27 June, 2008

Posted by VNNB in Announce, VNNB at 7:31 pm | Permanent Link

“Somebody wake me when it’s time to steal from a goy”

Join me Bud White and my cohost Mishko Novosel live on Friday June 27th at 9pm EST on the Voice of reason radio network. We’ll be covering jews in the news this week including jew munition fraud indictments as well as a ton more of TJB stories.

List of stories can be found here


and skype chat is here

Broadcast feed is http://reasonradionetwork.com/

27 June, 2008

Posted by alex in jew appeasers, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, obituaries at 6:22 pm | Permanent Link


Q. What’s the best word to describe Tim Russert?

A. Grinner. Like the Cheshire cat, Tim Russert was of grin and nothing else compact. The rest will fade, his grin is the only thing of him that will linger in our memories. Ol’ Grinnin’ Timmy. Timmy the Grinner. Rich man’s Dennis Quaid.

Q. Was Russert our best journalist?

A. Russert wasn’t a journalist but a politician employed in media. In function he was a publicist, a secretary, a ward heel, a conveyor belt, a host. He delivered Power to peons.

Q. What do you mean he wasn’t a journalist? Did he not ask questions and record answers?

A. The traditional view is that politicians are scum, and the job of the journalist is to extend the eye and ear of the weary worker by shining a brief light on a square foot of the continent of malfeasance his taxes subsidize. Today’s journalists don’t look down on politicians, they look up to them, or they look across the table at them. We’ve gone from Mencken’s There is only one way to look at a politician – down, to jew Berezovsky’s Media is [sic] politics. In Russert’s Irish Catholic grin we see all the corruption of Tammany Hall. We see in him the big grinning friend, the ward heel, the cog in the party machine, the loyal partisan. Do we see a journalist? No. Another saying: Journalism is what people don’t want known. The rest is publicity. Russert and the people he interviewed belong to the same class. They’re a club. They don’t want to get kicked out of the club. It’s a cozy and cosseted membership of multi-millionaires.

Journalists used to be called reporters or writers. Their profession was looked down on, as something necessary but undignified, like sewering. It wasn’t even called a profession back then but a craft. Its members were drunks, reprobates or adventurers, taking one with another. At some point that changed, and after Watergate it really speeded up. Journalism became a ticket to fame and riches. It became respectable and middle class. Instead of a craft that could be learned in a few weeks, journalism became something requiring years of specialized schooling, advanced degrees. The practical effect of this professionalization was a homogenization. All journalists think alike. Is that an exaggeration? No. More like an understatment. If you’ve read one news story, you’ve read them all. There are a handful of templates. All breaking news can be grouped into one of a handful of categories. A female or fry cook can do the rest. No swashbucklers need apply.

At the same time journalists were drying out and becoming respectable and professional, the industry was consolidating and streamlining. Where a big city might have had four dailies featuring forty writers with four hundred ideas in 1900, its 2008 counterpart featured one paper, staffed by twenty humorless corporate-leftists with zero ideas, following a party line. Chances were the daily belonged to a chain, and the chain was owned by a jew. A jew dedicated to Israel and the anti-White communism known as civil rights. No one outside that matrix need apply for a job, which was redundant, because no one outside the matrix would have made it into, let alone through, the j-school pipeline.

The concentration of the media combined with the funneling of professional development through schools of journalism made mass media bland, dumb and wrong. All mass media had settled answers for questions big and small, and all these answers were wrong. Yet no one doubting these answers could be employed by a mainstream outlet. If it weren’t for the rise of the Internet, no one would know that other answers existed. Just cows and chickens as far as the eye could see.

In this safe, settled, saccharine, Semitically Correct milieu, Tim Russert lived and moved and had his pre-infarction being. He was utterly comfortable with it. He was a postal clerk’s son made good. Not to like, whatz?

So when Power came to him, in the wake of 9/11, with tales of weapons of mass destruction, it never occurred to Grinnin’ Winnin’ Tim to doubt.

