20 August, 2008

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, multiculturalism, Socrates, South Africa at 9:05 pm | Permanent Link

Whites thought that they could co-exist with Blacks, but they should have realized that, sooner or later, Blacks would gain political power (with help from Jews and liberals):


20 August, 2008

Posted by Socrates in globalization, Jew World Order, Neocons, New World Order, Poland, Russophobia, Socrates at 5:29 pm | Permanent Link

This isn’t a conservative deal. It’s a neoconservative deal. (Trivia: the Polish foreign minister who signed the agreement, Radoslaw “Radek” Sikorski, is married to an American-born Jewish journalist):


19 August, 2008

Posted by Socrates in judaism, Michael Hoffman, Socrates, Talmud at 8:55 pm | Permanent Link

Michael Hoffman comments at his blog: [Here].

19 August, 2008

Posted by VNNB in Announce, VNNB at 8:05 pm | Permanent Link

New York, NY – A sloppy city anesthesiologist infected 14 patients with hepatitis B and C – and probably spread the liver-attacking viruses to at least 10 more.

Dr. Brian Goldweber used the same syringe to give patients already infected with hepatitis a second dose from anesthesia vials. This “double dipping” contaminated the contents, which he then injected into other patients – spreading the virus, a city Health Department probe found.

Goldweber, a roving anesthesiologist in 10 medical offices across the city, gave a tainted sedative to “multiple patients” from bottles labeled for single-patient use, probers found.

He also used vials from one day to the next, despite handling instructions saying any opened medicine should be discarded after six hours, they found.

“This was a very serious outbreak – and it was preventable,” said Dr. Sharon Balter, a city medical epidemiologist.

Goldweber, identified only as “Anesthesiologist #1? in a city report, was suspended by the state Health Department last May pending a probe by the Office of Professional Medical Conduct.

He was previously put on probation for three years in 1999 after botching anesthesia in several cases and falsifying records, documents show. In 2002, he admitted lying on a job application.

Goldweber, who had no malpractice insurance, declared bankruptcy.

A dozen sickened patients in Manhattan and Brooklyn are suing Goldweber, as well as Dr. Abbe Carni, the head of his anesthesiology group, and doctors who hired him.

Retired businessman Sam Bernard, 74, died on Oct. 10 after a bout with hepatitis B, which struck following an endoscopy by a Manhattan gastroenterologist who had hired Goldweber for the anesthesia.

“It’s a very scary, devastating situation,” said a 44-year-old Manhattan professional who was hit with hepatitis after a colonoscopy, requiring 48 weeks of treatment.


19 August, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Bradley R. Smith, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Socrates at 6:47 pm | Permanent Link

by Bradley R. Smith: [Here].

19 August, 2008

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish Tyranny, jews, Latvia, Socrates, Soviet holocaust at 6:09 pm | Permanent Link

Never mind that Jews such as Max Schatz-Anin led the communist movement in Latvia, which in turn caused “anti-Semitic” incidents to occur there. In fact, a powerful, Latvian-born Jew in the Soviet NKVD, Simeon (also spelled Semion) Shustin, was a key player in the rape of Latvia. Shustin’s underlings were also frequently Jewish. The self-chosen always cause anti-Semitism. Why should they be paid anything?


19 August, 2008

Posted by alex in audio, Linder Radio, Radio Istina, VNNB, VNNB-Tuesday at 11:06 am | Permanent Link






18 August, 2008

Posted by VNNB in Alex Linder at 9:56 pm | Permanent Link

Westhampton Beach, NY – An effort by officials of the Hampton Synagogue to explain to their Westhampton Beach neighbors why they want to erect an eruv, evoked catcalls, boos and a walkout by about a fifth of the crowd that filled every seat in the temple’s main hall.

The walkout was set off at the start of the meeting when temple officials read some of the anti-Semitic responses on the Web site of a local weekly paper that had printed an article about the proposal.

“We don’t need to hear this,” one man shouted. “Questions and answers only,” yelled a woman as she walked out.

It was the same setting where, 10 days earlier, Gov. David A. Patterson told a cheering crowd that the proposal was clearly a civil rights issue and that the state would be monitoring the situation.

Rabbi Marc Schneier estimated that about 95 percent of the Wednesday night crowd of about 700 was not affiliated with the synagogue. He had asked members not to attend to make room for other residents.

A fact sheet distributed to the crowd explained that an eruv is typically defined by an easy-to-see boundary marker. And if a utility line were designated, for instance, a connecting line would be required where gaps occur.

Westhampton Beach Mayor Conrad Teller attended the meeting, but did not take part in the debate. He has said residents have told him they fear an eruv would lead to the village’s becoming an Orthodox Jewish enclave.

The congregation requires village approval before it can set up an eruv. “Legally, we have no compelling reason to turn it down,” Teller said.
He said many of the questions from those in attendance — ranging from how much of the year the rabbi lives in the village, where else he owns a home, and how many members of the congregation are Orthodox Jews — missed the point, as did requests to hold a public referendum on the eruv.

At the meeting, several people asked, “Why do you need it now?”

Schneier said that, in its 18 years, the synagogue has grown large enough that many members live more than a few blocks away, and families with young children and elderly members in wheelchairs cannot go to Sabbath services unless they are pushed, an act permitted only inside the boundary of an eruv.

“It’s not that we are seeking the community’s approval,” Schneier said. “What we are seeking is the community’s understanding.”


18 August, 2008

Posted by Socrates in democracy, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, Neocons, Russia, Russophobia, Socrates, Zionism at 8:08 pm | Permanent Link

In 2001, Bush saw Vladimir Putin as a budding, Western-style “democrat,” a man who would, no doubt, be willing to turn Russia into an eastern version of America, complete with a pro-Israel foreign policy. It turned out that Putin wasn’t a democrat (just like America’s founders weren’t democrats), hence America’s Russophobia. Notice the mention of Russia’s oligarchs in this article, almost all of whom were Jews:


18 August, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Holocaust, holocaust racket, Robert Faurisson, Socrates at 3:56 pm | Permanent Link

by Robert Faurisson: [Here].