21 April, 2008

Posted by Socrates in "war on terror", Socrates, War On Israel's Enemies at 1:30 pm | Permanent Link

by Ivan Eland: [Here].

20 April, 2008

Posted by VNNB in Alex Linder at 7:34 pm | Permanent Link

Media Control and the Effects of the TV on the Brain

Join Mark Faust as he tells you why they call it the “BOOB TUBE”

9pm est

Only at:


20 April, 2008

Posted by Socrates in books, Cuddihy, Socrates at 6:23 pm | Permanent Link

The Ordeal of Civility: Freud, Marx, Lévi-Strauss and the Jewish Struggle with Modernity by John Murray Cuddihy, 1974. A .pdf file. If it doesn’t open at first, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Download file now.” Note: if you have a dial-up internet connection, it may take awhile to open. Use the .pdf tools at the top for turning/enlarging the text, if needed: [Here].

A review of the book: [Here].

20 April, 2008

Posted by Socrates in censorship, Fabius-Gayssot Act, France, holocaust racket, revisionism, Robert Faurisson, Socrates at 3:55 pm | Permanent Link

Note: France’s Fabius-Gayssot law was named after a Jew, Laurent Fabius:


20 April, 2008

Posted by Socrates in 'human rights', egalitarianism, General Decline, jewed culture, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Socrates at 2:43 pm | Permanent Link

The immigrants will turn your country into a third-world toilet, White man, but nonetheless, don’t fear them, offer them candy instead. Better yet, apologize to them for being White. (Newbies, “equality” and “human rights” are nothing but phony Jewish constructs) [1][2]:


[1] leading the human equality movement were Jews such as Franz Boas, Ashley Montagu, Gene Weltfish, Melville Herskovits and Stephen J. Gould

[2] about human rights: [Here]

19 April, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Patrick Grimm, Socrates at 10:29 pm | Permanent Link

by Patrick Grimm: [Here].

19 April, 2008

Posted by alex in Christians abetting jews, Christians who abet jews, Ted Pike at 7:59 pm | Permanent Link


By Harmony Grant
16 Apr 08

The Jewish Forward’s recent “most read” article worries that evangelicals might be stealing from the Jews. But it is Christians who should really be worried.

The article describes a Passover banquet in Alabama where 1,300 Christians gathered for unleavened bread and bitter herbs and donated more than $10,000 to the Jewish Federation. A local rabbi complains, “It is a total taking over and arrogation to themselves of the entire concept of the Seder. It’s totally Christological.”

Evangelical Christians’ support of Israel is essential to the Jewish state. The powerful Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations even publicly supports Rev. John Hagee—Israel-firster extraordinaire; they recently wrote the NY Times to defend him as Israel’s “true friend”. Binyamin Netanyahu—Israel’s ninth prime minister, an extremist who resigned as finance minister in 2005 to protest withdrawal from Gaza—said Christian Zionists are Israel’s best friends in the world! In a recent poll, a whopping 82 percent of evangelicals agreed that Christians are morally obligated to support the Jewish state. In his New Testament letters, the apostle Paul repelled attempts by Jews to impose on the early church the rites and legalisms of Old Testament law. He furiously rebuked the apostle Peter for bending to Judaizing influences; he said Peter “stood condemned.” (Gal. 2:11) As evangelicals today fall even deeper into this unbiblical love affair, they are increasingly eager to participate in Jewish rites, own Jewish trinkets, and learn about Jewish culture.


19 April, 2008

Posted by alex in Arboreal Americans, N.B. Forrest at 6:45 pm | Permanent Link

Well, I’ve enjoyed 2 coontact episodes in as many days! Yesterday, I went into Ace Hardware to buy a new cordless phone. A rotund brillo in a red Ace vest loped up to me (almost gave him a quarter for the organ grinder):

“Kin ah hep ya?”

“Do you have cordless phones?”

(One eye closes right, the other goes Full Rochester with the tremendous thought-strain): “Ova heah”.

Cuffey directed me to a locked cage, then wandered off. I could only see the price tags though the mesh, not the phone details. I didn’t have enough money with me, so I had to walk out to the car (at the far end of the midday parking lot, of course) for more wampum. When I get back in the store, the boogie has gone on his banana break or something, so I ask an old White employee to open the cage so I can choose a phone:

“Oh, I’m sorry, sir – I’m afraid we don’t carry cordless phones.”

“But – are you sure? The black guy said…”

“No sir. No cordless phones. Sorry.”

Today’s mandatory multicultural enrichment suppository was inserted in Kroger. First, I laid the store savings card on the conveyor, thinking that the shaniqua posing as a cashier might have just enough sense to swipe it without being told to – ya know, like human cashiers always do – but I was disappointed. Then as I was waiting in vain for it have the common courtesy to tell me the total, the rubba-lip’t nigho actually started perusing a magazine I purchased:

“Look at dem pitchas!” it said to the spic puta bagging the groceries.

Welcome to da Jungle/We got fun ‘n’ games……..

N.B. Forrest

19 April, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Jew World Order, jewed foreign policy, Judeo-Soviet holocaust, NATO, New World Order, Russia, Russophobia, Socrates, tikkun olam at 5:26 pm | Permanent Link

America is really, really interested in the former Soviet states, including Georgia and her breakaway republics Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Why the interest? America and her allies plan to surround Russia with NATO-member countries, just in case Russia doesn’t follow NWO/JWO guidelines. The Jews don’t trust Russia, so neither does America/her allies. (Russia is full of gentiles who remember all too well what the Jews did to their country from 1917 onward):


19 April, 2008

Posted by Stan in Alex Linder at 3:09 pm | Permanent Link

The iconic White Free Speech radio program, GoyFire continues to inspire comment from around the world. Here are a few examples…

“I am doing research on Zionism and the Jewish mindset. I am disturbed on how corrupt and distorted certain Jews who regard Gentiles as Goyim and as their personal slaves used for their entertainment and profit without regard to human decency whatsoever. As a Christian, I was shocked to learn about the lies, sexual and pedophile perversions of the Rabbis of Talmudic beliefs, and the “Jew-Wish Fables” preached as “gospel” of Jews being God’s chosen People! If Christians knew that these Jews scoff at Jesus as a bastard, and of his mother as a whore! Is this how God’s chosen people speak of the only begotten Son of God and the blessed virgin Mary?”

“Do you have any downloads you would recommend that have documentation that you would recommend that I could use in my research and for publication? Than you for your help.”

Ken – Wisconsin


Sub:Photo from Russia, please share it with others

“This is from Russia. This picture is an example of Pan-Aryanism. The photo shows German and Russian cultures uniting for the sake of Pan-Aryanism”

Lina Smith



just wanted to draw your attention to the Free Speech in Germany petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/hammer72
Please read. If you agree, please sign and pass the link to others – perhaps promote it on your radio show.




Then of course you have your whackos…

March 7th, 2008

“What Nationality will you be when your body’s buried in the ground? The maggots wont care, they dont discriminate between black, white, yellow, purple or brown. They’ll happily feast on your rotten, stinking, decaying flesh just as they will on a blackmans or any other human.
And what Nationality will you be when you stand before the Judgement Throne of the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel,-as all humans will have to do?
The Supreme God wont care or give a thought about your ‘precious white flesh’ or anyones precious black or brown flesh. He will throw your sorry sad arse into Hell regardless of whether your arse is white, black or blue! Skin pigmentation means nothing to Him! The things that you sad humans hold precious and dear – are like
rotting menstrual rags to God ! God hates racists of any color because God is the ‘Creator of all colors’ . What Nationality will you be when you are thrown into
the fires of Hell with your Father the devil? IT really wont matter will it? Your ALL GOING TO LOOK LIKE BLACK BURNT TOAST !!!! Even you sorry, sad, unfortunate white boys. Yes! Isn’t it Ironic that your eventually going to end up BLACK ANYWAY !!!!! Enjoy as much as you can in this life because it’s going to be hell
for you good old boys in the next!!!!!

[email protected]

Keep the mail coming to [email protected] and an ear pealed for the next GoyFire!