Q. If Russert was not a real journalist, give an example of what a real journalist would have said or written that he did not.

A. Ok. First, let the record show that Timmy the Grinner expressed regret he was not aware of the case against the Bush administration lies about WMD. Now, Timmy was obited up as this great preparer. This guy who would come in early on Sundays and polish his questions for Meet the Press. But he’s unaware of the thousands of bloggers – those amateurs to whom the tasks of real journalism have fallen – factually documenting the lies and motives of Bush and the jews behind him. He’s never heard of a guy like Scott Ritter. A real journalist would have creamed the best of the blogosphere and used his elevated platform to grill Cheney. Would have asked something like, “Mr. Cheney, is there anyone in the Bush administration willing to put the interests of America ahead of Israel?” He might have asked, “We see in the Clean Break report the hope there will be a new Pearl Harbor to get the American public enthused about a war to reorder the Middle East. In light of the fact that a Mossad team was caught taping the attack on the twin towers, does the American public have any reason to believe the jews coin-operating Bush didn’t go ahead and produce the event themselves, as they have done in so many false flags over the course of the 20th century?” These are real questions. The thought of a secretary like Russert asking them is unimaginable. Instead, what Russert and his russet-headed peers did was use their positions to serve as black velvet fobs for the Semites’ sparkling lies.

Q. You don’t seem to see Russert as much of a person, rather as a function in a formula.

A. Correct. If not Russert then someone else. It was Russert and his ilk who, being bereft of principles beyond holding power, see politics as a battle of personalities. That makes sense if, as I’ve said, you’re more prone to accepting than thinking in the first place; you don’t know anybody around you who thinks; the big questions all have settled answers that seem just fine to you. If no one is allowed to point out that the System is based on farming and eating White people, White men in particular; if no one is allowed to point out that organized jews control our government and are using our blood and treasure to advance Israel’s interests against our own – then what is left? Just a battle between little dogs for scraps. Politics becomes just another mass spectator sport in which we cheer and boo for the red or blue team, even though they’re both purple.

Most of the American public thinks the nation is headed the wrong way – and that is without their having the benefits of real journalists feeding them the actual facts of the matter. The nation is going the wrong way a much faster clip than the public realizes, as the true facts of our situation are kept from us. The reader must become the journalist, today, if he wishes truly to be informed. The information is there, so long as the jews don’t control the Internet. But he must dig it up himself. System hacks like Russert provide the viewer the illusion of being informed. Which is very different from the real thing. It is good for somebody to turn a White nation into a multiracial global empire. Imagine a Russert asking of a top pol: “I notice that open borders is top on the agenda of organized jews, second only to perpetual wars for Israel. Yet the American public is overwhelmingly against the idea. How come, if we have a democracy, the jewish agenda is always carried out, while the American agenda is always ignored – or throttled by the courts?” Unthinkable, I say. If you push yourself to understand precisely why it is unthinkable that Tim Russert would conceive, let alone ask, such a question, you will come to understand the Systemic nature of things. You will see that, for all the focus on what a great guy or gal Tim or she is, it doesn’t matter. The questions are settled. Anyone with different answers need not apply for office or airspace. The farce continua… Stay low and don’t get beat!

Q. So, I take it you’d be willing to stand in line to piss on Russert’s grave?

A. You’re an idiot. You have understood nothing of what I’ve said. My entire point is that Russert, nice, ice or ridden with lice, is irrelevant. The battle of personalities distracts from the principles involved. If it’s not the IRC sycophant and party cog Timmy writing polyester crap about Big Russ, it’ll be Dakota doofus Brokaw plinking crapples about the Greatest most jew-subservient Generation. If you don’t have someone willing to buck the system, you don’t have a journalist. If you have someone concerned about how others see him, you don’t have a journalist, you have a woman. A woman who will make over her stories as carefully as she halters her bosoms and pancakes her cheeks. Everything must be in place. The right impression must be conveyed. That ain’t journalism, friend. Journalists are born, not made. They come from the congenitally disaffected. The miffsits, doubters, haters, the disgusteds, the studious, the reflective, the scoffers, the horselaughers, the side-eyed smirking few. The elect! Not the goody-goodies with Masters in Brownholing and Sob-Sister Socialism. Not from working class Irish suckers of up, grinning big cuz the invite came in.

