5 June, 2009

Posted by Archives in Arch Stanton at 12:01 am | Permanent Link


by Arch Stanton.

A short time ago I watched a movie about the resurrecting of evil Nazis from the dead. I can imagine how surprised you might be to hear such a claim, but it’s true, I swear it, I saw this with my own eyes, there really was a movie about evil Nazis returning from the dead. I was surprised because I never thought the jews allowed the Nazis to die in the first place. Now for any of you who follow Hollywood’s “evil Nazi” genre, you might have noticed a particularly virulent strain of Nazis who carry out their evil experiments on their own troops. This concept has been presented in various movies like “Shockwaves” (a campy classic for all lovers of the Nazi undead) as well as various other films including the 2007 screen gem titled “Outpost.” In this classic horror movie, evil Nazi doktors try yet again to perfect Nazi soldiers who cannot be killed. Silly Nazis – don’t they know that only jews can keep the dead alive? In the lesser-known apocryphal Book of Weinstein there is an eerie story where Jesus is surprised when he calls for Lazarus to come out from the sepulcher, but a moldering SS officer comes walking out instead. Jesus then yells out, “Cut! Cut! Get the script writer over here, I want to talk to him about this Nazi-obsession thing.” In any event I guarantee shock and awe when you see the success of their efforts in this film.

It’s kind of like that clever bin Laden prop where they keep Obama – wait, that should be Osama [1] alive years after he actually died. This technique was pioneered in the 1960’s with the film “Night of the Living Dead.” During that filming jews inadvertently discovered they could keep their victims alive in perpetuity simply by filming them. What irony; to think those primitive tribal savages who refused to allow their picture to be taken knew more about the jews’ secret of immortality than David Duke! The latest twitter is that Hollywood jews are about to bring out a new culinary show titled “Adolf’s Gas Oven Secrets” featuring none other than the famed vegetarian chef Adolf Hitler! One unidentified jewish producer stated, “We feel the higher ratings for a cooking show are worth it.” Hitler is still springtime fresh and ready to share his food secrets, including his most famed dish: oven-roasted Judenschwine. (They say it’s to die for!). Imagine Emeril with a funny mustache and a swastika molded into the bottom of his frying pan.

But I digress; what is interesting is that I have never found any accounts of real Nazis using their own people for any experiments, including medical experiments [2]. Yet there is ample evidence that Soviet, jewish communists used Russian citizens, including Russian troops, for medical experiments, especially psychological experiments. Once again we find reconstructed jewish “truth” standing reality on its head. Allow me to reiterate the fundamental difference between Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany and the jewish-controlled host societies of the West: Hitler loved the German people and wanted the best for them. He clearly wanted to improve Germany and the lives of German people; his prewar actions make this incontestable fact. By much understated contrast, the jewish-controlled governments of the West hate their people and want them dead! Dead! Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale?

In light of this should anyone be surprised to find Freudian, Hollywood Nazis carrying out their evil experiments to this very day? And knowing the very same jews who run Hollywood also run America, should anyone be surprised to find the ZAG actually carrying out those very same experiments on their own people?[3]. America has been exposed to fifty years of nuclear testing. The American government has purposely exposed its own people to a far greater amount of radioactive fallout than any foreign enemy. Do you think the American government might have done this out of its love for its citizens? Now think again, what other government exposed its own people to massive amounts of nuclear testing and radioactive fallout. Do you see a pattern yet?

Americans should awaken to the fact that those heinous crimes, for which jews most vociferously accuse others, are in fact the very crimes of which jews are most guilty. The fact is all those mythical evil Nazi experiments ain’t shit compared to the actual horror the jews and their flunkies have served up.

Government Experiments on U.S. Soldiers: Shocking Claims Come to Light in New Court Case

[1] why I always seem to confuse those two I can’t really say; it must be something deep-rooted in my subconscious. But isn’t it interesting how the worst terrorist in American history who so successfully masterminded the attack on the Trade Towers, has a name and color so similar to the president presently masterminding America’s salvation? What is that foul odor? Could it be a slippery, rotting, Freudian banana peel I smell?

[2] I thought the standard Holocaust claim was the Nazis used jews almost exclusively for medical experimentation. Who can forget that ghastly two-headed jew created by the evil Dr. Mengele. Imagine such a horror for a moment – a jew with two heads! Rumor has it they always won the argument. Years later, jewish medical comedians tried to recreate the Nazi experiment so they wouldn’t have to hire a straight man.

[3] Zionist American Government

4 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce at 12:16 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


A few days ago I spoke with a friend who is a historian and a writer and is interested in many of the things we discuss on these weekly broadcasts. He congratulated me on the growing influence of American Dissident Voices. He said, and I quote: ‘Many more people than you realize listen to your broadcasts. They mail the texts to many other people. I meet many people at universities and in other countries as well as here in southern California who listen to your broadcasts and talk about them with each other.’

My response was: ‘Then where are these people when I need them? Why don’t I hear from more of them? Don’t they realize that I can’t continue doing these broadcasts all by myself forever? The country is going down the drain, and all that these people you mention are doing is talking about my broadcasts and sitting on their hands. Why don’t they help? Are they afraid that they’ll be kicked out of the country club if they associate with me?'”

The rest is [Here]. (For the audio version, go [Here] and scroll down to 01-12-2002).

3 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed Congress, Jewish aggression, Jewish Tyranny, Socrates, Zionism at 11:29 pm | Permanent Link

Democrats, Republicans – it doesn’t matter who’s in charge, the wars for the Jews will be funded (with your tax dollars):


3 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Brutus, jewed culture, Socrates, tv, tv analysis at 2:57 am | Permanent Link

Jew TV

3 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Bradley R. Smith, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Socrates at 2:44 am | Permanent Link

by Bradley R. Smith: [Here] and [Here].

3 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, jewed culture, multiculturalism, Socrates at 12:21 am | Permanent Link

by Edmund Connelly.

“I don’t think my previous column could have been more timely. Titled On the Visual Displacement of the White Race, it appeared May 15. One week later, major news media reported that President Obama had chosen a former astronaut and Marine general to lead NASA.”


2 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in abortion movement, jewed culture, jewed politics at 2:24 am | Permanent Link

It’s funny how every time an abortionist is murdered, there’s never any mention of the hundreds or thousands of White babies he killed. But whatever. Brainwashed White women will continue to go to the special “clinics” to get unwanted “blobs” removed from their wombs, lest the blobs interfere with their “careers”:


2 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in art, Socrates, Western culture, White art/architecture at 12:38 am | Permanent Link

Nicolas Poussin: [Here].

1 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in audio, Israel, Israel - the facts, Israeli war crimes, Jewish aggression, Jewish arrogance, Jewish Tyranny, New World Order, Socrates, USS Liberty, Zionism at 11:35 pm | Permanent Link

When Jews attack your ship, and you behave heroically during the attack, it will take about 4 decades for you to be honored for your heroism; any sooner and the Jews might be offended:


1 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in radio, Socrates, Tom Sunic, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White radio, White solutions, White thought at 3:05 am | Permanent Link

Dr. Tom Sunic will be heard weekly on a new radio show:
