14 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewed politics, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 11:54 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.

“It seems that lately most of my critics have been Jews associated with the paleoconservative right: Paul Gottfried, Robert Weissberg (see my reply after Weissberg’s comment), and Lawrence Auster. Takuan Seiyo’s critique rehashes familiar arguments in a particularly nasty way, speaking, for example, of my ‘malice and brain-dead stupidity.'”


14 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in federal power, guns & goy controllers, Socrates, states' rights at 10:40 pm | Permanent Link

Jew #1: “Oy veh! Gentiles are beginning to question the federal government’s authority.”

Jew #2: “This isn’t good. Without the federal government, we have little power over the goyim.”


14 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in race, Race Denial, racial differences, Socrates at 2:24 am | Permanent Link

Jew #1: “Race is just a social construct. It doesn’t exist.”

Jew #2: “Yeah, it doesn’t exist…unless you need a bone-marrow transplant, or you’re a Jew. Then it really, really exists.”


14 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in elections, Iran, Obama, Socrates at 12:46 am | Permanent Link

“Meanwhile, an Australian expert on Middle East politics says Mr Ahmadinejad’s victory probably is legitimate…” Meanwhile, Americans are still waiting to see the original copy of Obama’s birth certificate to see if his victory was legitimate:


14 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Socrates, Von Brunn at 12:23 am | Permanent Link

Did “friendly fire” kill museum guard Stephen Johns?


13 June, 2009

Posted by Archives in Arch Stanton, Obama at 1:38 am | Permanent Link


by Arch Stanton.

Before the last election, I wrote if Obama was put into office by the priesthood, then one of his primary functions would be to announce to the minorities that the free ride was over, social services and entitlements are going to be cut. Of course, everyone said, “Cassandra Stanton, you silly fool, you’re completely crazy! Quit wandering those lofty ramparts pulling your hair out; come join us in the real world. Are you so blind that you cannot see such cuts will never be made because of the resulting riots?”

Really? How could anyone be so stupid as to believe that riots were ever a concern to the jews? All historical evidence shows that, like bacteria thriving in an infection, jews thrive on revolution and blood running in the streets. In fact from all indications, like the previous essay I posted titled Herbert Meyer’s Revolution, the CIA and its lackeys are trying to induce violence throughout the country. Well, here it is in black and white, folks, our jewish plantation owners down on the Fed Farm are calling on their head house-nigger to tell the field niggers that there won’t be any green, folding crop next year. “But do not break a sweat upon yo’ lil’ nappy haid, nor furrow yo’ kinky brows” Uncle Otama will croon. “Did I not promise change? I promise to replace welfare entitlements and social services with plenty of good jobs in our Zionist occupational forces in the Middle East! I promise that these new jobs will provide food and an excellent opportunity to die for Israel in a glorious Armageddon.” Won’t that make little black Sambo and all the Brer’ Rabbits of the field feel better?

Let me say this once again: if one studies the jews’ history and culture, it’s no trick to divine their purpose and intent. Start by reading – let me say that again – carefully reading and studying the Old Testament. Get a “Bible study” group together, not to prove anything about God, but to study the jew’s ancient laws, culture and habits. From there you can branch out to the Mishna and Talmud. I promise a rollicking God ol’ time with stories about sex, drugs and violence (rock and roll had yet to be invented) as various insights arise concerning how the God of Israel goes about his business.

You will know that you are making excellent progress when you find yourself calmly discussing the Old Testament with a Christian and suddenly he begins backing from the room while making the sign of the cross with his index fingers. This exit will be accompanied by loud proclamations that typically run something like: “Back! Back, I say! Stay away from me, you demon from Hell, for you will not take my soul this day!” At this point you will be ready for phase two. It all begins with study. Sun Tzu said it best: know your enemy. Learn everything about him and his ways. Learn his strengths and weakness; use them to your advantage. Never underestimate your enemy’s strength and power.

US Fed Chairman Demands Plan to Cut Social Programs

13 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed culture, jewed politics, jewish spies, Socrates, Zionist lobby at 12:18 am | Permanent Link

One guy in an Israel-related spy case got no prison time at all, and another guy has had his sentence greatly reduced. The two sentences are an interesting display of Jewish power in America:


12 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewed law, Jewish arrogance, Jewish Tyranny, Jewish warmongering, New York Times, Socrates, World War II at 3:06 am | Permanent Link

by Christopher Donovan. (Trivia: back in 1940, the Jewish manager of the New York Times, Julius Ochs Adler, was largely responsible – due to his meddling – for the start of the peace-time military draft. Why did the military need a draft in mid-1940 if America wasn’t at war until late 1941? Perhaps Adler knew something that most Americans didn’t…):


12 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Affirmative Action, egalitarianism, equality, Socrates, Supreme Court at 2:36 am | Permanent Link

If you’re a “product of affirmative action,” doesn’t that mean, by default, that you’re not tops in your field and therefore not qualified to be on the U.S. Supreme Court? Given the importance of that court, why would anyone consider a “product of affirmative action” for it?


12 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Africa, apartheid, egalitarianism, equality, race, racial differences, Socrates, South Africa at 1:49 am | Permanent Link

If Whites aren’t supreme, who is?
