12 August, 2008

Posted by Socrates in blacks, slavery, Socrates, White-culture-as-superior at 6:51 pm | Permanent Link

An unusual article. You can imagine the outcry if a White person wrote this:


12 August, 2008

Posted by Socrates in "sex equality", egalitarianism, feminism, jewed culture at 6:18 pm | Permanent Link

Today’s women are usually short men who wear tampons. But some women are rejecting Judeo-modernism in favor of traditional female roles:


12 August, 2008

Posted by alex in audio, Linder Radio, Radio Istina, VNNB, VNNB-Tuesday at 9:52 am | Permanent Link

We’ll be discussing forum changes, a couple of quotations, and E. Michael Jones’s “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit”…

12 August, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Africa, black rule, dispossession & destruction, double standards, immigration, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewhad, Socrates, South Africa at 1:51 am | Permanent Link

Ruined by the self-chosen, South Africa is an abscess ruled by negroes. Any White man with an ounce of sense is trying to flee S.A. But why does the U.S. government allow Black African refugees – e.g., Somali Bantus – to move to America, but not White African refugees?


11 August, 2008

Posted by Socrates in 'Heretical Two', heretical.com, Luke O'Farrell, Socrates, White martyrs, White Nationalists at 6:18 pm | Permanent Link

Why not help them out with a few dollars?


11 August, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Abkhazia, globalization, jewed foreign policy, Kosovo, nation-building/nation-wrecking, nation-states, Russia, Socrates, South Ossetia at 4:53 pm | Permanent Link

This article makes a few good points, e.g., nation-states, Western hypocrisy regarding Georgia/South Ossetia/Russia:


10 August, 2008

Posted by Socrates in General Decline, Hollywood, homosexual themes, jewed culture, movies, Socrates at 10:01 pm | Permanent Link

Two actresses kiss in Jewish filmmaker Woody Allen’s new movie. One of the actresses, Scarlett Johansson, has a Jewish mother. Who’s for bringing back the Catholic-spawned Production Code, which was grudgingly adopted by Jewish Hollywood in order to avoid government censorship of movies? (The Production Code ended in 1968, about the same time America’s culture went into a steep and steady decline):


10 August, 2008

Posted by Socrates in double standards, globalization, Jew World Order, jewed foreign policy, jewhad, Kosovo, nation-building/nation-wrecking, NATO, New World Order, Russia, Russophobia, Serbia, Socrates, tikkun olam, war at 4:38 pm | Permanent Link

Isn’t it funny how Kosovo was allowed to break away from Serbia with America’s blessing and aid, but South Ossetia and Abkhazia aren’t allowed to remain broken away from Georgia? Why the double-standard in the same general region? It’s all about global control, newbies. Certain people are trying to rearrange the world since it isn’t to their liking and never will be. Which people? The Jews, along with their powerful-but-clueless shabbos goy politicians and plutocrats. It’s becoming clearer every day that Russia is simply not going to follow the “international game plan” drawn-up by America, NATO and other shabbos goys. Instead, Russia is going to think/act locally and regionally and ignore the globalists, which is a no-no in 2008. (Of course, the same international standards that apply to Eastern Europe don’t apply to Asia, for various reasons, such as race and location). Note that Georgia’s Minister of Defense, Davit Kezerashvili, is Jewish and is a former Israeli. That’s a curious position to be occupying when Georgia assaults another country. Another important Jew in the Georgian government is Temuri Yakobashvili:


More about Georgia and Jews/Israelis: [Here].

9 August, 2008

Posted by Socrates in globalization, jewed foreign policy, Russia, Russophobia, Socrates, war at 11:17 pm | Permanent Link

There are media reports which say that Georgia increased its military budget dramatically in recent years, apparently in anticipation of an assault on South Ossetia:


Notice the comments of both McCain and Obama re: Russia. They seem to be reading the same globalist, anti-Russia playbook:


9 August, 2008

Posted by Socrates in egalitarianism, Nazi era, Nazis, race, Socrates at 7:05 pm | Permanent Link

In addition to this link, here’s an idea for a new word: race-mad/madness. Definition: a serious mental disorder that first appeared in the West after the destruction of Nazi Germany in 1945. A person who is race-mad will do absolutely anything to further the goal of racial equality no matter how extreme or bizarre:
