25 May, 2008

Posted by Socrates in books, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, Jewish Tyranny, jews, Mullins, Socrates, Vietnam War, war, war as a racket at 5:04 pm | Permanent Link

by Eustace Mullins.

“Ask any American college graduate – ‘What is the greatest evil which has ever existed upon this earth?’ He will reply very promptly, and energetically, ‘Nazism!’ He gives this answer because it is what he has been taught. In fact, it is all he has been taught, and it is the sole result of four years of higher education. Do not ask him WHY Nazism is the greatest evil that has ever been known, because he does not know. You will only perplex and confuse him, and make him angry at you, because he does not know the WHY of anything.”

(a .pdf file. Notice the mention of the Jew Walt Rostow, an early neocon who was a central figure in creating America’s Vietnam War policy, located about 3/4 down the file): [Here].

24 May, 2008

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, Big Lie, communism, democracy, egalitarianism, equalocracy, jewed culture, Marxism, New Deal, Roosevelt, Socrates at 6:27 pm | Permanent Link

This is a good topic for new readers, especially with a presidential election coming up in November.

America wasn’t regularly called a “democracy” until F.D. Roosevelt – with help from his heavily-Jewish staff – began tossing the word around in the 1930s [1]. Before that time, democracy was generally considered to be a bad thing [2][3]. Democracy and communism share a central feature, i.e., both have a leveling effect on society, i.e., both make all of the citizens “equal” [4]. Equality has been harmful to our White society since it has removed naturally-existing social and vocational “pecking orders.” The transformation of America from a “White republic” into a “multicultural, liberal democracy” was one of the worst things to happen in the history of Western civilization:


[1] F. Roosevelt used the word “democracy” eight times in his second inaugural address – which was co-written by Jewish staffer Samuel Rosenman – in January 1937. He used the word nine times in his 1941 inaugural address

[2] “‘Democracy’ is simply another name for ‘a money-lenders’ Paradise'” — from the book “The Rulers of Russia” by Rev. Denis Fahey, p. 56

[3] democracy = mob rule, i.e., whatever “the people” want or seem to want. Almost anything can happen in a democracy. The constitution is routinely ignored or deliberately misinterpreted, e.g., the Roe v. Wade court ruling and federal gun control laws. All adult citizens are allowed to vote, no matter how stupid they might be. A republic = the constitution is strictly obeyed, regardless of the circumstances. Mob rule has no sway in a republic. Voting rights may vary – for example, in the early years of America, only White, male landowners could vote. Some countries are called “republics” even though they aren’t republics

[4] that’s what U.S. General George Moseley referred to when he said, late in his career: “Democracy, hell! It’s nothing but communism. We don’t want the mob rule of democracy”

23 May, 2008

Posted by Socrates in debt, Federal Reserve system, General Decline, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, Zionism at 5:14 pm | Permanent Link

A White country (America) is borrowing big money from non-Whites (Asians) to pay for a war (the Iraq War) that was launched for the benefit of other non-Whites (Israel). Meanwhile, White Americans who are living on fixed incomes are struggling to pay their bills and will have to struggle even harder when oil reaches $150-per-barrel. America is already $9 trillion dollars in debt. (A large share of that debt – about 40% of it – is owed to the Federal Reserve as interest). What if America was controlled by White people instead of Jews?


23 May, 2008

Posted by Socrates in books, Fascism, jewed culture, jewed finance, money, quotations, quotations about jews, Socrates at 2:20 pm | Permanent Link

“The ‘Fascist’ nations are refusing to sell out and be absorbed by the great monopolies, in a word, they refuse to borrow money.”

— from the book “The Rulers of Russia” by the Rev. Denis Fahey, third edition, 1986, page 56; first published in 1938; no publisher listed.

23 May, 2008

Posted by Socrates in "gender", AmeriKwa, jewed culture, medicine, Socrates at 12:17 am | Permanent Link

With the help of Jewish doctors, modern medicine has become so…modern:


22 May, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Germany, Socrates at 8:40 pm | Permanent Link

This issue has been raised before, but apparently it hasn’t been resolved:


21 May, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Demjanjuk, holocaust racket, jewed culture, jewed law, jewish hate & hypocrisy, OSI, Socrates at 11:09 pm | Permanent Link

The Jews specialize in revenge, and that’s reflected in their motto “never forgive, never forget.” Whether Demjanjuk actually committed crimes against the self-chosen or worked for the Nazis doesn’t matter. To be merely accused of those things by Jews is enough to set the vengeance-machine in motion:

[Article] and [Article].

More about the U.S. government’s Office of Special Investigations (scroll about 3/4 down the page to “The Creation of the OSI”): [Here].

20 May, 2008

Posted by Socrates in books, Socrates, William Pierce at 5:37 pm | Permanent Link

Dr. William Pierce’s infamous novel goes global. (The novel can be found online as well):


20 May, 2008

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' crimes, Socrates at 3:54 pm | Permanent Link

by Harmony Grant: [Here].

19 May, 2008

Posted by Socrates in "international law", Genocide Convention, Ivor Benson, jew mentality, jewed law, quotations, quotations about jews, Socrates at 7:03 pm | Permanent Link

Oy, to be a Jew is to be in perpetual conflict with yourself:

“Dr. Nahum Goldmann, in his book The Jewish Paradox, describes the Jewish people as ‘the most paradoxical in the world,’ a description that fully embraces the Genocide Convention, an instrument of international law designed to take the risk out of risky Jewish policies and actions and reconcile two completely contradictory fears: the fear of being rejected and persecuted and the fear of being accepted and assimilated.

— from the book “The Zionist Factor: the Jewish Impact on Twentieth Century History” (Costa Mesa, CA., The Noontide Press, 1992) by journalist/political analyst Ivor Benson, p. 195