1 February, 2009

Posted by Socrates in black leaders, black pols, black rule, Congress, elections, Obama, Socrates at 9:35 pm | Permanent Link

This lawsuit is bolder. It sues Congress for failing to determine whether or not Obama was legally qualified to become president:


1 February, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Bible, Israeli war crimes, jewish criminality, Jewish cruelty, Jewish Tyranny, Jewish/Hebrew Bible, Moses, Old Testament, Socrates at 7:45 pm | Permanent Link

War crimes are nothing new to the Jews: Moses, the most important guy in Judaism, committed them:


31 January, 2009

Posted by Socrates in business, Commerce Clause, federal power, Felix Frankfurter, jewed culture, jewed law, New Deal, Roosevelt, Socrates, Supreme Court at 10:34 pm | Permanent Link

It looks like more “equality” has come to the American workplace. But how and why?

According to the U.S. government, almost all businesses are involved in “interstate commerce,” which means that the government can regulate those businesses – for example, the federal government can dictate how much money employees are paid. Even if the businesses only sell goods locally, they are still involved in interstate commerce in some way, e.g., they might buy pencils from companies which are located out-of-state.

Today, according to the federal government, almost any action by a business is “interstate commerce”, even if goods aren’t actually moved from one state to another state.

The meaning of interstate commerce was redefined and expanded in the early 1940s by the U.S. Supreme Court through the Roosevelt administration [1]. The pointman for that redefinition and expansion was the Jewish, Supreme Court judge Felix Frankfurter, who was an adviser to Roosevelt even before he joined the Court [2]. Interstate commerce seems to have been a pet issue with Frankfurter – so much so that he edited/wrote two books on the subject (in 1915 and 1937) and he was getting interstate-commerce rules into federal law for Roosevelt as early as 1933, e.g., the Securities Act.

The redefining of the meaning of “interstate commerce” had a very negative impact on America by leaving many hiring, firing and wage decisions up to the federal government. “Interstate commerce” has also been used by the courts as an excuse to uphold civil-rights laws. It’s a one-size-fits-all tool for federal government regulation.


More on interstate commerce: [Here].

[1] see United States v. Darby Lumber Co., February 1941, Kirschbaum v. Walling, June 1942 and Wickard v. Filburn, November 1942

[2] a mention of Felix Frankfurter as being “the central figure” in the effort to get the meaning of “commerce” redefined is found in the book “Law and Ecology” by Dr. Richard O. Brooks, et al, 2002

31 January, 2009

Posted by Socrates in France, jewed culture, jewed politics, Jews in government, nation-building/nation-wrecking, race-mixing, Socrates at 12:16 am | Permanent Link

Jewish president Nicolas Sarkozy says that French citizens should marry non-Whites for the good of France [1]. Just a few decades ago, that would have been called treason:


[1] Sarkozy has a Jewish mother, so under traditional Jewish law he is a Jew

29 January, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Bradley R. Smith, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Socrates at 11:55 pm | Permanent Link

by Bradley R. Smith: [Here].

29 January, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Ben Gurion, Bible, genocide, genocide by jew, Hebrew bible, Israel, Israel - the facts, Israeli war crimes, jew mentality, Old Testament, Socrates, Tanakh, Torah at 7:22 pm | Permanent Link

Now that the cruel Jews have renewed their assault on Gaza – an assault which included killing zoo animals [1], let’s recall that the Jewish or Hebrew Bible (i.e., Deuteronomy and the Book of Joshua in the Old Testament and also in the Jewish tanakh) portrays the mass-killing of gentiles/non-Israelites, and their animals, as a positive thing. Here’s an Old Testament quote about the mass-killing:

“And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword.” (Joshua 6:21). The story is that Joshua, a Hebrew leader, killed large numbers of non-Hebrews/gentiles, and their livestock. Joshua’s actions are portrayed as good, and as a commandment from God [2].

Further, how ironic that it was a Jew, Raphael Lemkin, who coined the word “genocide” in a negative light. Apparently, it’s a bad thing when gentiles commit genocide but it’s ok when Jews do it while following a mitzvah, i.e., a commandment from God.

(Maybe all Israeli leaders should be called “Joshua,” e.g., David Ben-Gurion was Joshua 2, Moshe Sharret was Joshua 3, and so forth).

[1] former U.S. president Harry Truman once noted in his diary that nobody, not even Stalin, could top the Jews for cruelty

[2] the Old Testament was written by Jews

28 January, 2009

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, General Decline, jew mentality, jewed culture, jewed law, law, Socrates at 7:44 pm | Permanent Link

You might think that, when birds fly into an airplane engine, forcing the plane to make an emergency landing, it’s an “act of God” and therefore no lawyers would be contacted about the incident afterward. If you thought that, guess again. Because “sue your neighbor” has replaced “love your neighbor.” If you’re familiar with the legal profession, it isn’t hard to guess who pioneered the field of personal-injury law [1]. Indeed, would injury-lawyer TV commercials exist without Jews? Trivia: it used to be illegal for lawyers to advertise:


[1] “‘The field of personal injury really expanded in the forties and fifties,’ said Greenberg. ‘A dozen or so lawyers developed this area of law, and most of them were Jewish.'” — from the book “Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality” (New Haven/New York, Ticknor and Fields, 1982) by Gerald Krefetz, p. 193

28 January, 2009

Posted by Socrates in censorship, free speech, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 4:12 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald: [Article].

28 January, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Socrates, White slaves, William Pierce at 1:01 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


Last week we spoke about the growing trade in White sex slaves in Israel and the reaction — or lack of reaction — to that trade in America. I read to you from the June 16 edition of one of Israel’s major newspapers, the Jerusalem Post, in which two Israeli feminists reported on the luring of Gentile girls from Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Hungary, and other eastern European countries to Israel with the false promise of high-paying jobs as secretaries or teachers and then the grabbing of these girls by Jewish slave dealers as soon as they land in Israel. The girls are raped, beaten, and terrorized by the Jewish slave dealers to make them compliant, and then they are auctioned to the owners of brothels and sex clubs, where they are kept in locked apartments and forced to work as prostitutes. The Jerusalem Post article also reported that the reason Israel is the center of the international trade in White female slaves is that in Israel it is perfectly legal to buy and sell human beings and to own slaves, provided they are not Jews.”

The rest is [Here]. (For the audio version, go [Here] and scroll down to 07-08-2000).

27 January, 2009

Posted by Socrates in bankers, banking, EU, Europe, feminism, free trade, General Decline, genocide by jew, genocide of White culture, globalization, jewed art, jewed culture, jewed finance, jewed immigration policy, jewed law, jewed politics, pop culture, Socrates at 4:41 pm | Permanent Link

Besides free trade, multiculturalism, inflationary money/banking policies, non-White immigration, feminism, anti-family policies and cheap pop culture, what went wrong?
