in his classic book “Race,” says that the Khazars are not related to Ashkenazim Jews [1]. The second myth is that Jews can somehow lose their Jewishness if they try hard enough. They can’t. Their Jewishness is genetic – unless we are talking about gentile converts to the religion of Judaism. Newbies, please focus on this fact: according to Baker, most Jews on the planet – “perhaps 90%” – are Ashkenazim. Those Jews are so genetically similar to each other that they contract two dozen genetic diseases, so they are a race. (That doesn’t mean that the other main branch of Jewry, the Sephardim, should be ignored) [2][3]:


[1] Dr. Baker says that the Khazars are “distinct in physical type from all the European Jews of today.” (from Baker’s book “Race,” 1981 edition, chapter 14, p. 234)

[2] according to U.S. government standards, the Jews are a race and not simply an ethnic group (see footnote #2): [Here]

[3] the Khazar myth aids the Jews in several ways, e.g., by absolving them of guilt. They can argue that it was the Khazars, and not “real” Jews, who sacked Russia and Eastern Europe via communism. The myth also confuses gentiles about Jewish history

9 March, 2008

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", jewed culture, jewed law, Jewish Tyranny, Socrates at 3:30 pm | Permanent Link

Blacks used to fear Whites. Now they shove them around – or kill them. You can thank the “civil rights” movement for the new, bolder negroes. And don’t forget: civil rights is Jewish tyranny in blackface:


8 March, 2008

Posted by Stan in Announce, audio, VNNB, VNNB-Monday at 10:10 pm | Permanent Link

Abe Foxman (Executive Director – ADL) demonstrating the grip of the jews
The Anti-Defamation League has for too long been allowed to infringe and dictate jew values upon Aryan citizens of this planet. The time has come to expose this jew terrorist organization to any and all, and to speed their demise.

Free Talk Live Monday Night will begin a series of discussions focusing on removing the ADL from Aryan life starting with the ADL’s methods of birth and entrenchment in modern society.

Know your enemy White Man and Woman.

As always, pre-show music begins at 8pm Eastern – Talk at 9pm

Click HERE to listen.