2 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in ACLU, Felix Frankfurter, Horsejews of the Apocalypse, jewed culture, jewed law, Jewish Tyranny, nation-building/nation-wrecking, Socrates at 7:55 pm | Permanent Link

What authority does the ACLU have to “investigate” a fire department? Trivia: Jewish judge and troublemaker Felix Frankfurter was a co-founder of the ACLU [1]:


[1] Frankfurter was notorious for squeezing his Jewish associates into dozens of federal government positions, thereby guaranteeing that the Jewing of America would proceed quickly. He can be considered one of the “Horsejews of the Apocalypse” (i.e., a major White-nation-wrecker. Other such Jews include Bernard Baruch and Henry Morgenthau, Jr.)

1 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, feminism, Feminists, General Decline, Socrates at 8:02 pm | Permanent Link

Women’s History Month is completely ridiculous. It’s about pushing feminism and Cultural Marxism. In the great scheme of things, women have achieved little worth celebrating. But then, so what? They aren’t supposed to go out and develop better airplane brakes or invent new types of plastic. They weren’t built for that. They’re supposed to birth and raise kids, and keep family and home functioning:


1 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Scotland, Socrates, White music, White thought at 6:33 pm | Permanent Link

Jim Malcolm was on a PBS show called “Highland Heartbeat.” Good singer. If you’re tired of the usual no talent/negro music, you might want to learn more about Malcolm. Here is his website:


28 February, 2009

Posted by Socrates in "international law", globalization, international Jewry, jewed law, jewed politics, Serbs, Socrates, sovereignty at 4:04 pm | Permanent Link

1. Baltasar Garzón’s Rampage

The ghost of Leon Trotsky says: “There’s more than one way to internationalize the West. If Marxism doesn’t work, try ‘international law'” [1]:


[1] the father of international law – the modern type, at least – was a Jew, Lassa F. L. Oppenheim


2. Five Serbs Get Prison in War Crimes Trial

This is an illegal ruling. The Netherlands has no legal jurisdiction over the Balkans region. The ruling violates natural sovereignty. Only a local/regional court would have jurisdiction in this case:


27 February, 2009

Posted by Archives in Arch Stanton, jewed culture at 7:24 pm | Permanent Link

by Arch Stanton.

Take a look at the following article: [Here].

I am rather speechless over the new law banning children’s books printed before 1985. I don’t know what to say. Instead I’ll just write a few lines that come to mind. The jews have always known the key to controlling a culture and its people is through its children, they have stated so in various publications including the Communist Manifesto. After all, look at the Young Pioneers of the old communist regime, a regime that took control of the children before they were out of the nursery. In America they use children as a two-edged sword. Here they frequently use the issue of child pornography in their attempts to control the internet and prevent any form of normal interaction between children and adults. Thanks to jews, their laws and their media, the first concern when working with children is not the education or welfare of the children, but one’s own safety. That fear has eliminated much of what used to be educational contact for children with the adults of their own race. Today there must be two or more adults present when dealing with children and the suspicion factor pretty well prevents those adults from speaking their minds to children. Can you imagine what would happen if a revisionist tried telling the children the truth about the Hollowhoax with another adult present? See how well the law works in the jew’s favor? What is left is almost constant contact with Talmudvision that brims over with healthy children’s programs like Beavis and Butthead, South Park and that all time favorite Jackass. Is it any wonder American families are dysfunctional?

In America the first cry that is always heard when promoting anti-white issues or legislation is, “Oy Vey! Ve must save the children first, at all costs ve must save the children!” And the lemmings follow right along, never realizing the huge loss they will suffer in their attempts to save the children from what is largely a non-issue. Like any issue related to firearms or alcohol, every issue trotted out to save the children is vastly overblown in scope. If they really were so intent on saving the children, one would think the first step is to stop the thousands of abortions that happen every year; yet these once illegal procedures have been made perfectly legal. In fact anyone who thinks back a bit will remember the jews working just as tirelessly at pro-choice abortion “rights” as they have at saving the children from internet pornographers. Does anyone find any hypocrisy in such Janis-faced efforts? Now if you want to see some really gruesome pornography, go take a look at the photos of partial-birth abortion. And to think the laws legalizing abortion came from the same jews now working overtime to expose the pedophiles in the Catholic priesthood! Wait a minute, aren’t Catholics dead set against legalized abortion? And what about all those children being slaughtered by jews in Gaza and other Middle Eastern countries, why aren’t they being saved? Could it be because they aren’t worth a single jewish fingernail? Let me guess, white gentile children are worth a single jewish fingernail, which is the reason so many abortion doctors are jewish? Gosh, one simply can’t help but wonder how many jewish girls have abortions at the hands of jewish doctors. Take a look at those photos again and ask yourself who is more the criminal, the jewish abortion doctor murdering white children or the Catholic priest diddling them? Trick question, I left out the Rebbes.

It’s funny how no one considers South Park’s walking, talking, fecal matter to be pornographic, nor any of the overtly sexual programming on TV; yet the danger of child porn on the internet is so horrendous that it must be quelled at all costs, including the freedom to read what you want about the Hollowhoax. It’s also funny how no one bothers to look at the women and child sex slavery business openly conducted in Israel . Nor is any attention paid to the Rebbes who diddle little boys every bit as often as any Catholic priest. I mean get real – doesn’t anyone know what a Mohel is and what they suck? But wait, my bad, these are religious men so that makes it ok. But wait, aren’t Catholic priests religious men, too? Maybe they should take a hint from the jews and invent some religious ceremony that features sexual contact with young children. And what about those Rebbes who must wash their hands before touching those little girls who are beyond the age of three? (It’s a Levitical thing – you goyim wouldn’t understand). Oh sweet Jesus, now I’m all confused. Then there are those spawn-of-the-devil jews who strangle gentile children during the sex acts to make their highly-profitable snuff flicks and no one cares, but yet find a pedophile trolling for underage girls on the internet and all the stops must be pulled to prevent a potentially horrible crime.

It appears that what is sexually fulfilling for the goose is criminal for the gander. First off I do not condone the use of children for anything – we’re talking innocent human beings here. Call me old fashioned, but for damn sure I don’t condone jews using pre-pubescent gentile girls like Jon Benét Patricia Ramsey for their little miss beauty pageants or for their magazine layouts featuring little girls made up like little sluts. To my mind, that is every bit as pornographic as any other form of visual material for which they arrest people. Again, you don’t use children – period. And that includes using children as a foil to pass freedom-robbing legislation. But I digress, as I remember the subject was about saving children by banning children’s books printed before 1985. Note the harsh penalties that far exceed any potential crime. How jewish of them – you should see the Talmudic penalties for infractions against god’s laws; in fact you can at comeandhear.com. Obviously they really don’t care about protecting children half as much as they care about banning certain books that slow or diffuse their programming efforts. That is why they impose such harsh penalties for non-crimes; saving the people and their children from injury isn’t nearly as important as terrorizing the masses into submission. After which they can be dumbed-down to the level of a barnyard animal. Well, it certainly is a beautiful day out, I think I’ll go for a walk and clear my mind.

27 February, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, War On Israel's Enemies, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 3:56 pm | Permanent Link

Woman: “Pull out! Pull out!”
Man: “I can’t! Big Jew won’t let me!”

[Article] and [Article].

27 February, 2009

Posted by Socrates in individualism, jewed culture, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 1:33 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.

“In my previous column, I attempted to analyze two important sex differences in political behavior: Women’s tendency to be attracted to wealthy, powerful men, and women’s relatively greater attraction to close relationships, empathy, and nurturance. These differences make women less likely to be attracted to white racialist movements given the current political context.

But these differences are not the main cause of our malaise. A correspondent writing to me about my last column said that I should ask why white men are such wimps that they are basically lying down and allowing themselves to be displaced.”

[VNN Forum].

26 February, 2009

Posted by Socrates in guns & goy controllers, jewed Congress, jewed law, jewed politics, Socrates at 9:13 pm | Permanent Link

1. U.S. Supreme Court Upholds ‘Domestic Violence’ Goy-Control Law

Convicted of a misdemeanor crime? Then say goodbye to your gun rights. Repeat, rightstwo of which are mentioned in the Second Amendment. By the way, that law – which was part of a 1996 appropriations bill – came from Jewish senator Frank Lautenberg. It’s remarkable that that law hasn’t been overturned:


2. Obama Wants to Reinstate Gun Ban

The wrongly-named assault weapons ban – which was part of The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 – came from Jewish congressmen, i.e., Dianne Feinstein and Charles Schumer [1]:


[1] “assault weapons” are machine guns, not semi-auto sporting rifles

26 February, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Christians, Christians abetting jews, Christians who abet jews, jewed culture, Socrates, Vatican at 5:20 pm | Permanent Link

Big Jew: “Waterboy, oh, waterboy?? Where are you??”
The Vatican: “Here I am, master, ready and eager to serve you!”


25 February, 2009

Posted by Archives in Arch Stanton, tv, tv analysis at 10:51 pm | Permanent Link


by Arch Stanton.

“President Obama signed a bipartisan bill on February 11 decreeing that analog television will remain until June. If you were unaware of the national conversion to digital TV, you’re not alone. ‘Backers of the delay feared that 20 million mostly poor, elderly, or rural households’ were unprepared for the conversion, reports Reuters.”

Can anyone find the big clue in this excerpt? Is it possible that the government fears people will quit volunteering for Talmudic indoctrinational programming? I remember a few years back the great hue and cry going up that broadcast TV would soon be discontinued. It was lamented how everyone would have to buy a cable subscription or suffer forced withdrawals from their addictive viewing habit. Then a few years later the word came out that the time frame for the shutoff was going to be extended. During that time I discovered many people’s reaction to the alleged shutdown was to get rid of their Talmudvision set. GASP! Get rid of TV? But, but, but that would mean huge numbers of sheeple unplugging from the jew’s Borg cube! Unacceptable Will Robinson! Unacceptable! Mysteriously it soon turned out they never really intended to stop broadcast TV, but were simply gong to transform the analog broadcast to a digital signal. But that did not seem to go far enough because it turned out the converter boxes were going to be rather expensive. So a government voucher program was henceforth announced that would support the necessary converter boxes. Hmmmmm – government-supported Talmudvision.

Since that time there have been two more delays in shutting down the analog broadcast signal. Hey! Does anyone get it yet? They will pay you to watch Talmudvision! If all the sheeple grazing in the fields call up their cable company and cancel their subscription, you can bet your sweet rabbit ears it won’t be long before they offer free cable subscriptions. This will save the average viewer $60 to $100 a month in fees. But why bother? Instead, why not take that Talmudvision set and turn it into an attractive planter box. Or how about using the evil eye to raise funds for crippled children by offering a swing at it with a sledgehammer for $1. Then again if you simply do nothing and wait just a little while longer, you’ll be able to use it as a fireplace – just like the one seen in the original Terminator. If you have recently purchased a flat panel display it’s much, much, easier. Simply unscrew the cable input and purchase a male-to-male VGA plug. Then you can put it to a more useful function as a big screen monitor, the better to research the internet for information about Bishop Williamson and the Hollowhoax.