21 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in citizenship, elections, Obama, politics, Socrates, Supreme Court at 3:43 pm | Permanent Link

The court will vote December 5 to decide if it will hear a case challenging Obama’s claimed citizenship status. Given how the court voted on the Heller case in June 2008 (it was a “conservative” decision), it’s quite possible that it will vote to hear the case:


20 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in jewed foreign policy, jewed law, jewed politics, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish Tyranny, Nazi era, Nazis, Nuremberg trials, propaganda, Socrates, World War II at 9:42 pm | Permanent Link

A fraud posing as legit, the International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremberg was almost entirely a Jewish production, e.g., one Jew, Murray Bernays, using a book written by another Jew, Raphael Lemkin, to create a handy excuse for racial revenge. Noted Americans, such as U.S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas and U.S. Senator Robert A. Taft, condemned Nuremberg as being illegal and ex post facto:


20 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in California, dispossession & destruction, divorce, divorce laws, jewed culture, jewed law, nation-building/nation-wrecking, no-fault divorce, Socrates at 6:07 pm | Permanent Link

Seen: a “period piece” movie which was set in England circa 1870, in which a woman wasn’t allowed to get a divorce from her no-good husband because he wasn’t cruel enough to her. In other words, it was hard to get a divorce back then.

Today, all American states have what are known as “no-fault” divorce laws. It’s easy for a couple to separate under no-fault laws. They just sign a few papers and – presto! – they’re divorced. It’s an easy way out. No need to try and repair the relationship. Wonder what Harry M. Fain (1918-2007), the Jewish lawyer who played a vital role in creating no-fault laws in California, had in mind when the governor’s commission on which he sat recommended liberalizing the marriage laws? Nation-wrecking, perhaps? [1][2]. Because, like many bad ideas, no-fault soon spread from California to the other states. California “opened the floodgates” for no-fault laws [3]. Due to no-fault, divorce rates – and the number of broken homes – skyrocketed. (Trivia: No-fault was first created in the Soviet Union, a Jewish-built entity) [4].

[1] on page 17 is an obituary which mentions Fain’s role on the Governor’s Commission on the Family (a .pdf file): [Here]

[2] California’s Governor’s Commission on the Family was created in 1966

[3] Strangely, when Oklahoma and Maryland passed no-fault divorce laws, other states didn’t follow suit. Only when California created its no-fault law in 1970 did other states copy the move

[4] some of the Jews who helped build the Soviet Union included: Paul Axelrod, Gregory Gershuni, Alexander Helphand, Leon Trotsky, Jacob Schiff, Lev Kamenev, Jacob Fuerstenberg, Abram Givatovzo, V. I. Lenin (he was part-Jewish) and of course the radical rascal Karl Marx (i.e., his ideas)

19 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in France, holo-factualists, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, revisionism, Robert Faurisson at 10:32 pm | Permanent Link

The French government can’t allow truth-telling. Faurisson’s home was also searched in January 2008:


19 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Canada, communism, Cuba, Cultural Marxism, dispossession & destruction, Frankfurt School, free speech, Marxism, Max Horkheimer, Socrates at 10:01 pm | Permanent Link

Cuban-style conversation monitoring at a major university [1]:


[1] the roots of Cultural Marxism are, of course, Jewish, i.e., Karl Marx, Georg Lukacs, Max Horkheimer and the Frankfurt School group, etc.

19 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in black leaders, black pols, black rule, Bork, Diversity, diversity is hate, General Decline, Obama, quotations, Socrates at 3:58 pm | Permanent Link

Before you read about Holder, here’s an interesting quote to consider:

“What needs to be said is that American culture is Eurocentric, and it must remain Eurocentric or collapse into meaninglessness. Standards of European and American origin are the only possible standards that can hold our society together and keep us a competent nation.” — from the book “Slouching Towards Gomorrah” (New York; ReganBooks, 1996) by Robert H. Bork, p. 311.


19 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in BNP, Britain, dispossession & destruction, England, Socrates at 1:31 pm | Permanent Link

The firing of British National Party members has already begun:


18 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' crimes, 'hate' hoaxes, A. Wyatt Mann, Socrates at 9:27 pm | Permanent Link

Swastika-related “hate crimes” are very often fake:


18 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in AIPAC, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed culture, Jews in government, Obama, Socrates, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 5:30 pm | Permanent Link

by Philip Giraldi: [Here].

18 November, 2008

Posted by alex in Radio Istina at 1:28 pm | Permanent Link

Today’s show is postponed due to illness. Next show will be Thursday, the 20th, or next Tuesday.