19 May, 2008

Posted by Socrates in immigration bills/laws, jewed immigration policy, Socrates at 1:29 pm | Permanent Link

Those of you who still vote: you might want to contact your senators about this bill:


U.S. Senate contact information: [Here].

18 May, 2008

Posted by VNNB in jew frauds, Jew World Order, jewish scam artists, Jewish symbols at 4:43 pm | Permanent Link


Did you know that almost all prepackaged foods you buy and consume are “Blessed” by a Rabbi?…For a price of course.

Join Mark Faust as he exposes yet another Jew perpetrated swindle designed to empty the wallets of non Jews everywhere.


Only at: Voice of Reason Broadcast Network


17 May, 2008

Posted by Socrates in "international law", globalization, Ivor Benson, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, UN at 12:40 am | Permanent Link

That “world parliament” – a Jewish construct, of course – is sending an apparently non-White someone to inspect our White republic for signs of “racism,” “xenophobia,” etc. [1][2][3]:


[1] journalist Ivor Benson, in his book “The Zionist Factor,” mentions a “world revolutionary drama” which includes “the setting up of a spurious ‘world parliament’ in the form of the United Nations”

[2] according to the 1790 naturalization law, America’s founders wanted our country to be White

[3] in addition to main founder Pasvolsky, Jewish co-founders of the UN included Harry Dexter White, Victor Perlo, Solomon Adler and Nathan Gregory Silvermaster

16 May, 2008

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, media, sports at 4:46 pm | Permanent Link

You can write sensibly and logically about bloodlines, but only when it concerns horses. Nevertheless, the same iron rules of soundness and pedigree apply to human strains too. As a great man once said, “facts are the things that don’t go away when you stop believing in them.” Race isn’t everything, but it’s a hell of a lot. The jews’ communal eugenics prove they know this truth, and their allowing the race-truth about racehorses into their sports publications while excluding the race-truth about men from their mass newspapers for the goyeem proves their deceitful intent. How can horses be sound or unsound in bone and bloodline, yet men, too of bone and blood, be equal? They can’t. Raciality dispels equality in the way that fact dispels religious superstition, and that is why you will never read the truth about race science as it pertains to humans in a paper produced in a ‘democracy,’ in which ‘men are equal.’ Though you’re welcome to read it as it pertains to the set on hoofs. Just don’t forget the sign on the wall: parallel makers will be shot as hate criminals. Is the negroid unsound? Does he come from a long line of short-lived crack hos and daddy bangabouts? No. Remember the Commandments. He’s your equal. There is not the slightest reason to believe that the seventh bastard sired on the sixth mother by deceased 25-year-old crack salesman LeMongello Dawkins will be a whit less sound than your White son or daughter.

Eight Belles’ breakdown: a predictable tragedy
By William Nack

[ESPN will not allow direct link to article, will reflect to main page, espn.com]

16 May, 2008

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Big Fag, homosexual themes, Socrates at 12:02 am | Permanent Link

Civil rights” are phony and Jewish, but nonetheless they caused – or helped cause – the un-banning of queer marriage in California:


15 May, 2008

Posted by Socrates in immigration bills/laws, jewed Congress, jewed culture, Socrates at 10:44 pm | Permanent Link

The illegal-immigrant amnesty amendment came from Jewish senator Dianne Feinstein: [Article].

15 May, 2008

Posted by VNNB in Announce, VNNB at 3:57 pm | Permanent Link

Oy Gevalt! Those dirty goyims from VNN are back on the air!”

That’s right, Bud White, Mark Faust and Mishko Novosel are back on Friday nights at 9pm on the Voice of reason radio network http://reasonradionetwork.com/

Join us as we cover the past week in Jewish News. Broadcasting in cd quality stereo

We’ll be focusing heavily on the Rubashkin Kosher plant illegal alien bust this week, so please join us.

15 May, 2008

Posted by alex in ADL, jew-led smear campaigns, jewish criminality, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Palestine at 12:38 pm | Permanent Link

[Readers: going through mailbox after weeks of ill health. Came across this very interesting letter.]


I wanted to alert you to an extremely important development occuring in Austin, Texas.

In brief, one week ago, the body of Riad Hamad was found floating in Lady Bird Lake (a prominent, very active, local lake adjacent to downtown Austin). His head, hands and feet were bound with duck tape. He had been in the water for about two days. After fishing his body out of the water, the police spent about two minutes examining the scene. Their determination of death–suicide.

Why am I notifying you of this? For over 30 years Mr. Hamad was at the top of the ADL list of most watched anti-Jewish agitators in the country. Immediately following his death, the Jewish internet exploded in a delerious swoon that their long reviled Palestinian nemesis had finally gotten what he deserved. Curiously, the Jewish internet wasted no time in calling Mr. Hamad’s death a murder. However, the Austin police continue to maintain its original finding of suicide. Having personally talked with the family myself regarding the cirucumstances of Mr. Hamad’s death, I can assure you that the real story

is laughably at odds the one now being presented by the local media. Now, only a week after his death, the local press is working frenetically to drop the matter of Mr. Hamad’s death as far down the memory hole as possible.

Over many years, Mr. Hamad had courageously battled Jewish domination, both in Palestine and the U.S. In response, he was repeatedly picked up, interrogated, hounded by either the FBI or Homeland Security. In addition he was relentlessly smeared in nearly every organ of the Jewish press, both in print and on the internet. The internet abuse of Mr. Hamad by Jewish interests was particularly virulent. Curiously, Mr. Hamad, though repeatedly investigated for so-called crypto-terrorist activity, was never formally arrested. The extent of law enforcement interest in his activities was purely as a “person of interest.” About a month before his death, the FBI and Homeland Security raided his tiny house in south Austin. They turned the house upside down and left with over 40 boxes of documents and various material. This haul has not been returned to his family, despite Mr. Hamad’s death.
Mr. Hamad was a junior high school teacher. He had been employed in that capacity for nearly a decade. More importantly to this story, he was also the national director of the Palestine Children’s Welfare Fund–a transparent charity organization based in California. Mr. Hamad worked tirelessly for the pcwf, though the organization itself was repeatedly characterized as a “terrorist” organization by its Jewish enemies. The organization made its money by selling clothing, books and olive oil. The FBI raid mentioned above, was apparently initiated in the belief that Mr. Hamad was in fact using the organization as a money laundering operation.
Mr. Hamad’s death has triggered a national reaction of unbelievable intensity. Last Saturday, his life and death were featured on a four hour national broadcast. Kevin Barrett, host of the Dynamic Duo, took calls from across the country in response to the incident. Presently, Mike Rivera has an extensive link on the topic at www.WhatReallyHappened.com At the

same time, Mr. Hamad’s own letters, blogs and extremely interesting political views are making their way through the internet at blinding speed.

Unsurprisingly, the local Austin press is strenuously at work obscuring the matter of Mr. Hamad’s death. All reports of the

police investigation have already disappeared from the broadcast media. The Austin Statesman, the city’s only newspaper, has already relegated the subject to the back pages. Given the sheer magnitude of Mr. Hamad’s impact, we are only seeing the very early traces of the coming media juggernaut.

In closing, I wanted to get this very important information to you in both a timely and substantive manner. Please know that my warmest thoughts are with you and everything you stand and work so hard for. Please take a moment to explore this matter–I think you will find it of prodigious importance and highly ominous in its long term implications. Best regards and thanks, [ ]

Please google: Riad Hamad/ murder.

15 May, 2008

Posted by alex in LTEs at 11:43 am | Permanent Link

Seattle Times




The column by professional lobbyist-race-baiter David Sirota on May 12, 2008, “Exploiting the Race Chasm” is a new low for the Seattle Times.


This is what passes for news analysis in the New America. Democracy as minority rule. Jeremiah Wright’s extreme race hatred of Whites as normative and Patrick Buchanan denounced as a racist. Even mentioning the existence of the White Working Class is described as bigotry… and Sirota pretends that describing hard-working Whites as “hard-working” is the same as calling Blacks “sub-humans”. And for the first time in two generations, when there is open discussion of the White majority as a factor in an election, this race-baiter claims it means nothing but bigotry.




Read the rest of this entry »

15 May, 2008

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 10:21 am | Permanent Link

The “W-Word”
Greg Johnson
May 10, 2008
So there is a dirtier word than “nigger,” and that word is “white.”
ARTICLEBritian’s Germanic Roots

How Empires Fall: Unnecessary Wars
Paul Craig Roberts

Evans-Pritchard on Depression

Hillary Plays the Race Card
by Edgar J. Steele

Misnaming Ourselves
By Patrick Grimm

Hand of Hitler seen in Russian billboard ad
Did Putin’s Father Fight With the Germans in World War II?

The Political Cesspool Radio Program will return June 1

Anti-White University Professors and Academicians

Spitzer and the ‘Deballing’ of Masculinity
May 30, 2007
By Patrick Grimm
Did you know that a Jewish psychiatrist (and that includes about 90% of psychiatrists) Dr. Robert Spitzer invented the whole sham diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder? Would you even think that it could have been any other way? The ADD and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) labels have been branded on our children like scarlet letters and the bureaucracy and the education czars and apparatchiks have used this faux psychiatric diagnosis as an excuse to drug our young people. Since boys are more likely to exhibit all the symptoms of ADD or ADHD, they are the first guinea pigs used by the social engineers that run our warped leftist government schools.

