30 September, 2008

Posted by Archives in audio, Linder Radio, Radio Istina, VNNB, VNNB-Tuesday at 2:28 pm | Permanent Link

29 September, 2008

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, jewed culture, jews in America, rock music industry, Socrates at 10:04 pm | Permanent Link

You already knew that the rock-n-roll industry was full of Jews: musicians, managers, record company executives. Well, now here’s Rush Hashanah, which is 24 hours of the rock group Rush on TV during the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, Sept. 29:


29 September, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Austria, elections, Europe, Iran, Israel, politics at 6:05 pm | Permanent Link

The far-right will make big political gains during the next decade as non-White immigrants flood into Europe: [Article].

About Israel and the Austrian election: [Article].

29 September, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Federal Reserve system, jewed finance, money, Socrates at 5:36 pm | Permanent Link

Look at Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s great remarks about the Federal Reserve (scroll about half-way down the page). Americans of every stripe are starting to realize that our money system is a con game:


29 September, 2008

Posted by alex in spintros at 3:05 pm | Permanent Link

Anti-White Bank Goes Under
After a customer run, slashed bond rating and stock drop, the nation’s premier anti-White bank, WAMU, was sold to J.P. Morgan Chase.  WAMU is notable to Whites for a series of ads it has run over the last few years in which a cool modern negro makes fun of old-tyme white bankers and their hidebound practices. WAMU, you see, is with it. WAMU gets it. WAMU knows you want cool modern negroid banking ways, not those staid, boring, gartered old-white-man practices. And now WAMU has bitten the dust. It ought to be self-evident that an institution featuring niggers in its advertising is run by the wrong people, although this judgment is complicated by the fact that various departments of our federal government are able to dictate that any corporation over a certain size use ‘minorities’ in their advertising, lest they be sued. The government, media, and large corporations become one large political bloc pushing judeobolshevism across every sector. Keep your money from these people and institutions as best you can, and celebrate their demise. Actually, the very practice on which all modern financial institutions are based – fractional-reserve banking – is inherently negroid, in that banks, like niggers, would rather steal than work. Just as niggers buy on layaway, because they don’t work and have no money, judaized banks loan out money they don’t have, inventing money/deposits out of thin air, while pretending they’re nothing more than money warehouses. But if enough customers show up and demand their consigned goods, why, the bank can’t do anything. The fraction of deposits a bank keeps on hand is never enough to satisfy even one percent of the deposits on its books. So the bank goes under, which in 2008 means running to Washington for bailout. All banks are engaged in the same deceptive, truly criminal, if not legally criminal, activities — theft through inflation — so when the smaller ones fail, it means they are bought out and/or bailed out by the larger ones engaging in precisely the same fundamentally fraudulent practices. The fraud originates and terminates in the umbrella institution called the Fed, which is the money-printer of ultimate fallback. Just as in nature parasites contrive to live off others, those who run banks, the jews and their goyish attendants, contrive to live off the earnings of white men. You labor and earn; they print money and relax. You get potatoes priced at one dollar apiece (Hy Vee, Kirksville, Mo., 2008) and high taxes; the jews get golden parachutes and 700-billion-bailouts. If you ever get tired of being stolen from while being mocked, what you have to do is liberate your country from banking jews and their practices. Of course, banking jews are aligned with media jews and government jews, so it’s the entire governing apparatus which stands between you and a nation filled with normal whites and stable money. Here’s one of the WAMU ads. Note that none of the old-tyme bankers WAMU is mocking looks jewish – they all look WASPy or White. Not one looks like a hook-nosed kike. The same mindset behind these ads claims that

1) race doesn’t exist
2) the white race must be destroyed
3) only whites can be racist, because
4) whites have all the institutional power, meaning
5) whites cannot be discriminated against, only ‘minorities’

Are these claims, counterfactual and contradictory? Yes. Does it matter? No. The same people – jews and clingers – continue to push the same lies. The fact is only white men are mocked in commercials, and only white men are legally discriminated against as a class and race. It ought to be growing plainer to Whites in the West that we have become the playthings, the butts, of a hostile power. It ought to be clear that the leaders of that hostile power are jews, and that their intent is to keep bashing us, mocking us, discriminating against us, until we and our kind disappear. NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEW.

Butt Aiken
To the consternation of his dim fans, called Claymates, a famous singer has come out, to use the current euphemism for a male’s admitting he prefers receiving penises in his rectum to pounding pussy. Hint: no adult heterosexual man cuts his hair like a 30-year-old woman. Not one. More often than not, the whole thing is in every little thing. Use your mind, your eyes, your ears, but also your greater sense. Give things the Van Eyck exam, but soften them up Monetlike too. Don’t reject a priori any way of grasping something. There is nothing normal about a man who speaks and wears his hair like Clay Aiken. And there is nothing admirable about homosexuality. All studies show queers are off the charts for mental problems and disease. It is better for society, and for queers themselves, that they stay in the closet rather than come out. Fear and wariness make for better homosexuals, and society does better being deprived of their uniquely virus-laden secretions. The harder it is on homos to find others of their sick ilk, the better for all of us. That is why open queer holes — bars and bathhouses — should never be allowed by law. Under the domination of the jew, in which everything that works against White family formation is fostered, queers are free to gather in the hundreds of thousands and fellate each other openly on public streets, as we saw in the Folsom Street Fair up in San Francisco. This street fair, to which the public is admitted, and which is protected by cops, is yet another nastiness we must endure so long as we allow the jews to control our nation.

29 September, 2008

Posted by Socrates in "war on terror", jewed foreign policy, jewhad, Jewish Tyranny, Pakistan, Socrates, tikkun olam, War On Israel's Enemies, Zionism at 1:23 pm | Permanent Link

The war on Israel’s enemies – a.k.a. “the war on terror” and “the war on turr” – expands into Pakistan:


28 September, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Bradley R. Smith, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Socrates at 6:51 pm | Permanent Link

by Bradley R. Smith: [Here].

28 September, 2008

Posted by Socrates in bankers, banking, Big Finance, Jerry Abbott, Socrates at 2:11 pm | Permanent Link

Jerry Abbott offers some good insight on the U.S. banking racket. Scroll half-way down the page to “My answer”: [Here].

28 September, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Congress, Islam, jewhad, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish Tyranny, judaism, Socrates at 1:42 pm | Permanent Link

How about an anti-Judaism bill instead? A “religion” based upon bigotry and supremacism, Judaism is “fundamentally hostile” to the gentile world:

[Press Release].

27 September, 2008

Posted by Socrates in 'human rights', Comintern, communism, globalization, Jew World Order, nation-building/nation-wrecking, NATO, New World Order, OSCE, politics, Socrates, sovereignty, Soviet propaganda, tikkun olam, UN, UNESCO, USSR at 7:41 pm | Permanent Link

Why do Europe’s elections need to be monitored by OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe), another global entity that pushes things like “human rights” and “gender equality”? Why does the world need another UN? All countries have natural sovereignty. International politics interferes with that. Worse, the Jews pioneered the creation of global political organs, e.g., the Comintern, the UN, UNESCO (an arm of the UN) and NATO (which came from the UN Charter) [1]:


[1] the Soviet Union‘s Comintern, designed to spread communism throughout the world, was run by a Jew, Grigory Zinoviev