26 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Brown v. Board of Education, jewed culture, jewed law, Socrates, Supreme Court at 1:22 am | Permanent Link

The horrible Brown v. Board of Education ruling should be studied by all White people. Why? The Brown decision was not based on constitutional law. It was instead based on phony social and psychological arguments made by Jews such as Isador Chein and Otto Klineberg. (It was the latter who recommended Black psychologist Kenneth Clark for the Brown case). They argued that Blacks would suffer psychological harm if they didn’t attend public schools with Whites. Yeah, right – as if Blacks can think beyond fried chicken and sex. Almost every person involved with the Brown case was a Jew, including the woman who originally instigated it, Esther Swirk Brown [1]. In fact, “civil rights” could be called a “Jewish construct”:


[1] not related to the case’s Black lead plaintiff, Oliver Brown

25 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Holocaust, holocaust racket, Socrates, William Pierce at 1:01 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

“Well, I knew it was coming — in fact, I predicted it when I spoke with you more than a year ago about the Jewish extortion campaign against Switzerland. I told you that if the Jews succeeded in sucking the blood they were demanding out of the Swiss, eventually they would come for our blood too. And now they’re here, demanding that Americans also pay them back for their losses during the so-called ‘Holocaust,’ just the way the Germans and the Swiss and the French and the Dutch and others have been forced to pay them. I made that prediction, because I know the Jews. I know that they always will be looking for more victims until they have sucked all of the blood there is to be sucked from this planet, and then they will turn on each other and begin sucking their fellow Jews’ blood. They cannot help it. It is their nature to be deceivers and destroyers and blood suckers.”

The rest is [Here]. (For the audio version, go [Here] and scroll down to 09-16-2000).

24 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in gun shows, literature, Socrates, WN literature at 10:15 pm | Permanent Link

Gun shows are great places to offer WN literature to the public. Almost all of the people at the shows are White, conservative-minded and male. Also, the shows are frequent – in some states, there is one held every month. (Be aware, however, that some shows have rules against passing out literature if you aren’t an exhibitor, i.e., you could get kicked out of the show for doing so. It’s good to plan your literature strategy in advance. In addition to literature, another idea could be this: have half-a-dozen people wear t-shirts to the show, with each shirt bearing the same printed message on the front and the back):


24 March, 2009

Posted by VNNB in audio, Free Talk Live, jew, jewed culture, nigger crime, nigger mentality, niggers, VNNB, VNNB-Tuesday at 6:16 pm | Permanent Link

Grab a 40oz, cheese doodles, fried chicken and some watermelon.
Das Right!
It’s a special TNB broadcast brought to you by yours truly.
The demonic tribe known as the Jews have loosed the simians upon us and those apes have been busy. We will be covering all the recent TNB that has been at a fever pitch these days.

We will be covering the kikenvermin as well. It just wouldn’t be a VNN broadcast otherwise. The kikes have also been busy lining their pockets and screaming in victimized pain as they slap white people throughout the Western world.

23 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 10:58 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.

“The headline of Sunday’s LA Times screamed ‘Oakland mourns 3 slain officers’ (online version). Immediately I constructed a mental model that the murderer was a low-life black man between the ages of 18 and 30.

And of course, I was right. His name was Lovelle Mixon, age 27. Mixon, who was killed in the gun battle, was wanted on a no-bail warrant for violating his parole on a conviction for assault with deadly weapon. A fourth officer is near death.”

[VNN Forum].

23 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in China, nation-building/nation-wrecking, outsourcing of jobs, Socrates at 8:44 pm | Permanent Link

(*rip*) “Oops, so bad ruck, Joe. You get the AIDS. More carefurry next time…”


22 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Federal Reserve system, money, Socrates, usury at 1:04 am | Permanent Link

There are a few interesting things at this website, e.g., [Here] and [Here].

21 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in genetic interests, genetics, intelligence, IQ, Jewish genetics, Marxism, science, Socrates at 11:41 pm | Permanent Link

“…the genes we inherit play a far greater role in intelligence than was previously thought.” Well, isn’t that interesting? So much for the old “nurture, not nature” propaganda that Marxist high-school teachers spoon-fed to us. What else will science reveal in the next decade? Something really interesting about Jews, perhaps?


21 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Socrates, Zimbabwe at 9:12 pm | Permanent Link

In the mid-1970s, “Western” leaders demanded that Rhodesia end White rule. It did and became known as “Zimbabwe.” Look at the results of Black rule there: violence, starvation and a ruined economy:


21 March, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Socrates, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 8:43 pm | Permanent Link

by John Mearsheimer: [Here].