27 June, 2008

Posted by Socrates in immigration, Italy, Socrates at 3:38 pm | Permanent Link

Meanwhile, America remains soft on aliens:


27 June, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Edgar Steele, politics, Socrates at 3:05 pm | Permanent Link

by Edgar J. Steele: [Here].

26 June, 2008

Posted by Socrates in guns & goy controllers, Socrates, Supreme Court at 2:10 pm | Permanent Link

Just as many people predicted, the ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller was close: 5-4. This ruling isn’t perfect, but it’s probably the best that Whites could have hoped for in 2008. In fact, if this was 1974, such a pro-gun ruling would have been impossible since the court was full of liberal judges then. Note: media outlets are already trying to spin the court’s decision by suggesting that the matter of “an individual vs. a collective right” (re: the 2nd Amendment’s meaning) remains unsettled. Baloney. Read the decision. It’s settled:


The entire decision (a .pdf file): [Here].

25 June, 2008

Posted by Socrates in 'hate' crimes, egalitarianism, equalocracy, Jew World Order, jewed culture, jewed immigration policy, jewed law, jewhad, nation-building/nation-wrecking, Socrates, Western culture, World's Biggest Hate Crime at 4:09 pm | Permanent Link

What is the world’s biggest hate crime? The Bolshevik holocaust? No. Hitler’s “Holocaust”? Nope. Slavery? Mistreatment of the American Indians? No.

The world’s biggest hate crime began in earnest after World War II and is still occurring today: it is the deliberate ruination of the White countries via non-White immigration and egalitarianism. We’re talking about the planned extinction of a people – “genocide,” to use a Jewish word. Just think of it: entire cultures are being destroyed. Hundreds of millions of White people are endangered every day by more crime, more corruption, more disease, fewer jobs, more psychological stress, etc.

Who is responsible for the world’s biggest hate crime? The Jews, mostly, although liberals played a part, as did greedy conservatives who cared more about profits than about their own people.

Finally, isn’t it past time that we give this horrible crime a name? Any ideas, readers? (Ideally, the name should be short and catchy):


25 June, 2008

Posted by Socrates in egalitarianism, equalocracy, feminism, Frankfurt School, international Jewry, jewed culture, Marxism, Socrates, Western culture at 2:04 am | Permanent Link

Karl Marx is still taking revenge on White people, 125 years after his death. Every twisted social/political idea of the 20th century – e.g., feminism, anti-racism – sprang from him and his Jewish followers. All of those ideas were based on creating human “equality” – which is a polite way of saying that those ideas were all designed to wreck White, male culture since the Jews feared it:


24 June, 2008

Posted by Socrates in jew mentality, Socrates at 9:18 pm | Permanent Link

(Update: some news outlets are reporting that this late Israeli cop was Druze. Regardless of his background, the text in this post – i.e., about the Jewish mentality – remains accurate). It isn’t a good idea to allow Jews to possess weapons of any kind, since they are given to emotional overreactions (indeed, Israel nearly used nukes in a conventional war in 1973):


24 June, 2008

Posted by VNNB in Announce, VNNB at 7:26 am | Permanent Link

“I am the walrus, coo, coo cachoo”

WASHINGTON – Former US Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, said on Tuesday that he believes Israel will stage a raid against Iran’s nuclear facilities if Democratic nominee Senator Barack Obama wins the upcoming presidential elections.

Bolton said the IAF would likely strike in the interim term between election day (November 4th) and the inauguration (January 20th 2009) – while George W. Bush is still in office.

