6 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Big Finance, dollar, economics, economy, Federal Reserve system, jewed culture, jewed finance, libertarians, money, Socrates at 2:22 pm | Permanent Link


Look – it’s a Jewish money-magician waving his magic wand! (*Poof!*) He just created millions of dollars out of thin air! (*Poof!*) He did it again! Is there no end to his magical powers? [1]:


[1] American “dollars” aren’t dollars anymore but are instead Federal Reserve Notes. Legally speaking, a dollar is 371.25 grains of silver. Modern dollars are worth far less than that (1 troy ounce = 480 grains)

5 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in egalitarianism, equality, equalocracy, Franz Boas, jewed culture, jewed law, Socrates at 4:37 pm | Permanent Link

Yes, you can have free speech – as long as it doesn’t run against Jewish “equality” bullshit [1]. Significantly, America was not founded on egalitarian principles, e.g., only White males could vote or hold public office in the founders’ era. The Nebraska Supreme Court has more-or-less said that Whites don’t have racial interests (but of course Blacks and Mexicans do):


[1] “human equality” was pioneered and installed into our society by Jews, e.g., Franz Boas, Ashley Montagu, Gene Weltfish, Isidor Chein, Otto Klineberg, Melville Herskovits and Stephen J. Gould. Egalitarianism is now the state religion in every Western country

5 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Internet, jewed culture, Jews in government, Obama, Socrates at 1:24 am | Permanent Link

Saaay, here’s some good news: Jewish venture capitalist Julius Genachowski has been nominated to be the new FCC (Federal Communications Commission) boss. He is expected to be confirmed by the Senate. May we expect new internet regulations soon?


4 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, White future, White philosophy, William Pierce at 9:52 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


In these talks I have with you every week, I try to choose topics of current interest, topics that are in the news — or that should be in the news — because it’s important for all of our listeners to understand that the things we talk about in these broadcasts are real and relevant, and they demand our attention now; they are things that listeners can check on for themselves if I tell them where to check. Even when I choose to talk more about ideas than about current news, I try to tie the ideas into events, either current or historical, in order to keep listeners aware that the ideas are relevant, that they have consequences in the real world.

I want everyone always to have in mind that the essence of these broadcasts is not entertainment, and it’s not even education: it’s survival. It’s our whole future. It’s the continuation of the process of life that began on this earth hundreds of millions of years ago and is now on the brink of disaster. The reason I make these broadcasts is to move people — our people — to accept responsibility for where the process is going, to help pull it back from the brink, to deal decisively with those people and policies which pushed it to the brink, and then to help guide it back onto an upward path again.”

The rest is [Here]. (For the audio version, go [Here] and scroll down to 12-16-2000).

4 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Socrates, World War II at 2:17 am | Permanent Link

by Terrell E. Arnold.

“The recent attempted defrocking of a Catholic Bishop on a charge of ‘Holocaust denial’ brings to the fore once again the need to review the history of World War II in a properly detached fashion. A horrible truth is that more than 55 million people died in that war and the overwhelming majority of them were not Jews. That is the holocaust we must all remember.”


4 March, 2009

Posted by Archives in Arch Stanton, homosexual themes, military at 12:39 am | Permanent Link


by Arch Stanton.

Equal opportunity strikes again. Of course the real reason behind this legislation is to fill out the rapidly thinning ranks in anticipation for the buildup to attacking Iran. This legislation will put a whole new blush on the military. But it may not be a bad thing, we may even see a return to the “make love not war” days of the 60s. Imagine, it’s 1900 hours in the trenches where two “queens” are on guard duty at some god-forsaken outpost located close to enemy lines. Private Flair is using night vision to track enemy movements just beyond no man’s land. Without taking his eyes from the night vision scope Private Flair says, “God this is awful duty, my eyeliner runs constantly and I can’t remember the last time I had the chance to wear a dress.” Corporal Swish replies, “I know what you mean, the heat makes these pantyhose unbearably hot, it seems my panties are always in a twist, whoever said we’re gay was one sick fuck.” Both soldiers laugh at the joke. Private Flair speaks again. “You know the worst part is I haven’t been laid in over a week; the guys at the USO bath house just don’t want to put out like in the old days. Seems they’re worried about disease; I ask ’em ‘hey do you want to live forever?’ But it doesn’t make any difference, they just want to hold hands. I can’t get to third base with any of ‘em.” Corporal Swish replies, “Yeah and with the Army filling up with women, it’s getting harder and harder to find a date at all! Of course I won’t deny the advantages of having the girls around to style our hair or lend us perfume and makeup in tight situations. You know the best time I ever had in this man’s Army was when I served as a liaison to the IDF. Those sons-of-Jacob sure know how to treat a girl. I know how tough and heartless they look when they’re killing Palestinian women and children, but they really do have a more feminine side. They’re so soft and gentle in the hot tub. It seems that Jacob himself was quite the girly-boy. They say his mother dressed him until he finally left the house because Esau was going to romp on his ass. Seems Jacob and his mother tag-teamed Isaac by using their feminine guile to steal Esau’s birthright.” Suddenly Private Flair, his eyes still on the night scope, says excitedly, “Holy shit would you look at that!” The corporal asks worriedly, “What is it, are their troops moving? Does it look like an attack forming?” Handing the scope to the corporal the private says, “I wish! You should see that hunk loading ammo on the other side, their army is full of hotties! All that physical training sure pays off! Man o’ man, what I’d like to do with that cutie!” After examining the situation for a moment through the scope, the corporal picks up the radio handset and calls in, “Madame Six, Madame Six, this is Pretty-in-Pink.” The radio crackles back in the confines of the dark trench, “Madame Six, go ahead sweetheart.” “Madame Six, this is Pretty-in-Pink, the situation looks serious, we’re going to have to reconnoiter behind enemy lines, we’re going in.” The radio replies “Pretty-in-Pink, Madame Six, alright, but you girls be careful out there and make sure you’re home by 2200 hours; Six out.” The corporal looking over at Private Flair with a feline grin says, “There’s going to be a party tonight! Grab that bottle, Flair, we’re going over the top for this one, let’s move out!” They both laugh at the joke.

3 March, 2009

Posted by VNNB in Jewish aggression, Jewish banking, VNN, VNN Forum, VNNB, VNNB-Tuesday at 8:09 pm | Permanent Link

Go ahead, grab a cold one and sit back for the show

This Tuesday Mark will be joined by the one and only Todd from the sunny (and Jew infested) state of Florida

Topics we will cover are:

1. The current state of our Western World.

2. Steps we need to take to take back our White homelands.

3. Predictions as to what we can expect in the next few years.

4. Jews, hooked nose kikes and/or Yids.

3 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Celler, Celler Rights Laws, jewed Congress, jewed law, Socrates at 7:35 pm | Permanent Link

“I can do what I want”? Ha! This is AmeriKwa. We have Celler Rights Laws:


3 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in David Lane, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White thought at 12:38 am | Permanent Link

by David Lane (a .pdf file): [Here].

2 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in America, AmeriKwa, comedy, General Decline, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, War On Israel's Enemies at 10:47 pm | Permanent Link

But there’s no laugh track. The war on Israel’s enemies has called a soldier gal back to active duty, and her kids are joining her:
