2 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in books, Israel, Socrates, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 12:23 am | Permanent Link

The book is called “Guilt By Association”: [Here].

1 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Big Lie, history, History for newbies, Japan, jewed foreign policy, Roosevelt, Socrates, tikkun olam, World War II at 9:01 pm | Permanent Link

Tell the truth, get fired, just like in the USA. Little known to Joe Sixpack is that F.D. Roosevelt gave the green light to the Flying Tigers air squadrons in late 1940. Their mission was to train in Burma to fight the Japanese, with bonuses paid to the American pilots for each Japanese plane destroyed. Also, by mid-1941 the Japanese knew that America was planning to bomb Japan with B-17 planes launched from China. In other words, America planned war against Japan first. The Japanese simply beat us to the punch at Pearl Harbor. Note that Japanese Emperor Hirohito made peace offers to America after the war began, all of which were rejected:


31 October, 2008

Posted by Socrates in jew mentality, jewish authors, Jewish myths, Socrates, World War II at 8:40 pm | Permanent Link

Jewish author Louis “Studs” Terkel popularized – but apparently didn’t coin – the term for World War II, “The Good War,” which is the name of a book for which he won a Pulitzer Prize in 1985. How can a conflict that killed tens of millions of White people be “good”? (That’s a trick question):


31 October, 2008

Posted by Socrates in free speech, Klan, Socrates, White campaigns, white nationalism at 4:06 pm | Permanent Link

The Klan fliers are legal, but police are investigating anyway:


31 October, 2008

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Celler, immigration, immigration bills/laws, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed immigration policy, jewed law, Norbert Schlei, Socrates, voting at 12:28 pm | Permanent Link

Some of you already knew that Jewish lawyer Norbert Schlei wrote most of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. But what isn’t as well known is his involvement with the 1965 immigration act, a.k.a., the Hart-Celler Act, which was introduced into Congress by Jewish representative Emanuel Celler. The 1965 immigration act flooded America with non-White immigrants:


30 October, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Revilo P. Oliver, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy at 11:59 pm | Permanent Link

For those who don’t know, Oliver’s name is a palindrome: It reads the same backwards as forwards. Most of these works are text, but some are audio-only: [Here].

30 October, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Australia, censorship, Internet, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 10:20 pm | Permanent Link

This type of censorship would significantly hinder the WN movement in Australia by making the study of nationalist issues much more difficult:


30 October, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Bradley R. Smith, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Socrates at 9:15 pm | Permanent Link

by Bradley R. Smith: [Here].

30 October, 2008

Posted by alex in jew, Max Hadden, Ron Paul at 4:46 am | Permanent Link

These Are Not The Jews You’re Looking For

by Max Hadden

There has been so much chaos going on in the world since I wrote my last article that I scarcely know where to begin. I don’t think anyone half-awake still believes that there are “experts” in either the mass media or the government concerning the economy, the Middle East, immigration or nearly any other subject of vital importance. As many who have started asking questions have pulled back the curtain to reveal a kike wizard pulling the strings and tried to warn others, we once again hear the refrain that internet bloggers are raising the old “canard” about how the Jews control the banking system and how Jews are being “scapegoated” by evil “anti-Semites”. This “canard” refrain is not what most ignorant AmeriKwans, to be redundant, would believe. It is not that Jews are simply defending themselves from a future “Holocaust”. Instead, it is like the Jedi mind trick of STAR WARS and equivalent to them saying, “These are not the Jews you’re looking for.” I disagree.

The Ron Paul “Revolution” and Other Myths

The spectacle of the Ron Paul “Revolution” was both tragic and comic. Many Paul followers believed that because Dr Paul stood for so many right-minded planks including that AIPAC’s influence over Congress should be checked, that the US should follow a non-interventionist foreign policy, and the Federal Reserve System is a dangerous scam, were shocked to discover two facts; one, that the mass media is not “fair and balanced”, and two, that the masses of people would not simply jump in line to join their “revolution” in great numbers just because Paul is a decent man whose message rings true. Unfortunately, they’ve been listening to the wrong Dr P. Another Dr P had already told them, or tried to, about the problems with our government. And more importantly, this other Dr P told them who is responsible for our problems and how to defeat them. And he still is telling us because his broadcasts are still available on the internet. Of course, I’m speaking of Dr William Pierce.

Dr Pierce stated the following, and I’ve repeated it many times: in this age of television technology, you can NOT win an election if you don’t have equivalent mass media to the Jewish media masters. Period. You will not win an election without masses of people and you will not get masses of people unless you have media speaking as loudly and as often as the kikes. The people who work for the media today will follow the Jewish Marxist Party Line concerning all the lies that they’ve been programmed to believe: Blacks are equal to Whites, the “Holocaust” was the worst crime in history, Israel is our ally that must be defended, any White identity politics is evil and racist and neo-Nazi, and the list goes on and on in this vein. That’s why Dr Pierce advocated building our own White mass media. Media by Whites, for Whites. We must have media that provides honest, Aryan propaganda to counter the Jewish poison being blasted at us 24 hours a day from the idiot box. Listen to “Democracy and Propaganda” by Dr Pierce here. (http://natvan.com/internet-radio/ts/050402.mp3)

I’ll say it another way… no one knowledgeable of history would disagree when you mention the fact that the Communists maintained absolute control over the mass media in the countries they ruled. Many “liberals” and so-called paleoconservatives who admire Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan will agree that Zionist Jews are largely in control of our foreign policy. But everyone should also understand that the Jews were behind Communism, as well as the form it has taken in AmeriKwa, a sort of Marxist-Zionism. If the Jews controlled mass media in countries under Marxist-Communism, why wouldn’t they control the mass media under Marxist-Zionism? The answer is: they can and they do. As Herr Linder recently stated in an excellent “Radio Istina” program, they HAVE to control the media, otherwise they’d lose their power over us. Their secrets would be revealed. The cat would be out of the bag. The sad fact is that we’ve traded places with the Soviet Union. Jews do what’s good for Jews. Period.

Listen Ron Paul followers: the Constitution and the form of government that our Founding Fathers wanted has failed (more on that in another article in the future).

You can not mobilize people into a revolution if you can’t reach them and you can’t reach them without mass media, so ANY election is a waste of time at this stage.

The deprogramming of a brainwashed populace will not occur by electing someone, but by using the same method that’s keeping their minds enslaved: non-stop national television and radio programs and reforming course content in educational institutions.

The Ambiguous “Elite” Enemy

A willingness to blame “the elite” for our problems is very Communist. During the Bolshevik Revolution the Jews stirred up the masses to hate the elite because the elite are an obstacle to the Jews taking control. That fat kike Michael Moore continues this trend of blaming the “White elite” and criticizing them endlessly without offering a real solution or explaining the real root causes of our nation’s numerous problems. Many of these problems are due to racial strife brought about by mixing races that don’t belong together, like Blacks and Whites. But according to Moore, it’s the White male who is misruling AmeriKwa by not giving even more of a helping hand to “minorities”. Bullshit. This is classical Communist strategy that Dr Kevin MacDonald analyzed: criticize the opposition in order to destroy the existing system, then replace it with your own fallacious ideology, meaning Jewish rule. We would not have racial strife if we didn’t allow Jewish ideologies and fables such as the “Holocaust,” or that we murdered innocent American Indians, or that we enslaved Africans, etc., to demoralize us and prevent us from thinking straight and fighting back.

Another Jewish Communist strategy has been leading us into a war with Iran. Iran has not done anything against the United States for many years; however, Jews live by a preemptive strike doctrine, and they are making us do the same. When the kikes took over Russia, they killed the hated elite: the teachers, doctors, engineers, government officials. In other words, the leaders. They repeated this same murderous process everywhere they went: Latvia, Estonia, Poland, the Ukraine, et al. And the reason they killed the leaders was not because they had fought in some way against Jewish Bolshevism, but because they MIGHT fight against it. They were killed because they were a POTENTIAL threat. This is something quite out of place in Western civilization. We good Aryans do not and should not advocate killing people because they MIGHT do something, but because they HAVE done something. We didn’t put the Rosenbergs to death because they might be traitors, but because they had proven themselves to be traitors. But this preemptive strike doctrine is why President Hussein was murdered and why President Ahmadinejad could be next.

One way our efforts are being squandered is by the plethora of mixed messages that confuse half-awake people skirting the edges of the Jewish problem. Many that are searching for the truth are listening to neo-media moguls like Alex Jones, or even worse, charlatans and con-men such as David Icke, who say, “I know who is causing our problems,” but who never point their fingers at the guilty. Time and time again they blame “the elite” or “corporations” or some occult entity. Jones and Texe Marrs say that the Illuminati, which they claim is not a Jewish conspiracy but includes Jews, are running the world behind the scenes and that neo-Nazis, such as Bill White — who will probably be jailed for as long as Matt Hale for doing NOTHING wrong — are being run by the “elite” to stir up racial strife because “that’s what they want.” Oh, really. Seems to me that all schools and universities, all television sitcoms and dramas, and all Jewish organizations such as the ADL seem to preach that we should all just get along. The ADL wants people like White to stop fighting the niggers and spics because AmeriKwa is “no place for hate.” Confused yet, lemming?

A nameless and unidentifiable enemy can not be fought.

The real enemy is easy to identify: Paul Warburg (deceased) creator of the Federal Reserve, Greenspan and Ben “Shalom” Bernanke as chairmen, Sumner Redstone nee Murray Rothstein, Abe Foxman, Michael Chertoff… just to name a few.

The racial enemy who is continuing to cause problems not only in this country, but in fact the entire world, has a name: Jews.

Jewish Tyranny Clamps down on Free Speech

The arrest of Frederick Toeben, like the arrests of Zundel, Rudolf, and Irving before him, proves once again who has power in the West. Those who have power — the Jews — do not want either themselves or their Big Lies to be criticized. The four most important lies to shatter are: 1) the myth of racial equality, aka Marxism, 2) the Holocaust lie, which so demoralizes our people and keeps them from fighting international kikery (thanks, Craig Cobb), 3) the myth of the evilness of Hitler and National Socialism, and 4) the special holiness of Israel and the “Chosen” Jews. This latter lie is the opposite of the truth: Jews ARE a special and unique race in my opinion: they are especially evil. The Inquisition (a largely Jewish operation), the burning of heretics and witches, and the crusades of Christianity pale in comparison with Jewish Communism which killed more innocent people in the shortest time than any ideology in the history of the world. Listen to my email read on the air by Michael Collins Piper on July 2, 2008 here. (

Ted Pike, a man whom I respect, once again mixes a just cause — the defense of free speech for Frederick Toeben and other revisionists — with his slavish obedience to Jewish lies about the history of the Third Reich, by claiming that Toeben’s arrest is equivalent to “Gestapo tactics”. False. Arresting and jailing political dissidents is Jewish. Pike continues to believe a litany of falsehoods including the Jewish lie that the races are equal, the myth that Hitler and the Nazis killed innocent Jews, and that conversion to Christianity will change Jews to the point that they will no longer be problems for Aryans. Even David Irving, and I have all of his books, a few of which are signed personally to me, made a stupid remark recently to British reporters that the people who came after him and Toeben are “Nazis wearing pinstripes.” He knows better. The history of the Third Reich demonstrates that people practicing free speech, whether printed or spoken, were not arrested. Many Jews were arrested however, and rightfully so. One can only fight these false beliefs and stupid remarks that sow confusion among our own people with education and patience.

There is also the case of the “Heretical Two”, Simon Sheppard and Stephen Whittle. These two great British men are rotting in a jail in California at the moment thanks to Jewish tyranny imposed by brainwashed Whites who don’t even realize they’ve incarcerated men who were fighting for their own race. The satire and sarcasm of Luke O’Farrell’s articles are great fun to read, but the issues he addressed were ones that those of us who are awakened to the real enemy in occupied AmeriKwa know all too well. He spoke out against bureaucratic hypocrisy, the overrepresentation of the kikes in both the government and the mass media in the UK, and numerous disgustingly violent crimes committed by African immigrants living in formerly all White England. Many of us in the US are well aware of this death by chocolate that is always the result of having an overabundance of Negroes in any geographical area. Blacks will kill innocent Whites when they are among us or they will kill each other on the Dark Continent. They are stupid and violent and nothing we say or do will ever change that. Everything Herr Whittle wrote was accurate and true, yet today it is “heretical.”

The arrest of Toeben, the persecution of Sheppard and Whittle, are expression of who rules in White countries: Jews.

By persecuting revisionists, Germany is not employing Gestapo or Nazi behavior, but anti-Nazi, Jewish behavior.

Real National Socialists, like me, are FOR protecting Frederick Toeben and others, because we put race and truth above all else.

The Myth that Racists Want to Assassinate a Black President

It appears that FBI and Homeland Security, run by the Jew Michael Chertoff, are deploying their preemptive strike ideology by going after so-called White Supremacists such as Bill White, Tom Metzger and Craig Cobb in anticipation of a “nigger who only sounds smart because half his genes are Caucasian” becoming President of the United States. Our White brethren in law enforcement are laboring under the delusion of Jewish lies. Recall that nearly ALL law enforcement agencies in this country must receive mandatory “training” by the ADL about “hate” groups. They brainwash the law enforcement goyim to believe that the Ku Klux Klan lynched wholly blameless and innocent niggers and that evil Nazis killed innocent kikes in homicidal gas chambers. Along with these falsehoods they believe that White racists and “supremacists” want to kill ALL non-Whites simply because of the color of their skin, and therefore, the mulatto Barack Obama is a prime target. Wrong. What’s true is that the fallacy of democracy will be demonstrated again: any brainwashed White lemming of college age will vote for Obongo to prove he or she is not “racist”. Bravo, moron.

Let me state our general position clearly for all you law enforcement folks who have been demoralized by ADL agitprop as well as deeply indoctrinated with Marxism. We want to rule the nations created by our ancestors so that we can prosper and seek our destiny without the presence or interference of non-Whites, especially parasitical and genocidal Jews. We don’t want to interfere with them and they shouldn’t want to interfere with us. This does not mean that the non-Whites currently occupying our lands will be killed. The final solution to the Jewish, Black, Yellow, and Brown problems in AmeriKwa does not mean mass murder. The Africans were brought here by ships, they can be returned by ships. And planes. And if you think that those of us who are “neo-Nazis” want to assassinate President Obongo, you’re not giving us much credit. Murdering that coon will only provide a strong catalyst for you all to imprison our leaders and clamp down on our internet presence, which is the only mass media, or rather neo-media, that we have at the moment. Further, such an action does not do anything to advance our goals, rather it would reinforce the Jewish Hollywood “evil Nazi” stereotype that we want to murder nogs because of their skin color.

With the likely possibility that AmeriKwa will get its first Black (actually mulatto) president, there are several things that will be the natural result; the first thing is that the brainwashed and demoralized White women, will by even more likely to follow the kikes’ mass media programming that bedding down with Black males is the fashionable and cool thing to do. They already believe this thanks to Murray Rothstein’s MTV and Jew-produced Hollywood films, but having a half-breed president will dramatically increase the rate of miscegenation, meaning less White people will be brought into this world where we are only 10% of the earth’s population. Further, there will be more television “programming” about the greatness of Blacks, both in commercials and in alleged historical documentaries. They will endlessly praise Martin Luther Coon and other Black non-achievers in disgusted and misguided homage to the mythical greatness of AmeriKwa, the nation wherein anyone can become president. And there will be unprecedented governmental costs — which means more bills for Whitey — led by the Secret Service and other protection services to keep our first half-African president breathing air, all for fear of the bogeyman known as “the angry evil white racist who kills niggers because of their skin color”.

Law enforcement is being controlled either by Jews directly, e.g. Chertoff, or by psychological means via “training” conducted by the ADL.

We do not want to assassinate Barack Obama, and if anyone does, it’ll probably be a Mossad operation that will attempt to frame evil, White “extremists”.

The election of a half-African president is another step down the spiral staircase leading to the extinction of the White race.


On the heels of the tragic death of Joerg Haider we have the possible election of a Black president of AmeriKwa. How embarrassing. If anyone of our awakened comrades does not at least suspect foul play in Herr Haider’s death, then he doesn’t really know the Jews. Haider’s death could have been an accident, but it could just as well been made to look that way by the Mossad who loves to execute murder by deception using staged auto accidents. I know from personal experience that in Austria as well as in Germany there is a large National Socialist underground. Haider was a link to the past and to the real “Greatest Generation” of Aryans that our race has ever produced. However, their greatness did not die with the death of Herr Haider. His spirit, like those who died in a Berlin bunker, or on a battlefield in eastern Europe, will live forever, but the White race must put a stop to our dispossession and ultimate destruction at the hands of the Jews. Monuments and memorials will be raised for all the heroes of our race once this chapter is put behind us. Watch the excellent Finnish film THE WINTER WAR for a riveting and visceral example of a WWII battle.

The way to defeat Jewish lies is to fight fire with fire. We need our own mass media. David Duke and Don Black keep saying “we’re broadcasting to the world via the internet”. Wrong. Having internet neo-media does not mean having mass media. An internet website is like stacking newspapers and videos in your basement: the only people who will ever see them are those who drop by. Internet sites must be visited by the person behind the keyboard who has a desire to find them. On the other hand, lying Jewish viewpoints are emitted non-stop on every channel on every television in every home 24 hours a day without the need for any effort other than turning it on. Craig Cobb has gone as far as anyone can go with providing his excellent “Deprogram” video broadcasts. While I applaud Craig’s work, persistence and dedication, even if I disagree with his occasional bashing of Christianity for reasons that I’ll explain at a later date, we must not fool ourselves into thinking that we’ve somehow become more popular than we really are. The goal should be: national radio and television. And I wish Craig and VNN and others the best of luck at achieving this goal.

The great Otto von Bismarck, father of American education and unifier of Germany, once said that at a high enough altitude, political party colors blend together. He meant that in the big picture, Germans, or rather Whites, are one people and that is how they should think of themselves instead of constantly bickering. Yet we will not think of ourselves in the proper way until Jewish lies are refuted on a massive scale. We are not individuals who are equal regardless of race solely looking out for our own interests in a mad grab for the spoils of a capitalist society. This mindset can only lead to our destruction. We know who the troublemakers are, and to Bismarck’s point, we must look at them and ourselves as a group instead of just separate individuals. The kikes Wolfowitz and Perle, were responsible for the Iraq War. Murray Rothstein and Abe Foxman, are responsible for race-mixing propaganda, nigger worship, hate speech laws, and law enforcement brainwashing. Chertoff: responsible for persecution of truthtellers Zundel, Rudolf, White and probably Metzger and the Heretical Two. Emanuel Celler: unrestricted non-White immigration. Greenspan, Bernanke: economic crisis. We know the enemy: and it is the Jews. So I urge you all to never believe the claim, “These are not the Jews you’re looking for.” Because they are.

29 October, 2008

Posted by Socrates in income tax, Ivor Benson, jewed culture, jewed finance, Revilo P. Oliver, Socrates at 9:30 pm | Permanent Link

Revilo Oliver made a good comment about the graduated income tax, which dealt a major blow to wealthy-and-powerful gentile families in the 20th century [1]. The Jews weren’t harmed as much by the income tax, since they were international people. A national tax impacted them less; they knew how to manipulate any system that involved money:


[1] R. Oliver on the income tax: “Yockey understood – as many individuals do not, even today – that the gradual imposition of Communist slavery on the Americans began when Warburg, Baruch, and other Jewish herdsmen cozened the boobs into thrusting their necks into the yoke of the White Slave Act, officially called the Sixteenth Amendment, which imposed the admittedly Marxist device of an income tax.” [Here]. See also the book “The Zionist Factor: the Jewish Impact on Twentieth Century History” (Costa Mesa, CA., The Noontide Press, 1992) by journalist/political analyst Ivor Benson, p. 68.