26 December, 2008

Posted by Socrates in 'righteous gentiles', Israel, Israel - the facts, Socrates, Zionism at 11:10 pm | Permanent Link

Sixty years later, a “righteous gentile” who acted illegally on behalf of an illegitimate state gets a pardon. Why? Because symbolism is everything to the Jews:


26 December, 2008

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' laws, German nationalists, Germany, Jewish chosenness, jewish hate & hypocrisy, judaism, Socrates, Torah at 7:06 pm | Permanent Link

“Hate” laws = Jewish constructs. By the way, when is Germany going to outlaw Judaism? Racism and bigotry occur at every synagogue – not just among adults, mind you, but even in front of children. For example, at a Bar Mitzvah for a 13-year-old boy, you’ll hear a blessing for the reading of the Torah which says that God chose the Jews above all other humans – in other words, He favors them. That amounts to promoting or advocating racism in front of minors. Isn’t that a bad thing? Shouldn’t that be illegal? Of course, the Jews insist that their “chosenness” isn’t really what it sounds like. Yeah, suuure it isn’t. If bigotry is outlawed in the West, then Judaism must go, too:


26 December, 2008

Posted by Socrates in General Decline, Israel, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Jewish Tyranny, Jews in government, Socrates, War On Israel's Enemies at 1:38 pm | Permanent Link

What sort of country does that? A country that has been corrupted by Jews. A country that more and more resembles Israel:


26 December, 2008

Posted by Socrates in "Civil War", Lincoln, Obama, Socrates, The South at 1:17 am | Permanent Link

First Obama quotes America’s first neocon president in a speech, and now he’s actually going to use Abe Lincoln’s Bible during his inauguration. How many people in the Obama camp know that Lincoln’s first plan for the negro slaves was to ship them out of America? (Sounds like a funny question, but you won’t learn about that plan at most universities). When that idea didn’t work, Lincoln chose Plan B, i.e., the second Emancipation Proclamation, a cheap maneuver that “freed” slaves only in the southern states. (Newbies, some key trivia about Dishonest Abe: president Buchanan didn’t declare war on the South when 7 southern states seceded under him. But Lincoln did. Why? Dishonest Abe was a scoundrel, and he has no business being on America’s money).

25 December, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Socrates, William Pierce at 4:16 pm | Permanent Link

(Due to Christmas activities, this week’s William Pierce Wednesday is one day late).

by Dr. William Pierce.


For several weeks prior to this Tuesday’s election of a new prime minister in Israel, the election campaign over there was a major story in all of the news media in the United States. Who will it be: Ariel Sharon, the Butcher of Beirut, who as Israel’s defense minister arranged and facilitated the murder of several thousand Palestinian women and children in refugee camps in Lebanon in September 1982? Or will it be Ehud Barak, who gave up a career as an international terrorist to go into politics?

The media over here played the story as one of hawks versus doves. Sharon, the leader of the hawk faction, deliberately provoked the fighting of recent months between Jews and Palestinians with his visit to the Temple Mount last fall. The reason for that was to motivate his hawk constituency and provide a new power base for himself prior to the election. His plan seems to have been quite successful. Of course, what’s been going on between the Jews and the Palestinians since Sharon’s provocation last year isn’t fighting in the usual sense of the word: it’s Palestinian children throwing stones at heavily armed Jewish soldiers, who in turn have had snipers sitting behind barricades with rifles and telescopic sights and picking off the more active young Palestinians. At the same time the Jewish government has been sending out murder squads in civilian disguise to assassinate leaders of the Palestinian community in their homes. That’s why nearly all of those killed have been Palestinians.”

The rest is [Here].

25 December, 2008

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 7:23 am | Permanent Link

No Comment
Posted by Richard Spencer on December 23, 2008

Taki has decided to suspend indefinitely all commenting at Takimag. I’d like to thank those who’ve offered up thoughtful responses to our articles in the past.


[Translation: Takimag writers were being shown up for the punch-pullers they are, most notably by one ‘Captain Chaos.’ Good job, CC, whoever you are. Like the liberals the paleoconservatives pretend not to be, the pallids can’t win unfixed bouts. Their only recourse is censorship. C’est la vie. As e.e. cummings nearly said, the cohenservatives will never fully kiss you. That’s because they only have two lips and they’re both locked on Big Yid’s tuches.]

24 December, 2008

Posted by VNNB in 'anti-Semitism', Jewish Tyranny at 11:28 am | Permanent Link

note:  Only one news source on google news picked up this news worthy story despite it’s NY origins.  Website appears to be located in the UK.   Story appears here

Brooklyn, NY – The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today filed and settled charges of fraud, filing false documents, and misappropriation of customer funds against a registered commodity pool operator, Innovative Capital Management, LLC (Innovative), and its principal and sole owner, Yehuda Belsky (Belsky), both of Brooklyn, New York. The CFTC order requires Belsky and Innovative to pay, jointly and severally, a total of $1,250,000 in restitution to five pool participants and a $100,000 civil monetary penalty. The order also imposes permanent trading bans on Belsky and Innovative and permanently prohibits them from applying for registration with the CFTC.

The CFTC order, issued on December 19, 2008, finds that from approximately September 2006 through February 2008, Belsky and Innovative fraudulently obtained funds totaling $1,250,000 from five commodity pool participants. Instead of using the solicited funds to purchase commodity futures and/or options contracts—as represented in solicitation materials—Belsky and Innovative misappropriated at least $385,000 of those funds, created false commodity pool account statements misstating the net asset value and monthly rates of return of the pool and then delivered these fraudulent statements to pool participants.

The order also finds that, during a routine audit by the National Futures Association (NFA), Belsky and Innovative provided NFA with (1) fraudulent account statements purportedly prepared by the futures commission merchant where the pool’s account was maintained and (2) fraudulent bank statements that falsely inflated the amount of pool funds on deposit at that bank.

The CFTC would like to thank the NFA for its assistance with this matter.

The following CFTC Division of Enforcement staff were responsible for this case: Philip Rix, Joseph Rosenberg, Elizabeth Brennan, Steven Ringer, Lenel Hickson, and Vincent A. McGonagle.

complaint against belsky can be viewed here

24 December, 2008

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', Iran, Israel, Russia, Socrates, Zionism at 12:55 am | Permanent Link

Russia is a threat to Zionism:


23 December, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Allied war crimes, books, Germany, online books, Socrates, war crimes, William Gayley Simpson, World War II at 11:38 pm | Permanent Link

“Which Way, Western Man?” by William Gayley Simpson:



“Gruesome Harvest” by Ralph Franklin Keeling:


23 December, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Germany, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, Jews in government, Nazi era, Nazis, Patton, Socrates, World War II at 10:26 pm | Permanent Link

This won’t be surprising to WNs. In the last months of his life, Patton became Jew-wise. He even referred to America’s actions against the Germans as “Semitic revenge.” (The fact that the OSS had a “Jewish desk” within it – which was staffed by a Jew named Dwork – to receive and analyze documents relating to Germany/crimes against Jews only increases suspicion of that organization):
