12 April, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 10:57 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald: [Here].

12 April, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Bible, Brutus, Hebrew bible, jewed culture, jewed retail, Old Testament, Socrates at 12:20 am | Permanent Link


11 April, 2009

Posted by Socrates in income tax, jewed culture, jewed law, Revilo P. Oliver, Socrates, taxes at 10:53 pm | Permanent Link

Seen on the TV news: a mention of the income tax (Tax Day is, of course, April 15).

The late Dr. Revilo Oliver called the 1913 income tax law the “White Slave Act,” and he also called it a “Marxist device.”

Did you know that many wealthy or semi-wealthy gentile families lost their power due to our progressive income tax? This was especially true in the 1930s, 40s and 50s, when the top tax rates were sky-high and literally confiscatory [1]. Money is power, and if the government is taking most of your money via taxes, then it’s taking most of your power. Confiscatory tax rates benefited the Jews by weakening or wiping out their gentile competition. The Jews had to pay taxes, too, but they were more internationally-oriented and more clever with their money (as Jews always are). So gentiles were more burdened by high tax rates than Jews were.

[1] the top tax rates from 1951 to 1963 were 91% and 92% for people who earned over $400,000 per year, which seems incredible in a “free” country. The top tax rate was originally 7%

11 April, 2009

Posted by Varg in audio, Goyfire, VNNB at 12:43 pm | Permanent Link

The Roundtable includes: Alex Linder, Agis and Craig Cobb

11 April, 2009

Posted by Socrates in college, jewed culture, jewed education system, Socrates, universities at 12:23 am | Permanent Link

Have you attended a Jewniversity lately? You have? That’s so sad. Well, maybe you can get your money back if you write enough letters to the dean. Left-wing ideology is so fake. It doesn’t seek to understand or to explain. It seeks only to tear down the opposition, usually by employing fancy new-speak invented by Jews:


10 April, 2009

Posted by Archives in Arch Stanton, Hebrew bible, Old Testament at 7:14 pm | Permanent Link

by Arch Stanton.

Mr. Glenn makes the same point in the following article I have made previously, namely the concept and structure of the mafia is thoroughly jewish in its foundation. Hollywood portrays the mafia as an Italian invention, but this is just another lie; the credit for the design of this criminal organization must be assigned to jews. The structure of the modern mafia is a direct derivation of the Old Testament’s sacrificial priesthood system. Like the ancient high priesthood, identified as ‘God the father’ in the O.T., the head of this criminal organization holds the title ‘Godfather’. However, the mafia portrayed by Hollywood is but a toy Leggo representation of the real power of the Rothschilds who control most of the world through their massive economic power. While the mafias have their neighborhood ‘godfathers,’ it is a Rothschild that plays ‘God the father’ to the world. The modern, small-scale mafia began in the jewish ghettos. Of course it should be remembered that the ‘Russian’ mafia is likewise thoroughly jewish in its racial makeup. It is a rather chilling thought to realize the mafioso portrayed by Hollywood are like small children bullying other kids in the schoolyard compared to the economic ‘God’ of Rothschild presently running our world. It is unthinkable to most that the rulers of this world employ the same criminal techniques to control white countries that the mafia uses to control their neighborhood domains, e.g., violence, blackmail/extortion, counterfeiting and vice. This goes all the way back to the Old Testament where characters like Sarah, Ruth and Esther use sex and feminine guile to blackmail heads of state. Name a criminal activity and you can find its fully-legalized counterpart in the corrupted, God-the-fathered state. In fact what makes these activities criminal to lesser men is that they are to be the sole purview of the state. Counterfeiting is a classic example of this: what the Federal Reserve does openly is considered criminal under any other circumstance.

It’s odd how frequently those who are first on the phony ‘law and order’ and ‘love it or leave it’ bandwagon are the very last to notice the criminality of the state. One might take a moment to consider the following facts. The first action jewish communists took after solidifying their power over Russia was to totally disarm the general population (something Hitler did NOT do, by the way). After the revolution, only Russian police and military were allowed weapons and the jews held the power of the Russian state in their iron grip of Talmudic totalitarianism. Disarmament immediately led to the jews’ mass extermination of the Russian population. Now jews want the Middle East totally disarmed of nuclear weapons with the exception of the nuclear arsenal that they alone control. These same jews want the American people totally disarmed – excepting the state police and military powers which they likewise control. We find jews repeatedly setting up and running criminal states while demanding everyone but themselves or their useful idiots be disarmed. Considering the psychotic nature of the jews, can anyone doubt the outcome for those states that follow their dictates?

Netanyahu To The West–Destroy Iran Before Israel Destroys You

10 April, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Australia, communism, double standards, Marxism, Nazis, neo-nazis/nationalists, Socrates at 3:50 pm | Permanent Link

Of course, if she was connected to a Marxist organization, no one would have said a word about it:


9 April, 2009

Posted by Socrates in global government, globalization, good for jews, international Jewry, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, NATO, Serbia, Serbs, Socrates, tikkun olam at 8:34 pm | Permanent Link

Who invented global government? Was it:

A. Chinese pastry chefs?

B. mongoloid midgets from Mars?

C. Jews?

If you guessed B, you’re…really close.

Anyway, if they can’t drag the Serbs into the New World Order (yet), then they can at least surround them and intimidate them, right? NATO: an instrument for tikkun olam:


8 April, 2009

Posted by Socrates in bankers, banking, Big Finance, economics, economy, jewed finance, Socrates at 6:55 pm | Permanent Link

by F. William Engdahl: [Article].

8 April, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Diversity, Socrates, William Pierce at 6:09 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


Three or four years ago the slogan most diligently promoted by the controlled mass media was ‘diversity is our strength.’ Posters with this slogan and a broad, multi-hued band of stripes representing skin colors of various races were displayed in classrooms and workplaces all over the country. Clothing advertisements in all of the slick, yuppie magazines pushed the same theme. The idea was that the fewer White people and the more Blacks and Browns and Yellows we have in America, the stronger and more prosperous we’ll be.

I had friends who laughed at this propaganda campaign. They couldn’t believe that anything so stupid would catch on. I didn’t laugh, because I had learned long ago that P.T. Barnum was right on target when he said that no one had ever lost a nickel by underestimating the intelligence of the American public. Actually, it’s not that the public is stupid in the sense that they can’t learn how to tie their shoes or get across the street safely. It is that the public will believe anything if they believe that others believe it. That’s the lemming factor. And this ‘diversity is our strength’ brainwashing campaign was pushed hard. You saw this foolishness wherever you looked. And pretty soon it was clear that the lemmings had begun to believe it. My hate mail began containing indignant questions such as, ‘Why are you against immigration? Don’t you know that diversity is our strength?'”

The rest is [Here]. (For the audio version, go [Here] and scroll down to 03-31-2001).