“I think if they are to do anything, the most likely period is after our elections and before the inauguration of the next President,” Bolton said in an interview with FOX News.

“I don’t think they will do anything before our election because they don’t want to affect it. And they’d have to make a judgment whether to go during the remainder of President Bush’s term in office or wait for his successor.”

“I don’t think they will do anything before our election because they don’t want to affect it. And they’d have to make a judgment whether to go during the remainder of President Bush’s term in office or wait for his successor.”

In a related interview with the British ‘Daily Telegraph,’ Bolton said he believed the Arab world would be “pleased” by an Israeli strike.

Their reaction, he told the paper “will be positive privately. I think there’ll be public denunciations but no action.”

Bolton believes that Israel may consider postponing the attack if Senator John McCain emerges as the victor in the race, and said apprehension of Obama’s foreign policy in Jerusalem would likely be the motivating factor behind an early strike.

The former ambassador, often labeled a resolute neo-conservative, said he found McCain’s stance on Iran far more realistic than that of the Bush administration.

Bolton said he doubted Iran would respond immediately with a counterstrike of its own, partially because Tehran would fear an American reprisal

24 June, 2008

Posted by VNNB in Announce, VNNB at 6:59 am | Permanent Link


Rabbi Lubin. Center: Justice Barry T. Albin Right: Chief Justice Stuart Rabner

Left: Rabbi Lubin. Center: Justice Barry T. Albin Right: Chief Justice Stuart Rabner

Morris Township, NJ – A crowd of 200 attorneys and judges packed The Madison Hotel in Morris Township to attend Chabad of SE Morris County’s 2nd Annual Jewish Law Symposium.

The Topic for the event was: “Democracy and the Uncertain Fate of Individual Rights”, and featured presenters were New Jersey Supreme Court Justice Barry T. Albin, and Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe, Dean of the Institute of American and Talmudic Law.

Mr. William M. Laufer Esq., who movingly spoke about his personal relationship with Rabbi Shalom Lubin and Chabad, opened the program. He said that his connection to Judaism was always through his father, and how shortly after his father passed away 2 years ago, he received a call from Rabbi Lubin about the Jewish Law Symposium, and how Rabbi Lubin and Chabad have filled the void for him, and have become his connection with Judaism.

Rabbi Shalom Lubin, director of Chabad of SE Morris County, thanked everyone for making the event possible, and shared with the crowd his personal motivation for this project. “ Many people have asked me why I spend so much time on this symposium, and the reason to me is quite clear. The Lubavitcher Rebbe, my mentor and teacher wanted us to unite the Jewish World, to bring Jewish people together, especially through education. What better was to accomplish this than our symposium this evening. In the room here tonight we have attorneys and judges from all backgrounds and affiliations, and we are here tonight, united, with one goal- to learn about the Talmud, and apply it’s invaluable impact to our lives.”

In a surprise public appearance, recently appointed Chief Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court Stuart Rabner attended the program and stayed through its entirety! He was given the honor of introducing Justice Barry T. Albin, and sharing some words with the crowd.

The crowd sat spellbound as Justice Barry T. Albin and Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe each gave their presentations on “Democracy and the Uncertain Fate of Individual Rights”, exploring both the civil legal systems view and the Talmud’s view on this most relevant topic we face today.

The symposium was opened to attorneys and judges from all faiths and walks of life, and NY and PA CLE Credits were provided.

“Boruch Hashem, the Jewish Law Symposium this year was successful beyond our wildest dreams. We had 200 of the top lawyers and judges in the State, who were exposed to the Talmud and it’s relevance in life, and walked away visibly impressed. Everyone I made a follow-up call to, said they impressed with the caliber of the crowd and the presenters, and that they will be back at next year’s event. ”, said Rabbi Shalom Lubin, founder of the Jewish Law Symposium and Executive Director of Chabad of SE Morris County.