24 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, Jews in government, Obama, politics, Socrates at 9:31 pm | Permanent Link

Another Jew has been installed in an important position: David Axelrod will be a senior adviser to Obama:


24 November, 2008

Posted by alex in audio, Linder Radio, Radio Istina, VNNB, VNNB-Tuesday at 4:45 pm | Permanent Link

Will discuss conclusion of article on standardized testing and American public-school education in the 20th century, along with other news items.

The broadcast will either begin promptly at 1:00 p.m., or, if not, later Tuesday afternoon. It will take place Tuesday, have no fear. And thanks to all those who’ve written in – we appreciate your letting us know you’re listening.

24 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Kevin MacDonald, Socrates, White future, White identity at 4:31 pm | Permanent Link

An interview on Radio Free Mississippi:

(an mp3 audio file): [Here].

Dr. MacDonald’s blog is [Here]. His website is [Here].

23 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in double standards, Iran, Israel, Israel - the facts, judaism, nukes, Socrates, Zionism at 10:32 pm | Permanent Link

It’s great being a Jew, because you don’t have to follow any rules that you don’t want to follow. In fact, Judaism instructs Jews to avoid taking any orders from gentiles – Jews are to be self-governing, in other words [1]. One standard for yids, another standard for the rest of mankind:


[1] re: Jews taking orders from gentiles, scroll half-way down the page to “Status”: [book page]

23 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Bradley R. Smith, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, revisionism, Socrates, Toben at 6:38 pm | Permanent Link

by Bradley R. Smith: [Here].

23 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in child psychology, children, jewed culture, propaganda, psychology, Socrates at 4:26 pm | Permanent Link

Wife: “Honey, why are today’s kids so troubled?”

Husband: “They don’t eat enough green vegetables!”

Maybe if all of the “experts” on children’s behavior weren’t Jews, kids wouldn’t be so messed-up.

The field of child psychology could be called “Jewish.” Let’s look at some of the more-famous Jews in that field, including the pioneers:

— Leo Kanner (a pioneer in the field)

— Moritz Tramer (a pioneer)

— Sandor Ferenczi (a colleague of Sigmund Freud, and a pioneer)

— Anna Freud (daughter of Sigmund, and a pioneer)

— Margaret Mahler

— Rene Spitz (author of the book “The First Year of Life”)

— Melanie R. Klein (British; specialized in play analysis)

— Bruno Bettelheim (was accused of fraud and abuse)

— Fritz Redl

— Lauretta Bender (developed the Bender Gestalt Test)

— Eda LeShan (née Grossman; an anti-spanking advocate)

— Curt Bondy (specialized in adolescents)

— Charlotte Buhler (author of the book “The Child and His Family”)

Haim Ginott

22 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in art, Hitler, Socrates, Western culture, White art/architecture at 10:40 pm | Permanent Link

In addition to having Vermeer’s painting “An (or The) Artist in His Studio” hanging in his Berghof home, Adolf Hitler preferred works by Carl Spitzweg and Eduard von Grützner. His taste in art was, of course, generally conservative. Trivia: Goebbels favored rather modern art until Hitler steered him away from that aesthetic towards more traditional art. Goebbels later favored Dutch masters [1].

[1] see the book “Art As Politics in the Third Reich” by Jonathan Petropoulos, 1996

22 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in "homophobia", Big Fag, homosexual themes, queers, Socrates at 5:01 pm | Permanent Link

Did you know that queers are much more likely to commit sexual crimes against children? Queers are also much more likely to have various infectious diseases:


21 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Britain, England, holo-factualists, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Jew World Order, New World Order, revisionism, Socrates, thought crime, Toben at 10:52 pm | Permanent Link

An attempted thought-crime prosecution by the NWO/JWO has failed. Dr. Toben won’t be extradited to Germany. Interestingly, Toben didn’t even live in Germany, nor was his website based there. He committed no crime in Germany:


21 November, 2008

Posted by Socrates in politics, racism accusations, Republicans, Socrates at 6:33 pm | Permanent Link

The Republican Party is often labeled by its opponents as a party of “racist White people.” Here’s a good indicator of how false that label is:
