12 February, 2009

Posted by Socrates in genetics, jewed culture, Jewish genetics, race, race science, racial differences, racial science, Socrates, Stormfront, white nationalism, White philosophy at 4:47 pm | Permanent Link

During the past few days, there was a thread at the Stormfront forum, which has apparently been deleted, about a popular Israeli model. Quite a few forum posters commented that the model was beautiful and was either “White” or “White enough” or similar words. This is a good time to point out to newbies that skin color alone does not determine race. Jews have light-colored skin, and some even have blue eyes, but they aren’t genetically White. “White” means “European gentile.” When you look at a Jew, you might as well be looking at a Mexican, a negro or a Chinaman. Of course, the Jews are responsible for the fact that so many people believe they’re White. They’ve been trying for decades to reinvent themselves, and they have largely succeeded.

12 February, 2009

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, General Decline, jewed culture, jewed politics, politics, Socrates at 3:23 pm | Permanent Link

A long but interesting essay: [Article].

12 February, 2009

Posted by VNNB in Alex Linder at 7:52 am | Permanent Link

Killing pregnant jews!


Pregnant dead jew Debra Silver who was shot in the face with a 9mm.

The pregnant Upper West Side lawyer killed in a horrific double murder-suicide was in the midst of celebrating the Sabbath when her jealous lover burst in and murdered her.

Debra Silver, 46, was cooking a Shabbat dinner Friday night with an old flame when Michael Ruiz, 55, arrived at her West 93rd Street co-op, a friend told The Post.

Silver, an observant Jew, routinely observed Sabbath on Friday night by staying home and cooking, said the friend.

She would also refuse to answer the buzzer, in keeping with the Jewish custom of avoiding any work on the Sabbath.

The doormen in her building were aware of that, said the pal.

When Ruiz, a married father from Glen Ridge, NJ, entered Silver’s apartment, he became enraged on finding the attractive brunette with Daniel Tedlie, 57.

Silver and Tedlie had had an amicable parting and remained friends.

Ruiz whipped out a 9mm handgun and shot Silver, who was in her first trimester of pregnancy after undergoing in vitro fertilization. She was hit once in the face and once in the chest.

He killed Tedlie, an East Village photographer, with a single bullet to the chest.

Ruiz died after turning the gun on himself.

The identity of the father of Silver’s unborn child was not known.

The shooting rampage came just eight days after Ruiz’s wife of 29 years filed for divorce.

The couple had two grown children, a son and a daughter.

12 February, 2009

Posted by Socrates in jewed foreign policy, Kosovo, Serbia, Serbs, Socrates, Spain at 12:04 am | Permanent Link

Spain won’t recognize the new, bandit state of Kosovo, which is composed mostly of part-Turkish, Muslim Albanians who are squatting on what was once a White region, i.e., Old Serbia. That non-Whites were allowed to steal ancient, culturally-important, White land with America’s blessing says a lot about the USA. In fact, given how America usually treats Muslims, its support of a Muslim state in the Balkans – i.e., Kosovo – is just plain idiotic:


11 February, 2009

Posted by Socrates in college, education, egalitarianism, Frankfurt School, jewed culture, Socrates at 11:21 pm | Permanent Link

Why subject them to anti-White, Frankfurt School baloney when you can send them to a trade school for 1/4 of the price…


11 February, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Ezra Pound, Nazi era, Nazis, Norway, Quisling, Socrates at 7:41 pm | Permanent Link

Good heavens – a Quisling honored with a coin. Guess the bank isn’t Jewish-run. Note the mention of “psychiatric observation.” Ezra Pound was also held in a psychiatric facility – was that just a coincidence, or did the pro-Soviet “allies” want to make support of the Nazi cause seem “insane”?


11 February, 2009

Posted by Socrates in jew mentality, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 6:28 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald:

[VNN Forum].

11 February, 2009

Posted by Socrates in black culture, Black History Month, egalitarianism, equality, Socrates, William Pierce at 3:38 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

“Last week a member of the organization I head, the National Alliance, sent me something his nine-year-old daughter had brought home from school. He lives in Macon, Georgia, and his daughter is a fourth grader at a private school there. Last week her class went on a field trip to visit a Black museum in Macon and learn a bit about Black history. The museum is the federally funded Tubman African American Museum. It’s supported by our tax dollars.

It is named after Harriet Tubman, a Black slave who was employed by Abolitionist organizations in the North during the period just before the Civil War to induce other slaves in the South to leave their plantations and head north along the so-called ‘Underground Railroad.’ Sometimes she used a revolver to coax those who weren’t sure they wanted to go. The White fourth graders visiting the museum got a little sermon about the wickedness of slavery and of White people for having imposed it on Blacks. They also had a lecture on the history and accomplishments of Negroes, and each was handed a sheet headed ‘African American Inventor’s’ (sic) listing 120 or so things supposedly invented by Blacks.”

The rest is [Here]. (For the audio version, go [Here] and click on the download arrow in the middle of the page).

11 February, 2009

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Celler, Celler Rights Violations, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed law, media, race, racial preferences, racism accusations, Socrates at 12:35 am | Permanent Link

“Real estate racism” is actually rare, because under the Civil Rights Act of 1968, a.k.a, the Fair Housing Act, which came from Jewish congressman Emanuel Celler, if you are a homeowner who is selling or renting a home, it’s illegal for you to favor any buyer or renter based on race. In other words, you cannot attempt to keep your neighborhood safe by excluding non-Whites. Similarly, in most cases, a realtor cannot discuss the racial make-up of a neighborhood with a prospective homebuyer, since that could be seen as “steering,” which is also illegal. The Civil Rights Act of 1968 was a frontal assault on private-property rights. Also, let us not forget who owns ABC:


10 February, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Brazil, brown culture, Socrates, White-culture-as-superior at 10:55 pm | Permanent Link

Farmer: “What’s for dinner?”

Amazon Indians: “You.”