Anti-Jewish Sentiments – Part Three
May 10, 2008

Israel at 60: A Grim Balance Sheet
Mark Weber
Truman and Israel: How It All Began

The Professor Anti-Semites Love: Kevin MacDonald

Faurisson Radio Interview Cut Short During Broadcast

Our main credit card processing company has suddenly cancelled our account. Although it refused to give an explanation, the blow appears to be part of a campaign by a major Zionist organization. We’re still working to solve the problem, and hope to have things back on track within the next few days. We appreciate your patience, and your support.


Dear Mr. Linder,

My name is Dayu Yang from ReputationDefender Inc. and I am contacting you today representing my client Ms. Juniko Moody.

Ms. Moody has asked us to contact you in order to request the removal of her name from the following page:


The letter in question is titled “Subject: The hell that is Los Angeles” and is second from the bottom of the page.

First of all, my client feels that her quote was taken out of context by the poster of the letter and she feels that the negative wording could potentially damage both her personal and professional reputations. Furthermore, the the LATimes article the poster quoted from has already removed the article in question and now returns a 404 error.

Could you please either remove the letter or simply replacing both instances of her name (first one is her full name, second instance is just her last name) with her initials?

Thank you very much for your time.

Best regards,


Dayu Yang
ReputationDefender Inc.
(650) 206-2701

Ed.: No.

Sam Francis on jew Gottfried



Attached are a couple of songs I thought you might find interesting. “England into death” Well it took about 65 years after this song was written, but England is most definitely now into death. Too bad the rest of the white western world has followed suite. I find these song have a rather soul stirring effect. Sadly, as I listen to the vibrant refrains, I cannot help but remember these are naught but fading remnants of yet another once magnificent culture murdered by Jews. Germans today are little more than cringing, guilt wracked, apologist for their imagined sins. The thought sickens me that these ghosts are
what little remains of the strength of the blood that flows though my veins. Hitler came close to delivering the white race but failed; now we approach the Reaper who demands final payment for blind ignorance and stupidity. We shall pay the Reaper’s ultimate penalty, Amerika in den Tod.

Gute Nacht,

Arch Stanton

More here:


Das U-Boot Lied (II)

. . .


Good morning!

The 2008 Resisting Defamation syllabus is completed and available to you on our Internet web site. There were many changes including breaking down the concept of slurs into four categories — slurs, hate caricatures, negative stereotypes, and white-baiting canards. In addition and to focus more completely on defamation, we have used “demographic” in place of “ethnicity” and “race” whenever possible.

We have also added a new section (“Fighting Back”) which provides samples of educational shock emails to advocates of slurs, and explains how to do it.

We are ready to take this syllabus on the road, and appear at seminars (at first in Northern California). All we need is an off-duty police officer, a conference room, and some advertising. The text is ready and available.

Bo Sears


Kurt Cobain and the misery divorce produces

A deception
May 8, 2008
Dear Editor:
Mr. Bramson?s letter (May 2) regarding the alleged
?Jewish Holocaust? of ?6 million? caught my eye and
the attention of my mind.

White Men’s world-news-net-service

The American National Socialist Workers Party is the a political representation for the White Man of America:

Australian National Action (ANA) is a Nationalist political movement. It was founded in 1982 to promote the cause of Australian Independence, national identity and social justice. More Info and contact on:

Working-Team for democratic Policy fights for the protection of the democratic interest of the Austrian people. Their web-site-informations are in German.

All on:

IMPACT – Truth Out of Africa is a independent, bi-monthly magazine, published in South Africa. It is an informative grouping of news and views from around the world, not only in this South Africa, but also in other climes. What happens o the African continent – especially what used to be the White Tip – could portend the future of the rest of the world, if present trends continue. Address: IMPACT, P. O. Box 2055, Noorsekloof, Jeffreys Bay 6331, South Africa.

New Order is a National Socialist Community representing a revolutionary, new faith and great movement for the White Man:


Richard Krege

[email protected]

Information about the unconventional German/Austrian-born South African author and private lecturer Dr. Claus Nordbruch and his points of view on history and politics especially as far as South Africa and Germany are concerned you find on:

For a Europe of Nations – The Fest of the People of Europe on:


News from the Volks(Folk)-Front in Europe (German language)on:

News and Information of the Combat-Union of German Socialists, a true representation of German Socialists on:

America’s billionaire jews – a collective negative

Barack Obama Is A Closet Homosexual: Listen To The Rev. James David Manning!

“The reason why Senator Barack Hussein Obama stayed within the Trinity of Hell for so long, for 20 years, is because of a homosexual relationship with its minister.”

Listen to this video released Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Trinity of Hell:

Humans in Chile 14,000 years ago